By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: Reflect on the different motives for obeying Christ - fear, trust, joy, and love.
In addition to having the correct motives, we also need to grow the desire to do God's will.
Most of us begin obeying God out of fear (Deuteronomy 10:12). We fear what God would do to us if we disobey, just like we obey figures in authority because we fear punishment. In other words, we obey because we want to avoid pain.
As we learn to obey God, however, we start to realise that He can be trusted - that He will not punish us unnecessarily. We start to see that He always keeps His promises, and that He will reward us with a sense of peace when we obey Him - He shows us when we are on the right track. This growing trust in God, His character, and His ways - rather than fear - then becomes the primary motive for doing His will (Psalm 9:10; 22:4-5).
Next, we discover that when we obey God, we feel a deep joy and sense of satisfaction; we find ourselves obeying God because it is such a joyful thing to do (Psalm 5:11; 19:8).
This joy will grow into love for Him, which ultimately becomes our primary motive for doing God's will (1 John 5:3; 2 John 1:6). This goes to the heart of our relationship with God. By this point, we will do God's will even if it brings pain or fails to bring pleasure, simply because we love Him. Our love for Him keeps us on the straight and narrow road, in the valley of the shadow of death, and on the way of the cross as we follow the One who said to the Father, "Not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42).
When we love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind (Luke 10:27), we will come to cherish Jesus like a hidden treasure or a pearl of great value - something that we are willing to give up everything for (Matthew 13:44-46). And as we learn to value Jesus, our obedience to God will grow ever more complete.
What is your motive at this point?
My desire to do God's will is partly due to fear what God would do to me if I disobey, especially when Jesus might say "I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" (Matthew 7:21-23). I am worried of going to the burning hell. Instead I want to have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with God. I believe we all need His protection, correction, guidance, care, provision and love.
Despite the fear, I am in the opinion that God has protected and provided what we need, especially every morning when we went for our predawn walk along the Park Connector Networks (PCN). The weather are mostly fine and the trees are not falling. We are still safe from wild dogs, snakes, monitor lizards and security mishaps. We are still safe despite the blinding, blinking flash lights of racing e-scooters and bicycles. We have started to realise that He can be trusted; to keep us safe and providing our needs.
He even provide many uncles to converse, share their experiences, and walk with us. This is something which we never realise can occur before, when we were in the employment workforce. We had thought that being isolated would be the foregone conclusion.
I have experienced joy and sense of satisfaction when my partially defective table clock suddenly started to function normally again. I have given up hope of it being able to display its original movements again. That clock was with me for the past 28 years and is still working accurately. It has better health than mine own.
However, my poor health is now in stable state although with room for improvements. I am given the opportunity to exercise and practice healthy living lifestyle. Although my eyesight is failing I can still see and my lifestyle is not seriously affected. My financial status is the same but I do have better peace of mind because God is providing all along. I still experience irregular heartbeats which make me feel tired easily. But after some morning walking it can go away temporary.
I have challenges in my health, finance and relationship, but I also experience joy, peace and satisfaction whenever I managed to complete a reflection blog, among other success.
I am growing in my trust in God, His character, and His ways - rather than fear - as the primary motive for doing His will.
I believe, with God's help, there will come a day when my accumulated joys and happiness grow into total love for Him, which ultimately becomes my primary motive for doing God's will.
Which areas in your life do you find it easier to obey God, and where is it hardest?
Areas in my life that I find easier to obey God
Let go earthly achievements, especially stop pursuing a successful employment position
Stay single instead of being married and having babies
Going to God for help
Areas in my life that I find hardest to obey God
Attend church and contribute tithes.
Be merciful to others just as God is merciful to me [2]
Livelihood without regular salaried income
Accept harsh rejection in relationship although I have rejected others too
Flee from the harmful attractions of the world especially through the Internet
Picture posted by
Reflect on the different motives for obeying Christ - fear, trust, joy, and love. What is your motive at this point? Which areas in your life do you find it easier to obey God, and where is it hardest?
Reflect on the different motives for obeying Christ - fear, trust, joy, and love.
We need to Nurture the Desire [1]
In addition to having the correct motives, we also need to grow the desire to do God's will. This desire to be obedient to God is not a static experience; philosopher and writer Dallas Willard observes in Renovation of the Heart that doing God's will is a process, and can grow in depth and quality. We learn to surrender our will to God's, then to abandon every part of our lives to God, whereupon we will discover contentment with God's will, and finally we will actively participate in God's will. [23] This is essentially a process of discovering ever deeper motives for obeying God.
PHOTO: In addition to having the correct motives, we also need to grow the desire to do God's will. This desire to be obedient to God is not a static experience; philosopher and writer Dallas Willard observes in Renovation of the Heart that doing God's will is a process, and can grow in depth and quality.
Picture posted by Robert Fomer on 01 December 2017 - Character of Christ by Dallas Willard
Most of us begin obeying God out of fear (Deuteronomy 10:12). We fear what God would do to us if we disobey, just like we obey figures in authority because we fear punishment. In other words, we obey because we want to avoid pain. As we learn to obey God, however, we start to realise that He can be trusted - that He will not punish us unnecessarily. We start to see that He always keeps His promises, and that He will reward us with a sense of peace when we obey Him - He shows us when we are on the right track. As 17th-century writer Francois Fenelon once observed, "Peace of heart lies in perfect acceptance of God's will." [24] This growing trust in God, His character, and His ways - rather than fear - then becomes the primary motive for doing His will (Psalm 9:10; 22:4-5).
PHOTO: Most of us begin obeying God out of fear (Deuteronomy 10:12). We fear what God would do to us if we disobey. We obey because we want to avoid pain. As we learn to obey God, we start to realise that He can be trusted. We start to see that He always keeps His promises, and that He will reward us with a sense of peace when we obey Him. This growing trust in God, His character, and His ways - rather than fear - then becomes the primary motive for doing His will (Psalm 9:10; 22:4-5).
Picture posted by Healing With Dawn~ Wasaga Beach/Collingwood Reiki, Reflexology and Myomassage-
Next, we discover that when we obey God, we feel a deep joy and sense of satisfaction; we find ourselves obeying God because it is such a joyful thing to do (Psalm 5:11; 19:8). This joy will grow into love for Him, which ultimately becomes our primary motive for doing God's will (1 John 5:3; 2 John 1:6). This goes to the heart of our relationship with God. By this point, we will do God's will even if it brings pain or fails to bring pleasure, simply because we love Him. Our love for Him keeps us on the straight and narrow road, in the valley of the shadow of death, and on the way of the cross as we follow the One who said to the Father, "Not my will, but yours be done" (Luke 22:42).
PHOTO: We discover that when we obey God, we feel a deep joy and sense of satisfaction; we find ourselves obeying God because it is such a joyful thing to do (Psalm 5:11; 19:8). This joy will grow into love for Him, which ultimately becomes our primary motive for doing God's will (1 John 5:3; 2 John 1:6).
Picture posted by Zycion on 04 May 2018
In Meditations of a Hermit, Christian martyr and writer Charles de Foucauld writes of what it means to love Jesus deeply: "The hour in our life in which we are best employed is the hour in which we best love Jesus. I must remember only Jesus, think only of Jesus, estimating as a gain any loss the price of which I have more room in myself or thought and knowledge of Jesus, beside whom everything else is nothing. I must reserve all my strength for Jesus." [25]
When we love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind (Luke 10:27), we will come to cherish Jesus like a hidden treasure or a pearl of great value - something that we are willing to give up everything for (Matthew 13:44-46). And as we learn to value Jesus, our obedience to God will grow ever more complete.
PHOTO: When we love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind (Luke 10:27), we will come to cherish Jesus like a hidden treasure or a pearl of great value - something that we are willing to give up everything for (Matthew 13:44-46).
Picture posted by Andrea Kappler on 22. Dezember 2017
What is your motive at this point?
My desire to do God's will is partly due to fear what God would do to me if I disobey, especially when Jesus might say "I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" (Matthew 7:21-23). I am worried of going to the burning hell. Instead I want to have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with God. I believe we all need His protection, correction, guidance, care, provision and love.
PHOTO: My desire to do God's will is partly due to fear what God would do to me if I disobey, especially when Jesus might say "I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" (Matthew 7:21-23).
Picture posted by Jesus is the Lord of this Website
Despite the fear, I am in the opinion that God has protected and provided what we need, especially every morning when we went for our predawn walk along the Park Connector Networks (PCN). The weather are mostly fine and the trees are not falling. We are still safe from wild dogs, snakes, monitor lizards and security mishaps. We are still safe despite the blinding, blinking flash lights of racing e-scooters and bicycles. We have started to realise that He can be trusted; to keep us safe and providing our needs.
He even provide many uncles to converse, share their experiences, and walk with us. This is something which we never realise can occur before, when we were in the employment workforce. We had thought that being isolated would be the foregone conclusion.
PHOTO: I am in the opinion that God has protected and provided what we need, especially every morning when we went for our predawn walk along the Park Connector Networks (PCN). The weather are mostly fine and the trees are not falling. We are still safe from wild dogs, snakes, monitor lizards and security mishaps. We are still safe despite the blinding, blinking flash lights of racing e-scooters and bicycles. We have started to realise that He can be trusted; to keep us safe and providing our needs.
Artwork by KuKuBesi, Photography / People & Portraits / Emotive Portraits, ©2008-2018 KuKuBesi (DeviantArt) - S e r e t (06 September 2006)
PHOTO: We are still safe from security mishaps caused by the living beings. God even provide many uncles to converse, share their experiences, and walk with us. This is something which we never realise can occur before, when we were in the employment workforce. We had thought that being isolated would be the foregone conclusion.
Artwork by KuKuBesi, Photography / People & Portraits / Emotive Portraits, ©2008-2018 KuKuBesi (DeviantArt) - Towards nerakha (08 September 2006)

PHOTO: I believe we all need God's protection, correction, guidance, care, provision and love, and especially against man-made security mishaps.
Picture by mohd aiman taken on 09 May 2009, Flickr - Subversion manipulation (DeviantArt)
I have experienced joy and sense of satisfaction when my partially defective table clock suddenly started to function normally again. I have given up hope of it being able to display its original movements again. That clock was with me for the past 28 years and is still working accurately. It has better health than mine own.
However, my poor health is now in stable state although with room for improvements. I am given the opportunity to exercise and practice healthy living lifestyle. Although my eyesight is failing I can still see and my lifestyle is not seriously affected. My financial status is the same but I do have better peace of mind because God is providing all along. I still experience irregular heartbeats which make me feel tired easily. But after some morning walking it can go away temporary.
I have challenges in my health, finance and relationship, but I also experience joy, peace and satisfaction whenever I managed to complete a reflection blog, among other success.
PHOTO: I have experienced joy and sense of satisfaction when my partially defective table clock suddenly started to function normally again. I have given up hope of it being able to display its original movements again. That clock was with me for the past 28 years and is still working accurately.
I have challenges in my health, finance and relationship, but I also experience joy, peace and satisfaction whenever I managed to complete a reflection blog, among other success.
Picture posted by
I am growing in my trust in God, His character, and His ways - rather than fear - as the primary motive for doing His will.
I believe, with God's help, there will come a day when my accumulated joys and happiness grow into total love for Him, which ultimately becomes my primary motive for doing God's will.
PHOTO: I believe, with God's help, there will come a day when my accumulated joys and happiness grow into total love for Him, which ultimately becomes my primary motive for doing God's will.
Picture posted by Katherine Grenald @kathyg9129
Which areas in your life do you find it easier to obey God, and where is it hardest?
Areas in my life that I find easier to obey God
Study God's Word
Let go earthly achievements, especially stop pursuing a successful employment position
Stay single instead of being married and having babies
Going to God for help
Areas in my life that I find hardest to obey God
Attend church and contribute tithes.
Be merciful to others just as God is merciful to me [2]
Livelihood without regular salaried income
Accept harsh rejection in relationship although I have rejected others too
Flee from on the harmful attractions of the world especially through the Internet
PHOTO: I find easier to obey God to study His Word, let go earthly achievements, stay single and going to Him for help than attending church, contribute tithes, merciful to others, living without salaried income, accept harsh rejection and not indulge in harmful attractions of the world.
Artworks by Tomasz Alen Kopera, Gif by George Redhawk
Picture posted by Science of Being on 06 June 2016
Thank you for your mercy. Please help us to show mercy to others too. We realise that we are all sinners in the same boat and need to rely on you for mercy because of our own guilt. We need your loving kindness and tender mercies to blot out our transgressions. We ask for your help to be more like you by displaying mercy to others. Also Jesus our merciful Savior has stated that if we want to be shown mercy, then we too should show mercy to others.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by eli2017 (25) on 17 January 2018
Reflection - Doing His Will - Motives for obeying Christ
Question from Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Six, Question 2, Page 104.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
[2] Steve Ham, When Is Obedience Most Difficult?, posted on 23 May 2011,
[23] Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ (Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 2002), 116-118.
[24] Robert J. Edmonson and Hal M. Helms, trans. and ed., The Complete Fenelon (Brewster, MA: Paraclete press, 2008), 60.
[25] Charles de Foucauld, Meditations of a Hermit, cited in Reuben P. Job and Noman Shawchuck, A Guide to Prayer (Nashville: The Upper Room, 1983), 268.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Deuteronomy 10:12 -
Luke 10:27 -
Luke 22:42 -
Matthew 7:21-23 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Matthew 13:44-46 -
Psalm 5:11; 19:8 -
Psalm 9:10; 22:4-5 -