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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Reflection - Die well means Live Well

Source (book): "Faithful to the end", Chapter 13, Question 4, Page 188.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

When is one considered to have lived life successfully?
PHOTO: When is one considered to have lived life successfully? The world often provides answers measured in terms of wealth, influence, achievements, and power; but, the Bible shows us otherwise. The Bible's answer is that one is truly successful if he has lived life faithfully for Christ, loving and obeying Him. [1]
The only way to die well in God's standard is to defeat death on judgement day and is through the resurrection of Jesus. For this to happen for us, we need to prepare for it while alive, by having faith in Jesus Christ, loving and obeying Him. That is, how to live well. [2] Thus, if we know how to die well, we will also know how to live well.
Picture posted by Simply Supplements on 29 April 2015

Do you agree that if we know how to die well, we will also know how to live well? Discuss what the implications are for you and how you can gain such wisdom on your own and in the Christian community.

Do you agree that if we know how to die well, we will also know how to live well?

Paul died well. Through his deep relationship with Christ and his knowledge of the Word he knew how to do it. And Paul demonstrated that if one knows how to die well, one will know how to live well. [1]

How to die well? [2]
To die well in God's standard means to defeat death on judgement day and is through the resurrection of Jesus. Therefore we need the following.

  • Built our relationship with Christ
  • Lived a life faithfully for Christ, loving and obeying Him
  • Know that our Lord will bring us safely to His kingdom and that He would have the final word and verdict on our life
  • Able to say with all conviction and joy: "I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7)
  • Have a glorious homecoming welcome by our Lord

How to live well? [2]
To achieve the above and defeat death on judgement day, we need to prepare for it while alive, by having faith in Jesus Christ, loving and obeying Him. That is, how to live well. [2]
  • Watch our life and doctrine closely
  • Use every ounce of our energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel
  • Have a holistic Christian discipleship - by having a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well
  • Make relationship with Jesus the central experience

Yes, agree, if we know how to die well by preparing for it while alive, we will also know how to live well.

Discuss what the implications are for you and how you can gain such wisdom on your own and in the Christian community.
Watch our life and doctrine closely [2]
To be ready for the end, we have to live our life carefully and faithfully. We are to live according to Paul's advice to Timothy: "Watch your life and doctrine closely" (1 Timothy 4:16), which resonated with the instructions of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 24:42, 25:13, 26:41). The Christian life, as taught by the Lord Jesus, is the watchful life. The unwatched life is the wasted life.

Watch your life and doctrine closely
PHOTO: "Watch your life and doctrine closely" (
1 Timothy 4:16)
The Christian life, as taught by the Lord Jesus, is the watchful life. The unwatched life is the wasted life.
Paul expressing deep frustration at the fact that he keeps doing the things he knows he shouldn’t do and wondering why he doesn’t do the things he knows he should do. (Romans 7:15)
Posted by Mark on Monday, 29 June 2015

Use every ounce of our energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel [2]
We are to give every ounce of our energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel. This is one of the factors to demonstrate that we are totally convinced of the unique reality and efficacy (the ability to produce a desired or intended result) of the gospel of Christ, we are willing to suffer indignities, deprivation and martyrdom. When we stand at the end of our earthly life, we will know that we are being thrust by God's grace into the glorious eternity with Christ that we had longed for during all our missionary efforts. Though our circumstances may be difficult and painful, our heart can sing when we recollect all the evidences of God's grace in our life. Gratitude will be welling up in our souls, and we could then say with humble triumph that we had completed the race, fought well for Christ and kept the faith. Our eyes will then be already looking toward heaven; our heart will be at rest.

Use every ounce of our energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel
PHOTO: Use every ounce of our energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel
We are to give every ounce of our energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel. This is one of the factors to demonstrate that we are totally convinced of the unique reality and efficacy (the ability to produce a desired or intended result) of the gospel of Christ, we are willing to suffer indignities, deprivation and martyrdom.
Picture posted by John Mark Miller - Proclaim The Word With Boldness

Have a holistic Christian discipleship - by having a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well [2]
Just like Paul, right to the end, we should be keen to let the reign of Christ be expressed fully in all areas of our life. Our approach to Christian discipleship should always holistic. We are to recognize that God has created us as embodied and social beings, with a spirit that would be empty without God. Therefore, even at the end of our life, we still have various needs - physical, intellectual, social, and most importantly, spiritual. Impending death is not reason enough to stop functioning in any of these areas. Hence, right to the end, we should still be praying and relating with the Lord, taking care of our simple physical needs, reading and writing, and keeping in touch with our dear friends. Have a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well.

Have a holistic Christian discipleship - by having a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well
PHOTO: Have a holistic Christian discipleship - by having a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well
Just like Paul, we can still have various needs - physical, intellectual, social, and most importantly, spiritual. Impending death is not reason enough to stop functioning in any of these areas. Hence, right to the end, we should still be praying and relating with the Lord, taking care of our simple physical needs, reading and writing, and keeping in touch with our dear friends. Have a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well.
Painting by French artist Francois Alfred Delobbe (1835-1920)
Saved by Love Ivanova to art from nevsepic.com.ua


Make relationship with Jesus the central experience [2]
Our relationship with Jesus should be the central experience that brought together all our other experiences. We are to be deeply aware of the Lord's presence, purpose, and promises. We will feel the proximity of Jesus, which will be comforting for us when we are about to journey into death. We had the Companion and Guide who really matters. Because we have Jesus with us, we could calmly go about living our life faithfully right to the end.

Through our deep relationship with Christ and our knowledge of the Word we will know how to died well. And we can demonstrate that if we know how to die well, we know how to live well.

Make relationship with Jesus the central experience
PHOTO: Make relationship with Jesus the central experience
We are to be deeply aware of the Lord's presence, purpose, and promises.  We will feel the proximity of Jesus, which will be comforting for us when we are about to journey into death. We had the Companion and Guide who really matters. Because we have Jesus with us, we could calmly go about living our life faithfully right to the end.
Picture posted by Cooking is delicious

The only way to defeat death on judgement day is through the resurrection of Jesus [3]
We don’t like to think about death in our culture—period. We’re even afraid of uttering the word death. But death is coming to us all. When Lazarus died, even Jesus wept (John 11:35). Death is our greatest enemy—it is the last enemy that we will face in this life. The only way to move beyond death is to defeat death on judgement day—and the only way to do that is through the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus crushed death on the cross, and will one day destroy death forever. Death will die, too.

The only way to defeat death on judgement day is through the resurrection of Jesus [3]
PHOTO: The only way to defeat death on judgement day is through the resurrection of Jesus [3]
Through faith alone in Christ alone death will die.
Artwork by myjavier007 (DeviantArt), Digital Art / Drawings & Paintings / Landscapes & Scenery, ©2014-2017 myjavier007 - Resurrection of Jesus Christ

We will die. It’s not if, but when. Instead of giving in to despair or endless pessimism about life, the reality of our own death should affect how we spend our time now. The best way to die well is to prepare for it now. Become a member of a church where the gospel is preached regularly and faithfully—because our only comfort at the time of death is found in and through the work of Jesus Christ. Live well each day to the glory of God, knowing that through faith alone in Christ alone death will die.

 The best way to die well is to prepare for it now and live well each day to the glory of God, knowing that through faith alone in Christ alone death will die.

PHOTO: The best way to die well is to prepare for it now and live well each day to the glory of God, knowing that through faith alone in Christ alone death will die.
Artwork by cos-tam - Aragorn and Arwen (Lord of the Rings)
Picture posted by Jona77an_88


If we know how to die well (defeat death on judgement day through the resurrection of Jesus), we will also know how to live well (because we prepare to defeat death by having faith in Jesus Christ, loving and obeying Him). We can gain such wisdom by becoming a member in the Christian community where the gospel is preached regularly and faithfully.

Dear Lord, Please help us to know how to die well (defeat death on judgement day through the resurrection of Jesus).
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to know how to die well (defeat death on judgement day through the resurrection of Jesus). We pray that we will also know how to live well (prepare to defeat death by having faith in Jesus Christ, loving and obeying Him).
Among us there is no one perfect, and we all depend on the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, but in His presence, and listening daily / weekly / regularly to the Truth of God's Word, we could be transformed from glory of God to glory for all by renewing our understanding, For this is the way of the righteous, as the light of the dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until it is a perfect day. [4]
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Palavraviva (Word of Mouth) on 15 April 2017

Reflection - Die well means Live Well
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

[1] From "Faithful to the end" A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, Copyright © 2014 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-241-0, PART FOUR: FAITHFUL TO THE END, Chapter 13 "Faithful To The End" (2 Timothy 4:16-22), Page 184-188.

[2] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - End of life, posted on Sunday, 30 April 2017   http://veryfatoldman.blogspot.sg/2017/04/reflection-end-of-life.html

[3] Nicholas Davis, We’re All Gonna Die!, posted on 05 Aug 2016   https://cccdiscover.com/were-all-gonna-die/

[4] Palavraviva (Word of Mouth), Our Mission, posted on 15 April 2017,  http://igrejaemboston.com/index.php/2017/04/15/a-nossa-missao/

NIV, New International Version, Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
1 Timothy 4:16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Timothy+4%3A16&version=NIV

2 Timothy 4:7 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+4%3A7&version=NIV

2 Timothy 4:16-22 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Timothy+4%3A16-22&version=NIV

John 11:35 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+11%3A35&version=NIV

Matthew 24:42, 25:13, 26:41 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+24%3A42%2C+25%3A13%2C+26%3A41&version=NIV

Romans 7:15 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+7%3A15&version=NIV