By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: The history of civilisation is in large part a story of sinful exploitation; even today, millions of people are reportedly still forced to work like slaves. In factories and on farms, workers are being paid very little to work long hours in very poor conditions. Why is work so exhausting and unfulfilling? Why is it such a burden?
To answer this question, we have to go back to the garden of Eden. Adam was given the task of tending to the garden (Genesis 2:15) and it was meant to be a joyful one. However, when Adam and Eve sinned against God and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, this job degenerated into tedium. Sin, and our alienation from God, has turned work into a curse. Our sinfulness and alienation from one another has given rise to abuse, manipulation, slavery, and exploitation.
While we will continue to face challenges in any kind of work we do - whether office work, housework, volunteering, child-rearing, or Christian ministry - Jesus will help us. He will give us the strength to deal with disappointments, the discernment to avoid needless busyness, and the faith to cope with our doubts and disturbances.
Dealing with Disappointment
Jesus performed many miracles and spent considerable time teaching in Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum. Yet their people did not repent. If we were in His shoes, we would probably have experienced much frustration and disappointment after having spent 3½ years in tireless ministry, only to see people reject the presence and grace of God. We would probably have given up and become bitter, worn out, and depressed.
Jesus, however, did something we would least expect under such circumstances: He praised the Father. Energised more by His abiding relationship with the Father than the outward success of His ministry, He found strength and purpose in His Father's plans (Matthew 11:27).
Even when things don't work out the way we expect, we can rest in the knowledge that if we are working with Christ, we can trust the results of our labour to Him.
Dealing with Dissipation
We may also grow weary when we see our work or ministry dissipating in front of our eyes - when things we have established come crumbling down after what appeared to be initial success. It feels like all our efforts were wasted. Maybe people did not respond despite our efforts, or someone who came after us dismantled everything we built. Sometimes - often, perhaps - this results from our foolishness. We have done everything but what God actually wanted us to do, or tried to please everyone except God himself.
Jesus was also able to find deep restfulness amid apparent disappointment in His ministry because He knew He was not working alone. He could take comfort that He was doing His Father's will, doing just what His Father asked Him to do, and that He was working with the Heavenly Father.
Jesus now invites us to discover what it is like to work with Him and to do what He wants us to do. When we work with Christ, we can be sure of the outcome no matter how tough things get.
Discerning Needless Busyness
God never drives to exhaustion those doing His work. If we feel exceptionally weary or burdened by ministry work, it may be because we are driven by our own need to succeed, to achieve something, to feel significant, to be appreciated, or to prove ourselves.
We may also be doing the bidding of others without prayerfully reflecting on whether their agenda is truly from heaven. We often get stuck with unnecessary work because we dare not offend anyone and seek to please everyone. As a result, we become very busy, wearing our busyness as a batch of honour.
Thoughtless busyness can result in unfaithfulness. The busy person, instead of examining his schedules and responsibilities, takes the easy way out and tries to do as many things a possible, trying to satisfy himself and others. This amounts to unfaithfulness to God because the person ends up doing everything except the things God has given him to do.
Jesus focused on what the Father had sent Him to do, and had a profound sense of working alongside His Father. His pace was determined by faithfulness to the Father, and not by personal ambition or social pressure. When we follow Jesus, He will give us the wisdom and discernment to act like Him. When we accept His invitation, we will be able to take our bearings and draw strength from the one who gives us rest.
Picture posted by Zeltmacher - Banishment after the Fall
Reflect on your experience with disappointment and setbacks you may have faced in your ministry. Are you still struggling with any of them today? How can you submit them to Jesus?
Many people today would, upon achieving financial security, opt to retire early rather than continue until the usual retirement age. For them, work is merely a means to an end; they do not find any joy in it. Indeed, for many people, working - especially for someone else - is quite a chore.
PHOTO: Many people today would, upon achieving financial security, opt to retire early rather than continue until the usual retirement age. Work is merely a means to an end; they do not find any joy in it. Especially when working for someone else.
Picture posted by*e5YN4PIA*7OeYwlpdp7E/
This view is often the product of the modern workplace, be it factory, office, or farm. Many employees are overwhelmed by their work, feeling that they are being made to do the jobs of two or three persons. Many employers seem to be focused solely on maximising profits, caring little for the welfare of their workers. In the process, they squeeze the life and energy out of their employees. Indeed the history of civilisation is in large part a story of sinful exploitation; even today, millions of people are reportedly still forced to work like slaves. In factories and on farms, workers are being paid very little to work long hours in very poor conditions.
PHOTO: Many employers seem to be focused solely on maximising profits, caring little for the welfare of their workers. In the process, they squeeze the life and energy out of their employees. millions of people are reportedly still forced to work like slaves.
Picture posted by alamy - Cruelty of the Spanish encomienda system on a sugar plantation on Santo Domingo
Why is work so exhausting and unfulfilling? Why is it such a burden?
To answer this question, we have to go back to the garden of Eden. Adam was given the task of tending to the garden (Genesis 2:15) and it was meant to be a joyful one. However, when Adam and Eve sinned against God and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, this job degenerated into tedium. God told him, "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground" (Genesis 3:17-19).
PHOTO: When Adam and Eve sinned against God and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, this job degenerated into tedium. God told him, "Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground" (Genesis 3:17-19).
Painting by Scott Siedman - The Triumph of Eve
Picture posted by Nik on 06 August 2016 - Autobiography of Eve
Sin, and our alienation from God, has turned work into a curse. Our sinfulness and alienation from one another has given rise to abuse, manipulation, slavery, and exploitation. It is thus no surprise that so many feel weary and heavily burdened. It is to such people that Jesus extends His kind invitation, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28) - the Greek word for "weary" speaks of exhaustion.
PHOTO: Sin, and our alienation from God, has turned work into a curse. Our sinfulness and alienation from one another has given rise to abuse, manipulation, slavery, and exploitation. It is thus no surprise that so many feel weary and heavily burdened.
Painting by John Faed (1819-1902) - Expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden (ca. 1880)
Picture posted by on Friday, 22 March 2013
The Jews of Jesus' time lived under a similar regime. This was not the yoke of work, but the yoke of law. The Pharisees had turned Moses' law into a set of extremely burdensome obligations that they believed had to be met in order to earn salvation. Referring to this yoke of the law, the apostle Paul urged his fellow Jews not to put on the Gentiles a yoke that they themselves could not bear (Acts 15:10), and wrote about the "yoke of slavery" that his readers used to live under before they came to the saving knowledge of Christ (Galatians 5:1).

PHOTO: The Pharisees had turned Moses' law into a set of extremely burdensome obligations that they believed had to be met in order to earn salvation. Referring to this yoke of the law, the apostle Paul urged his fellow Jews not to put on the Gentiles a yoke that they themselves could not bear (Acts 15:10), and wrote about the "yoke of slavery" that his readers used to live under before they came to the saving knowledge of Christ (Galatians 5:1).
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
A yoke is a wooden implement used by a farmer to harness a working animal such as an ox or donkey so it can drag a plough and rake up the soil in preparation for planting seeds. Still used quite widely in rural areas, it can also be placed on two animals to spread the load. The Bible makes several references to the yoke, either literally or as a metaphor.
PHOTO: A yoke is a wooden implement used by a farmer to harness a working animal such as an ox or donkey so it can drag a plough and rake up the soil in preparation for planting seeds.
Picture posted by Dimitris Romeo Havlidis on 14 March 2015
In Matthew 11:29-30, Jesus continues His invitation to "Come to Me" with this promise "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
PHOTO: Jesus continues His invitation to "Come to Me" with this promise "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Exchange the heavy burden with a easy and light one.
Picture posted by Segal Ministry
What did Jesus mean? Was He going to bring relief to our struggles at work? Or was He pointing to something bigger - a deeper spiritual reality?
In Jewish literature, the word "yoke" was often used as a metaphor for a responsibility, an obligation, or submission to an authority. The Bible thus speaks of "the yoke of the Egyptians" (Exodus 6:6), of Israelites who had "yoked themselves to the Baal of Peor" (Numbers 25:5), and the yoke of the law (Act 15:10; Galatians 5:1).
Jesus' yoke, however, offers rest and is easy because it replaces the rigid rules of the old covenant with the grace of the new: His yoke is based on the assurance of salvation by faith alone, and not by works. While we will have to count the cost of following Him, the yoke that Jesus gives us comes with His promise of divine strength, love, compassion, and grace. That is why the Lord could promise us rest when we take up His yoke.
PHOTO: Jesus' yoke is based on the assurance of salvation by faith alone, and not by works. While we will have to count the cost of following Him, the yoke that Jesus gives us comes with His promise of divine strength, love, compassion, and grace. That is why the Lord could promise us rest when we take up His yoke.
Picture posted by Skip Barland @Skipper810 on 02 December 2016
And because taking Jesus' yoke and following Him opens us to His grace and peace, our attitude towards our work and Christian ministry will change as well. While we will continue to face challenges in any kind of work we do - whether office work, housework, volunteering, child-rearing, or Christian ministry - Jesus will help us. He will give us the strength to deal with disappointments, the discernment to avoid needless busyness, and the faith to cope with our doubts and disturbances.
PHOTO: Jesus will help us. He will give us the strength to deal with disappointments, the discernment to avoid needless busyness, and the faith to cope with our doubts and disturbances.
Drawing by Heinrich Hoffmann
Picture posted by Paul Martin
Dealing with Disappointment [1]
Jesus also experienced frustration and disappointment
Christ's invitation to "Come to Me" was delivered soon after His denouncement of what has been called "the evangelical triangle" of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum (Matthew 11:20-24). These towns were an important focus of His ministry - it was there that Jesus performed many miracles and spent considerable time teaching (Matthew 8:5-16; Mark 1:21-34; Luke 9:10-17). Yet their people did not repent (Matthew 11:20). Have you wondered how Jesus felt? If we were in His shoes, we would probably have experienced much frustration and disappointment after having spent 3½ years in tireless ministry, only to see people reject the presence and grace of God. We would probably have given up and become bitter, worn out, and depressed.
PHOTO: Jesus also experienced frustration and disappointment
Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum were towns which Jesus performed many miracles and spent considerable time teaching. Yet their people did not repent If we were in His shoes, we would probably have experienced much frustration and disappointment after having spent 3½ years in tireless ministry, only to see people reject the presence and grace of God. We would probably have given up and become bitter, worn out, and depressed.
Picture posted by Madone des Motards on 24 February 2012
Jesus found strength and purpose in His Father's plans
Jesus, however, handled the disappointment of His work and ministry quite differently. Instead of throwing up His hands in despair or quitting, He did something we would least expect under such circumstances: He praised the Father (Matthew 11:25). Jesus was able to do this because He knew that His Father had His purposed, hiding the truths from the so-called wise and revealing them to the "little children" (Matthew 11:25), and the Father was "please to do" this (Matthew 11:26). Energised more by His abiding relationship with the Father than the outward success of His ministry, He found strength and purpose in His Father's plans (Matthew 11:27).
PHOTO: Jesus found strength and purpose in His Father's plans
Energised more by His abiding relationship with the Father than the outward success of His ministry, He found strength and purpose in His Father's plans, instead of throwing up His hands in despair or quitting.
Picture posted by Tan Books and Publishers 1950 with Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur
Jesus knew that He was not working alone but with the Heavenly Father
Jesus was also able to find deep restfulness amid apparent disappointment in His ministry because He knew He was not working alone. He could take comfort that He was doing His Father's will, doing just what His Father asked Him to do, and that He was working with the Heavenly Father. He told His disciples, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working" (John 5:17), and, "I am not alone, for my Father is with me" (John 16:32).
PHOTO: Jesus knew that He was not working alone but with the Heavenly Father
Jesus was also able to find deep restfulness amid apparent disappointment in His ministry because He knew He was not working alone. He could take comfort that He was doing His Father's will, doing just what His Father asked Him to do, and that He was working with the Heavenly Father.
Painting by Greg Olsen - by Greg Olsen.
Picture posted by Greg Olsen
We can trust the results of our labour to Jesus
When we feel that we are working alone, we may lose heart when the results of our work are disappointing. But how different it is to realise that we are not alone; how comforting to know that we are doing the work God has asked us to do, that He is working alongside us, and that He is sovereign over the outcome! What joy there is in discovering what it is like to work with God and to do what He wants us to do! Even when things don't work out the way we expect, we can rest in the knowledge that if we are working with Christ, we can trust the results of our labour to Him.

PHOTO: We can trust the results of our labour to Jesus
When we feel that we are working alone, we may lose heart when the results of our work are disappointing. But how different and comforting it is to realise that we are not alone and that He is working alongside us. Even when things don't work out the way we expect, we can rest in the knowledge that if we are working with Christ, we can trust the results of our labour to Him.
Picture posted by hortencia gonzales on 20 June 2016 - You will never walk alone.
Dealing with Dissipation [1]
Our work or ministry is dissipating because we tried to please everyone except God himself
We may also grow weary when we see our work or ministry dissipating in front of our eyes - when things we have established come crumbling down after what appeared to be initial success. It feels like all our efforts were wasted. Maybe people did not respond despite our efforts, or someone who came after us dismantled everything we built. Sometimes - often, perhaps - this results from our foolishness. We have done everything but what God actually wanted us to do, or tried to please everyone except God himself.
PHOTO: Our work or ministry is dissipating because we tried to please everyone except God himself
Things we have established come crumbling down after what appeared to be initial success. It feels like all our efforts were wasted. Maybe people did not respond despite our efforts, or someone who came after us dismantled everything we built. Sometimes - often, perhaps - this results from our foolishness.
Picture posted by 123RF
Believers can catch the fever of restlessness from the world, and pastors can catch it from church members. As a result, we run ourselves down physically and emotionally.
Focused on the task given to us by God - nothing more, nothing less
Jesus, however, showed wisdom in choosing where to devote His effort: doing God's work. He knew whom He needed to please: "I seek not to please myself but him who sent me" (John 5:30). He remained focused on the task given to Him - nothing more, nothing less. God's work lay at the heart of all that He did, along with His faithful relationship with His Father and the desire to do His Father's will.
PHOTO: Focused on the task given to us by God - nothing more, nothing less
Remained focused on the task given to Him - nothing more, nothing less. God's work to lay at the heart of all that we did, along with our faithful relationship with Jesus and the desire to do His will.
Picture posted by 123RF
Outcome of ministry connected to God's sovereign will
Throughout His life, Jesus remained deeply aware that the outcome of His ministry was connected to God's sovereign will. He knew that nobody given to Him by the Father would be lost. Referring to His disciples, He declared: "My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand" (John 10:29). He also said: "And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day" (John 6:39).
PHOTO: Outcome of ministry connected to God's sovereign will
God's sovereignty is simply define as, “God is in control.”
God designed everything before He created it. He came up with a Design Proposal for what He wanted to accomplish. He formulated a Divine Design from His Sovereignty, and He implemented the specifications of the Divine Design. (Ephesians 1:11)
The road to the destiny of Ephesians 1:11 shown in the illustration is God's strategic design. The believer is "predestined" to walk on that road. "Predestined" is the Greek proorivzw (proorizo), which means to set the bounds or limits before. The bounds, or limits, of the road to destiny, as well as the surrounding playing field, were written in God's Design Specification before Creation. Along the road are the daily bread, Logistical Grace provision, environment, family, friends, enemies, and Right Man - Right Woman, to name a few. The believer can stay on the road through faith or he can wander off course. The right side of the road is green for lawlessness, and the left side is blue for legalism. Even the opportunities for Reversionism are beside the road. The two mountains, Mt. Gerizim for blessing and Mt. Ebal for cursing, are along the road (Deuteronomy 11:29).
Posted by Larry Wood on 11 September 2001 [3]
Doing the work of God's will faithfully and It will not be wasted
Thus Jesus, as He hung on the cross, was able to declare triumphantly, "It is finished" (John 19:30). At the cross, the work He came to do on earth was faithfully completed; His death and the blood He shed would not be wasted, but would save all those who responded to Jesus and placed their faith in Him.
PHOTO: Doing the work of God's will faithfully and It will not be wasted
Jesus, as He hung on the cross, was able to declare triumphantly, "It is finished" (John 19:30). At the cross, the work He came to do on earth was faithfully completed; His death and the blood He shed would not be wasted, but would save all those who responded to Jesus and placed their faith in Him.
Picture posted by Jessica Roldan on 26 January 2015
Work with Christ and the labour will not be in vain
Jesus now invites us to discover what it is like to work with Him and to do what He wants us to do. How much joy awaits those who respond! When we work with Christ, we can be sure of the outcome no matter how tough things get.
The apostle Paul learned this vital lesson and was thus able to encourage his fellow Christians: "Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lords, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain" (1 Corinthians 15:58).
PHOTO: Work with Christ and the labour will not be in vain
When we work with Christ, we can be sure of the outcome no matter how tough things get. The apostle Paul learned this vital lesson and was thus able to encourage his fellow Christians: "Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lords, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain" (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Picture posted by Dr Michelle
Discerning Needless Busyness [1]
Discern whether work agenda is truly from heaven
God never drives to exhaustion those doing His work. If we feel exceptionally weary or burdened by ministry work, it may be because we are driven by our own need to succeed, to achieve something, to feel significant, to be appreciated, or to prove ourselves.
PHOTO: Discern whether work agenda is truly from heaven
God never drives to exhaustion those doing His work. If we feel exceptionally weary or burdened by ministry work, it may be because we are driven by our own need to succeed, to achieve something, to feel significant, to be appreciated, or to prove ourselves. We become very busy, wearing our busyness as a batch of honour.
Picture posted by 嘎姬妞 (Gā jī niū) on 28 April 2015
We may also be doing the bidding of others without prayerfully reflecting on whether their agenda is truly from heaven. We often get stuck with unnecessary work because we dare not offend anyone and seek to please everyone. As a result, we become very busy, wearing our busyness as a batch of honour.
PHOTO: We may also be doing the bidding of others without prayerfully reflecting on whether their agenda is truly from heaven. As a result, we become very busy, wearing our busyness as a batch of honour.
Picture posted by DMS coaching on 21 October 2014
Thoughtless busyness can result in unfaithfulness
In The Contemplative Pastor, Bible scholar Eugene Peterson warns that thoughtless busyness can result in unfaithfulness. Why? Because the busy person, instead of examining his schedules and responsibilities, takes the easy way out and tries to do as many things a possible, trying to satisfy himself and others. This amounts to unfaithfulness to God because the person ends up doing everything except the things God has given him to do. Peterson writes: "We live in a society that tries to diminish us to the level of the antheap (anthill) so that we scurry mindlessly, getting and consuming. It is essential to take counteraction . . . Every one of us needs to be stretched to live at our best, awakened out of dull moral habits, shaken out of petty and trivial busy-work." [16]
PHOTO: Thoughtless busyness can result in unfaithfulness
Because the busy person, instead of examining his schedules and responsibilities, takes the easy way out and tries to do as many things a possible, trying to satisfy himself and others. This amounts to unfaithfulness to God because the person ends up doing everything except the things God has given him to do.
Picture posted by CartoonStock
Reject people's agenda that is not from God
Jesus himself was surrounded by crowds insisting that He follow their agenda - becoming a military messiah to drive out the Roman occupiers. But He simply walked away. Others in the crowd expected Him to provide continuous miracles - and free food. Again, Jesus rejected their agenda.
PHOTO: Reject people's agenda that is not from God
Jesus simply walked away. Others in the crowd expected Him to provide continuous miracles - and free food. Again, Jesus rejected their agenda.
Picture posted by Menthanhgia on Sunday, 14 June 2015 at 10:56
Do what God has sent us to do
After a remarkably successful day of ministry in Capernaum on Sabbath, during which He ministered to and taught the whole town, healed the sick, and freed many from demons, Jesus was in high demand the next day (Mark 1:32-36), probably to perform more miracles. But we find Him getting up early the next morning to spend time alone praying to His Father. And when His disciples and others arrived with the news that everyone was looking for Him, He ignored the invitation and chose to move on and preach in other villages and towns. This, He told them, was what the Father had sent Him to do (Mark 1:38-39).
PHOTO: Do what God has sent us to do
Jesus was in high demand, probably to perform more miracles. He ignored the invitation and chose to move on and preach in other villages and towns. This, He told them, was what the Father had sent Him to do.
Painting by Harold Copping
Picture posted by - Christ Preaching From The Boat
Accept Jesus' invitation to take our bearings and draw strength from the one who gives us rest
Jesus was always focused on what the Father had sent Him to do, and had a profound sense of working alongside His Father. His pace was determined by faithfulness to the Father, and not by personal ambition or social pressure. When we follow Jesus, He will give us the wisdom and discernment to act like Him. When we accept His invitation, we will be able to take our bearings and draw strength from the one who gives us rest.

PHOTO: Accept Jesus' invitation ('Come to Me') to take our bearings and draw strength from the one who gives us rest
Jesus was always focused on what the Father had sent Him to do, and had a profound sense of working alongside His Father. His pace was determined by faithfulness to the Father, and not by personal ambition or social pressure. When we follow Jesus, He will give us the wisdom and discernment to act like Him.
Picture posted by Sarah Schrack, Adventures In Missions
Reflect on your experience with disappointment and setbacks you may have faced in your ministry.
Ministry Means Service [2]
Different kinds of ministry but all should be used "for the common good"
Everyone should serve (in a general sense), but each serves in a different way – some serve by speaking and some serve by manual labor. No matter what type of serving is done, it should be done with the strength God provides, so that he gets the praise and glory (1 Peter 4:11). When we serve others, we are showing love to God (Hebrews 6:10). There are different kinds of ministry (1 Corinthians 12:5), but they should all be used "for the common good" (1 Corinthians 12:7). [2]
PHOTO: Ministry Means Service
Everyone should serve (in a general sense), but each serves in a different way – some serve by speaking and some serve by manual labor. Different kinds of ministry but all should be used "for the common good"
Picture posted by Julianna Barrett
Secular work is also a form of ministry
Our service to God is not centered on a temple, but is done wherever we are. The Reformers also noted that Christians serve God through their secular work – their vocation or “calling” – as well as through their involvement in the church. A person who grows food is providing a service to society; a person who works in a factory or teaches school does, too. Christian homemakers and government employees are also serving others. All work – in the home, in the store, in the car and in the office – is an act of worship to God. We are his slaves – full-time ministers in his service. [2]
PHOTO: Secular work is also a form of ministry
Our service to God is not centered on a temple, but is done wherever we are. The Reformers also noted that Christians serve God through their secular work – their vocation or “calling” – as well as through their involvement in the church. All work – in the home, in the store, in the car and in the office – is an act of worship to God. We are his slaves – full-time ministers in his service.
Picture posted by Unifor
All Christians are called to be ministers
The New Testament says the same thing in many different ways: Christians are commanded to serve one another. None of the words for service or ministry is restricted to the ordained clergy. All members are enslaved to one another. We all have obligations to one another. Whether our service is in word or in deed, it is a religious duty for all Christians. Whether we are ordained or not, we are all called to serve the Lord by serving one another. As slave-servants, we are ministering to one another, to the church, to the gospel and to the Lord. God has given each of us a ministry. We should minister to one another’s needs. God has given us abilities so that we will use them to serve others. All Christians – whether men, women, deacons or elders – are called to be ministers. [2]
PHOTO: All Christians are called to be ministers
In the New Testament, none of the words for service or ministry is restricted to the ordained clergy. Whether we are ordained or not, we are all called to serve the Lord by serving one another. As slave-servants, we are ministering to one another, to the church, to the gospel and to the Lord. God has given each of us a ministry. We should minister to one another’s needs. God has given us abilities so that we will use them to serve others. All Christians – whether men, women, deacons or elders – are called to be ministers.
Painting by Ralph Pallen Coleman
Picture posted by Ralph Pallen Coleman taken on 27 March 2012 - The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19)
Contribute to the Christian community as a whole
Not everyone has the same spiritual gift or ability, just as not every part of the human body performs the function of seeing, hearing or walking. Feet, hands, eyes and other parts serve different functions. By contributing to the body as a whole, the various parts serve one another. So it is in the church, the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 14-27). God distributes the gifts: one power to one person, another gift to the next person, a third ability to another, just as God determines (1 Corinthians 8-11). [2]
PHOTO: Contribute to the Christian community as a whole
Not everyone has the same spiritual gift or ability, just as not every part of the human body performs the function of seeing, hearing or walking. By contributing to the body as a whole, the various parts serve one another. So it is in the church, the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 14-27). God distributes the gifts: one power to one person, another gift to the next person, a third ability to another, just as God determines (1 Corinthians 8-11).
Picture posted by on 21 November 2015
Earlier year's disappointments and setbacks
In the seventies I remember after secondary four, my first temporary job at a carpentry factory as polisher, smoothing to different texture the final assembled furniture. One of my tasks was to polish the wooden surface using sandpaper. There were different types of sandpaper, categorised by their coarseness and application. The basic first furniture polish after being completed by the carpenters was the usage of sandpaper no. 60, a type for rough finishing surface. That stage of polishing required the most amount of strength and energy.
The piece after the initial round of sandpapering was sent for coating to further fill up any cavities and holes. After the coated layer dried, the surface was again polished using finer sandpaper, no. 100. At that stage, brute strength was replaced by gentler art of polishing to give the smooth texture. A thin layer of transparent lacquer was then applied to give a shinning surface, and as a hard protective coating for the wooden surface. After drying the furniture was really for usage by the customer. Certain knowledge and skills were gained in the seemly unwanted job. Then disappointments came in.

PHOTO: Earlier years' disappointments and setbacks
Disappointments and setbacks were experienced during my first job requiring brute strength as well as gentler art of polishing furniture's surfaces. It was stepping away from the protection of the family into the harsh realities of 'child worker'. I was young intern in the basic industries which had no time for safety and proper work procedures. It was a slave-like situation with the manager standing guard over the workers and any moment expecting him to inflict some form of punishments. A environment which made the future looked frightening and hopeless. It was a dark, without the love and happiness, but continuous hardship while others enjoy in comfort. A seemly endless physically and torturing workplace, doing the unwanted jobs for others. Co-operation to complete undesirable tasks were non existence. So we were like slaves serving the heartless powerful.
Picture posted by Kami, My Beautiful Day on Sunday, 9 September 2012 at 7:36 AM
My speed and skill were low and accomplishment was normally not satisfactory. All my experienced colleagues could finish faster and with better quality. For that short period I was unable to develop my skills to produce the required final results. It was difficult to imagine how others were able to be so proficient and efficient in their job. I felt stressful and did not like this physically torturing job, with very little income. Fortunately my time with the company was up quickly, and I continued my learning journey in the junior college.
I realised how difficult it was to make a living without better education and training. Technical skills were very important. Without mastering the solid foundation, it would be difficult to reach a satisfactory level in the employment. I was fresh from secondary education and definitely had a lot more to learn. I found out that disappointments and setbacks could be minimised through persistence and continuous efforts in education and training. The only way to the desired position that matches our God's given gift in the manpower ministry.
PHOTO: Without mastering the solid foundation, it would be difficult to reach a satisfactory level in the employment. Disappointments and setbacks could be minimised through persistence and continuous efforts in education and training. The only way to the desired position that matches our God's given gift in the manpower ministry.
Picture Pin by Courtney Kolenda🌺 on BFFs
Time passed very fast. Soon I completed my junior college and enter to serve the 2½ years of National Service (NS). In the army we went through the first 3 months of rigorous Basic Military Training (BMT). After that, most of us went either to the Infantry Section Leader or Officer Cadet training school. After graduating as a Section Leader with the rank of NCO (Non Commissioned Officer) I was posted to a recruit's training school to train new intakes their BMT. With my non outstanding performance, I remained as an NCO while some of my colleagues proceeded to be trained as fully commissioned Officers.

Picture posted by
Understandably, most of us NCOs and Privates felt disappointed at the setback to be trained and promoted. There were always better persons available to lead and command us. We had tried our best to serve and I guessed that was enough to fulfil the role of our calling. Our calling was what we then called National Service, to protect and defend the country.
Picture posted by|iuFb8G4llC01BeCd|8Q/6UsRi4N4JI4qTY9TwmEzcHVYOCth6qx3t9Il5blcOMBdZNlImh7nkPbnGYfrbeQ670lCqB*kD4n2GKYqOIBDSn8AXraeAnv6zhbK7yZ12MyCJfkgjzWJBQKDZEn7|Axr0RKsyPKYidMTgeei40Wg9ERBpE56j3VDCkIsVVBOBgU/
After my National Service, I joined the private commercial industries, working in positions that were suitable to my abilities and skills. Whenever I saw opportunities to further knowledge and skills, I grabbed them eagerly. I even stopped work to attend full time studies in the technical polytechnics to learn a new profession in engineering. Then I was part of the education ministry, not to serve but as a student, to study and meet the passing requirement.
Picture posted by Roberto Parada - Terminated at the watercooler, for MotherJones Magazine
After some years, I managed to secure jobs that were more challenging and got paid higher salary. In whatever working position we might be in, there would always be difficulties, obstacles and problems. Those that could not be overcome were translated into disappointments and setbacks.
Picture posted by Roberto Parada - Terminated, for Mother Jones
In our pursuit for financial security while working for employers who focused on budgets and schedules to maximise profits, we become very busy, 'wearing our needless busyness as a batch of honour'. To employers, time means money, and extreme efforts were concentrated on maximising outputs efficiency, and lowering cost of expenditures. To attract more orders, production targets were set higher and higher. Because of stiff competition, we had to be cheaper, faster and better. It also mean that it would be more stressful and reduction in quality. More rework, redesign and re-plan. All added ironically to lost in efficiency. Towards the end we were mostly not promoted or rewarded sufficiently for our extra efforts and energies used. We were busy needlessly.
Picture posted by Roberto Parada
We would finally collapse when we try to satisfy endlessly our boss, customers and even our colleagues. Without examining our schedules and responsibilities, we became more vulnerable to making mistakes resulting in unexpected setbacks. We might be over enthusiastic in satisfying everybody causing higher expectation to perform and deliver. Ultimately we might face unexpected setbacks causing most people to lose their trust in us. Our reputation could be at stake and much could be lost. However dark cloud had its silver lining and our setbacks could turn into blessings. Lesser demands from everybody means lesser stress in our work, lesser mistakes and lesser loses. We wondered when we would learn from indulging in the evil of overzealous personal ambition, and cope with the never ending social pressure.
Stop being a people pleaser. Every time we say yes to someone, we say no to ourselves. Time never comes back, and a day is only 24 hours. Let us all use each of them wisely.
Picture posted by C. Befoune on 14 December 2016 - Bleeding on paper, unleashing the human*0ZZCTbfUrz7fH6oW7SNzhQ.jpeg
Our disappointments are unnecessary because God has different plan for each one of us. Setbacks can be blessing in disguise. It can prevent overloading and stop us from collapsing. We are God's beloved service provider regardless of our position, and who we are. We need not continuously overloading ourselves and became busy needlessly, but to do the will of God using His given gift so that the glory ultimately belongs to our Creator. While it is common wanting to become cheaper, faster and better, we need to examine our abilities and responsibilities, rather than working blindly, providing less efficient and poorer quality services for our ministry.
"But seek first His kingdom and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:33-34)
Picture posted by Haley Nicole Walker on 21 March 2016
Memorable middle-age disappointments and setbacks
After being retrenched from the workforce twice, I reached the breaking point in my working career, and my ability to adapt to different technology and environment started to diminish. I was unable to learn and perform adequately from my younger colleagues the new skills and procedures. What I once knew were thrown out and had to follow other different work cultures. My previous logical way to identifying problems and implementing solutions were not recognised.
My ability to adapt to different technology and environment started to diminish. I was unable to learn and perform adequately from my younger colleagues the new skills and procedures. What I once knew were thrown out and had to follow other different work cultures. My previous logical way to identifying problems and implementing solutions were not recognised.
Picture posted by Lee Gibbons on 09 July 2017
The new law of work was merciless to aging people who were struggling to follow the fast pace and rapid changes. Very soon I was out of the job market and my engineering career came to an end. A big inevitable disappointment that came too fast and I was not prepared. I was unable to adapt adequately to new challenges and technologies, even when opportunities were available. The manpower ministry finally rejected me. My income from work was also gone, together with other work benefits from the company and the government. That was the most memorable middle-age disappointments and setbacks because then I started on my retirement journey under the guidance of God.
That was the most memorable middle-age disappointments and setbacks because I then started on my retirement journey under the guidance of God.
Picture saved by Vector Toons to Vector Illustrations
Retirement journey battling high healthcare costs
I entered the retirement journey unexpectedly early, at the age of fifty-five. Fortunately during my younger days, God had guided me to invest in reliable bonds, blue chips and insurance policies, which provided dividends to fund our livelihood expenditures and other commitments. With whatever savings and matured insurance policies, we managed to provide for our financial needs. At least for the moment, with the grace of God, we could still manage to be free from financial difficulties. However healthcare and living costs were increasing and the possibility of being financially unstable was daunting.
Picture saved by Vector Toons to Vector Illustrations
Overcoming health problems holistically
During my retirement I focused on maintaining my physical health, and improving my spiritual health. I and my sister would go walking every morning to meet the 10,000 steps (about 7 to 8 km) as recommended by the Health Promotion Board. We did simple functional exercises to enable us to carry out normal daily activities, like taking public transports for hospital appointments, going to supermarkets to shop for groceries, and meeting relatives during festival seasons. We also set aside some time for the Lord by praying and reading the Bible and its supplements. Whenever possible I would like to blog about the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Hopefully the Internet netizens could come to know and accept the free offer of salvation offered by God through His Son.
During my retirement I focused on maintaining my physical health, and improving my spiritual health. I and my sister would go walking every morning to meet the 10,000 steps (about 7 to 8 km) as recommended by the Health Promotion Board. We did simple functional exercises to enable us to carry out normal daily activities, like taking public transports for hospital appointments, going to supermarkets to shop for groceries, and meeting relatives during festival seasons. We also set aside some time for the Lord by praying and reading the Bible and its supplements.
Picture posted by News in Ukraine on 10 March 2017
I embarked on a journey to engage and develop myself through different levels; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Although the world scorned and despised us, God had kept us going by making our efforts fruitful to sustain ourselves. The retirement journey had its disappointments and setbacks but was made more bearable and achievable with God's interventions.
Are you still struggling with any of them (disappointment and setbacks) today?
Facing poor health and unable to meet the requirements of technological advances, I finally accept the fact that I am no longer able to carry on as before. Although facing with bleaking future, through the grace and will of God, we are happy to know that we are participating in the spiritual ministry of God. The many stressful disappointments and setbacks which we once have to struggle with become more and more distant. However we are still struggling with the disappointments and setbacks of poor health, over busyness, and the higher cost of worldly living.
We have yet to submit fully by answering to the call of Jesus to accept His invitation, take His "light and easy yoke, and find rest for our souls". Only with His divine help are we able to deal with our disappointments, dissipation, needless busyness, and find real quietness and peace.
We have yet to submit fully by answering to the call of Jesus to accept His invitation, take His "light and easy yoke, and find rest for our souls". Only with His divine help are we able to deal with our disappointments, dissipation, needless busyness, and find real quietness and peace.
Picture posted by Angel Wallpaper, Google
How can you submit them (disappointment and setbacks) to Jesus?
Pray, believe and receive Jesus
He will give us the wisdom and discernment to act like Him. When we accept His invitation, we will be able to take our bearings and draw strength from the one who gives us rest. He knows how to deal effectively with our work's disappointments, dissipations, and setbacks. Even when things don't work out the way we expect, we can rest in the knowledge that if we are working with Christ, we can trust the results of our labour to Him.
He knows how to deal effectively with our work's disappointments, dissipations, and setbacks. Even when things don't work out the way we expect, we can rest in the knowledge that if we are working with Christ, we can trust the results of our labour to Him.
Picture posted by Rilley Kimmy Halm @kimmy_halm on 18 July 2016 at 3:58 PM
Work with Jesus and we won't be working alone
We can discover what it is like to work with Him and to do what He wants us to do. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. When we work with Christ, we can be sure of the outcome no matter how tough things get. This will remove the stress and replace it with rest and peace.
Picture saved by Rose Donaldson to Quotes - Come Follow Me
Discerning Our Needless Busyness
Examine our schedules and responsibilities instead of taking the easy way out, and blindly wearing our busyness as a batch of honour. We should avoid tiring ourselves doing everything except the things God has given us to do. Most importantly, Jesus never drives to exhaustion those doing His work. Instead He will give us the wisdom and discernment to act like Him, focusing on what His Father wants Him to do. So by accepting Jesus' invitation to "Come to me" we can find true rest for our soul.
We should avoid tiring ourselves doing everything except the things God has given us to do. Jesus never drives to exhaustion those doing His work. Instead He will give us the wisdom and discernment to act like Him, focusing on what His Father wants Him to do. So by accepting Jesus' invitation to "Come to me" we can find true rest for our soul.
Picture saved by Marsha Giardina to Jesus from GearBubble LLC
Help us to focus on your sovereign will and change our attitude towards our work and Christian ministry. Please help us while we will continue to face challenges in any kind of work we do. Give us the strength to deal with disappointments, the discernment to avoid needless busyness, and the faith to cope with our doubts and disturbances. So that we too can become the children of God and experience the promises, comfort and rest. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by Rowan University, news release, HealthDay on 06 November 2017
[2] Michael Morrison, Ministry Means Service,
[3] Larry Wood, SOVEREIGNTY, posted on 11 September 2001,
[16] Eugene Peterson, Run with the Horses (Downers Grove, III: Intervasity Press, 1983), 16.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
1 Corinthians 8-11 -
1 Corinthians 12:5 -
1 Corinthians 12:7 -
1 Corinthians 14-27 -
1 Corinthians 15:58 -
1 Peter 4:11 -
Acts 15:10 -
Deuteronomy 11:29 -
Ephesians 1:11 -
Exodus 6:6 -
Galatians 5:1 -
Genesis 2:15 -
Genesis 3:17-19 -
Hebrews 6:10 -
John 5:17 -
John 5:30 -
John 6:39 -
John 10:29 -
John 16:32 -
John 19:30 -
Luke 9:10-17 -
Mark 1:21-34 -
Mark 1:32-36 -
Mark 1:38-39 -
Matthew 6:33-34 -
Matthew 8:5-16 -
Matthew 11:20 -
Matthew 11:20-24 -
Matthew 11:25 -
Matthew 11:26 -
Matthew 11:27 -
Matthew 11:28 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Matthew 11:29-30 -
Matthew 28:19 -
Numbers 25:5 -