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Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Devil Rides Out (1968) - (Warning: Nudity!)

Source Website: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062885/
Review by Andrew Leavold (trash@trashvideo.com.au) (Brisbane, Australia), 05 October 2003

The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Charles Gray, whose Mocata embodies the best of everything about being a villain. He’s polite and polished but also possessed of a wicked streak. The devil worshiper plan to convert two new victims, Simon Aron (Patrick Mower) and Tanith Carlisle (Nike Arrighi), for the service of the devil.
Nike Arrighi was unique in that she was not one of Hammer’s typical big-bosomed blond damsels in distress. She doesn’t fit the stereotype of a Hammer girl at all, though that wasn’t the studio lack of foresight.
Picture posted by SA-512 on 5 April 2016 at 22:26 - Charles Gray (as Mocata), Nike Arrighi (as Tanith Carlisle)


The movie's US title was changed to "The Devil's Bride" because its original title made it sound much too much like a Western. In the countryside of England, a frighteningly real world of dark forces at work beneath the genteel surface of the English aristocracy.

At a reunion of old friends at a country estate, occult expert the Duc de Richelieu aka Nicholas (Christopher Lee) and his well-meaning but impulsive lantern-jawed sidekick Rex Van Ryn (Leon Greene) discover their young comrade Simon Aron (Patrick Mower) has become involved in `astrological society', a thinly-veiled satanic cult lead by the charismatic Mocata (Charles Gray). Richelieu and Rex kidnap Simon to prevent his Devil's baptism, but he escapes. Mocata then uses Richelieu's friends Richard (Yes Minister's Paul Eddington) and his family, and Tanith (Nike Arrighi), a young French beauty also marked for baptism, as bait to lure Richelieu to his destruction.

The Devil Rides Out (1968)
PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Richleau a.k.a Nicholas and Rex unexpectedly visit Simon Aron when he is receiving twelve mysterious friends. Nicholas, who is proficient in black magic, learns that the guests are member of a satanic cult, and Simon and his friend Tanith Carlisle will be baptized by the powerful leader Mocata to serve the devil. The two friends, Richleau a.k.a Nicholas and Rex, abduct Simon and Tanith expecting to save their souls but Mocata summons the Angel of Death and the Goat of Mendes to help him in a battle between the good and the forces of evil.
Picture saved by John Brennan - Artist to The Devil and All His Works from 25.media.tumblr.com - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)

The movie starred Niké Arrighi as the sexy satanic neophyte Tanith Carlisle and Sarah Lawson as Marie Eaton, who resists powerful temptations and comes to the spiritual aid of Du Richleau aka Nicholas (Christopher Lee).

Canon Darnien Mocata was an officiating priest at some church in Lyons when he was young but was a pain in the ass to his superiors and left after a scandal. He went on to become a somewhat experienced practitioner of the Magic Art. [3]

The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
The Sacrificial ceremony, a ritual orgy, was intended for both Simon's and Tanith's baptism. The sinister Mocata exerted a hypnotic and sexual charisma to all who crossed his path. He was intelligent, persuasive and he surrounded himself with characters who were also strong with dark magical powers that went back to ancestral lands and ancient, forbidden knowledge. [3]
Picture posted by Maniacs By Movie on 16 June 2011 - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


Mocata believes that magic is neither good nor evil. It is "only the science of causing change to occur by means of will."  He seductively explains that the only reason it got a bad reputation is because it was practiced behind closed doors and "anything which is done in secret naturally begets a reputation for mystery." When he conjures entities into actual being he sees it as no more than a "qualified electrician … adjusting a powerful electric battery from which a child, who played foolishly with it, might receive a serious shock or even death." [3]


The Devil Rides Out (1968)
PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
It was more than sinister than sensual magnetism of dark magic and occult. It was communistic and evil in ways that transcended spirituality. We come into contact with a man of Power that would bring us into dangers of a very real and concrete nature.
How could you not be scared? And how could you not be seduced? This was real and dangerous and happening in all the best places. [3]
Picture posted by buy-nike.com - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


Both the final sacrificial ceremony at Mocata's mansion and the Grand Sabbat, a grand ritual orgy for Simon and Tanith's intended baptism, veer toward staged pantomime. Mocata invokes Satan (`The Goat of Mendes - the Devil himself!') at the Sabbat, a wretched figure with pin-on horns and raccoon eyes, added to the scene's horrific implications. The grinning Goat of Mendes in the film was played by Eddie Powell, who was Christopher Lee’s stunt double in Hammer’s 1958 adaptation of Dracula. [3]

The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Tanith Carlisle by actress Nike Arrighi, was forced with Satanic Baptism and Evil Intelligences. The devil willfully destroyed the barrier of astral Light which was her natural protection, and offered her as a medium through which the powers of Darkness might operate on mankind. Hellish symbolical growth and disintegration to Darkness. [3]
Picture posted by Horror Sinema Review - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


The film's scariest scene is set in an empty room; Richelieu, Rex and the family take refuge inside a chalk circle and are confronted by a series of apparitions conjured by Mocata. The final ghastly figure: a horsebound Angel of Death, whose mask drops to reveal a grinning skull.

The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Richelieu, Rex and the family take refuge inside a chalk circle fending off the forces of darkness. They are confronted by a series of apparitions conjured by Mocata.
Picture posted by Obscure Hollow on Saturday, 15 September 2012. - Linda Lawson (Marie Eaton)


The Devil Rides Out (1968)
PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Picture posted by IMDb.com, Inc. - Linda Lawson (Marie Eaton)


The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
The film's scariest scene is set in an empty room. The final ghastly figure: a horsebound Angel of Death, whose mask drops to reveal a grinning skull.
Picture posted by longhairguyintexas

The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Almost ripped naked under the illumination of a burning cauldron and candlelight, Tanith Carlisle (Nike Arrighi) was splased with blood which the revelers drank and conjured the devil. The devil, who would appeared as a huge goat, "rattled and clacked its monstrous cloven hoofs together and gave a weird laughing neigh in a mockery of applause." Meanwhile they danced anti-clockwise to "a harsh, discordant jumble of notes and broken chords," [3]
Picture saved by Jymn Magon to HORRRROR from Byron - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
The Satanic ritual orgy for Tanith's intended baptism to serve the devil. Tanith is about to be married to Satan, the ruler of Darkness world.
Picture posted by Blue Ruins on 17 November 2013 - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)

The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Picture posted by SA-512 on 5 April 2016 at 22:21 - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Picture posted by SA-512 on 5 April 2016 at 22:32 - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Picture posted by SA-512 on 5 April 2016 at 22:08 - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


 The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Picture saved by Jenifer Alexander to Classic Horror from Johnny Mc - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


 The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Tanith was almost to be wed to Satan himself forever. The cult is one Mocata (James Gray) who appears to have the special ability to cause smog, mirror-frosting and on-the-spot mind control and psychic vampirism through the gaze of his eyes. The much-hyped "suicide programming" of "Illuminati victims" actually does appear in the film, where both Tanith and Aaron attempt to murder others, as well as themselves, showing "suicide programming" on the part of Mocata. [6]
Picture posted by SA-512 on 5 April 2016 at 21:40 - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)

Mocata forces Richleau and the other occupants to defend themselves through a night of black magic attacks, ending with the conjuring of the angel of death. Richleau repels the angel, but it kills Tanith instead (as once summoned, it must take a life). [2]

His attacks defeated, Mocata kidnaps the Eatons' young daughter Peggy Eaton (Rosalyn Landor). The Duc has Tanith's spirit possess Marie in order to find Mocata, but they only are able to get a single clue, and Rex realizes that the cultists are at a house he visited earlier. Simon tries to rescue Peggy on his own, but he is recaptured by the cult. De Richleau, Richard, and Rex also try to rescue her, but they are defeated by Mocata. [2]

 The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
His attacks defeated, Mocata hits back by kidnapping the young Peggy Eaton (Rosalyn Landor) and striking down his own neophyte.
In the book, De Richleau (Christopher Lee) is left with a shrunken, mummified phallus, the Talisman of Set, that had just taken off the brow of a monstrous Goat they encountered in the dreamworld of the fourth dimension.
Picture posted by RareFilm - Charles Gray (Mocata), Rosalyn Landor (Peggy Eaton)

The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Picture posted by  - Charles Gray (Mocata), Rosalyn Landor (Peggy Eaton)


 The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Picture posted by GramUnion.com - Charles Gray (Mocata), Rosalyn Landor (Peggy Eaton)


 The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Picture posted by GramUnion.com - Charles Gray (Mocata), Rosalyn Landor (Peggy Eaton)


The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Picture posted by Keith on 20 June 2014 - Charles Gray (Mocata), Rosalyn Landor (Peggy Eaton)


 The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Picture posted by All Star Autographs - Rosalyn Landor (Peggy Eaton)


Suddenly, a powerful force (or Tanith herself) controls Marie and ends Peggy's trance. She then leads Peggy in the recitation of a spell which visits divine retribution on the cultists and transforms their coven room into a church.

When the Duc and his companions awaken, they discover that the spell has reversed time and changed the future in their favour. Simon and Tanith have survived, and Mocata's spell to conjure the angel of death has been reflected back on him. Divine judgment ends his life, and he is subject to eternal damnation for summoning the angel of death.

The Angel of Death, who after being vanquished by Richleau, refuses to return empty-handed and gallops back to the Underworld with a screaming Mocata in his grasp. The Right-Hand Path has prevailed. [4]

Nicholas de Richleau comments that it is God to whom they must be thankful. [2] The Devil Rides Out, directed by Terence Fisher. His films are characterised by a blend of fairy-tale, myth and sexuality. They may have drawn heavily on Christian themes, and there is usually a hero who defeats the powers of darkness by a combination of faith in God and reason, in contrast to other characters, who are either blindly superstitious or bound by a cold, godless rationalism (as noted by critic Paul Leggett in Terence Fisher: Horror, Myth and Religion, 2001). [6]

 The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Simon Aron (Patrick Mower) introduces a charming woman named Tanita to whom Rex falls in love instantly. Sadly, he can never get near her, for salvation or seduction.
Picture posted by IMDb.com, Inc. - Leon Greene (Rex Van Ryn), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


Rex met a young woman named Tanith (Nike Arrighi), whom he’s certain he recognizes from somewhere. Thinking hard about when and where that previous encounter might have been, Van Ryn is eventually able to track Tanith down and ask her out. The idea here is that their date will serve as a pretext for extracting information about Mocata and his followers that could help de Richleau figure out where Simon is being held. While “stealthily” interrogating her, Rex discovers that Tanith isn’t yet a full-fledged member of the coven.

Like Simon, she is still awaiting her Satanic baptism, and in fact both of them are supposed to be inducted in the same ceremony. When he hears that, Rex tries to pull the same trick on Tanith that Nicholas pulled on Simon the night before, driving her against her will to the home of his friends, Richard (Paul Eddington) and Marie (Sarah Lawson, from “The Trollenberg Terror” and Island of the Burning Doomed). [5]

 The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Simon Aron (Patrick Mower) is associated with black magic. Nicholas asks his friend, Rex, to help him investigate the situation. He's quite pleased to tour the countryside with Tanita, the lovely Luciferan trainee, but he sees everything in her world as alien. [3]
Picture posted by SA-512 on 5 April 2016 at 21:51 - Leon Greene (Rex Van Ryn), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


Tanith proves just as slippery as Aron, however, and speeds off in Rex’s car the moment he gets out of it to greet the couple. The resulting car chase ends with Tanith making a nearly complete escape; a little magical intervention from Mocata causes Van Ryn to wrap Richard’s roadster around a tree. The only reason the man is able to catch back up with his quarry is because he fortuitously encounters another member of the cult on the road, and is able to trail her to the warlock’s house. [5]


The Devil Rides Out (1968)
PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Rex Van Wyn (Leon Greene) is enthusiastic. He’s keen to do whatever Richleau suggests in order to save Simon Aron (Patrick Mower) from the deathly grip of dark magic. He's quite pleased to tour the countryside with the lovely Luciferan trainee, but he sees everything in her world as alien.
Picture posted by Time Out England Limited

 The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Rex Van Wyn (Leon Greene) cannot fathom Tanith's reality and therefore can never get near her, for salvation or seduction. Tanith has to come into his world as he doesn't have the imagination to give a passing thought to her daily existance. [3]
Picture posted by SA-512 on on 5 April 2016 at 22:06 - Leon Greene (Rex Van Ryn), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


The Devil Rides Out was an artistic triumph and the curse of Dennis Wheatley. For horror iconoclasts, The Devil Rides Out is a film that remains after 35 years, one of the finest examples of the gone but never to be forgotten house of Hammer.

The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
The film is filled with a series of gripping scenes – where Charles Gray’s Mocata comes to visit the house and Terence Fisher subtly focuses on the hypnotic effect of his eyes as he sits in the drawing room bending Marie’s will with the calmness of his voice, while upstairs he is influencing Simon to strangle Richard and Tanith to get a sword from the wall, all of which is broken the moment young Rosalyn Landor innocently enters the room. The scene ends with Charles Gray departing, leaving the wonderfully ominous threat: "I won’t be returning – but something else will."
Picture posted by Richard Schieb, The Black Box Club

 The Devil Rides Out (1968)

PHOTO: The Devil Rides Out (1968)
Tanith was almost to be wed to Satan himself forever. Nicholas de Richleau comments that it is God to whom they must be thankful. [2] The Devil Rides Out, directed by Terence Fisher. His films are characterised by a blend of fairy-tale, myth and sexuality. They may have drawn heavily on Christian themes, and there is usually a hero who defeats the powers of darkness by a combination of faith in God and reason, in contrast to other characters, who are either blindly superstitious or bound by a cold, godless rationalism (as noted by critic Paul Leggett in Terence Fisher: Horror, Myth and Religion, 2001). [6]
Picture posted by SA-512 on 5 April 2016 at 21:40 - Charles Gray (Mocata), Nike Arrighi (Tanith Carlisle)


Review by Andrew Leavold (trash@trashvideo.com.au) (Brisbane, Australia), 05 October 2003

Other horror films blend with fairy-tale, myth and sexuality.

Cry of the Banshee (1970)
PHOTO: Cry of the Banshee (1970)
A horror film directed by Gordon Hessler and starring Vincent Price as an evil witchhunter.
Picture posted by Alamy Ltd


 Anne Brigman - The Source - 1907

PHOTO: Anne Brigman - The Source - 1907
Painting posted by Regards Crossed Photography and Painting on October 20, 2013 - Anne Brigman (1869-1950)


Veronica Carlson promo shot for Dracula Has Risen From the Grave (1968)

PHOTO: Veronica Carlson promo shot for Dracula Has Risen From the Grave (1968)
Picture saved by Jen Jackson to Stewart's Hammer Horror Stuff from Richard Oliver


English actress Kate O'Mara falls victim to the supernatural in the Hammer horror film 'The Vampire Lovers' (1970), directed by Roy Ward Baker.

PHOTO: English actress Kate O'Mara falls victim to the supernatural in the Hammer horror film 'The Vampire Lovers' (1970), directed by Roy Ward Baker. A torture crypt of the blood nymphs . . . hiding an erotic nightmare of tormented lusts that throb in headless undead bodies.
Picture posted by Getty Images

Ingrid Pitt and Kate O'Mara in 'The Vampire Lovers' (1970)

PHOTO: Ingrid Pitt and Kate O'Mara in 'The Vampire Lovers' (1970)
A classic iconic still from Hammer horror film of Kate O'Mara in Ingrid's arms.
Picture posted by tumblr.com - Blood, Beast, Terror


Ingrid Pitt in 'The Vampire Lovers' (1970)

PHOTO: Ingrid Pitt in 'The Vampire Lovers' (1970)
Ingrid Pitt (1937-2010), Polish actress, wearing a black lace dressing gown, and ... issued as publicity for the film, 'The Vampire Lovers', United Kingdom, 1970.
Picture posted by Watch and Burn, MH Magazine


House of Whipcord (1973)

PHOTO: House of Whipcord (1973)
The film tells the story of Anne Marie (Penny Irving), a French model who meets a young man at a party, and despite his name being Mark E. Desade (Robert Tayman, Vampire Circus), agrees to leave with him.
Before long, she’s captive in a disused prison, where Mark’s parents (Barbara Markham and Patrick Barr) run a quasi-judicial punishment regime for girls who have strayed from the path of ‘righteousness’. Along with psychotic warder Walker (Sheila Keith), they strip and abuse the girls in a hypocritical attempt to punish them for their sins’. But things soon start to fall apart, as Anne-Marie plans her escape…
Hardened exploitation starlet Anne Michelle get naked, there’s some gratuitous yet mild whipping and an overwhelming air of grubbiness, but the film nevertheless makes its point smartly, skewering the double standards of the so-called Moral Majority. [7]
Picture posted by Horror-A-Day on on 05 October 2013


House of Whipcord (1973)

PHOTO: House of Whipcord (1973)
Ann-Marie Di Verney (Penny Irving) is a nude model who was recently arrested and released for public exposure during a photo shoot. At a party, she meets Mark (Robert Tayman), who picks her up for a fling and then decides that he’d like to take her to meet his mother. She consents, but once she gets there she finds herself stripped and locked up in a jail cell with dozens of other girls.
Turns out Mark E. Desade’s (yes they went there) mother and father are people who capture young girls who didn’t get the punishment they deserved from the courts, and according to Mrs. Wakehurst (Barbara Markham), public exposure is a grave crime indeed.
It’s not good; there are whip floggings by the lackeys Walker (Sheila Keith) and Bates (Dorothy Gordon), hangings for punishment, and solitary confinement. And nobody ever leaves. So Ann-Marie joins this troupe without any consent, and continually tries to escape the clutches of Mrs. Wakehurst.

Picture posted by Ryne Barber    on 03 February 2014

House of Whipcord (1973)

PHOTO: House of Whipcord (1973)
An old man and a matron run a house for troubled girls, but he is not as legal as one might think, since he tortures and lashes them when he wants to. There’s quite a bit of nudity thanks to Penny Irving and Ann Michelle, a few scenes of whipping, and the dark connotations that there could be prisons all over the world distributing punishments unknown to the courts. [12]
Meanwhile, the matron's son falls in love with one of the girls and will try to save her. [8]
Picture posted by tumblr.com - Blood, Beast, Terror


House of Whipcord (1973)

PHOTO: House of Whipcord (1973)
The plot idea is great, partly because of its simplicity and partly because of its political connotations, surely involuntary. A group of deranged, led by a sadistic jailer and a sclerotic judge, establishes a private repressive system, with its own prison, system of punishments and even executions, to understand that the government is not as energetic as it should be (is lenient) with its citizens.
Picture saved by Kyle Gamache to LIFE IS HORROR from tumblr.com - Penny Irving

House of Whipcord (1973)

PHOTO: House of Whipcord (1973)
The trip to Marc's mum's home is a good deal longer than Ann-Marie had anticipated, and when they finally arrive she's ushered into the gated and locked compound of an old jail. Immediately the girl is divested of her clothes, her luggage and her dignity as she is brought before an elderly blind judge. She's informed that she has been found guilty of flouting public decency for her public nude display. The judge explains that they have set up this private house of corrections for the public good. Their goal is to hold people responsible for crimes that the permissive English courts punish too laxly.
Strict moral uprightness is their objective and the only solace offered in this prison is a Bible placed in each small cell. The newest convict has the situation explained by her cellmate, another girl imprisoned on moral charges. The jail is looked after by only three older women; there are five other inmates and discipline is harsh. First offense merits a stay in solitary, the second infraction results in a beating with the titular whipcord, and strike three... you're out. Execution by hanging is the ultimate penalty and one that every single inmate has somehow met so far.
The place is run by Mrs. Whitehurst (Barbara Markham), an obviously insane woman obsessed with morality and tormented by her past. She blames all her life's failures on the loss of her position as governess of a real prison years before — a loss having to do with the death of a female French inmate much like Ann-Marie. [13]
Picture posted by Being Supremeon 08 January 2013 at 14:47


House of Whipcord (1973)

PHOTO: House of Whipcord (1973)
Pete Walker, the director of the film, which were ascribed without complexes to the sexplotaition with generous doses of Nudity, either with the excuse of comedy or the action film. Independent and horny films that gave him his biggest success. He enters the horror genre, which will be combined with more Nudies for a few years. [8]
Picture posted by Cigarette Burns Cinema


Torture Garden

PHOTO: Torture Garden
The Torture Garden (French: Le Jardin des supplices) is a novel written by the French journalist, novelist and playwright Octave Mirbeau. The Torture Garden: Passions, appetites, greed, hatred, and lies; law, social institutions, justice, love, glory, heroism, and religion are its monstrous flowers and its hideous instruments of eternal human suffering.
Accompanied by the sadist and hysteric, who delights in witnessing flayings, crucifixions and numerous tortures, all done in beautifully laid out and groomed gardens, and explaining the beauty of torture. Finally attains hysterical orgasm and passes out in exhaustion, only to begin again a few days later ("Le Jardin des supplices", "The Garden"). [10]
Picture posted by tumblr.com - Blood, Beast, Terror -  Woman got shackled in a scene from the film Torture Garden


Requiem For A Vampire (1971)

PHOTO: Requiem For A Vampire (1971)
Requiem: Especially In the Roman Catholic Church ,a Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead.
The film directed by French filmmaker Jean Rollin contains some great moments including the films infamous whipping scene.
It's interesting to see how each girl deals with the situation, one with acceptance and the other with rejection and how it puts a strain on their friendship and love for one another.
Texts posted by The Blond Baka on Wednesday, 6 May 2015 at 10:10 - http://theblondbaka.blogspot.sg/2015/05/vampire-week-day-2-requiem-pour-un.html
Picture posted by vintagepics on 06 October 2011 at 21:50

Requiem For A Vampire (1971)

PHOTO: Requiem For A Vampire (1971)
Feature naked, innocent-looking girls being chained up, whipped and abused. Due to the nudity, some of the scenes had to be shot twice for such countries as the UK. For the scene where Dargent is whipping the naked Castel, another scene was shot with her wearing a bra and panties. For the two other scenes, where Castel and Dargent make love, two scenes were shot: the original with them completely naked, and the other fully clothed. In the original scene where Dargent is being chased by the man, she was topless; in the censored scene, she was clothed. [9]
Picture posted by Watch and Burn, MH Magazine


The Blood On Satan's Claw aka Satan's Skin (UK, 1970)

PHOTO: The Blood On Satan's Claw aka Satan's Skin (UK, 1970)
A 1970 British supernatural horror film made by Tigon British Film Productions and directed by Piers Haggard.
Many people in the village become affected by its supernatural power, including a young woman (Tamara Ustinov) who sprouts a claw, and children who find a strange claw and then behave oddly and grow patches of fur on their bodies (the ‘Mark of Satan’). Country living soon incorporates rape, casual murder, and ritual sacrifice, as Angel’s (a homicidal girl) influence drives her callow Mansonites to ever-more-depraved extremes. A satanic beast, whose remains had been found by Gower, is responsible for the evil infecting the populace. The judge and his party find the beast at their destination and slay it.
Texts posted by Horrorpedia on 1 August, 2012 - https://horrorpedia.com/2012/08/01/the-blood-on-satans-claw-1970-british-folk-horror-film-cast-plot-reviews/
Picture posted by tumblr.com - Blood, Beast, Terror - Linda Hayden trying to tempt the local vicar. Linda Hayden, a minor Anglo-horror queen, holds the show as the seductive Angel.


The Blood On Satan's Claw aka Satan's Skin (UK, 1970)

PHOTO: The Blood On Satan's Claw aka Satan's Skin (UK, 1970)
Linda Hayden a minor Anglo-horror queen, as the seductive Angel.trying to tempt the local vicar. She had attracted some notoriety for her role. Linda Hayden as Angel Blake becomes more demonic in appearance as the movie progresses. Some of her rituals seem meaningful to the ignorant and superstitious village people. She prepared a terrible fate for Cathy Vespers (Wendy Padbury) to be sexually raped and killed.
The film provoked some minor controversy when it was first released due to its graphic violence, particularly the scene where an offending patch of "Satan’s skin" is surgically removed from the thigh of a squirming cult member (Michele Dotrice). The movie was unceremoniously censored. Scenes featuring nudity such as Linda Hayden’s attempted seduction of a priest were darkened to avoid an X rating. [11]
Picture posted by Cinema Sojourns, Time Tripping Through the World of Film on 30 October 2015

[1] Review by Andrew Leavold (trash@trashvideo.com.au) (Brisbane, Australia), The Devil Rides Out (20 July 1968), UK, posted on 05 October 2003, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062885/

[2] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, The Devil Rides Out (film), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Devil_Rides_Out_(film)

[3] Tony Sokol, Den of Geek, The Enduring Horror Of The Devil Rides Out, posted on 26 October 2017, http://www.denofgeek.com/us/movies/the-devil-rides-out/249992/the-enduring-horror-of-the-devil-rides-out

[4] Phil Hickes, Film Review: The Devil Rides Out (1968), posted on 09 July 2015, http://horrornews.net/2485/film-review-the-devil-rides-out-1968/

[5] Scott Ashlin, The Devil Rides Out/The Devil's Bride (1968) -***, http://www.1000misspenthours.com/reviews/reviewsa-d/devilridesout.htm

[6] jay008 in Books/Literature, Esoteric/Speculation, Espionage, Film Review/Analysis, Geopolitics, Psychology/Sociology, The Devil Rides Out (1968): A Cultic Crossroads of Satanic Spies Onto Film,  posted on 21 February 2016, https://jaysanalysis.com/2016/02/21/the-devil-rides-out-1968-a-cultic-crossroads-of-satanic-spies/

[7] Horrorpedia, House of Whipcord (1973), posted on 6 March 2014, https://horrorpedia.com/2014/03/06/house-of-whipcord-1973-british-exploitation-horror-film-pete-walker-overview-cast-plot-reviews-trailer/

[8] Being Supreme, Cine en HD: House of Whipcord (1974) - Director: Pete Walker, posted on 08 January 2013 at 14:47, http://foroaudioyvideo.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1146&start=20#p18040

[9] Alchetron, Requiem for a vampire, https://alchetron.com/Requiem-pour-un-Vampire

[10] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, The Torture Garden, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Torture_Garden

[11] Cinema Sojourns, Time Tripping Through the World of Film, The Devil Made Me Do It, posted on 30 October 2015, https://cinemasojourns.com/2015/10/30/the-devil-made-me-do-it/

[12] Ryne Barber, The Moon is a Dead World, Viewer Vomit #9 Part I: House of Whipcord, posted on 03 February 2014, http://themoonisadeadworld.net/viewer-vomit-9-part-i-house-of-whipcord/

[13] Rod Barnett, HOUSE OF WHIPCORD (1974), posted on Thursday, 19 November 2015 at 9:13 PM, http://pitofrod.blogspot.sg/2015/11/house-of-whipcord-1974.html