Posted by Meher Tatna, Los Angeles, in The New Paper on 31 May 2017 at 06:00 am
To all the women waiting to see a kickass heroine in the movies with a man taking the love interest role, Wonder Woman is for you. Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) kicking some serious butt using her Golden Lasso, shield, and sword in her iconic costume. DC has definitely upped their game when it comes to their movies in 2017.
Picture posted by Bell Media Entertainment Specialty
Israeli actress Gal Gadot plays Diana, princess of the Amazons, and US actor Chris Pine, while not exactly a dude-in-distress, does have to stand by as she saves the world.
The way Pine told it, it was director Patty Jenkins, 45, who convinced him to take the part of American spy Steve Trevor.
"So I met Patty at this bar, and she is like this ball of caffeinated energy. She was telling me this story, and 10 minutes later, it was yes, let's do this.
Pine fine to fall in love with Gal. US actor Chris Pine says working on Wonder Woman was 'an absolute dream'. Chris Pine as Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman. (Above) His character is rescued by Amazonian princess Diana, played by Gal Gadot.
Picture posted by 圈圈小編, on 22 May 2017 at 17:48 PM
"I would not have sought the project out. I wouldn't have taken it if I read it, but I said yes before they even had a script because she referenced all these things I liked such as (action-adventure film) Romancing The Stone," said Pine.
The 36-year-old joked that his job in Wonder Woman is mainly to "fall in love with Gal, crack some jokes, and take my shirt off in one scene".
"I don't have to act at all; I just have to go on set and make this beautiful woman laugh. And there was no superhero burden of having to wear a cape or anything... I could let the beautiful Gal do that," he said, laughing.
Chris Pine as Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman. His character is rescued by Amazonian princess Diana, played by Gal Gadot.
The 36-year-old joked that his job in Wonder Woman is mainly to "fall in love with Gal, crack some jokes, and take my shirt off in one scene. I don't have to act at all; I just have to go on set and make this beautiful woman laugh".
"It was like you couldn't ask for more. I got paid well, travelled, and made a movie with people I loved. That's like a dream, an absolute dream."
Wonder Woman is set during World War I. Trevor crash lands near Themyscira, home of the Amazons, and is rescued by Diana, who has never seen a man before - nor does she have any idea of the outside world where the Germans have taken over several countries in the war.
Convinced it is the Amazons' old enemy Ares who has cast a spell on the Germans, she persuades Trevor to take her to the war's frontlines where she must confront Ares and show her mettle (courage, bravery).
Convinced it is the Amazons' old enemy Ares who has cast a spell on the Germans, she persuades Trevor to take her to the war's frontlines where she must confront Ares and show her mettle (courage, bravery).
In the film, Diana of Themyscira is introduced to the world of mankind by U.S. fighter pilot and undercover agent Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) during World War I. As we’ve seen in previous trailers, Diana has no qualms about kicking dudes (or Doctor Poison) in the face for the sake of peace and justice.
Picture posted by Crystal on 8 May 2017 - Wonder Woman
The movie, which opens here today, also stars Robin Wright as Diana's aunt General Antiope; Connie Nielsen as Queen Hippolyta; David Thewlis as Trevor's superior, Sir Patrick Morgan, in London; and Danny Huston as General Erich Ludendorff.
The themes of the movie resonated with Pine.
He said: "How fascinating it was that Patty took this genre and the idea of a superhero and flipped it on its head and said, 'What if her greatest weapon is love and compassion?' If we can use these huge movies to say something important like that, I was happy to do it."
Wonder Woman Shows Off Her Warrior Skills In The Movie. Playing Amazonian warrior royalty, Gal Gadot shows off her bullet-blocking Bracelets, Golden Lasso of Submission and accessorizes an evening gown with her trademark Sword of Athena, who was the Greek goddess of wisdom and military victory.
Picture posted by Crystal on 03 November 2016
It makes no difference to him if the director is male or female.
He said Jenkins was keen on emotional nuance (difference).
Said Pine: "She will not let you get away with mimicry rather than authenticity. There are really not that many people that care, and she really does.
"I have rarely met someone whose craft is as well-honed cinematically and visually as it is on the emotional level.
The New Wonder Woman movie is authentic, well-honed cinematically and visually as it is on the emotional level.
Picture posted by TheRonaldz on 21 May 2017 - Wonder Woman Movie Posters
"She is a force of nature and is not to be trifled with. She does not suffer fools and I have seen her in rooms with a lot of powerful people, and she can own it."
Pine, known for playing Captain James Kirk in the Star Trek movies, has a unique take on working with Gadot, 32.
"I have never met someone as frustratingly optimistic and positive as she is. She is always like, 'The glass is always full.' And it's not even empty, it's overflowing.

PHOTO: Israeli actress Gal Gadot plays Diana, princess of the Amazons
The New Wonder Woman is a force of nature and is not to be trifled with. Especially her bullet-blocking Bracelets, Sword of Athena, Golden Lasso of Submission and accessorizes.
Diana of Themyscira ponders whether the world is worth saving and then decides, hell yes, it totally is, and proceeds to kick all kinds of World War 1-era ass on her mission to help humanity not destroy itself.
Picture posted by TheRonaldz on 21 May 2017 - Wonder Woman Movie Posters
"She was working out twice a day. She has a family. She uprooted her family and moved to London. And never once did she complain... and I love to complain," he added, laughing.
"One scene in particular where we were shooting the big denouement. We were on an airbase, and it was in the middle of winter. She was not wearing much, and it was so freezing cold that she could barely talk.
"They had to put blankets on her to prevent hypothermia, and she never once complained. She really had her eyes on the prize.
While shooting the big denouement (final conclusion), it was in the middle of winter. She was not wearing much, and it was so freezing cold that she could barely talk. She never once complained. She really had her eyes on the prize.
Picture posted by 圈圈小編, on 22 May 2017 at 17:48 PM
"I don't know if that is the military training in Israel, but it was such incredible work ethic.
"She's just a lovely person to be around. So I had a great time. It was easy falling in love with her."
The military training in Israel helps actress Gadot in the First World War movie's scene.
Diana, who has suffered so much suffering from mankind, decided to leave her house to fight against her enemy.
She is convinced that she has the power to stop the war and save the world. In the First World War, she found her true strength, and her innate fate.
Picture posted by 圈圈小編, on 22 May 2017 at 17:48 PM
Diana is shown tossing an entire tank over her head at enemy soldiers. An act that proved worth commenting on not for the show of strength and fearlessness, but for the close-up shot it provided of actress Gal Gadot’s armpits. Armpits that were hairless, smooth, and paler than the rest of her skin. All features that soon grabbed headlines and a fair bit of dismissal-sharing on social media… to the extent that Warner Bros. marketing clearly caught wind, making changes to the shot in future footage. [2]
Posted by Andrew Dyce on 05 March 2017
Wonder Woman Jennifer Wenger (L) with Super Girl Michelle Prenez (R).
Much attention online about Gal Gadot's armpits that were hairless, smooth, and paler than the rest of her skin. There were investigations into what Gal Gadot’s armpits look like at the time. There’s still no sign of underarm hair growth, but artists have taken the time to color-match Gadot’s skin tone to rest of her body (possibly even spreading a warmer, more saturated ‘glow’ to her skin in general).
This modification only addresses half of the issues raised – the skin inside of Diana’s armpits being less tanned than the rest of her body, an issue we still have trouble grasping. Unless, of course, some are postulating that sunbathing with arms raised over the head is a standard part of Amazon training and lifestyle. The issue still to be raised is the question of underarm hair. The concept of feminine beauty is the grooming habits of a made up woman, from a made up civilization of immortal women, living on a made up island, continuing the culture of a version of the Greek and Roman gods that DC Comics made up.
The idea of removing hair for both aesthetic and practical reasons rules. For many, the time, energy, and precision involved in removing the body of hair was as much about class as it was refinement, leisure, and class. For hunters and soldiers, body hair could give opponents something to grab hold of, or would carry more of the body’s scent tipping off prey before ready to strike. Since Diana of the Amazons is the daughter of their queen, revered as the most powerful and best among them, she fits the criteria usually associated with those who practiced extensive grooming.
Still there are those who thought a woman’s tan not extending to her armpits was more worthy of notice than her showing herself to be even stronger than most of her male superhero colleagues. [2]
Besides armpit's smooth skin and hair, what else do actual fans of the first female-led, female-directed, superhero action movie preferred to discuss about?
Picture posted by PoohsFeet, on 28 October 2016 at 08:35:12

Before becoming a Wonder Woman, she was Diana, a princess of the Amazons, trained to be an invincible warrior. And when, on the shores of the paradise island fenced from the outside world, which served her as home, the American pilot crashes and talks about the serious conflict raging in the outside world, Diana leaves her house to cope with this threat. And there, fighting side by side with a man in the war for peace, Diana will discover all the fullness of her power ... and her true destiny.
Posted by Official on 12 May 2017
[2] Andrew Dyce, ScreenRant, Wonder Woman’s Armpits ‘Fixed’ in New Trailer, posted on 05 March 2017,