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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rare 'super blood blue moon' visible on Jan 31

Source Website: http://www.asiaone.com/world/rare-super-blood-blue-moon-visible-jan-31
By AFP, Asiaone, 29 January 2018

Rare 'super blood blue moon' combines three unusual lunar events -- an extra big super moon, a blue moon and a total lunar eclipse.
PHOTO: Rare 'super blood blue moon' combines three unusual lunar events -- an extra big super moon, a blue moon and a total lunar eclipse.
Picture posted by AFP, Asiaone, 29 January 2018


MIAMI: A cosmic event not seen in 36 years -- a rare "super blood blue moon" -- may be glimpsed January 31 in parts of western North America, Asia, the Middle East, Russia and Australia.

The event is causing a buzz because it combines three unusual lunar events -- an extra big super moon, a blue moon and a total lunar eclipse.

"It's an astronomical trifecta," said Kelly Beatty, a senior editor at Sky and Telescope magazine.

A blue moon refers to the second full moon in a month. Typically, a blue moon happens every two years and eight months.

This full moon is also the third in a series of "supermoons," which happen when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit.

Experts say the supermoon on Jan 31 would be a special one.
PHOTO: Experts say the supermoon on Jan 31 would be a special one. The event is causing a buzz because it combines three unusual lunar events -- an extra big super moon, a blue moon and a total lunar eclipse.
Picture posted by AFP, Asiaone, 29 January 2018


This point, called the perigee, makes the moon appear 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter.

During the eclipse, the moon will glide into Earth's shadow, gradually turning the white disk of light to orange or red.

During the eclipse, the moon will glide into Earth's shadow, gradually turning the white disk of light to orange or red.
PHOTO: During the eclipse, the moon will glide into Earth's shadow, gradually turning the white disk of light to orange or red. The alignment of the sun, moon and Earth will last one hour and 16 minutes, visible before dawn across the western United States and Canada.
Picture posted by facemeu.com on  08 October 2014



Super Blood Moon
PHOTO: Super Blood Moon
Picture posted by Imgur on 29 September 2015


"That red light you see is sunlight that has skimmed and bent through Earth's atmosphere and continued on through space to the moon," said Alan MacRobert of Sky and Telescope magazine.

The last full moon of 2017 will be the first, last and only supermoon of the year that can be seen with the naked eye.
PHOTO: The last full moon of 2017 will be the first, last and only supermoon of the year that can be seen with the naked eye.
Picture posted by AFP, Asiaone, 29 January 2018


"In other words, it's from all the sunrises and sunsets that ring the world at the moment."

The alignment of the sun, moon and Earth will last one hour and 16 minutes, visible before dawn across the western United States and Canada.

A supermoon occurs when the full moon is at its closest distance to earth, a point which is called the perigree.
PHOTO: A supermoon occurs when the full moon is at its closest distance to earth, a point which is called the perigree. The perigee, makes the moon appear 14 per cent larger and 30 per cent brighter. During the eclipse, the moon will glide into Earth's shadow, gradually turning the white disk of light to orange or red.
"That red light you see is sunlight that has skimmed and bent through Earth's atmosphere and continued on through space to the moon," said Alan MacRobert of Sky and Telescope magazine.
Picture posted by AFP, Asiaone, 29 January 2018

Those in the Middle East, Asia, eastern Russia, Australia and New Zealand should look for it in the evening, as the moon rises.

Unlike a solar eclipse, this lunar eclipse can be safely viewed without protective eyewear.

"We've had a lot of supermoons and we've had lunar eclipses, but it's rare that it also happens to be a blue moon," said Jason Aufdenberg, associate professor of physics and astronomy at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's campus in Daytona Beach, Florida.

"All three of these cycles lining up is what makes this unusual," he added.

"It's just a wonder to behold."

Supermoons can appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than a full moon at its furthest distance from earth.
PHOTO: Supermoons can appear up to 14% larger and 30% brighter than a full moon at its furthest distance from earth.
Picture posted by AFP, Asiaone, 29 January 2018


According to Sky and Telescope magazine, "the last time a complete lunar cover-up took place on the second full moon of the month was December 30, 1982, at least as reckoned by local time in Europe, Africa, and western Asia -- locations where the event could be seen."

That event also occurred at the moon's orbital perigee, making it an extra bright supermoon.

Aufdenberg said that by his calculations, the last time a supermoon, blue moon and total lunar eclipse all together were visible from the eastern United States was on May 31, 1844.

Aufdenberg said that by his calculations, the last time a supermoon, blue moon and total lunar eclipse all together were visible from the eastern United States was on May 31, 1844.
PHOTO: Aufdenberg said that by his calculations, the last time a supermoon, blue moon and total lunar eclipse all together were visible from the eastern United States was on May 31, 1844. Experts say the supermoon on Jan 31 would be a special one. It would feature both a lunar eclipse and a blue moon (the second full moon in a month).
Picture posted by AFP, Asiaone, 29 January 2018

According to Sky and Telescope, the last blue moon total lunar eclipse visible from North America happened on March 31, 1866.

"But on that date the moon was near apogee, its most distant point from Earth," it said.

Lunar eclipses during a supermoon happen rather regularly. The last one was in September 2015.

Lunar eclipses occur at least twice a year.

Supermoons can happen four to six times a year.

The next supermoon lunar eclipse visible throughout all of the United States will be January 21, 2019 -- though that one will not be a blue moon.

According to Sky and Telescope, the last blue moon total lunar eclipse visible from North America happened on March 31, 1866.
PHOTO: According to Sky and Telescope, the last blue moon total lunar eclipse visible from North America happened on March 31, 1866. The next supermoon lunar eclipse visible throughout all of the United States will be January 21, 2019 -- though that one will not be a blue moon.
Picture posted by AFP, Asiaone, 29 January 2018



Unlike a solar eclipse, this lunar eclipse can be safely viewed without protective eyewear.
PHOTO: Unlike a solar eclipse, this lunar eclipse can be safely viewed without protective eyewear. The alignment of the sun, moon and Earth will last one hour and 16 minutes, visible before dawn across the western United States and Canada.
Picture posted by AFP, Asiaone, 29 January 2018



Super blood blue moon eclipse on 31 January 2018 - Higher state of Consciousness
PHOTO: Super blood blue moon eclipse on 31 January 2018 - Higher state of Consciousness
The meaning of the name of this Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse:
Super: A Super Moon happens when the Full Moon is closest to Earth. This Lunar Eclipse is going to be nice and close to Earth, which means visibility will be high and its energetic effects will be strong.
Blood: A Blood Moon is just another name for a Total Lunar Eclipse. This is because a Total Eclipse gives the Moon a reddish glow. Blood Moons are quite rare, and we haven't had one since 2014.
Blue: A Blue Moon is the second Full Moon of the month. Whenever there are two Full Moons in a month, the second is referred to as a Blue Moon. This is also an extremely rare occurrence and makes this Eclipse particularly significant.
The last time we experienced a Super Blood Blue Moon Eclipse was 150 years ago.
Picture posted by Tanaaz, consclousremlnder



Full moons are always energetically potent, powerful, creative, and intensely magical times.
PHOTO: Full moons are always energetically potent, powerful, creative, and intensely magical times. The cosmic vibes emanating from a blue moon or a super moon are believed to be multiple times more powerful than on a regular full moon; so, on January 31st, lunar energy will be highly charged and at its most intense.
Picture posted by Alex Myles on 23 January 2018


Super Blue Blood Moon: Total lunar eclipse, blue moon together 1st time since 1982
PHOTO: Super Blue Blood Moon: Total lunar eclipse, blue moon together 1st time since 1982
Revelation 6:12: " I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red". A warning of the terrible ending. We pray that God stop the opening of any of the seals and plagues. Let us together repent before it's too late.
Picture posted by TomoNews US on 28 January 2018

By AFP, Asiaone, 29 January 2018

[1] AFP, Asiaone, Rare 'super blood blue moon' visible on Jan 31, posted on 29 January 2018, http://www.asiaone.com/world/rare-super-blood-blue-moon-visible-jan-31

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Monday, January 29, 2018

He lost four limbs to GBS infection, but is game to try sky diving

Source Website: http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/leading-full-lives-after-gbs-infection
By Janice Tai, The Straits Times, 28 January 2018 at 5:00 am SGT

Mr Tan Whee Boon exercising at a park with his wife Choong Siet Mei, 50. Mr Tan lost his four limbs when he came down with GBS infection in 2015 after eating a raw fish dish.
PHOTO: Mr Tan Whee Boon exercising at a park with his wife Choong Siet Mei, 50. Mr Tan lost his four limbs when he came down with GBS infection in 2015 after eating a raw fish dish.
ST PHOTOS: Seah Kwang Peng
Picture posted by Janice Tai, The Straits Times on 28 January 2018 at 5:00 am SGT

Raw fish dishes came under the spotlight in 2015 after a Group B Streptococcus (GBS) outbreak here involving about 360 cases. Of these, about 150 were linked to the consumption of Chinese-style raw fish dishes that use freshwater fish. Janice Tai caught up with two men whose lives were changed as a result of the infection.

Mr Tan Whee Boon once laughed bitterly at his predicament.

He wanted to kill himself but the former technician had no arms and legs to execute the plan.

After eating a raw fish dish in 2015, he come down with GBS infection that required his four limbs to be amputated. "I was so depressed when I realised I couldn't even kill myself, even if I wished to," said Mr Tan, 53, in Mandarin.

Mr Tan Whee Boon's ordeal began in July when he was taken to hospital after feeling giddy and severe bouts of vomiting and diarrhoea.
PHOTO: Mr Tan Whee Boon's ordeal began in July when he was taken to hospital after feeling giddy and severe bouts of vomiting and diarrhoea. This happened a few days after he ate a Chinese raw fish dish, or yusheng, at a Chinatown food centre. Mr Tan was taken to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital where tests found three types of bacteria in his body, one of which was Group B Streptococcus (GBS).
Photos: ST, TNP, Shutterstock, Facebook/helptanwheeboon, Lianhe Wanbao

Two and a half years later, he is a changed man. Far from being suicidal, he is challenging his limits.

Last year, he tried scaling the massive rock-climbing wall at Kallang Wave Mall. Balancing his body weight on his arm cuffs and prosthetic legs, he inched his way up and managed to reach the halfway mark.

"I signed up for the activity organised by Tan Tock Seng Hospital for amputees to encourage others to do the same, because if a man with no arms or legs can climb, they can do it too," said Mr Tan.

He also learnt to scuba dive, though he did not go on to dive in the sea due to safety concerns.

"My dream is to skydive some day. I have been asking around to see which company will let me do it. I just find myself wanting to try or do things I have not done before," said Mr Tan, who is also in Singapore's first wheelchair rugby team.

He spends most of his time going to hospitals and homes to visit those who may be feeling down due to a newly acquired disability.

SHOWING THE WAY: When Mr Tan saw Ms Aishah enter his ward, he was moved to tears. His hands and feet have to be amputated.
PHOTO: Mr Tan regained hope, thanks to para-athlete Ms Aishah.
In 2015 Mr Tan regained hope when national para-athlete Aishah Samad visited him. With his hands and feet blackened after his battle against bacterial infections, Mr Tan then had little hope himself and for the future of his wife and two children, aged 14 and 15.
Ms Aishah, who lost her hands and feet in 2012 after a bacterial infection, had gone to visit Mr Tan after reading the TNP report about his condition and mental anguish. Through God's merciful grace, two and a half years later, he is a changed man. Far from being suicidal, he is challenging his limits. He spends most of his time going to hospitals and homes to visit those who may be feeling down due to a newly acquired disability.
Picture posted by My Paper on Tuesday, 18 August 2015 (Page A6, Top Stories)

My Paper, Tuesday, August 18, 2015, Page A6, Top Stories

"Sometimes I don't even need to speak to comfort them. A lot of them are too embarrassed to be sad or angry about their own state when they compare themselves to me."

One patient paralysed on one side of his body after a stroke, for instance, stopped taking it out on his family when Mr Tan visited him in his hospital room.

Mr Tan's outlook on life changed when a former colleague took him to church, where he found God and peace and began to accept what had happened to him.

"I became less hot-tempered and irritable and came out of seclusion to meet people," said Mr Tan, whose wife works as a cashier. They have two teenaged children.

For the past year, he has been trying to find a job through SPD, a charity for people with disabilities.

He has learnt to type using his arm cuffs but Mr Tan, who has secondary level qualifications, has not been called up for an interview yet.

Mr Sim Tharn Chun, 54, was also infected by GBS after eating raw fish porridge at Tiong Bahru Market and Food Centre in 2015.

Mr Sim Tharn Chun lost his hearing after a GBS infection in 2015. His wife Cathryn has written a book, From Raw Meal To Real Deal, on her caregiving journey.
PHOTO: Mr Sim Tharn Chun lost his hearing after a GBS infection in 2015. His wife Cathryn has written a book, From Raw Meal To Real Deal, on her caregiving journey.
ST PHOTOS: Seah Kwang Peng
Picture posted by Janice Tai, The Straits Times on 28 January 2018 at 5:00 am SGT

The infection led to meningitis and an almost complete loss of hearing, a big challenge as Mr Sim enjoyed communicating with people, after almost three decades in sales and marketing. The infection meant he had to resign as industrial giant Honeywell's country manager.

Mr Sim then tried IT training courses to see if he was still able to learn despite being largely deaf. But he found it hard to follow the class despite having someone to help him take notes on what the trainer was saying in real time.

He uses messaging service WhatsApp and speech-to-text applications to communicate with his family. "My heart aches when I see them talk, laugh or smile at one another and I don't know the details of their conversations. I need to manage my emotions or else I can feel very left out among groups of people."

Mr Sim affected by GBS in 2015 thankful for his family
PHOTO: Mr Sim affected by GBS in 2015 thankful for his family
Mrs Cathryn Sim left her job to help her husband with his rehabilitation. Mrs Sim is considering starting a marriage training and parenting consultancy with her husband. They have two other children - Charis, 19, a Temasek Polytechnic student; and Charity, who is in Secondary 3.
They help out at home, including cooking for their father. Mr Sim said: "I feel blessed to have them as my children. They show empathy, especially when I'm in a foul mood."
TNP PHOTO: Gavin Foo
Picture posted by Joseph Lee, The New Paper on 27 January 2017 at 06:00 am


His wife also left her financial consulting job of 24 years to take care of him. The couple, who have three teenage children, are living on insurance payouts and their savings. But they are not bitter. Mrs Sim visited the raw fish porridge stall owners in 2016 to tell them how her husband was doing, to put their minds at ease. She has also written and published two books on their experiences. The English edition of From Raw Meal To Real Deal came out last year and sold about 800 copies. The Chinese version is being launched today at Cafe Galilee in Woodlands Regional Library.
Said Mr Sim: "I have lost my hearing, but I can still smell, see, feel and think."

SUPPORT: Mr Sim Tharn Chun says his wife, Mrs Cathryn Sim, has been his pillar of strength, accompanying him on evening walks and being his ears.
PHOTO: SUPPORT: Mr Sim Tharn Chun says his wife, Mrs Cathryn Sim, has been his pillar of strength, accompanying him on evening walks and being his ears.
The couple, who have three teenage children, are living on insurance payouts and their savings. But they are not bitter. Mrs Sim visited the raw fish porridge stall owners in 2016 to tell them how her husband was doing, to put their minds at ease.
TNP PHOTO: Choo Chwee Hua
Picture posted by Azim Azman, The New Paper on 06 June 2016 at 06:00 am


God is more interested in our spiritual health than our physical well-being, but He does want us to be physically healthy as well. On the other hand, disease is a result of Adam’s sin, and even the most righteous may suffer. After all, Job was righteous, but God allowed him to suffer disease and hardship. [3]
By The Straits Times, 28 January 2018
A version of this article appeared in the print edition of The Sunday Times on January 28, 2018, with the headline 'Leading full lives after GBS infection'. Print Edition | Subscribe

[1] Janice Tai, The Straits Times, He lost four limbs to GBS infection, but is game to try sky diving, posted on 28 January 2018, http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/leading-full-lives-after-gbs-infection

[2] Azim Azman, The New Paper, Raw fish meal left high flyer in world of silence, posted on 06 June 2016 at 06:00 am, http://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore/raw-fish-meal-left-high-flyer-world-silence

[3] Got Questions Ministries, What does the Bible say about health?, https://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-health.html


Group B Streptococcus (GBS) outbreak - http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/recent-gbs-outbreak-biggest-in-the-world

no arms and legs to execute the plan - http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/gbs-victim-remains-upbeat-despite-losing-limbs-to-infection

Print Edition - http://www.straitstimes.com/print-edition

Subscribe - http://www.sphsubscription.com.sg/eshop