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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Reflection - Making Sure You Go to Jesus - Spiritual discernment, desire, discipline and direction

Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Three, Question 1, Page 58.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Reflect on what you have learnt about the need for spiritual discernment, desire, discipline and direction.
PHOTO: Reflect on what you have learnt about the need for spiritual discernment, desire, discipline and direction.
As we respond to Jesus' call to "Come to Me", we make sure that we actually go to Jesus by having spiritual  discernment, desire, discipline and direction.

Spiritual Discernment

  • Need to be able to discern His voice
  • Instruction from God: Listen to Jesus
  • Spiritual deafness are caused by distractions
  • God wants and persists to communicate with us
  • God's voice can come when we least expect it
  • God continue to speak to us through the Bible
  • God the Sender speaking directly to us: "Come to Me"

Spiritual Desire
Spiritual Desire depends on the desire and motivation of our hearts. The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:5-15) describes the four types of hearers of God's Word, as represented by the four types of soils.

The Accidental Hearer (Luke 8:5, 12)

  • Hear God's Word but ignore or forget it soon after.

The Superficial Hearer (Luke 8:6, 13)

  • Abandon the journey to Jesus after seeing the problems ahead
  • Believing that God cannot help him
  • Lost focus on Jesus
  • Fear what might be lost in this life
  • Afraid about what might happen next, their livelihoods, and different lifestyles
  • Reluctant to part with transient riches on earth

The Distracted Hearer (Luke 8:7, 14)

  • Are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures
  • Lack faith and trust in Jesus

The Good Hearer (Luke 8:8, 15)

  • Hear the Word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop
  • Human has both good and fallen instinct

Spiritual Discipline

  • Misunderstanding about purpose of prayer
  • Prayer is a relationship with God
  • Learn to pray with correct attitude
  • Practise praying regularly and faithfully
  • Shove back at all our wishes and hopes for the day every morning
  • Go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else
  • Do not ignore the importance of prayer
  • For a little while give your time to God, and rest in him

Spiritual Direction

  • Go the correct way: towards Jesus
  • Direction is more important than speed or efficiency
  • Respond to the voice of Jesus
Picture posted by Leisa Jenkins

Reflect on what you have learnt about the need for spiritual discernment, desire, discipline and direction. Which of these especially challenging for you? How can your experience help you grow closer to Christ?

Reflect on what you have learnt about the need for spiritual discernment, desire, discipline and direction.

As we respond to Jesus' call to "Come to Me", we need to make sure we go to Jesus - and not to another person, a philosophy, or a methodology. Many people go everywhere except to Jesus. Others are preoccupied with their own schemes and pursuits, or embark on other spiritual journeys that lead them not to God but to spiritual cul-de-sacs (dead end). How can we make sure that we actually go to Jesus? By making sure we have discernment, desire, discipline and direction.

This a dead end, or a cul-de-sac, or a blind

PHOTO: This a dead end, or a cul-de-sac, or a blind
When we embark on other spiritual journeys that lead not to God, then it is spiritual cul-de-sacs (dead end).
Picture posted by Anatoly Liberman on 23 December 2015


Spiritual Discernment [1]
Need to be able to discern His voice
First to be able to hear Jesus calling, "Come to Me", we need to be able to discern His voice; we need spiritual ears that are capable of hearing Him speak. Our sinful nature naturally alienates us from God and prevents us from listening to Him speak. Thankfully, however, God makes us capable of hearing Him. The psalmist prayed to God, "Sacrifice and offering you did not desire - but my ears you have opened" (Psalm 40:6). Literally, the Hebrew text can be translated as "my ears you have dug for me". He who created us is able to fashion spiritual ears for us so that we can discern His voice in our lives. In His mercy and kindness, He wants us to hear and respond to Him - and be saved from sin and death.

Spiritual Discernment - Need to be able to discern His voice

PHOTO: Spiritual Discernment - Need to be able to discern His voice
To be able to hear Jesus calling, "Come to Me", we need to be able to discern His voice; we need spiritual ears that are capable of hearing Him speak. God makes us capable of hearing Him. ". .  . my ears you have opened" (Psalm 40:6).
Picture posted by Vocal Balance System on Friday, 14 August 2014

Instruction from God: Listen to Jesus
The spiritual ability to hear God allows us to receive Jesus Christ's call to come to Him. When Jesus was transfigured and appeared in His glory (Matthew 17:1-5), it was as if a heavenly curtain was pushed aside for the three disciples present - Peter, James, and John - to witness a greater reality and the true nature of Jesus. It was then, that the trio heard the heavenly Father testify about Jesus: "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased" This was immediately followed by the command, "Listen to him!" (Matthew 17:5). In Isaiah 50:4-5, the prophet too noted that God "wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. The sovereign Lord has opened my ears."

Instruction from God: Listen to Jesus

PHOTO: Instruction from God: Listen to Jesus
The spiritual ability to hear God allows us to receive Jesus Christ's call to come to Him. "Listen to him!" (
Matthew 17:5).
Artwork by Carl Heinrich Bloch - The Transfiguration of Jesus
Picture posted by PaintingStar.com


Spiritual deafness are caused by distractions
The trouble is that too often, we listen to everything and everyone else. Have you seen people plugged into their electronic devices all the time, listening to their favourite songs while working, running, or even driving? Or people glued to their mobile phones, continually texting, watching videos, or sharing photographs? Ours is easily the most distracted generation in human history; we are so hooked up that we can become incapable of hearing God. How it must grieve God to see our spiritual deafness and distraction?

Spiritual deafness are caused by distractions

PHOTO: Spiritual deafness are caused by distractions
Ours is easily the most distracted generation in human history; we are so hooked up that we can become incapable of hearing God.
Picture posted by Adam Sherwin, Media Correspondent, The Times (UK) on 04 June 2007

God wants and persists to communicate with us
But God loves us. He wants to communicate with us, and persists in getting through to us. Amid the deafening noise of the world's distractions, He speaks in a still, small voice in our hearts. Pastor and author Calvin Miller writes in Guardians of the Singreale of the need to listen to God's still, small voice:

Earth holds a strange power
That ties us to dust,
So that ponderous souls are
Bound to her crust.
But the wind whispers tales
Of a force in the sky,
And those with the courage to scorn dust
Can fly. [9]

God wants and persists to communicate with us

PHOTO: God wants and persists to communicate with us
God loves us. Amid the deafening noise of the world's distractions, He speaks in a still, small voice in our hearts.
Picture posted by Admin, PARROCCA NAXXAR on Saturday, 20 August 2016 at at 7:32 AM

God's voice can come when we least expect it
God's voice can come when we least expect it - in a thought that goes through our heads, in a pang of conscience when we do something wrong, or through a sudden insight when we face a major change in life. Often, it also comes to us when we read the Bible, the Word of God.

God's voice can come when we least expect it - in a thought that goes through our heads, in a pang of conscience when we do something wrong, or through a sudden insight when we face a major change in life.
PHOTO: God's voice can come when we least expect it - in a thought that goes through our heads, in a pang of conscience when we do something wrong, or through a sudden insight when we face a major change in life. Often, it also comes to us when we read the Bible, the Word of God.
Picture posted by Paul N. Dion

God continue to speak to us through the Bible
The Bible is a library of sacred writings. Men wrote as the Spirit of God inspired them - not in the way a good writer is propelled by literary genius, but with a supernatural revelation that originated from the mind and heart of God (2 Peter 1:20-21). God can thus continue to speak to us through the Bible, His living Word; what Jesus said 2,000 years ago continues to touch our hearts today, and remains fresh and personal.

God continue to speak to us through the Bible

PHOTO: God continue to speak to us through the Bible
The Bible is a library of sacred writings. Men wrote as the Spirit of God inspired them with a supernatural revelation that originated from the mind and heart of God (2 Peter 1:20-21). What Jesus said 2,000 years ago continues to touch our hearts today, and remains fresh and personal.
Picture posted by Paul Petersen (Publish in Signs of the times magazine on November 2009, Volume 124 No 11)



God the Sender speaking directly to us: "Come to Me"
Have you watched old movies portray a character receiving a letter from a loved one? A common cinematic technique then was to superimpose an image of the sender on the letter to read out the content, as if the sender was speaking directly to the recipient. When you read the Bible, you will have a similar experience. You can hear God the Sender as He speaks to you through His Word. If you pause your hurried, busy life and take time to read His words, you will hear Jesus calling, "Come to Me".

God the Sender speaking directly to us: 'Come to Me'

PHOTO: God the Sender speaking directly to us: "Come to Me"
When we read the Bible, We can hear God the Sender as He speaks to us through His Word. If we pause our hurried, busy life and take time to read His words, we will hear Jesus calling, "Come to Me".
Painting by Yongsung Kim
Picture saved by Susan Stoddard to Jesus paintings from lighthaven.net - Picture of Calling


Spiritual Desire [1]
Spiritual Desire depends on the desire and motivation of our hearts
Second, we must have the desire to respond to the invitation of Christ. We may, by the grace of God, be able to hear Jesus speaking to us. Whether we actually respond to His invitation or not, however, depends on the desire and motivation of our hearts. It is possible to hear but not respond, to ignore the invitation and stay where we are, continuing with what we have always been doing. We may convince ourselves that we will answer Jesus' invitation when we have time, but never get around to it because we are too preoccupied with our routines. Jesus is all too aware of the condition of our hearts; He even dedicated a parable to the subject: the well-known story of the soils.

Spiritual Desire depends on the desire and motivation of our hearts

PHOTO: Spiritual Desire depends on the desire and motivation of our hearts
We may, by the grace of God, be able to hear Jesus speaking to us. Whether we actually respond to His invitation or not depends on the desire and motivation of our hearts. Jesus is all too aware of the condition of our hearts; He even dedicated a parable to the subject: the well-known story of the soils.
Picture posted by Sagrada Familia Coquimbo on Sunday, 29 January 2012 at 10:53 a.m.

The Story of the Soils
The Parable of the Sower (
Luke 8:5-15) is a powerful story about the heart of man and how it responds to the Word of God. Many of us are familiar with how it goes: a sower goes out to scatter seeds in the fields. Some fall along a path, where they are trampled on and eaten up by birds. Some fall on rocky soil, where they sprout, but soon die because their roots do not go deep enough. Others fall among thorny plants, which choke the young seedlings. And finally, some of the seeds fall on good soil, were they are able to thrive and produce a good crop. As Jesus later explained to His disciples, the parable describes the four types of hearers of God's Word, as represented by the four types of soils.

The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:5-15)

PHOTO: The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:5-15)
A sower goes out to scatter seeds in the fields. Some fall along a path, where they are trampled on and eaten up by birds. Some fall on rocky soil, where they sprout, but soon die because their roots do not go deep enough. Others fall among thorny plants, which choke the young seedlings. And finally, some of the seeds fall on good soil, were they are able to thrive and produce a good crop.
Picture posted by Snehalatha Bright on 03 September 2015

The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:5-15)

PHOTO: The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:5-15)
Picture posted by Creationary on 12 January 2010

The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:5-15)

PHOTO: The Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:5-15)
Picture saved by Divine Dame to Parable of The Sower

The Accidental Hearer (Luke 8:5, 12)
Hear God's Word but ignore or forget it soon after
The example of the seeds landing on the well-trodden path represents the experience of those who hear God's Word but ignore or forget it soon after. As Jesus said, "the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved" (Luke 8:12). A person may hear the gospel at a gathering or through a testimony shared by a friend, but dismiss it out of hand. Or perhaps he listens with interest but does not ponder on it for long. Going back to his routine, he forgets what he had heard, and the gospel does not take root in his heart. This can even take place in church: a listener may clap his hands after hearing a good joke or point, but forget the lesson of the sermon right after. In these cases, the Word sown in the heart of the listener is quickly taken away by the enemy of the soul.

The Accidental Hearer (Luke 8:5, 12), hear God's Word but ignore or forget it soon after

PHOTO: The Accidental Hearer (Luke 8:5, 12), hear God's Word but ignore or forget it soon after
The example of the seeds landing on the well-trodden path represents the experience of those who hear God's Word but ignore or forget it soon after. As Jesus said, "the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved" (Luke 8:12). The Word sown in the heart of the listener is quickly taken away by the enemy of the soul.
Picture posted by Pendoa Sion on 17 September 2012

That is why Jesus compared the man who listens but does not take appropriate action to a man who builds his house on shaky ground: "But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his home on sand" (Matthew 7:26).

The Superficial Hearer (Luke 8:6, 13)
Abandon the journey to Jesus after seeing the problems ahead
The example of the seeds landing on rocky ground represents those who do respond to God's Word initially, but in whose lives the Word does not take proper root. When their faith is tested, they fall away (Luke 8:13). This testing may take the form of difficult circumstances and crises they face in life. One may take the first few steps of faith, but abandon the journey to Jesus after seeing the problems ahead, perhaps believing that God cannot help him. The apostle Peter faced such a challenge while travelling at night on the Sea of Galilee (Matthew 14:22-33).

The Superficial Hearer (Luke 8:6, 13), abandon the journey to Jesus after seeing the problems ahead

PHOTO: The Superficial Hearer (Luke 8:6, 13), abandon the journey to Jesus after seeing the problems ahead
The example of the seeds landing on rocky ground represents those who do respond to God's Word initially, but in whose lives the Word does not take proper root. When their faith is tested, they fall away (Luke 8:13).
Picture posted by ourcatholicfaithjourney.com

The disciples had set sail from the place where Jesus had earlier fed 5,000 men, but ran into trouble when a strong wind and powerful waves buffeted their boat. Jesus, who had gone up the mountainside to pray, came down and went to meet them, walking on the water. When Jesus reassured the shocked disciples that "it is I", Peter, with his usual impulsive bravado, responded, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water" (Matthew 14:27-28). That's when Peter heard Jesus say to him, "Come" (Matthew 14:29). To his credit, Peter could somehow hear Jesus' invitation above the din of the waves and wind, and perhaps the excited chatter of the other disciples.

In an instant of courage and faith, Peter stepped out of the boat and began walking on the water towards Jesus. He had not stopped to think about the impossibility of what he was doing. The first steps must have been exhilarating . . . but then something terrible happened: "But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!'" (Matthew 14:30). Immediately, Jesus extended His hand to catch the sinking disciple, chiding him for doubting.

Lost focus on Jesus
Peter faltered because "he saw the wind" and took his eyes off Jesus. As a result, he became afraid. Fortunately, he chose to cry out to Jesus, who saved him. But there are many others who simply stop walking when the going gets tough. They focus on the circumstances rather than Christ, and abandon their journey.

Lost focus on Jesus

PHOTO: Lost focus on Jesus
The apostle Peter faced a challenge while travelling at night on the Sea of Galilee (
Matthew 14:22-33). Peter could somehow hear Jesus' invitation above the din of the waves and wind. In an instant of courage and faith, Peter stepped out of the boat and began walking on the water towards Jesus. "But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!'" (
Matthew 14:30). When his faith was tested, he fall away. Immediately, Jesus extended His hand to catch the sinking disciple, chiding him for doubting.
Picture posted by Repartee Gallery - Be Not Afraid

Fear what might be lost in this life
Some people may also be reluctant to keep following Christ because of what they fear they might lose in this life. Mark 5:1-17 tells the story of how Jesus met a man in Gerasenes who was possessed by a legion of demons. This man had lost his peace, mind, and dignity, and was avoided by people because he was considered dangerous. Jesus, however, delivered him from the demons, who pleaded with Him to be allowed to enter a nearby herd of pigs. The herd, numbering about 2,000, then rushed down a steep slope into the lake and were drowned.

When the people living nearby heard about what happened, they were "afraid" (Mark 5:15). This was remarkable - they should have been amazed to see the demon-possessed man now dressed properly and sitting down peacefully, and relieved to know that the area was now free a legion of malicious demons. Yet they were afraid, and even pleaded with Jesus to leave the region. Why?

Afraid about what might happen next, their livelihoods, and different lifestyles
Perhaps the villagers were worried about what might happen to their livelihoods. Or they might have feared that Jesus was there to impose Jewish standards in a Gentile area. They might have wondered: if Jesus could get rid of 2,000 pigs, what might He do next? Would there be more cases of cleansing and deliverance? Would they lose more livestock and other possessions? Perhaps they felt that it was better to live with a demon-possessed man than a demon-chasing miracle worker.

Fear what might be lost in this life, and afraid about what might happen next, their livelihoods, and different lifestyles

PHOTO: Fear what might be lost in this life, and afraid about what might happen next, their livelihoods, and different lifestyles
Some people may also be reluctant to keep following Christ because of what they fear they might lose in this life.
Mark 5:1-17 tells the story of how Jesus met a man in Gerasenes who was possessed by a legion of demons. Jesus delivered him from the demons, who pleaded with Him to be allowed to enter a nearby herd of pigs. The herd, numbering about 2,000, then rushed down a steep slope into the lake and were drowned. When the people living nearby heard about what happened, they were "afraid" (
Mark 5:15), and even pleaded with Jesus to leave the region.
Paintings by William Brassey Hole - Jesus meeting with a demoniac in the country of the Gadarenes
Picture posted by reproductions.com

Reluctant to part with transient riches on earth
Such is the self-centredness and concern with daily needs that prevent many people from responding to Jesus' invitation and following Him all the way. Just like the rich young man of Matthew 19:16-24 who walked away from Jesus because he was reluctant to part with his wealth. Many people reject eternal treasure in heaven because they want to hold on to transient riches on earth. We may fault the young man for his short-sightedness, but if we examine our lives more closely, we may find ourselves no better off.

Reluctant to part with transient riches on earth

PHOTO: Reluctant to part with transient riches on earth
Many people reject eternal treasure in heaven because they want to hold on to transient riches on earth. Just like the rich young man of Matthew 19:16-24 who walked away from Jesus because he was reluctant to part with his wealth. We may fault the young man for his short-sightedness, but if we examine our lives more closely, we may find ourselves no better off.
Picture posted by Puzzle and Entertainment World


The Distracted Hearer (Luke 8:7, 14)
Are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures
The example of the seeds falling among thorny plants represents what happens to those who "are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures" (Luke 8:14).

A man who tries to respond to Jesus may find himself drowning in the worries of life, his path strewn with whatever obstacles the devil and the sinful world can throw in his way. With life quickly becoming intolerable, he may abandon his journey. Worse, he may become a chronic worrier and drown in anxiety, forgetting the One who call out to him.

The Distracted Hearer (Luke 8:7, 14)

PHOTO: The Distracted Hearer (Luke 8:7, 14)
The example of the seeds falling among thorny plants represents what happens to those who "are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures" (Luke 8:14). A man who tries to respond to Jesus may find himself drowning in the worries of life, his path strewn with whatever obstacles the devil and the sinful world can throw in his way. With life quickly becoming intolerable, he may abandon his journey.
Picture posted by Gospel Picture on 06 February 2013

This man may also be tempted by promises of wealth and pleasure along the way. If not intimidated by setbacks, he may be seduced by passing fancies. He may find himself joining the crowd in pursuit of transient possessions or meaningless entertainment, and become distracted from the most important journey in life. The Lord waits for him, but he is lost in the marketplace and playground of a sinful world.

Lack faith and trust in Jesus
Many who have been granted the ability to discern God's call have no real, lasting desire to follow Him. Busyness, distractions, fears, addictions, and the love of this passing world prevent them from going to Christ and walking with Him. Their common problem is a lack of faith and trust in Jesus.

The strength of our desire to respond to Jesus' invitation depends on how much we place our trust in Him. Faith creates and sustains the momentum that keeps us walking towards Jesus, and this faith is a gift of the loving, gracious God who not only enables us to discern His voice, but also to respond (John 6:37, 44, 65).

Lack faith and trust in Jesus

PHOTO: Lack faith and trust in Jesus
The strength of our desire to respond to Jesus' invitation depends on how much we place our trust in Him. Faith creates and sustains the momentum that keeps us walking towards Jesus, and this faith is a gift of the loving, gracious God who not only enables us to discern His voice, but also to respond (John 6:37, 44, 65).
Picture saved by Sandy Carrizales to The Almighty God❤ from etsy.com - Faith Can Move Mountains- Matthew 17:20

The Good Hearer (Luke 8:8, 15)
Hear the Word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop
The fourth of the soils described is the good soil. The seeds that fall on such soil represent those "with a noble and good heart, who hear the Word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop" (Luke 8:15). Note the action words: hear, retain, persevere, and produce. They contain the secret to a satisfying and fruitful life in God: we must not only hear the call of Christ, but also respond to it through action, no matter what challenges we face, for Jesus is able to help us overcome any obstacle. Our faith in Christ gives us the spiritual desire to act on what we have discerned in Jesus' words to us.

The Good Hearer (Luke 8:8, 15), hear the Word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop

PHOTO: The Good Hearer (Luke 8:8, 15), hear the Word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop
The seeds that fall on good soil represent those "with a noble and good heart, who hear the Word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop" (Luke 8:15). They contain the secret to a satisfying and fruitful life in God. Our faith in Christ gives us the spiritual desire to act on what we have discerned in Jesus' words to us.
Picture posted by The Kathmandu Post on 29 December 2016 at 08:25

Human has both good and fallen instinct
Seventeenth-century French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal describes what he calls the two "secret instincts" within every man. The first is good and is connected with what our Creator has placed in us; it knows that true happiness "lies in rest and not in excitement". But it is countered by the second instinct, which comes from a fallen human nature that seeks "external direction and occupation"; [10] it causes restlessness by keeping us from seeing who we really are - and whom we belong to. This second instinct keeps many people from responding properly to Jesus' call.

Human has both good and fallen instinct, the two 'secret instincts' within every man

PHOTO: Human has both good and fallen instinct, the two "secret instincts" within every man
The first is good and is connected with what our Creator has placed in us; it knows that true happiness "lies in rest and not in excitement". But it is countered by the second instinct, which comes from a fallen human nature that seeks "external direction and occupation"; it causes restlessness by keeping us from seeing who we really are - and whom we belong to. This second instinct keeps many people from responding properly to Jesus' call.
Source of Image ~ Unknown

Spiritual Discipline [1]
Misunderstanding about purpose of prayer
A key way we can go to Jesus is through prayer. Many people mistake prayer for a spiritual technique that helps us to get what we want, and to receive goodies from God. But we would be short-changing ourselves. If we think about prayer in this way, we would be guilty of loving the gifts more than the Giver himself. And that is not what prayer is about.

Spiritual Discipline

PHOTO: Spiritual Discipline [1]
Misunderstanding about purpose of prayer

Many people mistake prayer for a spiritual technique that helps us to get what we want, and to receive goodies from God. If we think about prayer in this way, we would be guilty of loving the gifts more than the Giver himself. And that is not what prayer is about.
Picture posted by The Praying Hands on Sunday 03 May 2015

Prayer is a relationship with God
Prayer is a relationship with God. True prayer is about approaching God simply because we love Him, with no specific request other than to spend some unhurried time with Him. God knows our hearts and the motivation behind our prayers. What joy it would bring to His heart, if He heard us say something like that!

Prayer is a relationship with God

PHOTO: Prayer is a relationship with God
True prayer is about approaching God simply because we love Him, with no specific request other than to spend some unhurried time with Him. God knows our hearts and the motivation behind our prayers.
Picture posted by Gia Volterra de Saulnier

Learn to pray with correct attitude
When we learn to pray with such an attitude, we will have truly responded to Christ's invitation to go to Him; we will have truly arrived at the feet of the only One who can give us true rest. Nineteenth-century Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard once pointed out that the words "Come to Me" should be understood to mean, "Remain with me, I am that rest." [11] And so it is with prayer. When we go to Jesus in prayer, we go to the One who is our rest. If we leave Him, we would become restless again. Knowing this truth will produce the desire to abide with Him and pray, just so we can remain by His side.

Learn to pray with correct attitude

PHOTO: Learn to pray with correct attitude
When we learn to pray to God simply because we love Him, with no specific request other than to spend some unhurried time with Him, we will have truly responded to Christ's invitation to go to Him. When we go to Jesus in prayer, we go to the One who is our rest. If we leave Him, we would become restless again.
Picture posted by Dreamstime

Practise praying regularly and faithfully
Prayer must thus be practised regularly and faithfully, with a passion and discipline that demonstrates our sincerity in responding to Jesus' invitation. It means setting aside regular time - preferably the first thing in the morning - to talk to Jesus. We may find ourselves distracted by thoughts of the day's duties and responsibilities, but like Peter, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus, the one who calms our souls.

Practise praying regularly and faithfully

PHOTO: Practise praying regularly and faithfully
Prayer must thus be practised regularly and faithfully, with a passion and discipline that demonstrates our sincerity in responding to Jesus' invitation. It means setting aside regular time to talk to Jesus. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus, the one who calms our souls.
Picture posted by 迷了路的诗人 (Lost poet) on 05 December 2015 at 12:05

Shove back at all our wishes and hopes for the day every morning
Christian writer C. S. Lewis gives some wonderful advice about starting each day in prayer: "The moment you wake up each morning, all your wishes and hopes for the day rush at you like wild animals. And the first job each morning consists in shoving it all back; in listening to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other, larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in." [12]

Shove back at all our wishes and hopes for the day every morning

PHOTO: Shove back at all our wishes and hopes for the day every morning
Listen to that other voice, taking that other point of view, letting that other, larger, stronger, quieter life come flowing in.
Picture posted by Pisanieprac.info

Go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else
How true! We must go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else; otherwise, the day will either remain static and meaningless or unravel into spiritual chaos. Novelist and poet George MacDonald wrote, "How often we look upon God as our last and feeblest resource! We go to Him because we have nowhere else to go. And then we learn that the storms of life have driven us, not upon the rocks, but into the desired haven." [13] Wise is the one who hears and responds to the invitation of Christ by going to Him first every day, through prayer and reading His Word.

Go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else

PHOTO: Go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else
We must go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else; otherwise, the day will either remain static and meaningless or unravel into spiritual chaos. Often we look upon God as our last and feeblest resource. We go to Him because we have nowhere else to go. And then we learn where the storms of life have driven us.
Picture saved by Eternal Answers Ministry to Salvation from therealityofsavingfaith.com

Do not ignore the importance of prayer
Christians who ignore the importance of prayer are in serious danger. To do anything or go anywhere - even in Christian service - without first going to Jesus is a recipe for personal and corporate disaster. Missionary efforts may end up as journeys of personal ambition or even entrepreneurship. While the Lord does command us to make disciples for Him, we often forget His invitation to "Come to Me"; this invitation precedes the missionary command in our lives. If we do not go to Jesus first, we will lose the life-giving stream that enters our hearts, and all other journeys will become useless.

Do not ignore the importance of prayer

PHOTO: Do not ignore the importance of prayer
Christians who ignore the importance of prayer are in serious danger. Missionary efforts may end up as journeys of personal ambition or even entrepreneurship. We often forget His invitation to "Come to Me"; this invitation precedes the missionary command in our lives. If we do not go to Jesus first, we will lose the life-giving stream that enters our hearts, and all other journeys will become useless.
Picture posted by  Fr. Ed Broom, OMV

For a little while give your time to God, and rest in him
Heed the good advice of 11th-century theologian St. Anselm, who said: "Flee for a while from your tasks, hide yourself for a little space from the turmoil of your thoughts. Come, cast aside your burdensome cares, and put aside your laborious pursuits. For a little while give your time to God, and rest in him for a little while. Enter into the inner chamber of your mind, shut out all things save God and whatever may aid you in seeking God; and having barred the door of your chamber, seek Him." [14]

For a little while give your time to God, and rest in him

PHOTO: For a little while give your time to God, and rest in him
Flee for a while from our tasks, hide ourself for a little space from the turmoil of our thoughts. Cast aside our burdensome cares, and put aside our laborious pursuits. For a little while give our time to God, and rest in him for a little while.  Shut out all things save God and whatever may aid us in seeking God.
Picture saved by Mary Smith to Spiritual Inspirations

Spiritual Direction [1]
Go the correct way: towards Jesus
Every day, we get invitations from idols, ideologies, gurus, and snake oil salesmen, luring us with promises of health, wealth, power, comfort, peace, success, and glory. We face a cacophony (a harsh discordant mixture of sounds) of voices from advertisements, friends' advice, and email and text messages. Read this article, buy that product, take this tonic, attend that seminar, get this academic degree, try this relationship or job, they say, and you will find fulfilment, peace, and success. As often is the case, however, all these "solutions" will eventually fail. They fail because we are measuring success only by how fast we go in life, by the speed at which we accumulate possessions and add to the list of achievements - which, ironically, becomes a record of the distractions we have faced along life's journey. They fail because we are being persuaded to try all solutions except the One given by God, and to go everywhere except to Jesus.

Spiritual Direction, go the correct way: towards Jesus

PHOTO: Spiritual Direction, go the correct way: towards Jesus
Every day, we get invitations saying we will find fulfilment, peace, and success. As often is the case, however, all these "solutions" will eventually fail. They fail because we are measuring success only by how fast we go in life, by the speed at which we accumulate possessions and add to the list of achievements - which, ironically, becomes a record of the distractions we have faced along life's journey. They fail because we are being persuaded to try all solutions except the One given by God, and to go everywhere except to Jesus.
Picture posted by Crosscards.com

It is thus important to ensure that we are going the correct way: towards Jesus.

Direction is more important than speed or efficiency
Direction is more important than speed or efficiency; making sure that we are heading towards the right person or thing, and staying on track, is critical. If we lose our way, we will become restless - and may end up rushing forward recklessly. We need to learn to read our spiritual compass so that we know which way our lives are heading; this is an essential spiritual skill. No wonder St. Augustine prayed as he examined his heart and the hearts of those around him: "You have formed us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find rest in You." [15]

Direction is more important than speed or efficiency; making sure that we are heading towards the right person or thing, and staying on track, is critical.

PHOTO: Direction is more important than speed or efficiency; making sure that we are heading towards the right person or thing, and staying on track, is critical. We need to learn to read our spiritual compass so that we know which way our lives are heading; this is an essential spiritual skill.
Picture posted by Living Compass @LivCompass


Respond to the voice of Jesus
Unfortunately, many of us are too busy or distracted to notice our real need for Jesus, and we end up falling for the false and confusing promises offered in the modern marketplace. If we care to listen, however, we will hear the voice of Jesus in our hearts. We will see His compassion and come to realise that He is the only solution for our confusion and loneliness. We must then respond immediately, overcoming our fears and hesitation as we walk to Jesus in faith.

Respond to the voice of Jesus

PHOTO: Respond to the voice of Jesus
We will see His compassion and come to realise that He is the only solution for our confusion and loneliness. We must then respond immediately, overcoming our fears and hesitation as we walk to Jesus in faith.
God’s will for the earth has not changed. He still wants perfect humans to live forever on a paradise earth. (Psalm 37:29).
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.

Which of these especially challenging for you?
The following listed are still challenging in my pursuit to go to Jesus.
Spiritual Discernment

  • Need to be able to discern His voice - Unable to decide God's plan for us, especially whether the rain will fall when we want to go out for our morning walk along the Park Connector Networks (PCN)
  • Spiritual deafness caused by distractions from Internet and Social Media which have many attractions both Godly and devilish fascinating

Spiritual Discernment's challenge: Difficulty in discerning His voice
PHOTO: Spiritual Discernment's challenge: Difficulty in discerning His voice
Unable to decide God's plan for us, especially whether the rain will fall when we want to go out for our morning walk along the Park Connector Networks (PCN). We are however protected from falling trees, attacking dogs, fast moving Personal Mobility Devices (PMD), floods, snakes and National Park Protected Animals. (Courtesy: Disney)
Picture saved by Ribbin Talakot to A bunch o fun on 18 October 2013 from Inhabitat- Disney World Avatar Land


Spiritual Discernment's challenge: Difficulty in discerning His voice

PHOTO: Spiritual Discernment's challenge: Difficulty in discerning His voice
I was unable to decide whether to accept a job that was offered to me. It had its pros and cons (advantages and disadvantages). God allowed me to take the offer, but I was unable to face the challenges, and after 3 months I left the job, starting on my retirement journey.
Picture posted by CBS Broadcasting Inc.,The Associated Press on 08 May 2017 at 1:41 pm - A Look At Disney Worlds New Pandora World Of Avatar Land. Floating mountains grace the sky while exotic plants fill the colorful landscape inside Pandora – The World of AVATAR. (Courtesy: Disney)

Spiritual Discernment's challenge: Spiritual deafness caused by distractions from Internet and Social Media which have many attractions both Godly and devilish fascinating.

PHOTO: Spiritual Discernment's challenge: Spiritual deafness caused by distractions from Internet and Social Media which have many attractions both Godly and devilish fascinating.
Picture saved by Jyn Erso (Willow Nightwish (on/off for who knows how long))(in Finland!!) to Drawn Character Inspiration from kirasanta.deviantart.com - Tristessa by kirasanta on DeviantArt


Spiritual Desire
The Distracted Hearer (Luke 8:7, 14), Lack faith and trust in Jesus - Unable to hand over my deteriorating health conditions over to Him completely. I still consult Doctors, Specialists and Nurses when my body is in trouble. I want to rely on Jesus to save my soul. Only He can do it.

Spiritual Desire's challenge: Lack faith and trust in Jesus

PHOTO: Spiritual Desire's challenge: Lack faith and trust in Jesus
I still consult Doctors, Specialists and Nurses when my earthly body is in trouble. I want to rely on Jesus to save my soul. Only He can do it.
Picture saved by Doray Ann De Wet saved to JESUS from godisreal.today

Spiritual Discipline

  • Misunderstanding about purpose of prayer - Only pray for solutions to our problems instead of cultivating relationship with Jesus
  • Learn to pray with correct attitude - My attitude is still on the demanding and requesting mode
  • Shove back at all our wishes and hopes for the day every morning - Still pray about my hopes and wishes
  • Go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else - There are many irresistible attractions from the Internet
  • For a little while give your time to God, and rest in him - My prayers are still in the hurry

Spiritual Disciplines challenge: Misunderstanding about purpose of prayer
PHOTO: Spiritual Disciplines challenge: Misunderstanding about purpose of prayer
My prayer mostly consists of requesting for solutions to problems instead of cultivating relationship with Jesus. Starting from early in the morning my attitude is still on the demanding and requesting mode. I am so used to praying about my hopes and wishes for me and my immediate family, friends, ex-colleagues and newly met walking friends at the PCN (Park Connector Networks).
There are still many irresistible attractions from the Internet and TV, causing my prayers to be in the hurry.
Picture posted by incontraregesu.net

Spiritual Direction

  • Respond to the voice of Jesus - There are distractions obstructing my respond to the calling of Jesus

Spiritual Direction's challenge: Respond to the voice of Jesus
PHOTO: Spiritual Direction's challenge: Respond to the voice of Jesus
There are distractions obstructing my respond to the calling of Jesus, especially those from the Internet and Social media.
Picture posted by God's Minute Station Network

How can your experience help you grow closer to Christ?
Establish relationship with Jesus is important
Every time when I am reading the Bible and related materials, I try to pick up some of the instructions and practice them. For example prayers should not just consist of requesting for solutions to our problems but to focus on building relationship with Him. I believe over time our relationship will improve and become less stressful. He is willing to forgive and forget, and carry on loving us despite our constant falling into sin, again and again.

Establish relationship with Jesus is important

PHOTO: Establish relationship with Jesus is important
Instructions from the Bible and related materials are the Words of God that build and mould us into a mature Christian. Along our life journey we have make mistakes and the timely reminder to change for the better will help us improve our relationship with Jesus. He has already planned to cultivate us into the perfect person to live with Him in eternity. Accepting His plan is a step in the correct Spiritual Direction. Responding to His call to "Come to Me" with Spiritual Desire is the way to finding rest for our soul. Understanding the importance of growing a close relationship together with the loving Spiritual Discipline from Him, we will meet Him in heaven with an inheritance as promised.
Picture saved by Campus Christian to Jesus from jeankeatonart.com


We are perpetual sinners requiring His forgiveness and mercy, provision, guidance, correction and protection
I learn over time that God's love, grace and mercy are enough to cover all our sins. We therefore should not give up following Jesus, although His instructions may be difficult to be executed. For example, the giving up everything and follow him. He has the best plan for us but it is just difficult to accept immediately. He will give us the help to overcome those problems. He have provided, guided, corrected and protected us in many areas of our lives. We manage even though we have been without a job with regular income for many years. Despite our failing health, we are still able to walk 10,000 steps every day. Despite so many shameful conditions, there are still people who dare to communicate with us. He provides for us despite our being imperfect because of His love, grace and mercy.

We are perpetual sinners requiring His forgiveness and mercy, provision, guidance, correction and protection

PHOTO: We are perpetual sinners requiring His forgiveness and mercy, provision, guidance, correction and protection
God's love, grace and mercy are enough to cover all our sins. We therefore should not give up following Jesus no matter how difficult the situation is. With our faith in Him, He will provide, guide, correct and protect us with the necessities of life on earth. This are what I discovered after going through 2 job retrenchments in my forty's and fifty's. Without regular income from wages and with failing health, God has provided for our livelihood expenditures and commitments. After so many years we are still surviving comfortably and still able to walk 10,000 steps every day. Although our conditions and status are shameful, we still have people who dare to communicate with us. Even in the darkest moment He is there to provide comfort through ordinary people with extraordinary contributions.
Picture posted by Matti Medina  on Friday, 24 June 2016 at 7:12 pm - Blogging about my experiences in life and reflections with my walk (or crawl) with Christ

Baring ourselves to Jesus
He knows all about our troubles, predicaments and short-comings. There is no need to try and hide any of them from Him. Rather it is correct to go to Him with the truths, no matter how bad they are. Slowly bit by bit He will mould us into His likeness. Our livelihood expenditures are increasing but He have the way to provide what we need at the correct time. Many of the worries about money problems were actually unnecessary. There were many worries about irregular heartbeats, poor kidney functions and failing eye sights but still able to see the sunshine and feel the fresh air. There are many wonders that God can provide for anybody with any conditions. He knows us more than we know ourselves, and that is something that is very comforting to know.

Baring ourselves to Jesus

PHOTO: Baring ourselves to Jesus
We need not try and hide unpleasant happenings from Him pretending that everything is perfect. He knows. Whatever we thought we knew, He knew more, and long time ago. We are 'bare' to him. He knows all about our troubles, predicaments and short-comings. Our responses are equally predictable and transparent to Him. We might as well confess our sins and repent from our wrong doings. His grace in providing forgiveness is enough to cover all our sins. By baring to Him and asking for forgiveness is the correct response. He will forgive and forget with the necessary disciplinary actions. Those actions are for our benefits because we are becoming more and more perfect in the eye of God. With the moulding and cleansing action of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to reach the perfect stage to enter heaven and live with God in eternity.
Picture saved by GodSpeaks to The world needs God from godSpeaks.com
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” - Hebrews 4:13 (NIV)

Allow Jesus to take control of our life
It is a struggle to overcome all the undesirable conditions, habits and actions by our own effort. With His help I can feel significant changes in the correct direction. It could be due to better understanding of His plans for us, for example by staying single and avoid the uncomfortable difficulties of married life. To stay in a normal HDB flat can also be as happy as staying in a condominium. To experience closer relationship with Christ can be from HDB flat too. That is what most of us can do every day, from dawn to dusk, from young till old, and hopefully from now till eternity. Our plans may one day synchronise with His, for the better.

Allow Jesus to take control of our life

PHOTO: Allow Jesus to take control of our life
Sometime it is beyond our own effort to overcome all the undesirable conditions, habits and actions. We may have to accept the outcome that was planned by our Creator for our benefits. It could be due to better understanding of His plans for us, for example by staying single and avoid the uncomfortable difficulties of married life. Although a shameful status and reality in life but a happier one. Unable to form a family may not be a complete failure. It is still possible to assist our immediate family to raise their children and enjoy the family life which a normal family could. To experience closer relationship with Christ can be from government sponsered  HDB flat too. That is what most of us can do every day, from dawn to dusk, from young till old, and hopefully from now till eternity. Our plans may one day synchronise with His, for the better. Therefore let go and let God's plans work. The sooner the better.
Picture posted by The Tab - The flashpacker

The longest journey starts with the first step. I am grateful He had given me the opportunity to take that step in the correct direction with more understanding, desire and discipline.

Dear Lord, Please help us to detect, understand and respond to Jesus' call to go to Him and find rest for our souls. We need to understand that it is important to listen to Jesus and be the Good Hearer who hears the Word, retains it, and by persevering produce a crop. Help us to realise the important of prayer, to pray regularly and faithfully with the correct attitude. That is to develop a strong and close relationship with Jesus and not just to request for solutions to our problems. We need to go the correct spiritual direction, and that is to go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else. Only then can we develop the relationship with Jesus that we have being waiting for. Please help us to take the correct Spiritual direction together with Spiritual discernment, Spiritual desire, and Spiritual discipline. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to detect, understand and respond to Jesus' call to go to Him and find rest for our souls. We need to understand that it is important to listen to Jesus and be the Good Hearer who hears the Word, retains it, and by persevering produce a crop. Help us to realise the important of prayer, to pray regularly and faithfully with the correct attitude. That is to develop a strong and close relationship with Jesus and not just to request for solutions to our problems. We need to go the correct spiritual direction, and that is to go to Jesus first before we go anywhere else. Only then can we develop the relationship with Jesus that we have being waiting for. Please help us to take the correct Spiritual direction together with Spiritual discernment, Spiritual desire, and Spiritual discipline. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Painting by Jonathan Weber - Mary Magdalene
Picture posted by FineArtAmerica.com


Reflection - Making Sure You Go to Jesus - Spiritual discernment, desire, discipline and direction
From "Finding rest for the soul" by Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

[1] From "Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, Copyright © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-709-5, Part I: Come to Me, Chapter Three "Making Sure You Go to Jesus", Page 45-58.

[9] Calvin Miller, Guardians of the Singreale (San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1980), 10.

[10] Blaise Pascal, "Diversion". Pemsées. trans. A. J. Krailsheimer (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1966), 67-69.

[11] Charles E. Moore, ed., Provocations: Spiritual Writings of Kierkegaard (Farmington, PA: The Bruderhof Foundation, 2002), 155.

[12] Lewis, Mere Christianity, 165.

[13] Cited in Melvin E, Dieter and Hallie A. Dieter, God id Enough (Florida: Xulon Press 2003), 45.

[14] St. Ansellm, "Chapter I", Proslogium, trans. S. N. Deane (1910), https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/basis/anselm-proslogium.asp#CHAPTER I.

[15] St Augustine, The Confessions, 1:1, http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/110101.htm.

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

2 Peter 1:20-21 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Peter+1%3A20-21&version=NIV

Hebrews 4:13 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews+4%3A13&version=NIV

John 6:37, 44, 65 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+6%3A37%2C+44%2C+65&version=NIV

Isaiah 50:4-5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+50%3A4-5&version=NIV

Luke 8:5-15 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A5-15&version=NIV

Luke 8:5, 12 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A5%2C+12&version=NIV

Luke 8:6, 13 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A6%2C+13&version=NIV

Luke 8:7, 14 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A7%2C+14&version=NIV

Luke 8:8, 15 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A8%2C+15&version=NIV

Luke 8:12 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A12&version=NIV

Luke 8:13 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A13&version=NIV

Luke 8:14 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A14&version=NIV

Luke 8:15 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+8%3A15&version=NIV

Mark 5:1-17 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+5%3A1-17&version=NIV

Mark 5:15 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark+5%3A15&version=NIV

Matthew 7:26 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7%3A26&version=NIV

Matthew 11:28-29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+11%3A28-29&version=NIV

Matthew 14:22-33 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+++14%3A22-33&version=NIV

Matthew 14:27-28 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+14%3A27-28&version=NIV

Matthew 14:29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+14%3A29&version=NIV

Matthew 14:30 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+14%3A30&version=NIV

Matthew 19:16-24 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+19%3A16-24&version=NIV

Matthew 17:1-5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+17%3A1-5&version=NIV

Matthew 17:5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+17%3A5&version=NIV

Psalm 37:29 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+37%3A29&version=NIV

Psalm 40:6 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+40%3A6&version=NIV