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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Reflection - Thoughts at the end of life

Source (book): "Faithful to the end", Chapter 11, Question 2, Page 161.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

Paul must have recollected all the significant events and people in his life - and he was filled with wonder and gratitude.
PHOTO: Paul must have recollected all the significant events and people in his life - and he was filled with wonder and gratitude. The aged apostle, in his sixties, sat alone in his dark and damp prison cell in Rome. Having travelled so much and met so many people, his thoughts probably raced back and forth as he traced his life. Paul looked at his chains and knew that he would finally be unchained from his life on earth - to be present with the Lord. His time on earth was drawing to a close.
Posted by presentepravoce on 24 February 2015

As he faced the end of his life, Paul must have recollected all the significant events and people in his life - and he was filled with wonder and gratitude. If you were in a similar situation, what would you thoughts be - what events and who would you remember? Share your thoughts with others.

As he faced the end of his life, Paul must have recollected all the significant events and people in his life - and he was filled with wonder and gratitude. [1]
The aged apostle, in his sixties, sat alone in his dark and damp prison cell in Rome. Having travelled so much and met so many people, his thoughts probably raced back and forth as he traced his life - his early days of childhood and youth, his impeccable (perfect) training as a Bible scholar, his wrongly directed passion against the people of the Way, his life changing encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, his experience of deep understanding as he read the Scriptures in the light of Christ, his years of missionary service bringing the gospel to many corners of the earth, his joy of seeing people converted and churches planted, his sufferings and travails (engage in painful or laborious effort) of beatings, imprisonments and false accusations, his battles with false teachers who were infiltrating the churches, his protégés (pupil) such as Timothy and Titus, his fellow-workers such as Luke, Silas, Barnabas, Mark, Priscilla and Aquilla, and so on.

Paul, the aged apostle, in his sixties, sat alone in his dark and damp prison cell in Rome.
PHOTO: Paul, the aged apostle, in his sixties, sat alone in his dark and damp prison cell in Rome. As he faced the end of his life, he must have recollected all the significant events and people in his life - and he was filled with wonder and gratitude. His thoughts probably raced back and forth as he traced his life.
Picture posted by davidspell on 22 February 2013

Paul knew that the end was near. He was in prison awaiting a final judgement by boorish (uncivilized) and wicked emperor Nero, who was persecuting the Christians for he blamed them for a great fire that had destroyed a large part of Rome. However, the Christians were certainly not guilty of that. They had gone about their lives quietly, in obedience to their Lord, seeking to bring glory to Him. Paul knew that he and his fellow Christians were unjustly accused. Why was God allowing this to happen?

Paul knew that the end was near.
PHOTO: Paul knew that the end was near. He was in prison awaiting a final judgement by boorish (uncivilized) and wicked emperor Nero, who was persecuting the Christians for he blamed them for a great fire that had destroyed a large part of Rome.
Picture posted by R.V. Young on 23 July 2015

As a veteran sufferer for Christ, Paul knew better than to seek specific answers to such questions. He was convinced that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28) and that nothing would be able to separate Christ's disciples from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39). If God allowed suffering to come to a believer's life, it was for a purpose known only to God. Whatever the case may be, God often uses suffering to produce Christlike character and holiness. In suffering, one experiences a sweet fellowship with the Lord (Philippians 3:10). One has to trust his Lord - in His wise purpose and abiding (lasting) goodness.

Paul was convinced that 'in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose' (Romans 8:28)
PHOTO: Paul was convinced that "in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28)
Picture posted by Joyce Geleynse - Bible Verse with Pencil Drawing:
Romans 8:28

Paul looked at his chains and knew that he would finally be unchained from his life on earth - to be present with the Lord. His time on earth was drawing to a close. He turned his thoughts to leaving a final thought in his final message to Timothy and other brothers and sisters whom he had come to know and love. As he dictated to his scribe (probably Luke), these were to be his last words. There is a poignancy in the words as the apostle reviewed his life and opened his heart to Timothy, and shared some of his needs and wishes. Paul wanted some of his close associates to be with him in his final days. His good friend and physician Luke was with him (2 Timothy 4:11). Now, Paul urged Timothy to come to him in Rome (2 Timothy 4:9). He also requested the presence of Mark (
2 Timothy 4:11).

Paul looked at his chains and knew that he would finally be unchained from his life on earth - to be present with the Lord.
PHOTO: Paul looked at his chains and knew that he would finally be unchained from his life on earth - to be present with the Lord. His time on earth was drawing to a close.
Painting by Enrique Simonet, 1887 - The Beheading of Saint Paul
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


If you were in a similar situation, what would you thoughts be - what events and who would you remember? Share your thoughts with others.
If I am facing the end of my life, I would have recollect the following significant events and people in my life.

Walking to school to attend lessons and walking back home after school
I had to walk most of the time with my brothers and schoolmates to school located 3 km away from our home. We stayed in the remote country side with no public transport and in the sixties and seventies, the long road to school was not those 'flat, flat, clean, clean' with proper footpath and railings by the side to prevent us from falling into the deep drains and rivers.

We stayed in the remote country side with no public transport and in the sixties and seventies, the long road to school was not those 'flat, flat, clean, clean' with proper footpath and railings by the side to prevent us from falling into the deep drains and rivers.
PHOTO: We stayed in the remote country side with no public transport and in the sixties and seventies, the long road to school was not those 'flat, flat, clean, clean' with proper footpath and railings by the side to prevent us from falling into the deep drains and rivers.
Picture posted by Essex Walks

We had to cross two wooden bridges over two rivers flowing towards the sea. That 500m middle part of the road journey was through the swamp at the north-eastern part of the island. That area was then not developed, with marsh plants growing in the water to great heights. There was no street lamp, so on nights without the moon, it was pitch dark. There were some fierce stray dogs and other animals prowling nearby. Fortunately our schooling hours ended before nightfall.

500m middle part of the road journey was through the swamp at the north-eastern part of the island.
PHOTO: 500m middle part of the road journey was through the swamp at the north-eastern part of the island. That area was then not developed, with marsh plants growing in the water to great heights. There was no street lamp, so on nights without the moon, it was pitch dark. There were some fierce stray dogs and other animals prowling nearby.
Painting by C Manuel
Picture posted by eBay Inc. - Ducks In Flight Art


During high tide, we had to remove and carry our shoes and socks, walk barefooted through the muddy water. There was the danger that we may slipped and fell off the bridges which was submerged in the murky water, and get swept away by the strong current. We did not know then that God was guiding us in our every steps especially during rainy days. We somehow always managed to reach school and home safely. Sometimes wet and dirty, but definitely sweaty due to perspiration.

During high tide, we had to remove and carry our shoes and socks, walk barefooted through the muddy water.

PHOTO: During high tide, we had to remove and carry our shoes and socks, walk barefooted through the muddy water. There was the danger that we may slipped and fell off the bridges which was submerged in the murky water, and get swept away by the strong current.
Picture posted by Dead Air on Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Time past and in 10 years I somehow completed the primary and secondary education although not with very good grades. Along the way we received a lot helps from our parents, teachers and friends. We had survived and achieved an education through our own efforts - or so we thought.

We did not know then that God was guiding us in our every steps especially during rainy days.
PHOTO: We did not know then that God was guiding us in our every steps especially during rainy days.
"For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end" (Psalm 48:14).
Picture posted by Carrie Daws on 28 July 2015

Realising God
My parents were farmers. We belonged to the category of families with poor finance. Our parents worked very hard to support the family. They spent the whole day on the farm beside taking care of us. There was not much time for other activities. We did not know what is Church and did not know much about Jesus Christ. My parents, relatives and neighbours believed in Buddhism. My uncle did not worship.

We never attended church although our school is just beside a Catholic Church. Our primary school was a Missionary school operated by Church personals and we were taught to address them as 'Brothers' or 'Sisters'. Everyday in school at 12 noon we would stand and repeat the rosary after the announcements through the broadcasting speakers in every classroom. Our principal would led the prayer and we would follow. We prayed to Marry, mother of God and not to God.

My parents were farmers.
PHOTO: My parents were farmers. We belonged to the category of families with poor finance. Our parents worked very hard to support the family. They spent the whole day on the farm beside taking care of us. There was not much time for other activities.
Picture posted by Thimbuktu on 21 February 2012 - Rural vegetable farm

When we were in primary four, our form teacher, Mrs. Annie Chan, told us the story of Jesus Christ being tortured, scourged and finally crucified. I could not remember whether she had told us about the part when Christ raised up again on the third day. It was a long story and we were all mesmerised and scared at the same time. Mesmerised because the story was very fascinating, scared because the people in the story were very cruel.

People killed even God, and yes, Mrs. Annie Chan was a very fierce person. She would not hesitate to cane us until we cried if we did something wrong. We were terrified of her and we thought it was only a matter of time before we died in her class. Some other teachers would slapped us to enforce discipline. A very violent culture where the teachers were allowed to use corporal punishment on small children. No love lost because there wasn't any. I believed we must had been very difficult to teach and handle. We dare not tell our parents because there is no sympathy from them either. Worst, maybe another round of beating.

When we were in primary four, our form teacher, Mrs. Annie Chan, told us the story of Jesus Christ being tortured, scourged and finally crucified.
PHOTO: When we were in primary four, our form teacher, Mrs. Annie Chan, told us the story of Jesus Christ being tortured, scourged and finally crucified. I could not remember whether she had told us about the part when Christ raised up again on the third day.
Painting by Peter Paul Rubens (28 June 1577 - 30 May 1640) - Christ on the Cross
Picture posted by Le Lutin d'Ecouves on 21 July 2008


We used to play around the Church nearby our school. One day we saw the nun who was living nearby the church and also the caretaker beating the small little boy staying with her. The trashing was very severe and the boy was crying uncontrollably. We were afraid and dare not ventured near the church from that day onward. We were afraid of the same punishment if we were to do something wrong.

Our school's vice-principal (a missionary brother) was equally frightening. Students who did not behave during assembly at the school court would be given hard slaps on the face and some broke down crying. He was easily irritated by kids' loud shouting. We cannot associate love with violence, only fear. We couldn't find love from the violence towards a younger person. We feared the vice-principal, the nun and her Church as we feared being beaten. We must have been very naughty then. However our "wrongly directed passion against those people and places" developed.

We used to play around the Church nearby our school.
PHOTO: We used to play around the Church nearby our school. One day we saw the nun who was living nearby the church and also the caretaker beating the small little boy staying with her. The trashing was very severe and the boy was crying uncontrollably. Our school's vice-principal (a missionary brother) was equally frightening. Students who did not behave during assembly at the school court would be given hard slaps on the face and some broke down crying.
Picture posted by La Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU) on 23 December

In secondary two one of my Christian classmate shared with me about God. He explained to me how to be saved from our sins and to receive the free gift of eternal life. Some other Christian classmates also spread the gospel message and described the wonderful experiences which they had. Encouraged, I also tried praying to God when taking examinations and when encounter with difficulties, but did not go to Church to worship. I do feel a lot more happier and less stressful because there was another source to turn to in times of problem and trouble. That was spiritually through prayers to God. Sometime God answered my prayers but not all the time. Some of my requests must have been very unreasonable or ridiculous.

I also tried praying to God when taking examinations and when encounter with difficulties, but did not go to Church to worship.
PHOTO: I also tried praying to God when taking examinations and when encounter with difficulties, but did not go to Church to worship. I do feel a lot more happier and less stressful because there was another source to turn to in times of problem and trouble. That was spiritually through prayers to God.

"Dear Heavenly Father,
I humbly come before You today, Asking for your guidance and favor on that testing day.
Strengthen my mind, body and spirit To face the challenge and be able to make it.
Help me remember the lessons we took up, Help me recall the topics we discussed.
Help me not to be distracted by the disturbances around me.
Help me not to be discouraged by my anxiety.
Give me peace as the day approaches.
Take away the fears that makes me restless.
Be with me on that big day.
Be my strength be my guide, this I pray
In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (
Matthew 7:7)
Photo credit: Foter
Posted by Ron Knight on 17 September 2015


In my Junior College years my family had financial problem because my father had stroke and was partially paralyse. He could no longer earn income to support the family. One of the Sister, a nun, from the college helped me to apply subsidy to pay for my school fees and some expenses. In return I help out in the school canteen during or after school hours. We managed to carry on with the farming but at a reduced scale. My mother, younger bothers, sister and me, became part-time farmers, school students and hawkers. With helps from our relatives and neighbours we managed to survive in spite of the hardship. Somehow with God's will we overcame the tough obstacles of life, even while we were still quite young.

In my Junior College years my family had financial problem because my father had stroke and was partially paralyse.
PHOTO: In my Junior College years my family had financial problem because my father had stroke and was partially paralyse. He could no longer earn income to support the family. One of the Sister, a nun, from the college helped me to apply subsidy to pay for my school fees and some expenses.
Picture posted by Mediawiki

My father could not recover and he passed away about five years later, when I was in the army serving my National Service (NS). During the period of my full-time army training and service, and subsequently the 13 years of reservist-in-camp training, I met other Christians in my platoon and company. I discovered the difficulties not to succumb to popular or opposing groups during ministering the gospel messages. There were strong opposing army-mates as well as others who believed in what was more popular at that time. Some are successful business men who paid very little attention to anything religious or spiritual. Others are pre-occupied with bread and butter issues, careers, families, educational training, and the problems on earth during the last days.

During the period of my full-time army training and service, and subsequently the 13 years of reservist-in-camp training, I met other Christians in my platoon and company.
PHOTO: During the period of my full-time army training and service, and subsequently the 13 years of reservist-in-camp training, I met other Christians in my platoon and company. I discovered the difficulties not to succumb to popular or opposing groups during ministering the gospel messages.
Picture posted by John Tan on 19 March 2016 at 04:56 AM

Trusting our Lord
After my National service, I tried to start working as an apprentice in an electrical engineering company. I discovered that my education and skills were below requirement. My boss then suggested that I went for further practical skill training at the polytechnics. So I stopped working and attended a polytechnic to study electronics and communication engineering.

Being out of school for quite some time, my mind got "rusty" and had to spend a lot of efforts to catch up with the curriculum. My efforts were not very successful. I remembered that I failed horribly during the first semester in all the subjects. Fortunately I had very helpful classmates and lecturers, who went all out to make sure we succeeded. During the final semester we had to spent the last six weeks struggling to get through the final examination. Most of us, I suspected, like me, turned to God for help. Somebody mentioned about learning to trust our Lord and things would turn out well. We managed to pass the examination although without good result. But we were so happy and knew what was called "sweet fellowship with the Lord".

Back to school
PHOTO: Back to school
Being out of school for quite some time, my mind got "rusty" and had to spend a lot of efforts to catch up with the curriculum.
My efforts were not very successful. I remembered that I failed horribly during the first semester in all the subjects. Fortunately I had very helpful classmates and lecturers, who went all out to make sure we succeeded.
Picture posted by Lisa Pasquariello (Pinterest)

As time passed, I entered the workforce and met with the everyday difficulties and problems with both the fellow employees and the work itself. As I grew older, all my classmates, friends and fellow colleagues fell in love and found their future partners to start their own family. Unfortunately my love life was not smooth.

I couldn't find my love one and after so many years still remain embarrassingly single and with deteriorated physical characteristics. In my middle-age, one of my female colleagues tried to match me with another female employee. It was then that I discovered how detestable I had become to the opposite sex. That female colleague burst out shouting that she would not love people like me. Whatever things which people did not want, she also did not want. Even when the whole world had no more male except me, she also would not want me. I remembered then that I had voiced similar displeasure when I was in my twenties. So it was my turn to experience the pain and embarrassment of rejections. I learned "If God allowed suffering to come to a believer's life, it was for a purpose known only to God." Maybe God knew that I couldn't survive a marriage. Marriage brought bliss but also stressful and uncomfortable moments. I had to trust the Lord that starting a family was not meant for me.

Unfortunately my love life was not smooth.

PHOTO: Unfortunately my love life was not smooth. I couldn't find my love one and after so many years still remain embarrassingly single and with deteriorated physical characteristics.
Picture posted by LiveHDWallpaper.com - Love Failure Wallpaper

I had my ups and downs in my employment career. My department would ended up closed or sold to another company. My job scope would change and we had to adapt to the new setups and environments. Good things did not last forever in the working world. I had to work under bosses who did not like me, or with colleagues who found it unbearable to be with me around. Most of the time, my bosses would wished that I was not in their team.

I tried to cope with all the unwantedness but sometime I decided to throw in the towel and suffer the defeat. I had been through retrenchment twice. Now in my fifties, nearing sixty years old, no successful career in sight, only rejection after rejection. Even when I landed in a job, my colleagues would have to spent much efforts to retrain me, and that must had been very frustrating for them. I took it positively, believing that God have finally wanted me to retire, and concentrate on improving my physical and spiritual health. I am now enthusiastically doing that.

My department would ended up closed or sold to another company.

PHOTO: My department would ended up closed or sold to another company. My job scope would change and we had to adapt to the new setups and environments. I tried to cope with all the unwantedness but sometime I decided to throw in the towel and suffer the defeat. I had been through retrenchment twice. Now in my fifties, nearing sixty years old, no successful career in sight, only rejection after rejection.
Picture posted by toons on 18 November 2013

Every morning I read the bible at a quiet corner of my house and go walking 8 km at the PCN (Park Connector Networks) with my sister. Once in a while I create some blogs, like this one. I am still building on my relationship with Jesus Christ whom I have come to accept as my saviour, not because of my effort but because of His grace and strength, from the beginning of my life to my final days.

Every morning I read the bible at a quiet corner of my house and go walking 8 km at the PCN (Park Connector Networks) with my sister. Once in a while I create some blogs, like this one.
PHOTO: Life's A Journey, Not A Destination...
I am still building on my relationship with Jesus Christ whom I have come to accept as my saviour, not because of my effort but because of His grace and strength, from the beginning of my life to my final days.
Picture posted by Stefienoki - A journey

There are many changes in life.
PHOTO: "There are many changes in life.  One of them is retirement. . . . . . . . . start blogging seriously again.  There may be some nuggets of truth, some encouraging words, or some happy, funny stories and poems that I can write that will improve someones day, make them feel better, or maybe even change their life for the better.  I am looking forward to what God has in store for me around the bend. . . .
Something exciting is available around the bend.  I know it.  It has to be.  Because otherwise I would not be here.
Posted by Terri Byars on 24 July 2016

Dear Lord, We prayed that all the significant events and people in our life filled us with wonder and gratitude. Just like Paul, our suffering to produce Christlike character and holiness and experience a sweet fellowship with the Lord.  Even when our end are near, we prayed that we still go about our lives quietly, in obedience to our Lord, seeking to bring glory to Him and finally be unchained from our life on earth - to be present with the Lord. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, We prayed that all the significant events and people in our life filled us with wonder and gratitude. Just like Paul, our suffering to produce Christlike character and holiness and experience a sweet fellowship with the Lord.  Even when our end are near, we prayed that we still go about our lives quietly, in obedience to our Lord, seeking to bring glory to Him and finally be unchained from our life on earth - to be present with the Lord. Amen!"
Picture posted by Index of /link-gallery/albums/mini-series/Angels_in_America/Stills/ on 04 May 2010 at 04:59h 

[1] From "Faithful to the end" A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, Copyright  2014 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-241-0, PART FOUR: FAITHFUL TO THE END, Chapter 11 "Preparing For The End" (2 Timothy 4:6-8), Page 151-152.

NIV, New International Version, Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Psalm 48:14 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+48%3A14&version=NIV

Romans 8:28 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+8%3A28&version=NIV

Romans 8:38-39 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans+8%3A38-39&version=NIV