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Sunday, June 28, 2020

Gardening plots to increase twofold by 2030; NParks to give away seed packets to spur growing vegetables at home

PHOTO: Instructions on how to grow the vegetables will come with the packs of seeds.
Picture posted by Shabana Begum, The Straits Times on 19 June 2020 at 09:55 am


SINGAPORE - The number of community plots for gardening enthusiasts will more than double by 2030.

The National Parks Board (NParks) aims to have 3,000 community gardens - up from 1,500 - and 3,000 allotment gardens, a threefold increase from the current level.

Building the new plots will start once the Covid-19 situation improves.

Rows of seedlings grown in an egg tray.
PHOTO: Rows of seedlings grown in an egg tray.
Picture posted by Shabana Begum, The Straits Times on 19 June 2020 at 09:55 am


NParks also launched an initiative on Thursday (June 18) that includes distributing free packets of leafy and fruit vegetable seeds to encourage people to grow produce at home.

You can register for the seed packets on this website or call NParks at 6499 1099 from June 18 to June 30. The packets will be sent by Aug 1.

The initiative, called "Gardening with Edibles", supports Singapore's "30 by 30" goal to produce 30 per cent of its nutritional needs by 2030. The country now imports more than 90 per cent of its food supply.

The initiative is supported by DBS Bank and the Tote Board.

Second Minister for National Development Desmond Lee said: "The potential risk of disruption to our food supply during the Covid-19 situation underscores the importance of our local food farms and growing more food locally, as part of our strategy to strengthen food security and build greater social resilience."

The packets contain seeds for one type of leafy vegetable, one kind of fruit vegetable and instructions in four languages on how to plant them. You can't choose your seeds; the selection will be random.

Rows of seedlings grown in an egg tray.
PHOTO: Rows of seedlings grown in an egg tray.
Picture posted by Shabana Begum, The Straits Times on 19 June 2020 at 09:55 am


They include seeds for veggies such as Chinese cabbage, chye sim, kang kong, tomato, brinjal and lady's finger. They take between four and eight weeks to grow.

Seeds can be planted in egg trays to be developed into seedlings before being transplanted into pots.


Posted by Desmond Lee on 18 June 2020 at 11:00 AM - Gardening with Edibles

Mr Ang Wee Foong, deputy director of nursery management at NParks, noted: "There are sufficient seeds for each household to grow a number of plants for consumption. A family can share extra seeds with friends and relatives who have other types of seeds."

Ms Jennifer Yong, who is in her 40s, started growing herbs and edibles such as Thai basil, bok choy and pea shoots on her patio last year after being inspired by a colleague who is an avid gardener.

Ms Yong, the vice-president of payments and platforms at DBS, buys soil and fertiliser online.

Her children say her Thai basil and pea shoots taste sweeter than store-bought ones.

"Growing edibles at home is fulfilling because it is your own fruit of labour, and you know what you put in the soil. There are no chemicals," said Ms Yong.

Edible plants grown in pots.
PHOTO: Edible plants grown in pots.
Picture posted by Shabana Begum, The Straits Times on 19 June 2020 at 09:55 am


The expansion of community plots and the Gardening with Edibles programme are part of the country's efforts to transition into a city in nature.

But it is not always rosy.

A 2017 Straits Times article reported that there were turf wars in some community gardens, with fruit being stolen and plants trampled. This led to some gardens being locked and prompted some residents to look for other plots.

It is not always rosy.
PHOTO: It is not always rosy. A 2017 Straits Times article reported that there were turf wars in some community gardens, with fruit being stolen and plants trampled. This led to some gardens being locked and prompted some residents to look for other plots.
Picture posted by depositphotos


Ms Teh Mooi Yan, 52, a gardener of over 40 years, said the increase in community plots may not reduce conflict between residents as tension is usually caused by miscommunication.

"A number of the gardeners are people in their 60s and 70s, and they don't speak English or use WhatsApp to communicate, and so there is a communication barrier," said Ms Teh, a lecturer at Nanyang Polytechnic.

"The only way to solve conflicts is to have face-to-face talk with our neighbours and understand their needs and issues."

Our hearts were created by God to bring forth fruit when His Word is planted in them.
PHOTO: Our hearts were created by God to bring forth fruit when His Word is planted in them. Just as a seed has to remain in the ground over time to germinate, so the Word of God has to abide in us.

Jesus said in
John 15:7: “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

This law of seedtime and harvest operates in every area of our lives. If we will plant God’s Word in our hearts, then allow the seed to germinate and the plant to grow to maturity, we will reap the fruit of a harvest. But it is not immediate. We need to plant the seed of His Word in our heart long before we have the fruit of the harvest. Planting the seed of His Word in our heart is the foundation to receiving the promises of God. [2]
Picture posted by Passion CuongDC on 13 December 2017


By Shabana Begum, The Straits Times, 19 June 2020 at 09:55 am

Other stories


[1] Shabana Begum, The Straits Times, Gardening plots to increase twofold by 2030; NParks to give away seed packets to spur growing vegetables at home, posted on 19 June 2020 at 09:55 am, https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/nparks-distributes-packets-of-seeds-to-encourage-public-to-grow-vegetables-at-home

[2] Andrew Wommack Ministries, God’s Word – the Seed of His Blessing, https://www.awmi.net/reading/teaching-articles/gods_word/



New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

DBS banks on urban farming and launches own community farm

Source Website: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/dbs-banks-on-urban-farming-and-launches-own-community-farm
By Jessie Lim, The Straits Times, 17 July 2020 at 4:04 pm SGT

Meals with freshly picked produce will be served at the hub's in-house cafeteria.
PHOTO: Meals with freshly picked produce will be served at the hub's in-house cafeteria.
Picture posted by Jessie Lim, The Straits Times on 17 July 2020 at 4:04 pm SGT


SINGAPORE - DBS plans to transform one of its buildings into a community farm, and give its employees a chance to try urban farming, it said on Wednesday (June 17).

Touted to be Singapore's first community farm on the premises of a bank, the DBS Food Forest will feature more than 50 varieties of edible plants and herbs that Singaporeans consume every day.

The 46 sq m community farm, outside the DBS Asia Hub building in Changi Business Hub, will be completed in late 2020.

To launch the DBS Food Forest, DBS partnered Edible Garden City.
PHOTO: To launch the DBS Food Forest, DBS partnered Edible Garden City.
Picture posted by Jessie Lim, The Straits Times on 17 July 2020 at 4:04 pm SGT


Employees can enjoy vegetables such as sweet potato leaves and herbs like lemongrass for lunch. Meals with freshly picked produce will be served at the hub's in-house cafeteria.

To launch the DBS Food Forest, DBS partnered Edible Garden City, which has developed 240 food gardens over the past seven years. The social enterprise - which specialises in urban farming - is also supported by DBS Foundation.

The community garden, besides giving employees a taste of farm-to-table dining, also comes with eco-friendly features. Waste generated by the in-house cafeteria will be used as fertiliser for the Food Forest. To save water, a waste-efficient drip irrigation system will be installed.

Vice-president for sustainable operations at DBS Loh Lay Kwan said she finds gardening to be very therapeutic, "with everything going on in the world today".

The community garden, besides giving employees a taste of farm-to-table dining, also comes with eco-friendly features. Waste generated by the in-house cafeteria will be used as fertiliser for the Food Forest.
The community garden, besides giving employees a taste of farm-to-table dining, also comes with eco-friendly features. Waste generated by the in-house cafeteria will be used as fertiliser for the Food Forest.
PHOTO: The community garden, besides giving employees a taste of farm-to-table dining, also comes with eco-friendly features. Waste generated by the in-house cafeteria will be used as fertiliser for the Food Forest. To save water, a waste-efficient drip irrigation system will be installed.
Photography by David Dubnitskiy
Picture posted by Toni.Excalibur on Friday, 01 June 2018 at 07:22 am
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at

"With the Food Forest, I will be able to literally put food on the table by doing something I enjoy, and I find that to be really meaningful," she added.

The Food Forest will be tended to by the bank's employees who can try their hand at weeding, maintaining, and harvesting produce under the guidance of experts from Edible Garden City.

The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked concerns over food security, and interest in urban farming bloomed during the circuit breaker.

The Food Forest will be tended to by the bank's employees who can try their hand at weeding, maintaining, and harvesting produce under the guidance of experts from Edible Garden City.
The Food Forest will be tended to by the bank's employees who can try their hand at weeding, maintaining, and harvesting produce under the guidance of experts from Edible Garden City.
PHOTO: The Food Forest will be tended to by the bank's employees who can try their hand at weeding, maintaining, and harvesting produce under the guidance of experts from Edible Garden City.
Picture saved by Cathy Loh to Fairy Tales
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at

A $30 million grant was launched in April by the Singapore Food Agency and the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources to increase the productivity of local farms.

Chief executive of Edible Garden City Samuell Ang said: "While they are increasingly common in housing estates and shopping malls, it's not often you find one in a commercial space.

"We hope that more businesses and developers will be inspired by DBS' efforts, and that in the near future we can see similar farms blossoming across commercial properties and business parks."

A $30 million grant was launched in April by the Singapore Food Agency and the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources to increase the productivity of local farms.
A $30 million grant was launched in April by the Singapore Food Agency and the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources to increase the productivity of local farms.
PHOTO: A $30 million grant was launched in April by the Singapore Food Agency and the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources to increase the productivity of local farms.
Picture saved by Helga Veter to Фото
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at


Farming is backbreaking work, dirty work, detailed work, and, most of all, it is risky work.
Farming is backbreaking work, dirty work, detailed work, and, most of all, it is risky work.
PHOTO: Farming is backbreaking work, dirty work, detailed work, and, most of all, it is risky work. There aren’t any guarantees. Last minute the weather can change, and there is nothing we can do to protect the crop.

To focus on fruitfulness is a frustrating endeavor; to work in faith is all we are asked to do. And it’s really all we can do. Our lives, like the farmer’s, are ongoing and various exercises in learning to trust God despite what we can see today.

When Paul exhorts the Galatian churches toward endurance, he speaks of perennial planting and patient waiting for an inevitable harvest (Galatians 6:9). There is joy in the harvest, and the greatest satisfaction belongs to the one who carefully cultivated it all along the way. The hard-working farmer, as Paul says in 2 Timothy 2:6, is the onewho ought to have the first share of the crops.

In our work and in our weariness, let us look to the farmer. Let us keep the deep-root, big picture in mind. If we don’t give up, one day we will enjoy the final harvest and its bountiful rewards. Unlike our farming friends, this harvest, one cultivated by faith, is absolutely guaranteed. [2]
Picture saved by Котикова Оля to фото
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By Jessie Lim, The Straits Times, 17 July 2020 at 4:04 pm SGT

[1] Jessie Lim, The Straits Times, DBS banks on urban farming and launches own community farm, posted on 17 July 2020 at 4:04 pm SGT, https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/dbs-banks-on-urban-farming-and-launches-own-community-farm

[2] Christine Hoover (@ChristineHoover) is the author of numerous books, Three Lessons from the Farmer About Faith, posted on 16 March 2016, https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/three-lessons-from-the-farmer-about-faith

Other stories - https://veryfatoldman.blogspot.com/2020/05/other-stories.html

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Interest in urban farming sprouts amid COVID-19 outbreak

PHOTO: In mid-March, Malaysia imposed a movement control order which raised concerns that food supplies from the country, including vegetables, eggs and fruit, might be affected. Authorities came out swiftly to say that food and essentials from Malaysia will continue to flow during the lockdown.
Picture posted by Nelly Mashanova


SINGAPORE: After Madam Tan Swee Jee’s husband failed to find okra on a recent trip to the market, she revived her interest in farming and began planting again.

The retiree in her 60s had started organic farming a few years ago but grandchildren and other activities left her little time to tend to her garden. As Singapore hunkered (apply oneself seriously to a task) down for the “circuit breaker” period, she found time and reason to grow not just okra, but tapioca, papaya, herbs and other vegetables.

We rely on other (countries) for our food, if they don’t sell to us we have nothing to eat,” she said in Mandarin. “This way, at least I can still have lady’s fingers.

Madam Tan Swee Jee tends to a vegetable patch in her garden.
PHOTO: Madam Tan Swee Jee tends to a vegetable patch in her garden.
Courtesy of Tan Swee Jee
Picture posted by Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm on 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am


Farm supply shops and companies that run urban farming workshops told CNA that there has been more interest in home farming since around February or March.

Singapore raised its Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (DORSCON) level to Orange on Feb 7 after some locally transmitted cases of COVID-19 were detected, sparking a brief spate of panic buying.

Madam Tan Swee Jee and her husband planting peanuts and sweet potatoes in their garden.
PHOTO: Madam Tan Swee Jee and her husband planting peanuts and sweet potatoes in their garden. The retiree in her 60s, had started organic farming a few years ago but grandchildren and other activities left her little time to tend to her garden. As Singapore hunkered (apply oneself seriously to a task) down for the “circuit breaker” period, she found time and reason to grow not just okra, but tapioca, papaya, herbs and other vegetables.
Photo courtesy of Tan Swee Jee
Picture posted by Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm on 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am


In mid-March, Malaysia imposed a movement control order which raised concerns that food supplies from the country, including vegetables, eggs and fruit, might be affected. Authorities came out swiftly to say that food and essentials from Malaysia will continue to flow during the lockdown.

But Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing has warned that Singapore would have to be ready for disruptions to its supply of food and other essentials as lockdowns in various countries have diminished global production capacities and disrupted global supply chains. About 90 per cent of Singapore’s food currently comes from overseas.

As the pandemic spread around the world and worsened here, Singapore announced on Apr 3 that most work places and schools would close in a circuit breaker period that started from Apr 7, and that people were to leave their homes only for essential activities such as buying food and groceries.


Vegetable plots at Farm 85 in Lim Chu Kang.
PHOTO: Vegetable plots at Farm 85 in Lim Chu Kang.
Photo: Zach Tan
Picture posted by Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm on 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am


Farm 85 Trading, a vegetable farm which also sells seedlings and farm supplies, said that its sales went up by five times right after the circuit breaker was announced, with customers buying a range of items from soil and seedlings to compost.

Most of the customers we have seen are people who were new to farming or gardening ...  Almost all customers were determined to try and grow edibles in their own homes,” said Mr Zach Tan, the farm’s manager.

Demand for farming supplies has gone up at Farm 85 Trading amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
PHOTO: Demand for farming supplies has gone up at Farm 85 Trading amid the COVID-19 outbreak.
Photo: Zach Tan
Picture posted by Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm on 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am


Mr Kevin Tan, director of Ban Lee Huat Seed said they saw a 50 per cent increase in sales of seeds since the start of the outbreak, along with more interest in Asian leafy greens like bak choy and kang kong.

Urban farming social enterprise Edible Garden City has seen an uptick of interest in home gardening, a spokesperson said. Enquiries for their edible landscaping service increased by 40 per cent, but they could not follow up with these requests after circuit breaker measures kicked in.

Many of those who enquired about garden builds cited COVID-19 as just one amongst a host of reasons why they wanted to have a home garden … Many also added that they now see that food security is an important issue in Singapore,” said the spokesperson.

Two centres that run organic farming courses, Gardens with Purpose and The Living Centre, also said that demand for their courses are at a high.

Ms Joanne Ng, founder of Gardens with Purpose, said that she was slated to have a large class just before the circuit breaker but she had to suspend it as measures restricting gatherings were tightened.

She is now considering selling the vegetables she grows on her 2,000 sq ft farm as she has been getting more queries from consumers.

Microgreens that can be grown at home.
PHOTO: Microgreens that can be grown at home.
Photo: National Parks Board
Picture posted by Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm on 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am


The National Parks Board’s (NParks) said that as the interest in gardening increases, more people are growing their own microgreens, herbs and other edibles at home.

Given the amount of time we are spending at home, it is a good opportunity for more people to learn to garden at home,” said Mr Ng Cheow Kheng, group director for Horticulture & Community Gardening at the agency.


Mr Jack Yam holding a pot of kailan at his corridor farm.
PHOTO: Mr Jack Yam holding a pot of kailan at his corridor farm.
Photo: Jayna Yam
Picture posted by Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm on 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am


Rock climbing instructor and gardening enthusiast Jack Yam told CNA that substantially more people have been asking to join the Facebook interest group he runs – Urban Farmers (Singapore).

Some have also been posting questions on how to start their own home gardens or farms, which prompted him to post tutorials on the Facebook page for their reference.

There were quite a number of posts in the group, new members actually saying that hey, I'm totally new. I have no idea of how to start. What are the things that are needed?” he said.

One of them was engineer Ong Chee Lam, who said that he has an interest in growing edibles but has yet to start a proper farm at home. He has begun experimenting with bean sprouts and some herbs.

The reason why I wanted to start was because of how the COVID-19 situation unfolds, it made us realise that the food security is a real issue so went to read up and see how we can do something in urban Singapore,” he said.

Bean sprouts grown by Mr Ong Chee Lam.
PHOTO: Bean sprouts grown by Mr Ong Chee Lam.
Photo: Ong Chee Lam
Picture posted by Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm on 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am


His first haul was 400g of bean sprouts which added some crunch to his mee rebus, and he will continue, he said.

I suspect the new normal will not be the same ... (I) will definitely continue to research and take action to keep this as a sustainable hobby,” he added.

Meanwhile, some experienced growers CNA spoke to are growing more edibles rather than ornamental plants.

Ms Mandisa Jacquelin Toh said that her family was working towards self-sufficiency when it comes to vegetables and fruit.

It's truly a right direction when we are hit by COVID-19 and the circuit breaker period … we don't have to risk ourselves going to wet market and supermarket unnecessarily,” she said.

The IT professional, who is in her 40s, said she has set up a rotating system which allows her to harvest some produce every day from her rooftop garden, which she said is a third the size of a football field.

A basket of vegetables harvested from Ms Mandisa Jacquelin Toh's rooftop farm.
PHOTO: A basket of vegetables harvested from Ms Mandisa Jacquelin Toh's rooftop farm.
Photo: Facebook/Mandisa Jacquelin Toh
Picture posted by Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm on 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am


The list of edible plants she grows rivals a supermarket’s selection, including long beans, figs, mulberries, herbs, corn, tomatoes, chilli, lime, okra and bittergourd. She even has muskmelons, watermelons, guava, custard apples, starfruit, kedongdong, mangoes and cempedek.

We regretted not starting even earlier when COVID-19 started,” said the long-time gardener, who started seriously growing edibles about 10 months ago.

Mr Yam, who grows his plants along the corridor and common spaces outside his Housing Board flat, also made the switch months earlier and said he was glad he did. Now, vegetables including xiao bai cai, kalian and kale make up 80 per cent of his urban garden.

Because of my space constraints, it’s not fully sustainable, but at least it supplements the food that we are eating,” he said. “Seeing the sudden surge in interest, I'm actually quite excited and happy about it.

But he found that many people who wanted to start their home gardens or farms were “caught off-guard” and once the circuit breaker started, it was hard for them to get supplies. This was why he also put up a tutorial on growing bean sprouts, and he has seen quite a few people posting their attempts online.

Green beans are easy to get hold off, and then within three to four days you can get the harvest. As a parent, you could occupy your kids with this particular activity, yet at the same time grow something that your family can eat,” he said.

NParks has also put up a series of tutorials on home gardening on social media, including DIY gardening videos, information on plants that can be easily grown at home and simple recipes for produce from home gardens.

Some simple plants to start with are microgreens, Brazilian spinach, Indian borage and herbs like mints and basils, Mr Ng suggested.

Posted by NParks on 26 April 2020 - DIY Gardening & Crafts

Beyond sustenance, the home farmers said that caring for their plants has been good exercise and a source of joy in an anxious time for many.

Halfway house The Helping Hand happened to start their urban farm this month, and tending to the vegetables has replaced some of the carpentry and furniture delivery activities residents did before the circuit breaker period.

An underused grass patch at the home now has 20 raised vegetable beds that is providing both food and therapy of sorts.

It teaches our residents some very important skills and values, which helps us in some ways as emotional regulator. It teaches them patience, and also introduces the green concept,” CEO Mervyn Lim told CNA.

For now, the vegetables will be cooked and consumed by the residents but they will look into turning the farm into a social enterprise, and may even open a café, he added.

Resident Toh Chiang Hee, who is in his early 60s, told CNA that seeing the plants grow has given him a lot of joy.

I talk to the seedlings and tell them to grow bigger and taller,” he said in Mandarin.

Vegetable beds at halfway house The Helping Hand's urban farm.
PHOTO: Vegetable beds at halfway house The Helping Hand's urban farm.
Photo: The Helping Hand
Picture posted by Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm on 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am


These shoots of growing interest come as Singapore aims to produce 30 per cent of its food supply locally by 2030. A new S$30 million grant was announced in April for the agri-food industry to help commercial farms speed up the production of commonly consumed food like eggs, vegetables and fish.

And the spurt of enthusiasm for home farming springs from a gradual burgeoning of interest in recent years, said both Ms Ng of Gardens with Purpose and Ms Faith Foo from The Living Centre.

We have been advocating for urban farming through a wide range of urban farming courses since the establishment of our centre the last five years, and thus have also seen a progressive trend of people interested in urban farming,” said Ms Foo, who has moved all their courses online for the circuit breaker period.

The spurt of enthusiasm for home farming springs from a gradual burgeoning of interest in recent years.
PHOTO: The spurt of enthusiasm for home farming springs from a gradual burgeoning of interest in recent years. Beyond sustenance, the home farmers said that caring for their plants has been good exercise and a source of joy in an anxious time for many.
Picture posted by Dmytro Buianskyi,
Shutterstock - Concept of rural sweet cherry harvesting in garden on nature


Ms Ng said that she has noticed more young people and families sign up for her organic farming courses before the COVID-19 outbreak and hopes that schools can be next. Before this, many Singaporeans still felt that it was easier to import vegetables from other countries, and the toil for “a few vegetables” was not worth it, she added.

Toxic chemicals are everywhere, be it food or the environment, so I started to prepare this 10 years ago … now the time is right, Singaporeans didn’t expect the food supply chain can be disrupted,” she said. “I didn’t see COVID-19 coming but I knew there would be a demand for clean food.

These shoots of growing interest come as Singapore aims to produce 30 per cent of its food supply locally by 2030.
PHOTO: These shoots of growing interest come as Singapore aims to produce 30 per cent of its food supply locally by 2030. A new S$30 million grant was announced in April for the agri-food industry to help commercial farms speed up the production of commonly consumed food like eggs, vegetables and fish
Picture posted by Dmytro Buianskyi, Shutterstock - Concept of rural sweet cherry harvesting in garden on nature



Despite research and scientific breakthroughs, and despite innovations in technology, farming remains largely an act of faith.
PHOTO: Despite research and scientific breakthroughs, and despite innovations in technology, farming remains largely an act of faith. You plant a seed and you harvest a crop. You care for your livestock and they provide you with offspring. So much of what happens in between is out of your control. Here are some verses that speak to a farmer’s faith.

"May God give you heaven’s dew and earth’s richness — an abundance of grain and new wine." (Genesis 27:28).

"The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none." (Deuteronomy 28:12).

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" (Jeremiah 29:11).
Picture posted by Dmytro Buianskyi,
Depositphotos - Concept of rural sweet cherry harvesting in garden on nature


By Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm, 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am
Download our app or subscribe to our Telegram channel for the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak: https://cna.asia/telegram

[1] Chew Hui Min, CNA/hm, Interest in urban farming sprouts amid COVID-19 outbreak, posted on 10 May 2020 at 06:12 am, https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/singapore-urban-farming-sprouts-amid-covid-19-outbreak-12700424

[2] Lisa Foust Prater, 26 Bible Verses for Farmers, Farming is fueled by science, but it is rooted in faith, posted on 20 November 2019, https://www.agriculture.com/family/26-bible-verses-for-farmers


New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.