The Sunday Times, 27 Aug 2008
God bless us with the ever interesting world, love, peace and joy with His Protection, Correction, Guidance, Care and Provision.
Compromise will make a conflict much easier to resolve
捱 过 有 晴 天。
捱 过 之 后 再 捱。
一 切 都 会 过 去。
天 天 天 蓝。
好 好 吃, 好 好 睡, 好 好 玩, 好 好 工 作。
After slogging comes fine days.
After slogging, slog again.
Everything will pass away.
The sky remains blue.
Eat, Rest, Play and Work Well.
"Do not use our own standard to judge others. Try others first. Because we may not be entirely correct. We could be the impossible white among the greens."
"Be smart, but not pretend to be smart"
"See other people's needs first, not only our own."
Contributed by Philips Colleagues
丢人现眼 – “to lose face, embarrassing”
Dīu rén Xìan yǎn
心惊胆跳 – “scared the heart out”
Xīn jīng dǎn tìao
饮水思源,不可忘恩负义 – “Think of the mentor , do not be ungrateful”
Yín shuǐ sī yuàn, bù kè wàng ēn fù yì
By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.
If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends. "
But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared,
He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,
So that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
Titus 3:4-7 NASB
Therefore, putting aside all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord.
1 Peter 2:1-3
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:8-10 KJV
Thanks be unto God for His wonderful gift:
Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God
is the object of our faith; the only faith
that saves is faith in Him.
东 张 西 望 — "to look about furtively; to peer in all directions"
Dōng zhāng sī wàng
情 为 何 物 ? — "Love is meant for who?"
Qíng weì hé wù
问 世 间 情 为 何 物, 只 教 生 死 相 许 ?
Wèn shì jiān qíng wèi hé wù, zhǐ jiāo shēng sǐ xiāng xǔ
问 世 间 情 为 何 物, 只 教 生 死 相 许 ? — "Ask the world Love is meant for who, when it is only concern about life and death?"
Wèn shì jiān qíng wèi hé wù, zhǐ jiāo shēng sǐ xiāng xǔ
天 南 地 北 双 飞 客, 老 翅 几 回 寒 暑。 — "A pair of "Love birds" living so far apart, with only old wings to weather the merciless hotness and coldness."
Tiān nán dì běi shuāng fēi kè, lǎo chì jǐ huí hán shǔ 。
欢 乐 趣, 离 别 苦, 就 中 更 有 痴 儿 女。— "The joy when together is delighting, but the parting is bitter, and yet there are even more hopelessly lovelorn people."
Huān lè qù, lí bié kǔ,jiù zhōng gèng yǒu chī ér nǚ
君 应 有 语,渺 万 里 层 云, 千 山 暮 雪 ,只 影 向 谁 去 ?— "The gentleman may have something to say, but the voice is so small, across the large span and vast layer of cloud, along with thousands of mountain covered with snow in the sunset, which way shall the “Shadow” (voice) go?"
Jūn yīng yǒu yǔ ,miǎo wàn lǐ céng yún, qiān shān mù xuě,zhǐ yǐng Xiàng shéi (shuí) qù?
横 汾 路, 寂 寞 当 年 箫 鼓, 荒 烟 依 旧 平 楚。— "The long, harsh and rough “Fen” road, with the loneliness of the early years’ bellow music from the bamboo flute and drum, and the wild desolate smoke is still filled full with the same suffering and distress."
Héng fén lù,jì mò dāng nián xiāo gǔ,huāng yī jiù ping chǔ。
招 魂 楚 些 何 嗟 及, 山 鬼 暗 谛 风 雨。— "Summon the spirit of the dead to clear the regretful moments, mountain devils and dark side of trials and hardships."
Zhāo hún chǔ xiē hé jiē jí,shān guǐ àn dì fēng yǔ。
天 也 妒, 未 信 与, 莺 儿 燕 儿 俱 黄 土。— "Heaven is jealous too, with such unbelievable phenomenon that even causes the entire warblers and swallows to be reduced to powder (loess)."
Tiān yě dù,wèi xìn yǔ,yīng ér yān r jù huáng tǔ。
千 秋 万 古, 为 留 待 骚 人,— "Requires forever, throughout the ages (for a thousand autumns), in order to wait for the poet, writer,"
Qiān qiū wàn gǔ, wèi liú dài sāo rén,
狂 歌 痛 饮, 来 访 雁 丘 处。— "Sing with wild joy and drink to one's heart content, during visiting the wild goose's grave."
Kuáng gē tòng yǐn,lái fǎng yàn qiū chù。
Retrieve from http://q.163.com/sbw6633/blog/ccaoo/105769220076595338979/
Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006
Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008
利 用 牛 刀 杀 鸡 - "Use a big chopper to kill a chicken"
Lì yòng niú dāo shā jī
精 神 错 乱 – “Mentally delirious”
Jīng shén cuò luàn
Translated by Clavis Sinica Chinese Reading and Reference Software
昨夜的雨,惊醒我沉睡中的梦 - The rain last night, woke me up from my dreams while sound asleep Zuó yè de yǔ, jīng xǐng wǒ chén shuì zhōng de mèng 迷惑的心,缠满了昨日的伤痛 - The confused heart, full of yesterday's injuries and painfulness Mí huò de xīn, chán mǎn le zuó rì de shāng tòng 冷冷的风,不再有往日的温柔 - The merciless cold wind, no longer has the tenderness of the past Lěng Lěng de fēng, bù zài yǒu wǎng rì de wēn róu 逝去的爱,是否还能够再拥有 - Unfulfilled love, whether it is still able to again Shì qù de ài, shì fǒu hái néng gòu zài yōng yǒu 漫漫长路,谁能告诉我 - A long endless road to go, who can tell me Màn Màn cháng lù, shéi néng gào su wǒ 究竟会有多少错 - Actually there are how many mistakes Jiū jìng huì yǒu duō shǎo cuò 何处是我最终的居留 - Where is my ultimate position (residence) Hé chù shì wǒ zuì zhōng de jū liú 曾经在雨中对我说,今生今世相守 - In the rain once you told me, you will protect (and love) me forever Céng jīng zài yǔ zhōng duì wǒ shuō, jīn shēng jīn shì xiāng shǒu 曾经在风中对我说,永远不离开我 - In the wind once you told me, you will never leave me Céng jīng zài fēng zhōng duì wǒ shuō, yǒng yuǎn bù lí kāi wǒ 多少缠绵编织成的梦 - How many lingering woven (defragmentated) dreams Duō shǎo chán mián biān zhī chéng de mèng 多少爱恨刻画的镜头 - How many more love-hate situations Duō shǎo ài hèn kè huà de jìng tóu 为何一切到了终究还是空 ? - Why everything ultimately is still nothing (empty) ? Wèi hé yī qiè dào le zhōng jiū hái shì kōng ? Retrieve from http://www.haoting.com/htmusic/24500ht.htm |
Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006
Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008
在雨夜里飘落下 - During raining night when the rain drops are falling
Zài yǔ yè lǐ piāo luò xià
黄的花白的花 - Yellow and white flower
Huáng de huā bái de huā
带雨的花使我想起了她 - The flower in the rain makes me think of her
Dài yǔ de huā shǐ wǒ xiǎng qǐ le tā
就像是含笑的她 - Just like she is smiling
Jiù xiàng shì hán xiào de tā
为了什么 总把头儿垂下 - Why always keep on facing down
Wèi le shén me zǒng bǎ tóu ér chuí xià
默默的不说一句话 - Very quiet and not saying a word
Mò mò de bù shuō yī jù huà
见她泪下 见她不说话 -
Jiàn tā lèi xià Jiàn tā bù shuō huà
真教我放不下 - Really makes me worried about her
Zhēn jiāo wǒ fàng bu xià
在深夜里明夜下 - During the late bright night
Zài shēn yè lǐ míng yè xià
有几朵含笑的花 - There are how many blossom of smiling flowers
Yǒu jǐ duǒ hán xiào de huā
含笑的花使我想起了她 - The smiling flower makes me think of her
hán xiào de huā shǐ wǒ xiǎng qǐ le tā
她的笑艳丽像彩霞 - Her gorgeous smile is like the rainbow
tā de xiào yàn lì xiàng cǎi xiá
只有她的笑 教我常牵挂 - Only this smile can make me unable to forget her
Zhǐ Yǒu tā de xiào jiāo wǒ cháng qiān guà
深深的一笑像朵花 - Her happy smile is like the flower
Shēn shēn de xiào xiàng duǒ huā
见她含笑 见她不说话 - Seeing her smiling quietly
Jiàn tā hán xiào bù shuō huà
真教我心牵挂 - Really makes me unable to forget her
zhēn jiāo wǒ xīn qiān guà
The Song's lyric is Extracted from the website http://www.kakalu.net/lyric/5434.shtml
Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006
Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008
历史上空前绝后 – Unmatched in history (Of the past)
Lì shǐ shàng kōng qián jué hòu
机会越来越渺茫 – Opportunity is getting lesser and lesser
Jī huì Yuè lái Yuè miǎo máng
机会空前无有 – Opportunity unheard of and is appearing now
Jī huì kōng qián wú yǒu
休想美梦成真 – Forget about your beautiful dream coming true
Xiū xiǎng měi mèng chéng zhēn
千载难逢的机会 – A golden opportunity; the chance of a lifetime
Qiān zǎi nán fénɡ de jī huì
好自为之 – Make best use of it
Hǎo zì wèi zhī
幸勿失之交臂 – Don't let slip such a golden opportunity
Xìng wù shī zhī jiāo bì
怅惋不已 – Regret losing the chance
Chàng wǎn bù yǐ
理所当然 – Take things for granted
Lǐ suǒ dāng rán
自以为是 – Smug, full of oneself
Zì yǐ wéi shì
最高近界 – The highest, best, closest or most expert
zuì ɡāo jìn jiè
通情达理 – Understanding and reasonable; sensible
Tōng qíng dá lǐ
随心所欲 – To do as one likes, wishes
Suí xīn suǒ yù
做事不能太随心所欲了,要顾全大局 – One cannot do things all as one wishes, one should bear in mind the overall situation
Zuò shì bù néng tài suí xīn suǒ yù le, yào gù quán dà jú
Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006
Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008
从 日 出 到 月 落 - From sunrise till dawn
Cόng rì chū dào yuè luò
从 年 轻 到 年 老 - From young till old
Cόng nián qīng dào nián lăo
长 年 累 月 苦 工 - Hardship all the year round
Cháng nián lèi yuè kŭ gōng
天 天 蕉 急 万 分 - Everyday very worried
Tiān tiān jiāo jī wàn fēn
又 常 当 众 责 骂 - Constantly get scolded in front of everybody
Yòu cháng dāng chòng zé mà
羞 得 无 地 自 容 - So ashamed but nowhere to hide
Xiū dé wú dì zì róng
惭 愧 低 下 了 头 - Ashamed until cannot lift up the head
Cán kūi dī xià le tóu
到 后 随 风 摆 动 - Finally moved around by the wind
Dào hòu suí fēng bǎi dòng
无 足 轻 重 离 去 - Nobody noticed that you are gone
Wú zú qīng zhòng lί qù
流 传 辛 酸 故 事 - Passing down a sad story
Liú chuán xīn suān qù shì
跟 地 和 睦 共 处 - Rest in peace
Gén dì hé mù gong chǔ
忘 了 一 干 二 净 - And completely forgotten
Wàng le yì gān èr jìng
还 能 从 建 江 湖 ? - Still able to recover?
Hái néng cóng jiàn jiāng hú ?
还 想 东 山 在 起 ? - Still thinking of staging a comeback?
Hái xiǎng dōng shān zài qǐ ?
Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006
Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008
人山人海 - Huge crowds of people; A sea of people
Rén shān rén hǎi
偷鸡不成蚀把米 - Futile and unsuccessful attempt. Not worth the scarifies and efforts
Tōu jī bù chéng shí bǎ mǐ
望枚止渴 - Looking at the wrong source for a solution
Wàng méi zhǐ ké
望梅止渴 - to quench one's thirst by watching plums; to console oneself with false hopes; to feed on fancies; to have imaginary satisfaction
Wàng méi zhǐ ké
掉以轻心 - to lower one's guard; to treat something lightly
Diào yǐ qīng xīn
安分守己 - to abide by the law and do one's duty; to be content with one's lot; to one's place
An fēn shǒu jǐ
不分昼夜的 - Round-the-clock, does not differentiate between day or night.
bù fēn zhòu yè de
Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006
Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008
不屈不挠 - fortitude; indefatigability; perseverance; tenacity, unyielding; indomitable; dauntless
bù qū bù náo
眼花缭乱 - dazzled
yǎn huā liáo luàn
头昏眼花 - muddle-headed and bleary-eyed
tóu hūn yǎn huā
心慌意乱 - be nervous and flustered; in a state of extreme emotional intensity
xīn huāng yì luàn
心慌缭乱 - in a confused state of mind; in a state of extreme emotional intensity
xīn huāng liáo luàn
心绪缭乱 - in a confused state of mind
xīn xù liáo luàn
心慌意乱,不知所措 - gets nervous and flustered and doesn't know what to do
xīn huāng-yì luàn,bù zhī suǒ cuò
精神错乱 - mentally deranged; insane
jīng shén cuò luàn
精神分裂 - schizophrenia
jīng shén fēn liè
近水樓台 - be favourably situated
jìn shuǐ lóu tái
近水楼台 - be favourably situated
jìn shuǐ lóu tái
近水楼台先得月 - a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first-a person in a favourable position gains special advantages
jìn shuǐ lóu tái xiān dé yuè
善解人意 - considerate, unselfish
shàn jiě rén yì
束手无策 - Be at one’s wits end; Helpless, no other way out
shù shǒu wú cè
心如止水 - Stop and don't care; to be at peace with oneself
xīn rú zhǐ shuǐ
心灰意冷 - Gave up, hopeless feeling
xīn huī yì lěng
心旷神怡 - relaxed and joyful; carefree and happy
xīn kuàng shén yí
山水有相逢- Will eventually meet one another
shān shuǐ yǒu xiāng féng
你情我愿- Both agree Willingly
nǐ qíng wǒ yuàn
伤心失意 - Sad and dejected
shāng xīn shī yi
头昏脑胀 - The head is reeling, spinning
tóu hūn nǎo zhànɡ
喜山眉梢 - Looks very happy, eyes twinkle with pleasure
xǐ shān méi shāo
心神恍惚 - Distrait, Distracted
xīn shén huǎng hū
Translated using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
发扬光大 - To enhance and glorify
fā yáng guāng dà
生在福中,不知福 - Already having luxurious life but still not satisfied
shēng zài fú zhōng,bù zhī fú
三生修来的福 - Accumulated prosperity
sān shēng xiū lái de fú
大开杀戒 - Begin the killing rampage
dà kāi shā jiè
大开眼界 - Broaden one's horizons
dà kāi yǎn jiè
赶尽杀绝,一个也不留 - Decision to go all the way out to kill all
gǎn jìn shā jué,yī gè yě bù liú
不把你我放在眼里 - We are being looked down on
bù bǎ nǐ wǒ fàng zài Yǎn lǐ
坐立不安 - To be restless with anxiety
zuò lì bù ān
茶饭不思 - Have no appetite
chá fàn bù sī
情窦初开 - Adolescent love
qíng dòu chū kāi
稀有品种 - Rare; One and only one
xī yǒu pǐn zhǒng
无可奉告 - Unable to inform, no comment
wú kě fèng gào
孙子兵法:散播谣言,三十六计,走为上计(策) - The Art of War by Sunzi: Spread rumours, then using the thirty-six stratagems, move away as fast as possible
sūn zǐ bīng fǎ:sàn bō yáo yán, sān shí liù jì, zǒu wéi shàng jì (cè)
Explanation: If the enemy cannot be coped with, run away
三十六计, 走为上策 - It literally means "of the thirty-six stratagems, the best way is to get away."
sān shí liù jì, zǒu wéi shàng cè
The Story: Thirty-six stratagems is a book discussing the art of war. It has been divided into six sets, with six stratagems in each set. The first three cover stratagems for when in superior position. The attack section discusses entering secret liaisons, hiding a dagger behind a smile, and substituting one thing for another. The final three cover the inferior position. Strategies of inferiority include using the weakness of the enemy as well as delusion. There are also stratagems in the end, but the most important of every one in the book advises to get away when in failure. When meeting an enemy who is too strong or could not be coped with, the best solution is to just run away.
江山易改,本性难移 - A person's character is very difficult to change; It's easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person's nature; Leopards cannot change their spots.
jiāng shān yì gǎi, běn xìng nán yí
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红头巾(主题曲) - Samsui Women (Drama theme song)
hóng tóu jīn (zhǔ tí qǔ)
by 杨佳盈 Yáng jiā yíng - Carrie Yang Jia Ying
陈淑桦 chén shū huà
Music (曲 qǔ): 李偲菘 (lǐ sī sōng)
Lyrics (词 cí): 程洁茵 (chéng jié yīn)
轻轻的一声祝福 - Gently gave the blessing
qīng qīng de yì shēng zhù fú
秋风送我征途 - Sad autumn wind sent me on my journey
qiū fēng sòng wǒ hēng tú
回首前尘望断天涯 - Looking back, the settling dust separates the world; Separated from the old home with no hope of returning
huí shǒu qián chén wàng duàn tiān yá
故乡在那云深不知处 - The birthplace (home) is lost in the unimaginable thick cloud
Gù xiāng zài nà yún shēn bù zhī chù
朝朝暮暮风和雨 - Whole days spent in the wind and rain
zhāo zhāo mù mù fēng hé yǔ
岁岁年年云和雾 - Year after year of clouds and misty fog
suì suì nián nián yún hé wù
背负千斤担 - Carry extremely heavy load
bēi fù qiān jīn dān
艰难开脚步 - Difficult to take big steps
jiān nán kāi jiǎo bù
踏遍世间不平路 - Tramp all uneven road in this world
tà biàn shì jiān bù píng lù
把那漂泊的步代 - Get the generation that moves solely by foot
bǎ nà piāo bó de bù dài
停在荒凉的大路边 - Stop at a big desolated roadside
tíng zài huāng liáng de dà lù biān
抹去泪水建我家园 - Wipe away the tears and build my homeland
mǒ qù lèi shuǐ jiàn wǒ jiā yuán
你看茫茫沧海变桑田 - The vast sea becomes a fruitful (mulberry) field
nǐ kàn máng máng cāng hǎi biàn sāng tián
披荆斩棘齐向前 - Clear away the obstacle to go forward
pī jīng zhǎn jí qí xiàng qián
一起等待艳阳天 - Wait together for the gorgeous sunshine day
yì qǐ děng dài yàn yáng tiān
两鬓添风霜 - Hair on the temple show the hardships of the life's journey
liǎng bìn tiān fēng shuāng
回头已百年 - Suddenly it is already a lifetime
huí tóu yǐ bǎi nián
赢得广厦千万间 - Gain a building with million rooms
yíng dé guǎng shà qiān wàn jiān
两鬓添风霜 - Hair on the temple show the hardships of the life's journey
liǎng bìn tiān fēng shuāng
回头已百年 - Suddenly it is already a lifetime
huí tóu yǐ bǎi nián
赢得广厦千万间 - Gain a building with million rooms
yíng dé guǎng shà qiān wàn jiān
Translated by:
黃安 - 新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦(電視劇《包青天》片尾曲)
huáng ān - xīn yuān yāng hú dié mèng (diàn shì jù 《bāo qīng tiān》 piàn wěi qǔ)
A new dream of an affectionate pair of butterflies; New mandarin duck butterfly dream / lover's dream (drama Bāo Qīng Tiān ending piece of music)
From: http://www.publicchinese.com/podcast/article-detail.action?textId=285# (Lyrics and Hanyi Pinying)
http://chinesemusicblog.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4620 (Lyrics and english translation)
新鴛鴦蝴蝶夢曲:黃安 (huáng ān)
詞 (Cí - Lyrics):黃安 (huáng ān)
編 (biān - Written):詹宏達 (zhān hóng dá)
歌词 (Gē Cí) - Lyrics:
Zuó Rì Xiàng Nà Dōng Líu Shuǐ
Yesterday was like water flowing from the east; Like the early morning sun, our love has just begun
Lí Wǒ Yuǎn Qù Bú Kě Líu
You leave me and I am unable to hold you back
Jīn Rì Luàn Wǒ Xīn
Thereafter I am distress and my feelings is messed up day after day
Duō Fán Yōu
Very depressed and worried
Chōu Dāo Duàn Shuǐ Shuǐ Gèng Líu
Trying to stop water from flowing by cutting makes it flows even more
Jǔ Bēi Xiāo Chóu Chóu Gèng Chóu
Drowning worries in drink only makes matter worse
Míng Cháo Qīng Fēng Sì Piāo Líu
Tommorrow morning's cool breeze continue to blow from everywhere
Yóu Lái Zhī Yǒu Xīn Rén Xiào
So far there are only newly married couple laughing
Yǒu Shuí Tīng Dào Jìu Rén Kū
Who notice old lover cries?
ài Qíng Liǎng Gè Zì
The two character "ài Qíng" (Love),
Hǎo Xīn Kǔ
very complex
Shì Yào Wèn Yī Gè Míng Bái
Need to find out the truth
Hái Shì Yào Zhuāng Zuò Hú Tú
Or pretend to be ignorant?
Zhī Duō Zhī Shǎo Nán Zhī Zú
Know more or little, who can know enough?
Kàn Sì Gè Yuān Yāng Hú Dié
Seems like a affectionate pair of butterflies,
Bú Yīng Gāi De Nián Dài
but should not occur
Kě Shì Shuí Yòu Néng Bǎi Tuō Rén Shì Jiān De Bēi āi
However, who can break free from the sorrow of the world?
Huā Huā Shì Jiè
A world full of flowers,
Yuān Yāng Hú Dié
and affectionate couples of butterflies
Zài Rén Jiān Yǐ Shì Diān
When you are already on top of the world,
Hé Kǔ Yào Shàng Qīng Tiān
why do you struggle to reach the blue sky?
Bú Rú Wēn Róu Tóng Mián
Let be gentle like sleeping
(Repeat once the above lyrics followed by the chorus below)
Kàn Sì Gè Yuān Yāng Hú Dié
Seems like a affectionate pair of butterflies,
Bú Yīng Gāi De Nián Dài
but should not occur
Kě Shì Shuí Yòu Néng Bǎi Tuō Rén Shì Jiān De Bēi āi
However, who can break free from the sorrow of the world?
Huā Huā Shì Jiè
A world full of flowers,
Yuān Yāng Hú Dié
and affectionate couples of butterflies
Zài Rén Jiān Yǐ Shì Diān
When you are already on top of the world,
Hé Kǔ Yào Shàng Qīng Tiān
why do you struggle to reach the blue sky?
Bú Rú Wēn Róu Tóng Mián
Let be gentle like sleeping
Wise Saying:
长江后浪推前浪, 一代更比一代强
Cháng jiāng hòu làng tuī qián làng, yí dài gèng bǐ yí dài qiáng
As in the Yangtze River the waves behind drive on those before, so each new generation excels the last one
ēn cì
bestow with gift from heaven
Translated by:
Google Translate (Google online translator)
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
From http://www.inkui.com/a3/F/C/FC3CBDBCDBF4BF8B80EA.html
乌溜溜的黑眼珠 和你的笑脸 - Your black shinning eye and your similing face
wū liū liū de hēi yǎn zhū hé nǐ de xiào liǎn
怎么也难忘记你 容颜的转变 - No matter how you transform yourself, it still difficult to forget you
zěn me yě nán wàng jì nǐ róng yán de zhuǎn biàn
轻飘飘的旧时光 就这么溜走 - Old time just slipped away
qīng piāo piāo de jiù shí guāng jiù zhè me liū zǒu
转头回去看看时 已匆匆数年 - On looking back, years already gone
zhuǎn tóu huí qù kàn kàn shí yǐ cōng cōng shù nián
苍茫茫的天涯路 是你的飘泊 - You roam the long road (journey)
cāng máng máng de tiān yá lù shì nǐ de piāo bó
寻寻觅觅长相守 是我的脚步 - Mine footprints are the evident of the endless search
xún xún mì mì cháng xiāng shǒu shì wǒ de jiǎo bù
黑漆漆的孤枕边 是你的温柔 - The gentleness of the black pillow
hēi qī qī de gū zhěn biān shì nǐ de wēn róu
醒来时的清晨里 是我的哀愁 - Wake in the morning is my sorrow
xǐng lái shí de qīng chén lǐ shì wǒ de āi chóu
或许明日太阳西下倦鸟已归时 - Perhaps tommorrow at sunset when the birds settle in their nest
huò xǔ míng rì tài yáng xī xià juàn niǎo yǐ guī shí
你将已经踏上旧时归途 - You have already started on the old homeward journey
nǐ jiāng yǐ jīng tà shàng jiù shí guī tú
人生难得再次寻觅相知的伴侣 - In life rarely able to find well acquainted companion
rén shēng nán dé zài cì xún mì xiāng zhī de bàn lǚ
生命终究难舍蓝蓝的白云天 - Throughout life is not always trouble-free (blue sky and white cloud)
shēng mìng zhōng jiū nán shě lán lán de bái yún tiān
轰隆隆的雷雨声 在我的窗前 - Loud rain strom is at my windows
hōng lóng lóng de léi yǔ shēng zài wǒ de chuāng qián
怎么也难忘记你 离去的转变 - No matter how, it is difficult to forget your departure
zěn me yě nán wàng jì nǐ lí qù de zhuǎn biàn
孤单单的身影后 寂寥的心情 - Your loneliness and heartfelt painfulness
gū dān dān de shēn yǐng hòu jì liáo de xīn qíng
永远无怨的是我的双眼 - My eye is unable to hide (blame) the true feeling
yǒng yuǎn wú yuàn de shì wǒ de shuāng yǎn
Translated using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
受到了创伤不流泪 - Traumatised but does not shed tears
shòu dào le chuāng shāng bù liú lèi
常忆着那份情那份爱 - Often remember the love
cháng yì zhe nà fèn qíng nà fèn ài
那份爱深深埋在心窝 - That love reside deeply in the heart
nà fèn ài shēn shēn mái zài xīn wō
绝不会在银河中坠落 - It will not fall into the river
jué bú huì zài yín hé zhōng zhuì luò
今夜我心又要下着伤心雨 - Tonight my heart will be raining sadly
jīn yè wǒ xīn yòu yào xià zhe shāng xīn yǔ
别用那种眼光看我 - Don't look at me in this way
bié yòng nà zhǒng yǎn guāng kàn wǒ
我知道你要说甚么 - I know what you are going to say
wǒ zhī dào nǐ yào shuō shén me
有人说开花结果 - Some mention that flower blossom follow by bearing of fruit (yield positive results)
yǒu rén shuō kāi huā jié guǒ
那是我们梦寐以求 - That is our long-cherished dream
nà shì wǒ men mèng mèi yǐ qiú
无奈何你和我 - Not possible and unable to do anything for us
wú nài hé nǐ hé wǒ
今生无缘难相守 - In this life we are not fated to be together
jīn shēng wú yuán nán xiāng shǒu
如果要忘了你 - If require to forget you
rú guǒ yào wàng le nǐ
千难万难 - It is extrmely difficult
qiān nán wàn nán
Translated using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Singer (主唱 zhǔ chàng): 陳俐绢 (chén lì juàn)
Lyric (词 cí): 田眀 (tián míng)
我不能忘情 - I am unable to let go
wǒ bù néng wàng qíng
不能忘记你 - Unable to forget You
bù néng wàng jì nǐ
女人的泪已流尽(盡) - No more tear left
nǚ rén de lèi yǐ liú jìn
夜夜 在祈祷(祈禱) - Every night praying
yè yè zài qí dǎo
你回心转意 - Hope that you will return
nǐ huí xīn zhuǎn yì
但你一去没消息 - But we did not hear from you after you left
dàn nǐ yí qù méi xiāo xi
恨你无 情又无义 - Hate you for being heartless and insincere
hèn nǐ wú qíng yòu wú yì
我也想收拾起伤悲忘了你 - I also like to clear away the sorrowfulness and forget you
wǒ yě xiǎng shōu shi qǐ shāng bēi wàng le nǐ
可是偏又想起你 - But yet keep on remembering you
kě shì piān yòu xiǎng qǐ nǐ
想起缠绵意 - Recall the lingering feeling
xiǎng qǐ chán mián yì
夜漫漫又遇狂风和暴雨 - Its a long night with strong wind, storm and rain
yè màn màn yòu yù kuáng fēng hé bào yǔ
心中痛苦和委屈 - With heartfelt hurt and grievance
Xīn zhōng tòng kǔ hé wěi qu
谁 能知悉 - Who is aware of this ?
shuí néng zhī xī
原像鸟儿一样 - Wish could be just like the birds
yuán xiàng niǎo er yí yàng
自由飞向那天际 - Having the freedom to fly till the horizon (anywhere)
zì yóu fēi xiàng nà tiān jì
(Repeat once the above lyrics followed by the chorus again)
Translated by:
演唱 (yǎn chàng): 刘 燕华 (liú yàn huá) - Crystal Liew
出品 (chū pǐn): 丽声唱片制作 (马) 有限公司 - [lì shēng chàng piàn zhì zuò (mǎ) yǒu xiàn gōng sī]
請你相信我 - Please believe me
qǐng nǐ xiāng xìn wǒ
我对你是一片真心 - I am sincere towards you
wǒ duì nǐ shì yí piàn zhēn xīn
想要轻轻告诉你 - I want to whisper to you
xiǎng yào qīng qīng gào su nǐ
说 出心中无限的情意 - Bare to you my infinite feeling
shuō chū Xīn zhōng wú xiàn de qíng yì
走在陌生的小路上 - Walking the unfamiliar narrow road
zǒu zài mò shēng de Xiǎo lù shàng
这种滋味好感伤 - This is very demoralizing
zhè zhǒng zī wèi hǎo gǎn shāng
长夜有谁来相伴 - In the long run who will come to accompany us
cháng yè yǒu shuí lái xiāng bàn
虽然是情意那么长 - Although we have strong relationship
suī rán shì qíng yì nà me cháng
只能接受这个分离 - Only left to accept this separation
zhǐ néng jiē shòu zhè ge fēn lí
因为只有你 - Because only you
yīn wèi zhǐ yǒu nǐ
有你影子浮现在梦里 - You come back in my dream
yǒu nǐ yǐng zi fú xiàn zài mèng lǐ
流浪他乡的心酸 - The heartache of roaming in a far away place
liú làng Tā xiāng de xīn suān
有谁为我想一想 - Who will be concern about me
yǒu shuí wèi wǒ xiǎng yì xiǎng
藏在心中的希望 - my hidden wishes
cáng zài Xīn zhōng de xī wàng
能够早日回到你身旁 - Able to return to your side
néng gòu zǎo rì huí dào nǐ shēn páng
只 能接受这个分离
走 在陌生的小路上
有你影 子浮现在梦里
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Singer 演唱 (yǎn chàng): (莊)庄小婷 (zhuāng xiǎo tíng) - Wendy Chong
Modify Lyrics 改词 (gǎi cí): 范俊福 (fàn jùn fú)
Music 曲 (qū): 张美 (zhāng měi)
Director 导演 (dǎo yǎn): 范俊福 (fàn jùn fú)
Produced by Silver music and Video 银城唱片影视出版 (yín chéng chàng piàn yǐng shì chū bǎn)
再来一杯不醉不归 - Have another glass, not drunk don't stop
zài lái yì bēi bú zuì bú guī
一杯酒越喝越心碎 - The more drink the more heartbroken
yì bēi jiǔ yuè hē yuè xīn suì
说什么天长地久 - Said to last forever
shuō shén me tiān cháng dì jiǔ
都是欺骗我 - All are deceiving me
dōu shì qī piàn wǒ
就算是分离 - Even if need to separate
jiù suàn shì fēn lí
一点也不后悔 - will not regret
yì diǎn yě bú hòu huǐ
即然是痛苦 - Since it is painful
jí rán shì tòng kǔ
的那一段回忆 - part of memory
de nà yí duàn huí yì
何必再提起 - why bring it up again
hé bì zài tí qǐ
明知道没有结局 - knowing that there is no outcome
míng zhī dào méi yǒu jié jú
的这份感情 - for this relationship
de zhè fèn gǎn qíng
阿 。。。。
ā ....
酒醒以后 - After waking up
jiǔ xǐng yǐ hòu
难再续 - it is difficult to continue
nán zài xù
回忆再回忆 - Recalling and recalling
huí yì zài huí yì
喝完这一杯酒 - After finishing this glass of liquor
hē wán zhè yì bēi jiǔ
阿天下让我独醉 - let the world allow me to get drunk alone
ā tiān xià ràng wǒ dú zuì
都 是欺骗我
就算是分离 一点也不后悔
何必再 提起
阿 。。。。
的那一段 回忆
阿 。。。。
难 再续
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
无奈何 (無奈何)(wú nài hé) (没法度 méi fǎ dù)
Singer 演唱 (yǎn chàng): 黄晓风 (huáng xiǎo fēng) - Angeline Wong
Lyrics 词 (cí): 纪德喜 (jì dé xǐ)
Music 曲 (qū): 冮志丰 (gāng zhì fēng)
我要爱你 千万万年 - I want to love you forever (million million years)
wǒ yào ài nǐ qiān wàn wàn nián
我要和你相偎依 - I want to snuggle up to you (curl up close to you)
wǒ yào hé nǐ xiāng wēi yī
牵 你的手放在心窝 - Hold your hand and place on my heart
qiān nǐ de shǒu fàng zài xīn wō
今生今世不分离 - In this life not separate from one another
jīn shēng jīn shì bù fēn lí
相 爱时甜甜蜜蜜 - It is very sweet when in love
xiāng ài shí tián tián mì mì
缘尽时不留痕迹 - When not fated, no scar is left behind
yuán jìn shí bù liú hén jì
无奈 何我无法忘记你 - I am hopelessly incapable of forgetting you
wú nài hé wǒ wú fǎ wàng jì nǐ
无奈何因为我爱着你 - Helpless because I love you
wú nài hé yīn wèi wǒ ài zhe nǐ
缘分随风去,爱情阿不如 意 - fate is blown away by the wind and love becomes unsatisfying
yuán fèn suí fēng qù, ài íng ā bù rú yì
今夜伤心雨想起 你 - Tonight is raining and with sadness thinking of you
jīn yè shāng xīn yǔ xiǎng qǐ nǐ
我要和你相 偎依
无 奈何因为我爱着你
相爱时甜 甜蜜蜜
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
兩只蝴 蝶 (liǎng zhī hú dié) - Two Butterflies
Singer 演唱 (yǎn chàng): 黄美诗 (huáng měi shī) - Cindy
Lyrics 词 (cí): 牛朝阳 (niú cháo yáng)
Music 曲 (qū): 牛朝阳 (niú cháo yáng)
歌词:Obtain from http://www.2259.com/play.asp?id=696
亲爱的你慢慢飞 - Daring, fly slowly
qīn ài de nǐ màn màn fēi
小心前面带刺的玫瑰 - Be careful of the rose with thorns ahead
xiǎo xīn qián miàn dài cì de méi guī
亲爱 的你张张嘴 - Daring, say something
qīn ài de nǐ zhāng zhāng zuǐ
风中话想会让你沉醉 - The voice in the wind can mesmerize you
fēng zhōng huà xiǎng huì ràng nǐ chén zuì
亲爱的你跟我飞 - Daring, please fly with me
qīn ài de nǐ gēn wǒ fēi
穿过丛林去看小溪水 - through the jungle to see the flowing stream
chuān guò cóng lín qù kàn xiǎo xī shuǐ
亲爱的来 跳个舞 - Daring, come and dance with me
qīn ài de lái tiào gè wǔ
爱的春天不会有天黑 - In our love world there will be no dark cloud
ài de chūn tiān bú huì yǒu tiān hēi
我和你缠缠绵绵翩翩飞 - You and me can fly elegantly together
wǒ hé nǐ chán chán mián mián piān piān fēi
飞跃这红尘永 相随 - fly through this human world freely and forever
fēi yuè zhè hóng chén yǒng xiāng suí
(Repeat once the above lyrics followed by the chorus below)
爱 你无情悔
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
林淑娟《外遇》浓情魅力金曲Ⅲ 专辑
《wài yù》nóng qíng mèi lì jīn qǔ III zhuān jí
《Extra-marital affair》 Special Album of Fascinating and Great Love Hits
为什么不是你 (wèi shén me bú shì nǐ) - Why cannot be you?
Singer 演 唱 (yǎn chàng): 林淑娟 (lín shū juān) - Bessie Lin
Lyrics 词 (cí): 纪德喜 (jì dé xǐ)
Music 曲 (qū): 张平福 (zhāng píng fú)
在拥挤的人群里 - In the crowded crowds
zài yōng jǐ de rén qún lǐ
我看见孤独的你 - I saw the lonely you
wǒ kàn jiàn gū dú de nǐ
正在和寂寞干杯 - Suffering alone
zhèng zài hé jì mò gān bēi
喝着过 期的甜蜜 - with sadness
hē zhe guò qī de tián mì
在声 声的祝福你 - Wish you have better luck
zài shēng shēng de zhù fú nǐ
我听见你的叹息 - I heard you sighing
wǒ tīng jiàn nǐ de tàn xī
情深缘浅 的相遇 - Experience deep feeling with the hopeless fate
qíng shēn yuán qiǎn de xiāng yù
造成今天的结局 - Causing the present outcome
zào chéng jīn tiān de jié jú
阿 。。。为什么不是你 - Why cannot be you?
ā . . . wèi shén me bú shì nǐ
回忆也许太拥挤 - Perhaps recalling memories won't lessen the suffering
huí yì yě xǔ tài yōng jǐ
没有后 悔的馀地 - unable to regret
méi yǒu hòu huǐ de yú dì
阿 。。。为什么不是你 - Why cannot be you?
ā . . . wèi shén me bú shì nǐ
我的心理还有雨 - My heart is still sad
wǒ de xīn lǐ hái yǒu yǔ
下着无奈的点滴 - unavoidable tears
xià zhe wún ài de diǎn dī
(Vocal speech only)
过去的点点滴滴 - The past tear drops
guò qù de diǎn diǎn dī dī
便成了一场伤心的雨 - becomes an accumulated broken heart sobbing
iàn chéng le yì chǎng shāng xīn de yǔ
为什么不是你 。。。。。。- Why cannot be you?
wèi shén me bú shì nǐ
为什么给我幸福的不是你 。。。。。- Why providing me with happiness is not you?
wèi shén me gěi wǒ xìng fú de bú shì nǐ
在拥挤的 人群里
情深 缘浅的相遇
阿 。。。为什么不是你
阿 。。。为什么不是你
下 着无奈的点滴
阿 。。。为什么不是你
阿 。。。为什么不是你
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Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Singer 演唱 (yǎn chàng): 韩宝仪 (hán bǎo yí)
最后一次回眸 - The last time to glance back
zuì hòu yí cì huí móu
就在夜雾笼罩的朦胧 - It was at the night surrounded by mist
jiù zài yè wù lǒng zhào de méng lóng
让我紧紧握住你的手 - allow me to hold your hand tightly
ràng wǒ jǐn jǐn wò zhù nǐ de shǒu
最后一次回眸 - The last time to glance back
zuì hòu yí cì huí móu
就在彩灯要灭的夜里 - Just when the light lamp is about to go off
jiù zài cǎi dēng yào miè de yè lǐ
让我尝到淡淡的失落 - I feel the plain dejection
ràng wǒ cháng dào dàn dàn de shī luò
你甩甩头潇洒的走 - You shake your head and just walk off
nǐ shuǎi shuǎi tóu xiāo sǎ de zǒu
我也不乞求你回头 - I also do not beg you to stay
wǒ yě bù qǐ qiú nǐ huí tóu
因为你的心依在 - because your heart is already at
yīn wèi nǐ de xīn yī zài
另一个畅想的尽头 - another better place
lìng yī gè chàng xiǎng de jìn tóu
我不后悔也不伤悲 - I neither regret nor feel sad
wǒ bù hòu huǐ yě bù shāng bēi
再说一声沙有那拉 (Sa Yo Na La) - Beside bidding your farewell
zài shuō yì shēng shā yǒu nà lā
最 后一次回眸
再 说一声沙有那拉 (Sa Yo Na La)
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
林淑娟《外遇》浓情魅力金曲Ⅲ 专辑
lín shū juān《wài yù》nóng qíng mèi lì jīn qǔ III zhuān jí
Bessie Lin《Extra-marital affair》 Special Album of Fascinating and Great Love Hits
From: http://www.ailrc.com/SDYDCYP.html
Song 歌曲 (gē qǔ): 莫等失败徒感慨 (mò děng shī bài tú gǎn kǎi) - Wait until failure then regret
Singer 演唱 (yǎn chàng): 林淑娟 (lín shū juān) - Bessie Lin
Lyrics 词 (cí): 蔡灿然 (cài càn rán)
Music 曲 (qū): 黄仁清 (huáng rén qīng)
谁甘愿流离颠沛 - Who is willing to led a vagrant life
shuí gān yuàn liú lí diān pèi
谁希望失去所爱 - Who wants to lose those that we loved
shuí xī wàng shī qù suǒ ài
多少人 遭受这苦难 - How many people suffer this misery
duō shǎo rén zāo shòu zhè kǔ nàn
多少人遭受这灾害 - How many people suffer from this disaster
duō shǎo rén zāo shòu zhè zāi hài
要成功必自主宰 - To succeed we need to develop our-self
yào chéng gōng bì zì zhǔ zǎi
要同心才能安泰 - Must cooperate in order to have peace, health and safety
yào tóng xīn cái néng ān tài
谨提防笑里藏奸歹 - Beware of smiling devils with bad intentions
jǐn dī fang xiào lǐ cáng jiān dǎi
莫等待失败徒感慨 - Do not wait until problem arise then regret
mò děng shī bài tú gǎn kǎi
多少 人遭受这苦难
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
From: http://www.inkui.com/a3/9/B/9B3B4DDB9A78D3EF5ED6.html
Song 歌曲 (gē qǔ): 错误的爱 (cuò wù de ài) - Mistaken love
Singer 演唱 (yǎn chàng): 韩宝仪 (hán bǎo yí)
Lyrics 词 (cí): 于慧仁 (yú huì rén)
Music 曲 (qū): 柯俊荣 (kē jùn róng)
错误错误 - Mistake, mistake
(cuò wù cuò wù)
只有你了解我的心态 - Only you know my mentality
zhǐ yǒu nǐ liǎo jiě wǒ de xīn tài
只有你了解我的情爱 - Only you know my passion
zhǐ yǒu nǐ liǎo jiě wǒ de qíng ài
偏偏你对我少一份关怀 - But it so happens that I am less of a concern for you
piān piān nǐ duì wǒ shǎo yí fèn guān huái
偏偏你对我少了一份爱 - But it so happens that you love me lesser
piān piān nǐ duì wǒ shǎo yí fèn ài
啊~难道我不该 - Could it be, I should not have
ā ~ nán dào wǒ bù gāi
不该对你付出真爱 - Should not have truly love you
bù gāi duì nǐ fù chū zhēn ài
错误的爱错误的安排 - Untrue love, wrongly arranged
cuò wù de ài cuò wù de ān pái
你在人间我却在苦海 - You are in the world, while I am in the bitter sea
nǐ zài rén iān wǒ què zài kǔ hǎi
错误错误 - Mistake, mistake
(cuò wù cuò wù)
只有你了解我的脑海 - Only you know what is in my mind
zhǐ yǒu nǐ liǎo jiě wǒ de nǎo hǎi
只有你了解我的期待 - Only you know my expectations
zhǐ yǒu nǐ liǎo jiě wǒ de qī dài
偏偏你眼中没我的存在 - Happens in your eyes that I do not exist
piān piān nǐ Yǎn zhōng méi wǒ de cún zài
偏偏你心门不是为我开 - You open your heart not because of me
piān piān nǐ xīn mén bú shì wèi wǒ kāi
啊~这一段情爱 - This part of love
ā ~ zhè yí duàn qíng ài
是不是该重新再来 - should or shouldn't start all over again
shì bú shì gāi chóng xīn zài lái
爱神请你妥善 的安排 - Cupid, please arrange appropriately
ài shén qǐng nǐ tuǒ shàn de ān pái
给我一个有心的男孩 - Give me one that truly love me
gěi wǒ yí gè yǒu xīn de nán hái
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Song 歌曲 (gē qǔ): 都是在骗我 (dōu shì zài piàn wǒ) - Totally deceiving me
Singer 演唱 (yǎn chàng): 江淑娜 (jiāng shū nà)
Lyrics 词 (cí): 郑忠倌 (zhèng zhōng guān)
Music 曲 (qū): 张平福 (zhāng píng fú)
Director 导 (dǎo): 郸铬彧 (dān gè yù)
想不到你真会这样 一去不回头 - Do not realise that you really can leave without returning
xiǎng bú dào nǐ zhēn huì zhè yàng yí qù bù huí tóu
过去的还是山盟 - Our past is rock solid
guò qù de hái shì shān méng
难道你忘记 - Possible that you have forgotten
nán dào nǐ wàng jì
寸寸想思寂寞在心头 - every memory is with loneliness in the heart
cùn cùn xiǎng sī jì mò zài xīn tóu
我要轻轻告诉你 - I want to gently tell you that
wǒ yào qīng qīng gào su nǐ
我爱你 - I love you
Wǒ ài nǐ
不要把我忘记 - Do not forget me
bú yào bǎ wǒ wàng jì
我无想失去忘记在胸怀里 - In my heart, I do not wish to be forgotten
wǒ wú xiǎng shī qù wàng jì zài xiōng huái lǐ
想不到你真会这样无心丢下我 - Do not realise that you really can abandon me heartlessly
xiǎng bú dào nǐ zhēn huì zhè yàng wú xīn diū xià wǒ
不是你通通埋在我的心窝里 - isn't it you who is completely in my heart
bú shì nǐ tōng tōng mái zài wǒ de xīn wō lǐ
寸寸想思被记在心头 - I remember every moment
cùn cùn xiǎng sī bèi jì zài xīn tóu
让我慢慢告诉你 - Let me slowly tell you
ràng wǒ màn màn gào su nǐ
我恨你 - I hate you
wǒ hèn nǐ
我恨你抛弃我 - I hate you because you abandon me
wǒ hèn nǐ pāo qì wǒ
我满怀的委屈在胸怀里 - My heart is full of grievances
wǒ mǎn huái de wěi qu zài xiōng huái lǐ
想不到你真会这样狠心抛弃我 - Do not realise that you can be so curel as to abandon me
xiǎng bú dào nǐ zhēn huì zhè yàng hěn xīn pāo qì wǒ
不是你通通埋在我的心窝里 - isn't it you who is completely in my heart
bú shì nǐ tōng tōng mái zài wǒ de xīn wō lǐ
寸寸想思被记在心头 - I remember every moment
cùn cùn xiǎng sī bèi jì zài xīn tóu
让我听天无相愁 - Let me listen to heaven and be free of worry
ràng wǒ tīng tiān wú xiāng chóu
我恨你 - I hate you
wǒ hèn nǐ
我恨你抛弃我 - I hate you because you abandon me
wǒ hèn nǐ pāo qì wǒ
我满怀的横画在 胸怀里 - My heart is full of pain from this incidence
wǒ mǎn huái de héng huà zài xiōng huái lǐ
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Song 歌曲 (gē qǔ): 都是在骗我 (dōu shì zài piàn wǒ) - Totally deceiving me
Singer 演唱 (yǎn chàng): 王圣觊 (wáng shèng jì)
Temporary performance out of good-fellowship 友情演出 (yǒu qínɡ yǎn chū): 陈圆圆 (chén yuán yuán) -
Lyrics 词 (cí): 郑忠倌 (zhèng zhōng guān)
Music 曲 (qū): 张平福 (zhāng píng fú)
Director 导 (dǎo): 郸铬彧 (dān gè yù)
From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KeJzV6Ofofs&feature=related
到了时候要分手 - When it is time to break up
dào le shí hou yào fēn shǒu
我也无话说 - I also has nothing to say
wǒ yě wú huà shuō
早就知道会这样结果 - Before we already know this outcome
zǎo jiù zhī dào huì zhè yàng jié guǒ
其实你也不用多说 - In fact, you need not say anything more
qí shí nǐ yě bú yòng duō shuō
何必找借口 - Why look for excuses
hé bì zhǎo jiè kǒu
我不过是在等你开口 - I am just waiting for you to say
wǒ bú guò shì zài děng nǐ kāi kǒu
等你先开口 - waiting for you to start mentioning
děng nǐ xiān kāi kǒu
过去对我了解不够关怀不 多 - In the past you do not understand and concern about me enough
guò qù duì wǒ liǎo jiě bú gòu guān huái bù duō
是 你对我 - It is you who when comes to me
shì nǐ duì wǒ
说得太多做得太少 - said a lot but did very little
shuō de tài duō zuò de tài shǎo
千万个承诺 - 10 million promises
qiān wàn gè chéng nuò
千万个失诺 - 10 million promises broken
qiān wàn gè shī nuò
口口声声还说爱我 - Repeatedly said that you love me
kǒu kǒu shēng shēng hái shuō ài wǒ
你的承诺 - Your promises
nǐ de chéng nuò
都是在骗我 - are bluffing me
dōu shì zài piàn wǒ
都是在骗我 - are bluffing me
dōu shì zài piàn wǒ
(Repeat the above lyrics)
到了时候 要分手
早就知道 会这样结果
何必找借 口
等你先开 口
说得太多 做得太少
千万个失 诺
都是在骗 我
(Repeat the chorus)
说得太多 做得太少
千万个失 诺
都是在骗 我
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Source Website: http://lyrics.oiktv.com/lyric.php?sid=1748&aid=2758&lid=2758
From: 李翊君歷年專輯 (李翊君历年专辑) - Albums collections over the years
lǐ yì jūn lì nián zhuān jí
黑玫瑰(多刺的玫瑰) 歌詞 - Black Rose (prickly rose) - Song lyric
hēi méi guī (duō cì de méi guī) gē cí
Lyric (作詞 zuò cí): 陳坤嶽 chén kūn yuè
Music (作曲 zuò qū): 黃敏 huáng mǐn
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 李翊君 (lǐ yì jūn)
Albums (專輯 zhuān jí): 黑玫瑰 hēi méi guī
炎熱的金色太陽白色的茫霧 - The golden hot sun, white hazy fog
yán rè de jīn sè tài yáng bái sè de máng wù
迫阮流浪的孤女異鄉半沉浮 - Wandering orphan forced to a foreign land and experiencing ups and downs of life (struggle at the extreme brink of life)
pò ruǎn liú làng de gū nǚ yì xiāng bàn chén fú
可恨的男性假仁慈迎新又棄舊 - Hateful male pretending to be benevolent at welcoming new arrivals but abandon the old
kě hèn de nán xìng jiǎ rén cí yíng xīn yòu qì jiù
誰人瞭解阮心事誰知花謝含淚珠 - Who will understand heartfelt problems and who realise that fading flower contains tears
shuí rén liǎo jiě ruǎn xīn shì shuí zhī huā xiè hán lèi zhū
因何女性命如此偏偏歹遭遇 - Why are women associated with bad life experiences
yīn hé nǚ xìng mìng rú cǐ piān piān dǎi zāo yù
多刺的黑色玫瑰受盡了霜雪 - Prickly black roses fully suffered the frost and snow
duō cì de hēi sè méi guī shòu jìn le shuāng xuě
可恨男性愛採花害阮者狼狽 - Hateful male likes predicament from harmful beauty
kě hèn de nán xìng ài cǎi huā hài ruǎn zhě láng bèi
雖然阮不是好賢妻也不是母夜叉 - Although not a perfect wife but is not an ugly and fierce woman (hag, shrew, a woman of violent temper and speech)
suī rán ruǎn bú shì hǎo xián qī yě bú shì mǔ yè chā
按怎心肝彼呢硬無情無義來反背 - Why so hard-hearted, ruthlessly turn rebellious
àn zěn xīn gān bǐ ne yìng wú qíng wú yì lái fǎn bēi
迫阮淪落黑社會罪惡叫你賠 - Stoop so low to commit underworld crime and let you taste the terror
pò ruǎn lún luò hēi shè huì zuì' è jiào nǐ péi
無情的環境迫阮踏入黑暗路 - The cruel environment forced to step into the dark sadistic world
wú qíng de huán jìng pò ruǎn tà rù hēi àn lù
自恨紅顏多薄命目屎像落雨 - Hate the poor fate of a beautiful women, tears drops like heavy rainfall
zì hèn hóng yán duō bó mìng mù shǐ xiàng luò yǔ
反悔阮當初來墮落才著受痛苦 - Regret having to reduced to such painful state
fǎn huǐ ruǎn dāng chū lái duò luò cái zhù shòu tòng kǔ
跳出黑暗的江湖不願耽誤好前途 - Escape from the black world so as not to obstruct the better future
tiào chū hēi 'àn de jiāng hú bú yuàn dān wu hǎo qián tú
安份守己願吃苦行著光明路 - Law-abiding and willing to put up with hardship to walk the righteous path
ān fèn shǒu jǐ yuàn chī kǔ xíng zhù guāng míng lù
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Source Website: http://lyrics.oiktv.com/album.php?sid=1748&aid=2759
From: 李翊君苦海女神龍專輯 (李翊君苦海女神龙专辑) - Albums Dragon Goddess from sea of bitterness
lǐ yì jūn kǔ hǎi nǚ shén lóng zhuān jí
苦海女神龍(龙) 歌詞 - Dragon Goddess from sea of bitterness - Song lyric
kǔ hǎi nǚ shén lóng gē cí
Lyric (作詞 zuò cí): 黃俊雄 (huáng jùn xióng)
Music (作曲 zuò qū): 日本 (rì běn)
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 李翊君 (lǐ yì jūn)
Albums (專輯 zhuān jí): 苦海女神龍(龙) (kǔ hǎi nǚ shén lóng)
無情的太陽 - The merciless sun
wú qíng de tài yáng
可恨的沙漠 - Hateful desert
kě hèn de Shā mò
迫阮滿身的汗流甲濕糊糊 - Whole body wet all over with perspiration
pò ruǎn mǎn shēn de hàn liú jiǎ shī hú hú
拖著沉重的腳步 - A trial of dragging footsteps
tuō zhù chén zhòng de jiǎo bù
要走千里路途 - Need to walk thousand miles journey
yào zǒu qiān lǐ lù tú
阮為何 - Why?
ruǎn wèi hé
為何淪落江湖 - Why reduced to a wanderer?
wèi hé lún luò jiāng hú
為何命這薄(薄荷) - Why life is so miserable? (like peppermint)
wèi hé mìng zhè báo (bò hé)
有情風吹動 - Love is in the air
yǒu qíng fēng chuī dòng
三尺黑頭毛 - three feet of black hair
sān chǐ hēi tóu máo
有情月照阮的胸前半身光 - Romantic moonlight shines on front part of the body
yǒu qíng yuè zhào ruǎn de Xiōng qián bàn shēn guāng
流浪著千里遠 - Wandering thousands of miles away
liú làng zhù qiān lǐ yuǎn
無一個相借問 - Nobody inquired (care)
wú yí gè xiāng jiè wèn
心頭酸 - Feeling miserable
xīn tóu suān
心酸孤單女 - Miserable and lonely female
xīn suān gū dān nǚ
為何命如此 - Why is life in this way?
wèi hé mìng rú cǐ
討厭交男子 - Hate to friend male
tǎo yàn jiāo nán zǐ
歡迎女朋友 - Welcome girlfriend
huān yíng nǚ péng you
討厭文雅幼秀歡喜學風流 - Hate the pure and handsome who love to flirt around
tǎo yàn wén yǎ yòu xiù huān xǐ xué fēng liú
無人像我這款 - Nobody is as serious as me
wú rén xiàng wǒ zhè kuǎn
心頭亂亂想 - Not thinking coherently
xīn tóu luàn luàn xiǎng
飲兇酒 - Drink strong alcohol
yǐn xiōng jiǔ
怎樣飲兇酒 - How to drink the strong alcohol
zěn yàng yǐn xiōng jiǔ
越飲越憂愁 - The more drink the more upset
yuè yǐn yuè yōu chóu
為誰人酒醉 - Drunk because of who?
wèi shuí rén jiǔ zuì
為誰人迷茫 - Dazed because of who?
wèi shuí rén mí máng
淪落在異鄉的苦海女神龍 - Reduced to the plight of bitter sea Dragon Goddess in a foreign land
lún luò zài yì xiāng de kǔ hǎi nǚ shén lóng
不願做女紅妝 - Not willing to make the lady red dress
bú yuàn zuò nǚ hóng zhuāng
偏扮做女紅妝 - Purposely pretend to make the lady red dress
piān bàn zuò nǚ hóng zhuāng
醉茫茫 - Completely drunk
zuì máng máng
怎樣醉茫茫 - How to be completely drunk?
zěn yàng zuì máng máng
無奈的女郎 - Helpless girl
wú nài de nǚ láng
黑暗路也著行- Even if it is a dark road, must also travel
hēi 'àn lù yě zhù xíng
賭窟也著行 - Gambling den also need to go
dǔ kū yě zhù xíng
人生的六字變換失去了生命 - Life "six character" is changed to no life
rén shēng de liù zì biàn huàn shī qù le shēng mìng
我不是小娘子 - I am not a small lady
wǒ bú shì xiǎo niáng zǐ
我就是女妖精 - I am the lady demon
wǒ jiù shì nǚ yāo jing
嘆一聲 - One deep sigh
tàn yì shēng
生成這款命 - Come out with this type of life
shēng chéng zhè kuǎn mìng
美人無美命 - A beauty but without a beautiful life
měi rén wú měi mìng
放捨著流浪 - Carry on as a wanderer
fàng shě zhù liú làng
願做好娘子 - Willing to become a good lady
yuàn zuò hǎo niáng zǐ
無情的環境迫阮墜落黑暗城 - The heartless environment become a dark world
wú qíng de huán jìng pò ruǎn zhuì luò hēi 'àn chéng
風塵的女妖精 - Worn out lady demon
fēng chén de nǚ yāo jing
誰人要娶做某子 - Who wants to marry somebody's child
shuí rén yào qǔ zuò mǒu zǐ
嘆一聲 - One deep sigh
tàn yì shēng
生成這款命 - Come out with this type of life
shēng chéng zhè kuǎn mìng
美人無美命 - A beauty but without a beautiful life
měi rén wú měi mìng
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Source Website: http://lyrics.oiktv.com/lyric.php?sid=2431&aid=5507&lid=60500
From: 吳淑敏歷年專輯(吳淑敏历年专辑) - Albums collections over the years
wú shū mǐn lì nián zhuān jí
少女的心聲 (shào nǚ de xīn shēng) 歌詞 - The voices of young girls - Song lyric
Lyric (作詞 zuò cí): 葉明發 (叶明发 yè míng fā)
Music (作曲 zuò qū): 郭順祥 (guō shùn xiáng)
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 吳淑敏 (wú shū mǐn)
Albums (專輯 zhuān jí): 心肝親像鐵 (xīn gān qīn xiàng tiě) - Darling's relation is as strong as steel
東平日頭浮出來 - The sun rises from the east
dōng píng rì tóu fú chū lái
清風對面吹過來 - The breeze blowing across from the opposite side
qīng fēng duì miàn chuī guò lái
初出社會的少女 - Yong lady just coming out to the society
chū chū shè huì de shào nǚ
什麼都不知 - Do not know anything
shén me dōu bù zhī
惦厝內父母也時常交代 - At home parent often instructed
diàn cuò nèi fù mǔ yě shí cháng jiāo dài
出外來交朋友互相瞭解 - Outside home when making friends must have mutual understanding
chū wài lái jiāo péng you hù xiāng liǎo jiě
事事項項要小心 - Must be careful at all time
shì shì xiàng xiàng yào xiǎo xīn
不通來做歹 - Do not do anything that is bad (evil)
bù tōng lái zuò dǎi
黃昏日頭要落西 - In the evening the sun will set in the west
huáng hūn rì tóu yào luò xī
晚風對面吹過來 - Evening breeze blowing across from the other side
wǎnfēng duì miàn chuī guò lái
初出社會的少女 - Yong lady just coming out to the society
chū chū shè huì de shào nǚ
什麼都不知 - Do not know anything
shén me dōu bù zhī
一旦來出社會著愛瞭解 - Once out in the society will need to know
yí dàn lái chū shè huì zhù ài liǎo jiě
有困難的代誌著要忍耐 - Need to be patient when come across difficulties
yǒu kùn nan de dài zhì zhù yào rěn nài
事事項項目睭金 - Alert at all time
shì shì xiàng xiàng mù zhǒu jīn
不通來變歹 - Do not become bad (evil)
bù tōng lái biàn dǎi
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Source Website: http://www.youmaker.com/video/sa?id=ce44778cc0af4907b80c839cb35af42e001
From: 長男的媳婦片頭曲 (长男的媳妇片头曲) - Theme song of the movie "Men's daughter-in-Law"
cháng nán de xí fu piàn tóu qǔ
無你卡快活 (wú nǐ kǎ kuài huo) 歌詞 (gē cí) - More Happy without you (Lyric)
Lyric (作詞 zuò cí): 詹雅雯 (zhān yǎ wén)
Music (作曲 zuò qū): 賴清木 (lài qīng mù)
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 詹雅雯 (zhān yǎ wén)
Source (来源 lái yuán): 長男的媳婦片頭曲 (长男的媳妇片头曲 cháng nán de xí fu piàn tóu qǔ)
想一個真結束也好啦 - Want to end completely is also beneficial
xiǎng yí gè zhēn jié shù yě hǎo la
卡贏看你一日一個伴 - Too free to see you for 1 day or one and a half
kǎ yíng kàn nǐ yí rì yí gè bàn
愛一個人什麼感覺 - How does it feel to love a person
ài yí gè rén shén me gǎn jué
我笑你根本不知影 - I laugh at you for throughly don't know
wǒ xiào nǐ gēn běn bù zhī yǐng
石會爛 海水會乾 咒詛的話你敢大聲 - Society is hopeless, even the sea can become dry, yet you dare to curse loudly
(石会烂 海水会乾 咒诅的话你敢大声)
shí huì làn hǎi shuǐ huì qián zhòu zǔ de huà nǐ gǎn dà shēng
感情不是物件 隨時會凍換 - Love is not a "thing", it can change anytime
(感情不是物件 隨時会冻换)
gǎn qíng bú shì wù jiàn suí shí huì dòng huàn
摸心肝 請你摸心肝 - Have some feeling, don't be so wicked
(摸心肝 请你摸心肝)
mō xīn gān qǐng nǐ mō xīn gān
對我甘抹尚絕啦 - You are very harsh towards me
duì wǒ gān mǒ shàng jué la
死心 我最後的辦法 - I gave up, this is my last resort
(死心 我最後的办法)
sǐ xīn wǒ zuì hòu de bàn fǎ
甭聽甭看 無你卡快活 - Don't need to listen or see, without you live is happier
(甭听甭看 无你卡快活)
béng tīng béng kàn wú nǐ kǎ kuài huo
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Source Website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYkAJE9nv9c
From: 姚蘇蓉 (姚苏蓉) -《滿天星斗的晚上》, 原錄於1970年出版的【我要结婚】电影原声带 - yáo sū róng -《A night with the sky full of starry stars》, Originally published in 1970 recorded 【I want to get married】 movie soundtrack.
yáo sū róng -《mǎn tiān xīng dǒu de wǎn shang》, yuán lù yú 1970 nián chū bǎn de 【wǒ yào jié hūn】diàn yǐng yuán shēng dài
满天星斗的晚上 (mǎn tiān xīng dǒu de wǎn shang) 歌詞 (gē cí) - A night with the sky full of stars (Lyric)
Lyric (作詞 zuò cí):
Music (作曲 zuò qū):
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 魏汉文 (wèi hàn wén)
Source (来源 lái yuán): 原錄於1970年出版的【我要结婚】电影原声带。yuán lù yú 1970 nián chū bǎn de 【wǒ yào jié hūn】diàn yǐng yuán shēng dài
- Originally published in 1970 recorded 【I want to get married】 movie soundtrack.
说了一句 - Said once
shuō le yí jù
说了一句 - Said once
shuō le yí jù
有緣再相见 - Meet again if fate allows
yǒu yuán zài xiāng jiàn
那是一个 - That was a
nà shì yí gè
满天星斗的晚上 - A night with the sky full of starry (blinking) stars
mǎn tiān xīng dǒu de wǎn shang
她的一双眼 - Her pair of eyes
tā de yí shuāng yǎn
也像那星光闪 - is also like the shinning stars
yě xiàng nà xīng guāng shǎn
啊啊多情的眼 - Ah passionate eye
ā ā duō qíng de yǎn
又在我心中閃 - flashing in my heart again
yòu zài wǒ Xīn zhōng shǎn
说了一句 - Said once
shuō le yí jù
说了一句 - Said once
shuō le yí jù
別后永不忘 - Do not regret and cannot forget
bié hòu yǒng bú wàng
那是一个 - That was a
nà shì yí gè
有緣再相见 - Meet again if fate allows
yǒu yuán zài xiāng jiàn
凄风苦雨的晚上 - Merciless wind blowing and torturous raining night
qī fēng kǔ yǔ de wǎn shang
我的一颗心 - My heart
wǒ de yì kē xīn
也像那天悲伤 - is as sad as heaven
yě xiàng nà tiān bēi shāng
啊啊兩地相念 - Ah, two thinking of each other
ā ā liǎng dì xiāng niàn
淚(泪)在我心中淌 - Tears drip in my heart
lèi zài wǒ Xīn zhōng tǎng
女: - Female Vocal
说了一句 - Said once
shuō le yí jù
说了一句 - Said once
shuō le yí jù
有緣再相见 - Meet again if fate allows
yǒu yuán zài xiāng jiàn
那是一个等待 - That was a wait
nà shì yí gè děng dài
满天星斗的晚上 - A night with the sky full of starry (blinking) stars
mǎn tiān xīng dǒu de wǎn shang
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Lyric (作詞 zuò cí): 叶雅文 (yè yǎ wén)
Music (作曲 zuò qū): 黄仁清 (huáng rén qīng)
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 罗宾 (羅賓 luó bīn) Robin
每当我面对着空白的信纸 - Whenever I face a blank piece of paper
měi dāng wǒ miàn duì zhe kòng bái de xìn zhǐ
却又不知如何告诉你 - But I do not know how to tell you
què yòu bù zhī rú hé gào su nǐ
再一次拿起那放下的笔 - Once again picked up the pen that was put down before
zài yí cì ná qǐ nà fàng xià de bǐ
总不能顺利写下去 - Always unable to write down successfully
zǒng bù néng shùn lì xiě xià qù
不知道这是什么道理 - Do not know why
bù zhī dào zhè shì shén me dào lǐ
教我写了又放弃 - Wish to write but yet give up
jiāo wǒ xiě le yòu fàng qì
信纸再次变成纸团 - Once again crumpled into a ball of paper
xìn zhǐ zài cì biàn chéng zhǐ tuán
满满的装在纸篓里 - Fully filled a wastepaper basket
mǎn mǎn de zhuāng zài zhǐ lǒu lǐ
每当我想再写信给你 - Whenever I thought of writing to you again
měi dāng wǒ xiǎng zài xiě xìn gěi nǐ
总不能顺利写下去 - Always unable to write down successfully
zǒng bù néng shùn lì xiě xià qù
每当我凝望着手中的纸团 - Everytime when I gaze at the paper on my hand
měi dāng wǒ níng wàng zhe shǒu zhōng de zhǐ tuán
再一次责怪自己 - Once again, blame myself
zài yí cì zé guài zì jǐ
这是怎样的一种心情 - This is what kind of mood ?
zhè shì zěn yàng de yì zhǒng xīn qíng
教我写了又放弃 - Wish to write but yet give up
jiāo wǒ xiě le yòu fàng qì
是一个矛盾的难题 - This is a contradicting problem
shì yì gè máo dùn de nán tí
谁教我暗暗的恋着你 - Who ask me to secretly love you
shuí jiāo wǒ àn' àn de liàn zhe nǐ
Continue .......
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Original Song (原曲 yuán qǔ): アリラン•ブルース/高峰三枝子 (Gāo fēng Sān zhī zǐ - Takamine Mieko (1918 -))
Lyric (作詞 zuò cí): 周之原 (zhōu zhī yuán)
Music (作曲 zuò qū): 服部良一 (fú bù liáng yī) - Ryoichi Hattori
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 高勝(胜)美 (Gāo Shèng měi - Sammi Kao)
Source (来源 lái yuán): 负心的人插曲 (fù xīn de rén chā qǔ) - Movie "Jilted" theme song
重相逢 - Reunion
zhòng xiāng féng
彷佛在梦中 (彷彿在夢中) - As if in a dream
fǎng fú zài mèng zhōng
其实不是梦 (其實不是夢) - In fact, it is not a dream
qí shí bú shì mèng
还记得 (還記得) - Still remember
hái jì dé
幼年时光 (幼年時光) - During younger days
yòu nián shí guāng
你我樂融融。- You and I are very jolly
nǐ wǒ lè róng róng
妳扮公主 - You play the Princess
nǐ bàn gōng zhǔ
我做英雄 - I am a hero
wǒ zuò yīng xióng
假扮凤与龙 (假扮鳳與龍) - Pretend to be phoenix and dragon
jiǎ bàn fèng yǔ lóng
青梅竹马 (青梅竹馬) - green plums and a bamboo horse - a girl and a boy playing innocently together; a man and a woman who had an innocent affection for each other in childhood
qīng méi zhú mǎ
情意深浓 (情意深濃) - Deep and great emotion
qī ng yì shēn nóng
如今都已成空。- Does not exist now
rú jīn dōu yǐ chéng kōng
重相逢 - Reunion
zhòng xiāng féng
彷佛在梦中 (彷彿在夢中) - As if in a dream
fǎng fú zài mèng zhōng
其实不是梦 (其實不是夢) - In fact, it is not a dream
qí shí bú shì mèng
多少事 - How many things
duō shǎo shì
消逝如风 (消逝如風) - disappear just like the wind
xiāo shì rú fēng
追寻也无踪 (追尋也無蹤)。- Search also without a trace
zhuī xún yě wú zōng
相对默默 (相對默默) - When met again become quiet
xiāng duì mò mò
欲言无从 (欲言無從) - No desire to speak
yù yán wú cóng
意在不言中 - The wishes are not in the conversation
yì zài bù yán zhōng
兩心相同 - The two hearts have the same feeling
liǎng xīn xiāng tóng
回忆无穷 (回憶無窮) - Recall vividly (forever)
huí yì wú qióng
互道一句珍重。- Tell each other to take care
hù dào yí jù zhēn zhòng
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin)
Lyric (作詞 zuò cí): -
Music (作曲 zuò qū): -
Singer (歌手 gē shǒu): 许茹芸 (xǔ rú yún) - Valen Hsu
Source (来源 lái yuán): 网络 (wǎng luò) - Internet Network
Category (类别 lèi bié): 流行 (liú xíng) - Pop
是谁导演这场戏 - Who is directing this play?
shì shuí dǎo yǎn zhè chǎng xì
在这孤单角色里 - For this lonely character
zài zhè gū dān jué sè lǐ
对白总是自言自语 - Always a monolog
duì bái zǒng shì zì yán zì yǔ
对手都是回忆 - All the counterpart are just memories
duì shǒu dōu shì huí yì
看不出什么结局 - Cannot tell when is the end
kàn bù chū shén me jié jú
自始至终全是你 - From beginning to end, it's all you
zì shǐ zhì zhōng quán shì nǐ
让我投入太彻底 - Make me fall in (love) completely
ràng wǒ tóu rù tài chè dǐ
故事如果注定悲剧 - If this ending is destined tragedy
gù shi rú guǒ zhù dìng bēi jù
何苦给我美丽 - Why give me beauty?
hé kǔ gěi wǒ měi lì
演出相聚和别离 - Act out the coming together and parting.
yǎn chū xiāng jù hé bié lí
没有星星的夜里 - In this starless night
méi yǒu xīng xing de yè lǐ
我用泪光吸引你 - I use my tears to attract you
wǒ yòng lèi guāng xī yǐn nǐ
既然爱你不能言语 - Now that I can no longer say I love you
jì rán ài nǐ bù néng yán yǔ
只能微笑哭泣 - I can only use smile and tears
zhǐ néng wēi xiào kū qì
让我从此忘了你 - Let me forget you from now on
ràng wǒ cóng cǐ wàng le nǐ
没有星星的夜里 - In this starless night
méi yǒu xīng xing de yè lǐ
我把往事留给你 - I'll leave the past behind with you
wǒ bǎ wǎng shì liú gěi nǐ
如果一切只是演戏 - If all of this has been just a play
rú guǒ yí qiè zhǐ shì yǎn xì
要你好好看戏 - I want you to watch this play well
yào nǐ hǎo hao kàn xì
心碎只是我自己 - The only brokenhearted one is me.
xīn suì zhǐ shì wǒ zì jǐ
Translated by:
Using nciku (www.nciku.com), an online dictionary with English and Chinese language (with Pinyin), and Google Translate.
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