Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Six, Question 3, Page 104.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: We need to Avoid Taking Up the Wrong Yoke
The result of taking up Christ's yoke
Discover true freedom, restfulness, and peace
Jesus' yoke spells freedom
People with the Yoke of Self
Trust themselves more than anyone else, including God
Driven by whatever they want, by their ambition, and by their goal of self-glorification
Seek praise and admiration, covet material prosperity, and hunger for power
Some end up restless, joyless, and never find true peace
The yoke of self leads to pride and greed
People with the Yoke of Others
Desire to please others at all costs, because they want to be recognised, affirmed, and praised
Live out the agendas of others, never quite establishing their own identity or life
May feel frustrated inside, but their need to please others gets the better of them
The result of being yoked to our own desires or those of others
Find ourselves in "the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will" (2 Timothy 2:26). It will never bring true freedom, inner peace and rest.
All others' yokes involve bondage
Can damage our souls by leading us away from doing God's will
Can lead to restlessness or oppression
Our obedience to the will of God is measured not only by our actions but also by our inner motives. Doing God's will means submitting to the yoke of Christ and obeying Him in every way, both in act and attitude. This determine how we live and how we will be judged.
Assess your Christian Service. How much of it is the result of taking up Christ's yoke and how much comes from being yoked to your own desires or those of others?
Assessment of my Christian Service
I have been receiving from "Our Daily Bread" Ministry resources to develop ourselves spiritually and allowing our hearts to be changed by 'inviting the King of kings to His rightful place in our life'. This ministry serve Christ by reaching out to our hearts, home, community, locally and abroad. Their mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible, understandable and accessible to all.
I have been helped, and enjoy their Christian services continuously. I managed to assist with insignificant amount of contributions through small donations. They then sent me further Biblical supplements in return, upon my request sent together with the small donations. It is my desire that they will be able to make Christian literature according to the Bible more available to the whole world. This will assist in the spread of the Gospel of Christ through the long arms of our Lord.
I believe this is the result of taking up Christ's yoke although part of this Christian Service is the result of my own desires to receive further Christian resources.
What are the implications?
It would mean that this form of Christian Service arises from the motives of my heart to obtain something (Bible related literature) in return. My obedience to do the will of God is measured not only by my actions but also by my inner motives. I would argue that one of my inner motive is to do the will of God, which is to increase believing in Jesus, and to build a better relationship with Him through understanding His Words. The Bible related literature from "Our Daily Bread" Ministry is meant for this purpose.
The small little contributions may be utilised more effectively by "Our Daily Bread" Ministry to further their Christian Services. I believe this a good motive and together with the obedience to do the will of God, I will continue to do this Christian Service.
Buying tissue papers from people who are in wheelchairs because of their disability, illness or injury could be doing the will of God. Although we got back something which we can use, it is a small way of assisting those who are in need, and have problems with their livelihood, to earn a living. I don't consider this action as the result of putting on the yoke of others even though the persons are being helped and their burden lessened.
Developing and posting Christian reflection on the Internet may arise from the joy and satisfaction when a blog is successfully completed. The inner motive of this action is to share the Word of God which overtime would led more people believing in Jesus, and wishing to have a better relationship with Him. I believe posting Christian reflection on the Internet is the result of taking up Christ's yoke to do Christian Services.
So long as we continue to submit to the yoke of Christ and obeying Him in every way, both in act and attitude, we will be doing the will of God. With His help and blessing, finally all will be well.
Picture posted by Jeff Larson, The Back Pew - this christian cartoon shows the apostle paul too busy sharing te gospel to realize his years of hardship
Assess your Christian Service. How much of it is the result of taking up Christ's yoke and how much comes from being yoked to your own desires or those of others? What are the implications?
We need to Avoid Taking Up the Wrong Yoke [1]
When we submit ourselves to the authority of Christ, take up His yoke, and learn to do God's will, we will discover true freedom, restfulness, and peace. But first, we need to make sure that we are learning to take up Christ's yoke - and not anyone else's. We can be yoked to all kinds of things. People who are yoked to anything other than the yoke of Christ will find themselves in "the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will" (2 Timothy 2:26). They may think they are free away from God and His holiness, but they are only deceiving themselves: sin is not freedom, and will never bring true inner peace and rest. Though Jesus' yoke spells freedom and all others involve bondage, Satan has blinded then into thinking otherwise.

PHOTO: We need to Avoid Taking Up the Wrong Yoke
When we submit ourselves to the authority of Christ, take up His yoke, and learn to do God's will, we will discover true freedom, restfulness, and peace. People who are yoked to anything other than the yoke of Christ will find themselves in "the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will" (2 Timothy 2:26).
Picture posted by McKenna Vick on 28 June 2018 - A Slave To Sin
The Yoke of Self [1]
Many people prefer the yoke of self - to do their own will. They want to be in control of their lives because they trust themselves more than anyone else, including God. They are driven by the exhilaration of doing whatever they want, by their ambition, and by their goal of self-glorification. They seek praise and admiration, covet material prosperity, and hunger for power. And they are unwilling to serve anyone other than themselves, Some end up restless and joyless - they run from one source of entertainment to another, but never find true peace.

PHOTO: The Yoke of Self
Many people prefer the yoke of self - to do their own will. They are driven by the exhilaration of doing whatever they want, by their ambition, and by their goal of self-glorification. They seek praise and admiration, covet material prosperity, and hunger for power. Some end up restless and joyless - they run from one source of entertainment to another, but never find true peace.
Picture posted by 凤凰科技 小孟 12 May 2018 at 05:33
What a tragic path this is! First. no one has full control over their own lives. We cannot even be sure of what will happen a minute from now, so how can we be nasters of our destiny? Second, the yoke of self leads to pride and greed.
As we seek to follow Christ, we need to beware subconsciously slipping on the yoke of self instead. Self-deception is an ever-present danger - we need to examine ourselves in the presence of God regularly, and have others hold us accountable. It is possible to do God's work with great energy and zeal, but without proper submission to Christ. We need to learn to pray like theologian Francois Fenelon: "I Iove your will better than my bliss." [26]

PHOTO: The Yoke of Others
Many people also take up the yoke that others have placed on them - they desire to please others at all costs, because they want to be recognised, affirmed, and praised. They may feel frustrated inside, but their need to please others gets the better of them.
Picture posted by better nigeria now
In Christian service and ministry, it is possible for people to find themselves taking up the yoke of others rather than that of Christ. After Jesus had ascended to heaven, Peter and John were warned by the insecure and ungodly religious leaders not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. The brave apostles, however, refused to obey them or accept their yoke of oppression. Instead, they said, "Which is right in God's eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges!" (Acts 4:19). Later, they repeated, "We must obey God rather than human beings!" (Acts 5:29). The apostles refused to bear any yoke that would make them disobedient to God; the only acceptable yoke was that of Christ.

PHOTO: I have been receiving from "Our Daily Bread" Ministry resources to develop ourselves spiritually and allowing our hearts to be changed by 'inviting the King of kings to His rightful place in our life'. This ministry serve Christ by reaching out to our hearts, home, community, locally and abroad. Their mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible, understandable and accessible to all.
Picture posted by Our Daily Bread Ministries
Their pattern on work [2] involves helping people of all nations know who Jesus is and experience a personal relationship with Him. They want to help everyone grow in their faith, become more like Christ, and share the truth of God’s Word with others. It is their vision to see people of all nations experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in a local body of His family.
I have been helped, and enjoy their Christian services continuously. I managed to assist with insignificant amount of contributions through small donations. They then sent me further Biblical supplements in return, upon my request sent together with the small donations. It is my desire that they will be able to make Christian literature according to the Bible more available to the whole world. This will assist in the spread of the Gospel of Christ through the long arms of our Lord.

PHOTO: There are works which may not be authentic Christian Service because they do not directly involve the yoke of Christ. However the concepts are similar. Putting on the yoke of self, because we were pursuing something which we have some interest in, like using computer applications. Have the yoke of others on us because those creation of deliverables were not meant for God. It was for the benefit of the Company which the goals were supposed to be achieved. So long as we commit to the Lord whatever we do, He will establish our plans.
Picture posted by - Proverbs 16:3
In Romans 12:6-8 it stated that "Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness." [3] This means that if we have the ability to contribute, let us contribute. It could help in the progress of some goals to improve some operations. But we have to keep in mind that the successful outcome is meant for the glory of God, more than for our benefits.

PHOTO: In Romans 12:6-8 it stated that "Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness."
But we have to keep in mind that the successful outcome is meant for the glory of God, more than for our benefits.
Picture posted in Pinterest
So long as we continue to submit to the yoke of Christ and obeying Him in every way, both in act and attitude, we will be doing the will of God. With His help and blessing, finally all will be well.

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to realise that our obedience to your will is measured not only by our actions but also by our inner motives. Doing your will means submitting to the yoke of Christ and obeying Him in every way, both in act and attitude. Help us to live correctly, and have actions that are according to your will. We want to have the correct motives and attitudes whenever we perform Services, especially Christian Services.
We need your help to prevent us from putting on the yoke of self and others because they can lead us away from doing your will, and damage our souls. We do not want to fall into the trap of the devil and being in bondage to do his will.
We have gift that differ, according to the grace given to us. Please help us use them with the correct attitude, that is, with the complete obedience to do your will.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Jake Olson
Reflection - Doing His Will - Christian Service
Question from Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Six, Question 3, Page 104.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
[1] From "Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, Copyright © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-709-5, Part II: Christ's Yoke, Chapter Six "Christ's Yoke: Doing His Will", Page 101-104.
[2] Henry T. Sell, Bible Hub (Studies in the Life of the Christian), The Christian Service,
[3] Crossway Bibles, 100 Bible Verses about Christian Service,
[26] Edmonson and Helms, The Complete Fenelon, 288.
[27] Eberhand Arnold, in John Christoph Arnold, Seeking Peace, 2nd ed. (New York: Plough Publishing House, 2014),
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.