My armpit was poked by a branch after falling down the Hill 265 slope. We were then having a field defense exercise. While on the hospital's bed, the song helped to smooth down the pain.
Sometime later I was required to join back the training force and continued with the training. My arm recovered a few weeks later. The private doctors outside the camp managed to remove all the debris remaining inside the injured arm area.
However the song still remains in my heart. I am unable to sing it, but the lyric is easily recognized.

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在雨夜里飘落下 - During raining night when the rain drops are falling
Zài yǔ yè lǐ piāo luò xià
黄的花白的花 - Yellow and white flower
Huáng de huā bái de huā
带雨的花使我想起了她 - The flower in the rain makes me think of her
Dài yǔ de huā shǐ wǒ xiǎng qǐ le tā

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就像是含笑的她 - Just like she is smiling
Jiù xiàng shì hán xiào de tā
为了什么 总把头儿垂下 - Why always keep on facing down
Wèi le shén me zǒng bǎ tóu ér chuí xià
默默的不说一句话 - Very quiet and not saying a word
Mò mò de bù shuō yī jù huà

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见她泪下 见她不说话 - Seeing her in quietly in tears
Jiàn tā lèi xià Jiàn tā bù shuō huà
真教我放不下 - Really makes me worried about her
Zhēn jiāo wǒ fàng bu xià

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在深夜里明夜下 - During the late bright night
Zài shēn yè lǐ míng yè xià
有几朵含笑的花 - There are how many blossom of smiling flowers
Yǒu jǐ duǒ hán xiào de huā
含笑的花使我想起了她 - The smiling flower makes me think of her
hán xiào de huā shǐ wǒ xiǎng qǐ le tā

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她的笑艳丽像彩霞 - Her gorgeous smile is like the rainbow
tā de xiào yàn lì xiàng cǎi xiá
只有她的笑 教我常牵挂 - Only this smile can make me unable to forget her
Zhǐ Yǒu tā de xiào jiāo wǒ cháng qiān guà
深深的一笑像朵花 - Her happy smile is like the flower
Shēn shēn de xiào xiàng duǒ huā
见她含笑 见她不说话 - Seeing her smiling quietly
Jiàn tā hán xiào bù shuō huà
真教我心牵挂 - Really makes me unable to forget her
zhēn jiāo wǒ xīn qiān guà

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The Song's lyric is Extracted from the website
Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006

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淚(泪)的小花 by 黄清元 Huang Qing Yuen & The Stylers
Reference (Fairy) (Flower) (Flowers) (Lyric) (Mountain) (Pink Flower) (Big Old Tree)