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Monday, July 17, 2023

Former drug user on reconnecting with estranged dad at halfway house

Syasya dropped out of school at 13 to help her family cope financially, then mixed with bad company and became addicted to drugs.
PHOTO: Syasya dropped out of school at 13 to help her family cope financially, then mixed with bad company and became addicted to drugs.
Photo from The Straits Times
Picture posted by Andrew Wong, Asiaone on 16 July 2023 at 11:29 am


SINGAPORE - On her 16th birthday, she tried drugs for the first time. And on her 18th birthday, she was arrested for the first time for drug consumption.

She was sent to
drug rehabilitation centres (DRC) and prison eight times over the next few years for drug offences.

Then, the Covid-19 pandemic hit while she was behind bars.

Unable to help her elderly parents and two young children cope with the pandemic, she finally realised she had to stay away from drugs permanently.

Unable to help her elderly parents and two young children cope with the pandemic, she finally realised she had to stay away from drugs permanently.
PHOTO: Unable to help her elderly parents and two young children cope with the pandemic, she finally realised she had to stay away from drugs permanently.
Picture posted by lauraypablo on 21 January 2019 - November Rain Animated


Syasya (not her real name), 47, is a resident at Rise Above Halfway House in St George’s Lane, the first secular halfway house for women offenders undergoing community-based rehabilitation programmes.

Minister for Home Affairs and Law K. Shanmugam officially opened the women’s sanctuary on July 4, which can serve up to 30 residents at a time.

As the eldest of four siblings, Syasya helped her parents care for them while growing up. She said she was very religious, having attended a madrasah (a college for Islamic instruction).

As the eldest of four siblings, Syasya helped her parents care for them while growing up.
PHOTO: As the eldest of four siblings, Syasya helped her parents care for them while growing up. She said she was very religious, having attended a madrasah (a college for Islamic instruction).
Picture posted by marcosnogueiracb on 23 May 2013 - Deliver Me from All Evil


She dropped out of school at 13 to help her family cope financially, then mixed with bad company and became addicted to heroin and Subutex.

Subutex was approved by the Ministry of Health in 2000 to treat opiate-dependent drug abusers, who became addicted to it instead. In 2006, the drug was reclassified as a Class A Controlled Drug.

On her time in prison, Syasya said: “
Because of Covid-19, we weren’t allowed to have any visitors, so I couldn’t see my family at all. I prayed for forgiveness and asked God for a chance to see my family again. I had had enough (of drugs).

She dropped out of school at 13 to help her family cope financially, then mixed with bad company and became addicted to heroin and Subutex.
PHOTO: She dropped out of school at 13 to help her family cope financially, then mixed with bad company and became addicted to heroin and Subutex.
Picture posted by kuschelirmel on 21 December 2018 - Silver


As Rise Above residents are allowed to go out to work, Syasya is an outlet supervisor at a restaurant. Now going through a divorce, she had married at 30 and has two daughters, aged 16 and 17. Her husband was also a drug abuser.

A Rise Above spokesman said one of its goals is to help reintegrate residents into the workforce.

He said: “
Syasya has been consistent in her resolve to do good since she came to Rise Above. She is often willing to take the advice of others that would benefit her.

As Rise Above residents are allowed to go out to work, Syasya is an outlet supervisor at a restaurant.
PHOTO: As Rise Above residents are allowed to go out to work, Syasya is an outlet supervisor at a restaurant. Now going through a divorce, she had married at 30 and has two daughters, aged 16 and 17. Her husband was also a drug abuser.
Picture posted by anais-anais61 on 16 July 2018 - Lady Black Swan


It was the same for former resident Wendy (not her real name), 26, who was from the pioneer batch at Rise Above in 2022.

The youngest of three siblings, she first became involved with drugs at 14, when her then boyfriend experimented with heroin and Ice.

She said: “
I was just accompanying him at first – I didn’t know I was getting addicted (to drugs). But I started to consume drugs three to four times a week.

It was the same for former resident Wendy (not her real name), 26, who was from the pioneer batch at Rise Above in 2022.
PHOTO: It was the same for former resident Wendy (not her real name), 26, who was from the pioneer batch at Rise Above in 2022.
Picture posted by saritaangel07 on 15 July 2018 - Goodbye my lover


Wendy was 16 when she was first arrested. She said she was suffering from depression at the time and undergoing treatment.

At 18, she was arrested again. She said she has been arrested three times for drug offences, with a string of toxic relationships being one reason for her drug use.

A former boyfriend prevented her from going home and would beat her when he was angry, said Wendy, adding that she turned to drugs to cope with her emotions.

Wendy said she has been arrested three times for drug offences.
PHOTO: Wendy said she has been arrested three times for drug offences.
Photo from The Straits Times
Picture posted by Andrew Wong, Asiaone on 16 July 2023 at 11:29 am


My last ex-boyfriend was really manipulative. I had bailed him out when he was caught for drug offences, but he threatened to not turn up in court if I went home, so I would lose my bail money.

This was the turning point for Wendy. “
I thought about this while I was in prison. I’m young and I really want to change. I didn’t want to waste any more time,” she said.

Now working as a sales representative, she spends her spare time with her family and in church. She hopes to finally get her driving licence and save enough money so she can travel.

My last ex-boyfriend was really manipulative.
PHOTO: My last ex-boyfriend was really manipulative. I had bailed him out when he was caught for drug offences, but he threatened to not turn up in court if I went home, so I would lose my bail money.”
Picture posted by EnchantedWhispersArt on 01 March 2018 - Realm of the Fae


Said the halfway house spokesman: “
Wendy has learnt to appreciate the perspective of other people and consider the impact of her actions on others.

The Central Narcotics Bureau’s 2022 annual statistics report shows that despite the number of new drug abusers arrested falling by 14 per cent in 2022 compared with 2021, the total number of drug abusers still grew by 4 per cent in 2022 to 2,826 people.

Syasya knows her mistakes have caused her family, especially her father, much suffering. He had not visited her since she was 18, when she was first sent to a DRC. But her time at the halfway house has allowed her to reconnect with him.

Syasya knows her mistakes have caused her family, especially her father, much suffering.
PHOTO: Syasya knows her mistakes have caused her family, especially her father, much suffering. He had not visited her since she was 18, when she was first sent to a DRC. But her time at the halfway house has allowed her to reconnect with him.
Picture posted by EnchantedWhispersArt on 04 December 2014 - Feel the Magic


Syasya said: “
When I finally saw him again, he was much older. He cried and told me to not leave him any more.

I don’t think it’s too late to change. Now, I tell my parents and daughters I will never leave them again.

Drug Abuse Narcotics Anonymous Singapore: 8405-8432 (24 hours)
National Addictions Management Service hotline on 6732-6837 or use the anonymous Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association live chat here (Monday to Friday, 2pm - 9pm).
TOUCHline (Counselling): 1800-377-2252 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)

Syasya said: 'When I finally saw him again, he was much older.'
PHOTO: Syasya said:When I finally saw him again, he was much older. He cried and told me to not leave him any more.
I don’t think it’s too late to change. Now, I tell my parents and daughters I will never leave them again.
Picture posted by EnchantedWhispersArt on 17 June 2017 - The-Mask

On her time in prison, Syasya said: “Because of Covid-19, we weren’t allowed to have any visitors, so I couldn’t see my family at all.
PHOTO: On her time in prison, Syasya said:Because of Covid-19, we weren’t allowed to have any visitors, so I couldn’t see my family at all. I prayed for forgiveness and asked God for a chance to see my family again. I had had enough (of drugs).
Picture posted by Anita-Creations on 16 January 2019 - La reine des neiges (Snow Queen)


By Andrew Wong, Asiaone, 16 July 2023 at 11:29 am
This article was first published in The Straits Times. Permission required for reproduction.

[1] Andrew Wong, Asiaone, 'He cried and told me to not leave him any more': Former drug user on reconnecting with estranged dad at halfway house, posted on 16 July 2023 at 11:29 am, https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/he-cried-and-told-me-not-leave-him-any-more-former-drug-user-reconnecting-estranged-dad


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