Picture is obtained from http://blog.iseesystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/cube-matrix.jpg
(Explanation can be obtained from the Properties of Matrices, presented after the answer).
Rewriting the simultaneous equations,
2x + 5y = 39
11x - 3 y = 1
The simultaneous equations may be represented by the matrix equation

Therefore x = 2, y = 7 (Answer).

Picture is obtained from http://www.philipmantione.com/matrix1.jpg
Properties of Matrices
From: http://www.sosmath.com/matrix/matrix0/matrix0.html - Introduction and Basic Operations (Author: M.A. Khamsi)
Addition of Matrices:
- Matrices involved in the addition operation must have the same size
- To add two matrices, add the entries one by one
The following are obtained from Additional Mathematics, 8th Edition, by The Keng Seng, Loh Cheng Yee, Consultant: Dr. Yeap Ban Har, Shinglee Publishers Pte Ltd, Chapter 8 - “Matrix and its Applications”, Page 215 to 229.
Multiplication of Matrices:
- A matrix of the order m x n multiplied by a matrix of order n x p will result in a matrix of order m x p.
Given that

The Inverse Matrix

considering only 2 x 2 matrices, we have:

In the real number system, there exists an multiplicative identity, 1, such that a x 1 = 1 x a = a.
Similarly there exists for matrices, the multiplicative identity, I, such that AI = IA = A.
In the number system, for every number a, there is an additive inverse, -a, such that a + (-a) = 0;
and a multiplicative inverse,

is the additive inverse as

The additive inverse of a matrix can be found easily.
The multiplicative inverses of matrices are the following.

When the inverse of a matrix is mentioned, it generally refers to its multiplicative inverse.
If A is the inverse of B, then the order of A and B are the same, eg. 2 x 2.

Post-multiplying A by B, i.e. AB, we have,

General Cases:
Consider the general 2 x 2 matrix

Using the multiplicative inverse matrix rule above, let

In general,

The expression ad - bc is known as the determinant of the matrix A and is denoted by

If det A = 0, then the inverse of A is not defined because

In such a case, A does not have an inverse.
Where a matrix does not possess an inverse, it is known as a singular matrix.
- Additional Mathematics, 8th Edition, by The Keng Seng, Loh Cheng Yee, Consultant: Dr. Yeap Ban Har, Shinglee Publishers Pte Ltd, Chapter 8 - “Matrix and its Applications”, Page 215 to 229.
- http://www.sosmath.com/matrix/matrix0/matrix0.html - Introduction and Basic Operations (Author: M.A. Khamsi)
- http://www.sosmath.com/matrix/matrix1/matrix1.html - Multiplication of Matrices (Author: M.A. Khamsi)
- http://blog.iseesystems.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/cube-matrix.jpg
- http://blog.iseesystems.com/tag/ithinkstella/
- http://www.philipmantione.com/matrix1.jpg