By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

PHOTO: How would we like the end of our life to be?
- Built our relationship with Christ
- Lived a life faithfully for Christ, loving and obeying Him
- Know that our Lord will bring us safely to His kingdom and that He would have the final word and verdict on our life
- Able to say with all conviction and joy: "I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7)
- Have a glorious homecoming welcome by our Lord
- Watch our life and doctrine closely
- Use every ounce of our energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel
- Have a holistic Christian discipleship - by having a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well
- Make relationship with Jesus the central experience
How would you like the end of your life to be? What can we do to ensure that we will end our lives in a God-pleasing way? Share your knowledge of some Christians who have died well - either through your reading or personal experience.
How would you like the end of your life to be?
A Glorious Homecoming [1]
Built our relationship with Christ
During the course of his life and ministry, Paul had built his relationship with the Lord. It gave him his identity, focus in life, security amid uncertainties and dangers, and hope for the future. He knew that a life without Christ is bereft (deprived of or lacking) of ultimate meaning and, in the final analysis, a life lived in vain. The end to Paul's earthly life and his response to it provide us with much to reflect on. What is true success? When is one considered to have lived life successfully? The world often provides answers measured in terms of wealth, influence, achievements, and power; but, the Bible shows us otherwise.
PHOTO: Built our relationship with Christ
When we have built our relationship with the Lord, it gave us our identity, focus in life, security amid uncertainties and dangers, and hope for the future. A life without Christ is bereft (deprived of or lacking) of ultimate meaning and, in the final analysis, a life lived in vain. What is true success? When is one considered to have lived life successfully? The world often provides answers measured in terns of wealth, influence, achievements, and power; but, the Bible shows us otherwise. The Bible's answer is that one is truly successful if he has lived life faithfully for Christ, loving and obeying Him.
Desperate people — lost, confused, frightened — need to know that God searches for them. He looked for us [before] we first came to know him and he looks for us even now.
Posted by Blog, Devotions on 06 April 2016
Lived life faithfully for Christ, loving and obeying Him
When someone reaches the end of his life, how would we know whether his life has been a success? The Bible's answer is that one is truly successful if he has lived life faithfully for Christ, loving and obeying Him. The verdict belongs to Christ who will welcome His servants with "Well done, good and faithful servant!" (Matthew 25:21, 23) and "come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of ther world" (Matthew 25:34).
PHOTO: Lived life faithfully for Christ, loving and obeying Him
When someone reaches the end of his life, how would we know whether his life has been a success? The Bible's answer is that one is truly successful if he has lived life faithfully for Christ, loving and obeying Him. The verdict belongs to Christ who will welcome His servants with "Well done, good and faithful servant!" (Matthew 25:21, 23) and "come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of ther world" (Matthew 25:34).
Picture posted by Pastor Lee Jun Won on 17 November 2016 - John 12:20-22
To have our Lord bringing us safely to His kingdom and that He would have the final word and verdict on our life
Paul's heart was already drawn to this glorious scene as he looked beyond his death. He knew that his Lord would bring him safely to His kingdom and that He would have the final word and verdict on his life. Beyond the gory reality of martyrdom, Paul could already see the glory that awaited him. Thus he broke out in praise: "To him be glory for ever and ever" (2 Timothy 4:18). It was, after all, the glory of God and the salvation of the human race through the gospel of Jesus that deeply motivated Paul. Christian apologist C.S. Lewis echoes this point when he wrote: "The glory of God, and, as our only means to glorifying Him, the salvation of human souls, is the real business of life." [6]
PHOTO: Jesus Christ, our Lord bringing us safely to His kingdom and that He would have the final word and verdict on our life. We can look forward beyond our death to this glorious scene that awaits us. We can be motivated by the glory of God and the salvation of the human race through the gospel of Jesus. Christian apologist C.S. Lewis echoes this point when he wrote: "The glory of God, and, as our only means to glorifying Him, the salvation of human souls, is the real business of life." [6]
Picture saved by Philip to Jehovah Witness Artwork (Pinterest) - Jesus Christ is the King over heaven and soon over the entire universe
To be able to say with all conviction and joy: "I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7)
Paul knew that by the grace of God, he had loved, obeyed, and served God faithfully. He could thus say with all conviction and joy: "I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7).
PHOTO: When it’s all over only three things will have made a difference in the life I have lived for Jesus.
- I have fought the good fight.
- I have finished the race (MY course)
- I have Kept the FAITH. (2 Timothy 4:7).
To have a glorious homecoming welcome by our Lord
What a glorious homecoming it would be for Paul as he anticipated being welcomed by his Lord. When I was a youth, I came across a story of a king who welcomed his battle-weary sailors after they had fought valiantly in a war to defend their country. They returned home in their badly battered ships and lined up to be received by their king. They stood tall, but some without an eye, some without a limb, and others with various injuries and bandages. The king saw the line of sailors and with tears in his eyes, embraced each one of them.
PHOTO: A glorious homecoming welcome by our Lord
Just like Paul, we would anticipate a glorious homecoming being welcomed by our Lord. We could have returned home badly battered, some without an eye, some without a limb, and others with various injuries and bandages but the Lord will embrace each one of us.
Picture saved by Ophelia Castro to The Truth Will Set You Free (Pinterest) - The Kingdom of God
If a less than perfect earthly king would welcome his faithful and valiant soldiers in this deeply moving way, how much more will the perfect heavenly King welcome home His faithful saints? Paul, in his battered body and carrying the marks of his various sufferings and trials that failed to deter him from standing up for His Jesus and obeying Him, would be welcomed into the glory of God.
PHOTO: If a less than perfect earthly king would welcome his faithful and valiant soldiers in this deeply moving way, how much more will the perfect heavenly King welcome home His faithful saints?
Picture saved by Herman Cuervo to Learn Bible truth (Pinterest) - What Is the Good News?
Article posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania,
The following hymn by Philip Bliss (1871) conveys this sentiment well,
Sailor, though the darkness gathers,
Though the cold waves surge and moan.
Trust thy bark to God's great mercy,
Falter not; sail on, sail on.
Sailing into port, what matter,
Drooping sail or shattered mast?
Glory glory fills the harbour,
There we'll anchor safe at last.
Sailor, though with streamers flying,
Yonder proud ship mounts the foam,
And with bands of music playing,
Gains the port and welcome home.
Sailor, though the lightning flashes,
Though thy sails be rent and torn,
Peace shall come on hope's bright pinions,
And deliverance with the morn.
PHOTO: Just as Paul, in his battered body and carrying the marks of his various sufferings and trials that failed to deter him from standing up for His Jesus and obeying Him, we would be welcomed into the glory of God.
Picture saved by Pam Losey to JW art - looking forward
What can we do to ensure that we will end our lives in a God-pleasing way?
Summary of Part Four: Faithful to the End [1]
Watch our life and doctrine closely
Paul was ready for the end, for he had lived his life carefully and faithfully. He had lived according to his own advice to Timothy: "Watch your life and doctrine closely" (1 Timothy 4:16), which resonated with the instructions of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 24:42, 25:13, 26:41). The Christian life, as taught by the Lord Jesus, is the watchful life. The unwatched life is the wasted life.
PHOTO: "Watch your life and doctrine closely" (1 Timothy 4:16)
The Christian life, as taught by the Lord Jesus, is the watchful life. The unwatched life is the wasted life.
Paul expressing deep frustration at the fact that he keeps doing the things he knows he shouldn’t do and wondering why he doesn’t do the things he knows he should do. (Romans 7:15)
Posted by Mark on Monday, 29 June 2015
Use every ounce of our energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel
The apostle gave every ounce of his energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel. Because he was totally convinced of the unique reality and efficacy (the ability to produce a desired or intended result) of the gospel of Christ, he was willing to suffer indignities, deprivation and martyrdom. As he stood at the end of his earthly life, Paul knew that he was being thrust by God's grace into the glorious eternity with Christ that he had longed for all his missionary years. Though his circumstances were difficult and painful, Paul's heart sang as he recollected all the evidences of God's grace in his life. With gratitude welling up in his soul, he could say with humble triumph that he had completed the race, fought well for Christ and kept the faith. His eyes were already looking toward heaven; his heart was at rest.
PHOTO: Use every ounce of our energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel
Paul, the apostle gave every ounce of his energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel. Because he was totally convinced of the unique reality and efficacy (the ability to produce a desired or intended result) of the gospel of Christ, he was willing to suffer indignities, deprivation and martyrdom.
Picture posted by John Mark Miller - Proclaim The Word With Boldness
Have a holistic Christian discipleship - by having a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well
Right to the end, Paul was keen to let the reign of Christ be expressed fully in all areas of his life. His approach to Christian discipleship was always holistic. He recognized that God has created us as embodied and social beings, with a spirit that would be empty without God. Therefore, even at the end of his life, Paul revealed his various needs - physical, intellectual, social, and most importantly, spiritual. Impending death is not reason enough to stop functioning in any of these areas. Hence, right to the end, we see Paul praying and relating with the Lord, taking care of his simple physical needs, reading and writing, and keeping in touch with his dear friends. Here was a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well.
PHOTO: Have a holistic Christian discipleship - by having a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well
Paul revealed his various needs - physical, intellectual, social, and most importantly, spiritual. Impending death is not reason enough to stop functioning in any of these areas. Hence, right to the end, we see Paul praying and relating with the Lord, taking care of his simple physical needs, reading and writing, and keeping in touch with his dear friends. Here was a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well.
Artwork by Fritz Eichenberg's - "The Lord's Supper."
Picture posted by Jim Forest on 16 May 2008
Make relationship with Jesus the central experience
Paul's relationship with Jesus was the central experience that brought together all his other experiences. He was deeply aware of the Lord's presence, purpose, and promises. He felt the proximity of Jesus, which was comforting for a man who was about to journey into death. He had the Companion and Guide who really matters. Because Paul had Jesus with him, he could calmly go about living his life faithfully right to the end.
Paul died well. Through his deep relationship with Christ and his knowledge of the Word he knew how to do it. And Paul demonstrated that if one knows how to die well, one will know how to live well.
PHOTO: Make relationship with Jesus the central experience
Paul was deeply aware of the Lord's presence, purpose, and promises. He felt the proximity of Jesus, which was comforting for a man who was about to journey into death. He had the Companion and Guide who really matters. Because Paul had Jesus with him, he could calmly go about living his life faithfully right to the end, knowing that he has led a life that is pleasing to God.
Picture posted by Cooking is delicious
Share your knowledge of some Christians who have died well - either through your reading or personal experience.
Saint Catherine of Alexandria [5]
Saint Catherine of Alexandria, also known as Saint Catherine of the Wheel and The Great Martyr Saint Catherine (Greek: ἡ Ἁγία Αἰκατερίνα ἡ Μεγαλομάρτυς) is, according to tradition, a Christian saint and virgin, who was martyred in the early 4th century at the hands of the pagan emperor Maxentius. According to her hagiography, she was both a princess and a noted scholar, who became a Christian around the age of fourteen, and converted hundreds of people to Christianity. She was martyred around the age of 18. Over 1,100 years following her martyrdom, Saint Joan of Arc identified Catherine as one of the Saints who appeared to her and counselled her. [3a]
PHOTO: Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Catherine was a noble virgin of Alexandria. Before the baptism, it is said, she saw in vision the Blessed Virgin ask her Son to receive her among His servants, but the Divine Infant turned away. After baptism, Catherine saw the same vision, when Jesus Christ received her with great affection, and espoused her before the court of heaven. When the impious tyrant, Maximin II., came to Alexandria, fascinated by the wisdom, beauty, and wealth of the Saint, he in vain urged his suit. At last in his rage and disappointment he ordered her to be stripped and scourged. She fled to the Arabian mountains, where the soldiers overtook her, and after many torments put her to death. Her body was laid in Mount Sinai, and a beautiful legend relates that Catherine having prayed that no man might see or touch her body after death angels bore it to the grave.
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According to the traditional narrative, Catherine was the daughter of Constus, the governor of Alexandrian Egypt during the reign of the emperor Maximian (286–305). [6a] From a young age she devoted herself to study. A vision of the Madonna and Child persuaded her to become a Christian. When the persecutions began under Maxentius, she went to the emperor and rebuked him for his cruelty. The emperor summoned fifty of the best pagan philosophers and orators to dispute with her, hoping that they would refute her pro-Christian arguments, but Catherine won the debate. Several of her adversaries, conquered by her eloquence, declared themselves Christians and were at once put to death. [7]
PHOTO: Catherine was the daughter of Constus, the governor of Alexandrian Egypt during the reign of the emperor Maximian (286–305). [6a] She was the first woman of position to publicly denounce Rome's false gods and her eloquent arguments with fifty of Rome's finest scholars in an open court in Alexandria captured the spirits of ordinary people around the world. It was Catherine's belief in the freedom of faith that led to the eventual collapse of religious persecution under the Romans. Of the 1200 buildings named after her, the most celebrated is the Monastery of St. Katherine, on the slopes of Mount Sinai, in Egypt. [9]
Picture posted by INMTK, - Movie “Katherine of Alexandria” (2014)
Torture and martyrdom [5]
Catherine was then scourged and imprisoned, during which time over 200 people came to see her, including Maxentius' wife, Valeria Maximilla; all converted to Christianity and were subsequently martyred. [8] Upon the failure of Maxentius to make Catherine yield by way of torture, he tried to win the beautiful and wise princess over by proposing marriage. The saint refused, declaring that her spouse was Jesus Christ, to whom she had consecrated her virginity. The furious emperor condemned Catherine to death on a spiked breaking wheel, but, at her touch, it shattered. [7] Maxentius finally had her beheaded.
PHOTO: Saint Catherine of Alexandria consecrated her virginity to Jesus Christ
Upon the failure of Maxentius to make Catherine yield by way of torture, he tried to win the beautiful and wise princess over by proposing marriage. The saint refused, declaring that her spouse was Jesus Christ.
Painting by Correggio - The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria, 1518
PHOTO: Catherine was then scourged and imprisoned, during which time over 200 people came to see her, including Maxentius' wife, Valeria Maximilla; all converted to Christianity and were subsequently martyred.
Picture posted by - Movie “Katherine of Alexandria” (2014)
PHOTO: Saint Catherine converted the wife of the Roman Emperor Maxentius and she crowned the new Christian empress with a crown she took from one of the angels that had appeared to her. [24]
Sadly, Maxentius' wife, Valeria Maximilla was subsequently martyred after converted to Christianity.
Posted by on 18 August 2014 - Movie “Katherine of Alexandria” (2014)
PHOTO: The movie mixes Catharina's legend with the political conflict between the Roman co-emperors Maxentius and Constantinus. The production was delayed considerably because of financial problems. The final movie version suffered extensive cuts. The pictures below are from a pre-final version. Here Catharina suffers various tortures; so she is tied to a wheel and suspended in public, and in the ends has all her bones broken with a spiked roller. In the final version, Catharina is executed by first binding, then nailing her to a wheel and dropping her from a height.
Picture posted by - Movie “Katherine of Alexandria” (2014)
The spiked wheel having become emblematic (symbolic) of the saint, wheelwrights and mechanics placed themselves under her patronage. Finally, as according to tradition, she not only remained a virgin by governing her passions and conquered her executioners by wearying their patience, but triumphed in science by closing the mouths of sophists (people who reasons with clever but false arguments), her intercession was implored by theologians, apologists, pulpit orators, and philosophers. Before studying, writing, or preaching, they besought her to illumine their minds, guide their pens, and impart eloquence to their words.
PHOTO: Saint Catherine not only remained a virgin by governing her passions and conquered her executioners by wearying their patience, but triumphed in science by closing the mouths of sophists (people who reasons with clever but false arguments).
Before studying, writing, or preaching, theologians, apologists, pulpit orators, and philosophers besought her to illumine their minds, guide their pens, and impart eloquence to their words.
Painting by Giampietrino (Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli), c.1500-1540, Italian, St
Picture posted by Quotes of poetry and art
PHOTO: Like Paul, Saint Catherine led a life with Christ as her central experience. She never stop being faithful to Christ, loving and obeying Him. She knew that her Lord would bring her safely to His kingdom and that He would have the final word and verdict on her life. Beyond the gory reality of martyrdom, Saint Catherine could already see the glory that awaited her. Through her deep relationship with Christ and her knowledge of the Word she die well. Because Saint Catherine had Jesus with her, she could calmly go about living her life faithfully right to the end. Just as she knows how to die well, she lived well.
Painting by Parmigianino (Girolamo Francesco Mazzola) (1503 – 1540) - The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine (1525-1527)
Picture posted by Ms. Susan M. Pojer, Horace Greeley, HS Chappaqua, NY - Mannerism (1520-1600)
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to be able to accomplish the following by the end of our life.
- Built our relationship with Christ
- Lived a life faithfully for Christ, loving and obeying Him
- Know that our Lord will bring us safely to His kingdom and that He would have the final word and verdict on our life
- Able to say with all conviction and joy: "I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7)
- Have a glorious homecoming welcome by our Lord
- Watch our life and doctrine closely
- Use every ounce of our energy to the faithful preaching of the gospel
- Have a holistic Christian discipleship - by having a healthy and holy life, lived holistically and well
- Make relationship with Jesus the central experience
Photo by Nick Scheerbart - Follow my journey . . . .
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
[1] From "Faithful to the end" A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, Copyright © 2014 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-241-0, PART FOUR: FAITHFUL TO THE END, Chapter 13 "Faithful To The End" (2 Timothy 4:16-22), Page 184-188.
[2] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Prayer for the dead,
[3] The Book of Common Prayer. 1979. p. 470.
[3a] Williard Trask, Joan of Arc: In Her Own Words (Turtle Point Press, 1996), 99
[4] Wikipedia, Book of Common Prayer,
[5] Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Catherine of Alexandria,
[6] C.S. Lewis, from the essay, "Christianity and Culture," in Christian Reflection, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1992), 14.
[6a] "Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria",
[7] Clugnet, Léon. "St. Catherine of Alexandria." The Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 3. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1908. 1 May 2013. 1908-11-01. Retrieved 2013-08-26,
[8] "Saint Catherine of Alexandria". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 2010-10-29.
[9] Enchanted Serenity Period Films, Katherine of Alexandria (2011), posted on 10 June 2010,
[24] Ciba Review. Number 35, “The Hat.” Ciba Corporation: Basle, Switzerland. September, 1940, page 1280
NIV, New International Version, Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
1 Timothy 4:16 -
2 Timothy 4:7 -
2 Timothy 4:16-22 -
2 Timothy 4:18 -
John 12:20-22 -
Matthew 24:42, 25:13, 26:41 -
Matthew 25:21, 23 -
Matthew 25:34 -
Romans 7:15 -