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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Commitment while the wind blows - 风中的承诺

The promise and commitment made in the mist of the gentle breeze.
Will it ever last?
Does it bring forth everlasting love and happiness?
Or will it ultimately ends with emptiness?
Retrieve from
http://pic.nipic.com/2008-07-22/2008722161823182_2.jpg (I will always love you)

The dreams in the twilight zone is ever full of freedom, lovely and timeless. Once broken, beware of the hard reality impact, that causes exactly the opposite to happen.
From http://mariposasdelalma.com/misdisenos/setenalgunmomento/miscentral1.jpg

风中的承诺 -
Commitment while the wind blows

Retrieved from http://img3.3lian.com/2006/025/08/20063125640227.gif

昨夜的雨,惊醒我沉睡中的梦 - The rain last night, woke me up from my dreams while sound asleep
Zuó yè de yǔ, jīng xǐng wǒ chén shuì zhōng de mèng

迷惑的心,缠满了昨日的伤痛 - The confused heart, full of yesterday's injuries and painfulness
Mí huò de xīn, chán mǎn le zuó rì de shāng tòng

冷冷的风,不再有往日的温柔 - The merciless cold wind, no longer has the tenderness of the past
Lěng lěng de fēng, bù zài yǒu wǎng rì de wēn róu

Picture is obtained from http://img3.3lian.com/2006/017/28/012.jpg

逝去的爱,是否还能够再拥有 - Unfulfilled love, whether it is still able to again
Shì qù de ài, shì fǒu hái néng gòu zài yōng yǒu

漫漫长路,谁能告诉我 - A long endless road to go, who can tell me
Màn Màn cháng lù, shéi néng gào su wǒ

Picture is obtained from http://img3.3lian.com/2006/017/28/005.jpg

究竟会有多少错 - Actually there is how many mistakes
Jiū jìng huì yǒu duō shǎo cuò

何处是我最终的居留 - Where is my ultimate position (residence)
Hé chù shì wǒ zuì zhōng de jū liú

The search for perfect everlasting love and happiness often evade us. The long and difficult road leads to nowhere. Only empty promises are still valid.
Picture is obtained from http://117.img.pp.sohu.com/images/blog/2007/5/21/21/15/11347074818.jpg

曾经在雨中对我说,今生今世相守 - In the rain once you told me, you will protect (and love) me forever
Céng jīng zài yǔ zhōng duì wǒ shuō, jīn shēng jīn shì xiāng shǒu

- In the wind once you told me, you will never leave me
Céng jīng zài fēng zhōng duì wǒ shuō, yǒng yuǎn bù lí kāi wǒ

多少缠绵编织成的梦 - How many lingering woven (defragmentated) dreams
Duō shǎo chán mián biān zhī chéng de mèng

From http://img3.3lian.com/2006/017/28/028.jpg

多少爱恨刻画的镜头 - How many more love-hate situations
Duō shǎo ài hèn kè huà de jìng tóu

为何一切到了终究还是空 ? - Why everything ultimately is still nothing (empty) ?
Wèi hé yī qiè dào le zhōng jiū hái shì kōng ?

The songs lyrics are retrieve from http://www.haoting.com/htmusic/24500ht.htm

Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006

Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008

李翊君 the original singer of this popular song "风中的承诺"
Picture is from (李翊君 CD + DVD Cover), available @ http://img.verycd.com/posts/0705/post-452827-1178637013.jpg

李 翊 君 the original singer of this popular song "风中的承诺" during the concert.
From http://img1.qq.com/ent/pics/593/593413.jpg (李翊君北京举办首唱会)

The lyric of the song
"风中的承诺" sung by 李 翊 君


URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwFdcpDUPJ4

風中的承諾 (Mandrain)

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWY9dDfnBU8

風中的承諾 (Mandrain)

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxt64f0QrvY

千千阙歌 (Cantonese)

URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lxwq2DM895w


URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAIausPpzMU

Picture is obtained from http://hiphotos.baidu.com/%B7%E7%D6%D0%B5%C4%B3%D0%C5% B5999/pic/item/ae39fb16cae83340f3de3222.jpg (Window with a rainy day view)







http://pic.nipic.com/2008-07-22/2008722161823182_2.jpg (I will always love you)

http://img1.qq.com/ent/pics/593/593413.jpg (李翊君北京举办首唱会)
http://img.verycd.com/posts/0705/post-452827-1178637013.jpg (李翊君 CD + DVD Cover) http://117.img.pp.sohu.com/images/blog/2007/5/21/21/15/11347074818.jpg http://hiphotos.baidu.com/%B7%E7%D6%D0%B5%C4%B3%D0%C5% B5999/pic/item/ae39fb16cae83340f3de3222.jpg (Window with a rainy day view)