By got Questions?org - What were the Inquisitions?
The Inquisition wanted to “save” heretics: preventing them from “sinning” by any means necessary, even if it means they end up tortured, locked in dungeons or dead. [3]
When the person impeached is condemned, he is either severely whipped, violently tortured, sent to the galleys, or sentenced to death; and in either case the effects are confiscated. After judgment, a procession is performed to the place of execution, which ceremony is called an auto da fe, or act of faith. [8]
Among those who were to suffer, was a young Jewess of exquisite beauty, and but seventeen years of age. Being on the same side of the scaffold where the queen was seated, she addressed her, in hopes of obtaining a pardon, in the following pathetic speech: "Great queen, will not your royal presence be of some service to me in my miserable condition? Have regard to my youth; and, oh! consider, that I am about to die for professing a religion imbibed from my earliest infancy!" Her majesty seemed greatly to pity her distress, but turned away her eyes, as she did not dare to speak a word in behalf of a person who had been declared a heretic. [8]
Picture posted by Anonymous on Saturday, 29 January 2011 at 20:19 PM
The Inquisitions were judicial institutions or tribunals that were established by the Roman Catholic Church in order to seek out, try, and sentence people that the Roman Catholic Church believed to be guilty of heresy. The purpose of the inquisitions was to secure and maintain religious and doctrinal unity in the Roman Catholic Church and throughout the Holy Roman Empire, through either the conversion or persecution of alleged heretics. Historians generally distinguish the Inquisitions based on four different time frames and areas that they took place in. These are the Medieval or Episcopal Inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition, the Portuguese Inquisition, and the Roman Inquisition.
Text translated by Rev. Montague Summers, transcribed by Wicasta Lovelace & Christie Jury,
Painting by Peter Paul Rubens (1592-1640) - Study for a Mary Magdalen. Black chalk, heightened in white. 33.4 × 24.2 cm. London, British Museum.
Prior to the founding of the Roman Catholic Church and the establishment of their version of Christianity as the official state religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century, the punishment for heresy among Christians was usually excommunication from the church. However, with the marriage of church and state that arose in the 4th century, people that the Roman Catholic Church considered to be heretics also came to be considered as enemies of the state and were subject to many forms of extreme punishment, including death. It wasn’t until the 12th century that official Inquisitions were organized and sanctioned (approved) by the Roman Catholic Church to officially deal with what they saw as a rise in organized heretical groups within the Holy Roman Empire.
Text translated by Rev. Montague Summers, transcribed by Wicasta Lovelace & Christie Jury,
Painting by Antoine Joseph Wiertz (22 February 1806 – 18 June 1865), Belgian romantic painter - Young Witch (1857)
The first of the Inquisitions is known as the Medieval or Episcopal Inquisition and refers to the various tribunals that started around 1184. It includes the Episcopal Inquisition (1184-1230) and the Papal Inquisition (1230), which arose in response to large popular movements in Europe that were considered to be heretical by the Roman Catholic Church. It was during this time (1231) that Pope Gregory IX shifted the power to punish heretics away from the local bishops and put the inquisitors under the special jurisdiction and authority of the papacy. He also established severe penalties for those found guilty of committing heresy, and his decree set forth new guidelines for investigating and punishing heresy in the Holy Roman Empire.
Reflecting on the facts, and understanding such events occurred "under the law," one can clearly understand how Thomas Hobbes (this is a contemporary biography) came to the conclusions about "man in a state of nature."
". . . . . . Born free, in a state of nature, the individual might end up in chains, in an unjust society. Conservative writers thought that governments should be strong, and accordingly they tended to emphasize the horrors of life in a state of nature. . . . . . . " [10]
Picture posted by Anonymous on Saturday, 29 January 2011 at 20:11 PM
Generally, when an Inquisition was set up to investigate heresy in a particular area of the Holy Roman Empire, the Pope would appoint two inquisitors, each of which had equal authority in the Inquisition or tribunal. Because these inquisitors had the power to investigate and excommunicate even princes, they wielded enormous power and influence in the Holy Roman Empire.
"Not without excruciating pain recently, we learned that in some parts of Germany, so many people of both sexes have neglected their own salvation, and have turned away from the Catholic faith, and fallen into sin of the flesh demons, incubus and succubus and his magic, Enchantment, spells and other horrible superstitious, depraved and criminal acts that cause women to give premature birth, inflicts damage on the offspring of animals, cereals, grapes on the vines, and fruit trees, as well as spoil the men, women, pets and other animals ", - stated in the 'Bull' document.
Not without excruciating pain, Pope also decided to consider the mass killings charitable deed. Thus anyone who dared to oppose the actions of the inquisitors, should be 'ex-communicated'.
Picture posted by Explore Tortured Witch
While some of the inquisitors had reputations as being men of justice and mercy, others were known to subject people to cruel and unusual punishment, including many different kinds of torture, which is what the Inquisitions are generally remembered for. Because they could imprison suspects that they thought were lying, some inquisitors used torture as an attempt to get them to admit what the inquisitor wanted to hear.
According to some data, the "Cross" was invented in Catholic Austria 16-17 century. This was evidenced by a rare edition of "Justice in the old days", available at the Museum of Justice in Rottenburg (Germany). Genuine model was stored in the tower of the castle of Salzburg (Austria).
Picture posted by Catherine Kersipova on 16 September 2016 at 17:00 PM
In 1252 Pope Innocent IV officially sanctioned (approved) torture as a way of extracting the “truth” from suspects. Prior to that time, this type of extreme punishment was foreign to church tradition and practice. During the Spanish Inquisition alone, as many as 2,000 people were burned at the stake within one decade after the Inquisition began.
Picture posted by 'The victims who died in the fire, Odessa Mourning' on 4 May 2014
The next major Inquisition period is known as the Spanish Inquisition. It was set up by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain in 1478 with the approval of Pope Sixtus IV. Unlike the previous Inquisition, it was completely under royal authority and was staffed by secular clergy. It mainly focused on Jews who had professed to be converts to Roman Catholicism but who were suspected of having continued to practice Judaism. Later on, with the spread of Protestantism into Spain, the Inquisition would also begin to persecute Protestants who broke away from the Roman Catholic Church.
The witch inquisitor had become a powerful and skillful psychoanalyst. He had to work with the unconscious woman; you have to imagine the complexity of the task. Carefully orchestrated, the painful ritual of medieval inquisitors helped free up the necessary information and read cryptography (the art of writing or solving codes) on the soul of women. [2]
Picture posted by Anonymous on Saturday, 28 July 2012 at 07:19 AM
However, after the decline in religious disputes in the 17th century, the Spanish Inquisition essentially became more like a secret police that would investigate and retaliate against internal threats to the Spanish authorities. The Spanish Inquisition is probably the most infamous for its torture and the number of people executed as a result of it. One historian estimated that over the course of its history the Spanish Inquisition tried a total of 341,021 people, of whom at least 10 percent (31,912) were executed.
A couple of years later, no one had any doubt as to the legitimacy of actions of the inquisitors, especially when Kramer and Sprenger released a treatise titled "Hammer of the Witches" (Malleus Maleficarum). In the first part of the book the theologians argued convincingly that, firstly, there was witchcraft, and secondly, to cast spells were evil. This was followed by a description of how to carry out the process of identifying a witch.
Posted by insaider on 29 August.2016 at 21:11
Another important period is known as the Portuguese Inquisition and was established in Portugal in 1536 by the king of Portugal, João III, and operated much like the more famous Spanish Inquisition. Later, in 1560, in India and other parts of the Portuguese Empire in Asia, the Goa Inquisition was set up in the Indian city of Goa to deal with converts from Hinduism who were suspected of continuing to practice or hold to some Hindu beliefs.
Even from the very title itself, Malleus Maleficarum is feminine, alluding to the idea that it was women who were the villains. Otherwise, it would be the Malleus Maleficorum (the masculine form of the Latin noun maleficus or malefica, 'witch'). Not surprisingly, the book quickly became a bestseller among the "witch hunter".
Posted by insaider on 29 August.2016 at 21:11
Picture posted by Fiction Best Marriage on 16 March 2016 at 13:31 PM
The last period is known as the Roman Inquisition, and it was established in 1542 when Pope Paul III established the Holy Office as the final court of appeals in all trials of heresy. This group was made up of cardinals and other officials whose task was to maintain and defend the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church. This group played an important role in the Counter-Reformation, and it was also this body that condemned Galileo for “grave suspicion of heresy” and banned all of his works in 1633 for teaching that the sun was the center of the universe and that the earth revolved around it. In 1965, Pope Paul VI reorganized the Holy Office and renamed it as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and it remains in effect today.
In the fifteenth century, when the area of Upper Germany was supposed to be overcome by the spread of witchcraft, a pagan practices of cultivation, during which local women had allegedly copulate with the Devil. As a result, at the end of year1484, concerned about these reports, Pope Innocent VIII issued a papal bull dated December 5, the content of which condemned witchcraft, paganism and all heresy. Inquisitors were sent to fight the forces of unclean by sweeping through the valley of the Rhine to scourge pervasive (unwelcome influence) practice of magic and satanic activities.
The scenes were full of nudity, horrific promiscuity acts of torture, madness, images of demons and bestial (brutal) murders.
The end of the film is a confrontation of this wild and uncouth medieval world of witches, devils and inquisitors with the world on the threshold of the twentieth century. When the old superstition turned into medical knowledge, when hysteria or kleptomania was considered a mental illness, and not the result of a woman possessed by the devil. [7]
Texts posted by Munakir on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 at 16:06,
Picture posted by Philip Syalter (Pinterest) - Film: Häxan (Witchcraft Through the Ages) 1922
Posted by brian pinette on Tuesday, 14 October 2014 at 3:24 PM
Picture posted by Rebekah McKendry@RebekahMcKendry on 19 October 2015 - Film: Häxan (Witchcraft Through the Ages) 1922, Satanic Nude Debauchery: A Look Back at HAXAN (1922)

PHOTO: Witch identification (Hunt)
The process of formally persecuting witches followed the grinding inquisitional procedure. Once accused of witchcraft, it was virtually impossible to escape conviction. After cross-examination, the victim's body was examined for the witch's mark.
The historian Walter Nigg described the process: "...she was stripped naked and the executioner shaved off all her body hair in order to seek in the hidden places of the body the sign which the devil imprinted on his cohorts.
Warts, freckles, and birthmarks were considered certain tokens of amorous relations with Satan. Should a woman show no sign of a witch's mark, guilt could still be established by methods such as sticking needles in the accused's eyes. The confession was then extracted by the hideous methods of torture already developed during earlier phases of the Inquisition." [5]
Picture posted by Sizif Вадим on 22 April 2012 at 00:16

PHOTO: In England witch hunting would reach its apex in 1644 to 1647 due to the work of Matthew Hopkins. Although operating without an official Parliament commission, Hopkins (calling himself Witchfinder General) and his accomplices charged hefty fees to towns during the English Civil War. Hopkins' witch hunting spree was brief but impressive: 300 convictions and deaths are attributed to his work. Hopkins wrote a book on his methods, describing his fortuitous beginnings as a witch hunter, the methods used to extract confessions, and the creative tests he employed to test the accused: stripping them naked to find the Witches' mark, the "swimming" test, and pricking the skin.
Texts from Wikipedia, Witch-hunt,
Picture posted by Jeremy Forson on Wednesday, 24 November 2010, That’s Witchcraft’!
Painting by Jos. A. Smith titled, Innocent Have I Been Tortured

PHOTO: Torture with pointed object
The 1975 film Story of O (an erotic film) from which Jos. A. Smith referenced his painting, Innocent Have I Been Tortured
This meant that anything from a birthmark or a mole could provide the inquisitor with damning evidence that you were part of a satanic pact.
Picture posted by Dennis Dread on Wednesday, 06 November 2013
From brutal torture devices to bizarre medical treatments, these terrifying contraptions reveal a darker side to innovation.They show how inventors throughout history have put their skills and intellects to use in horrifying ways, creating contraptions that have caused unimaginable suffering. The feature, first published in How It Works magazine, highlights some heinous inventions used in torture, war and medicine. In the past, a punishment much worse than a long prison sentence awaited criminals. Execution methods were often developed to be as cruel as possible and these gruesome events were usually carried out in public to deter others from following in the footsteps of the accused. [11]
Even if people weren’t sentenced to death, there were plenty of ghastly implements that could be used to torture them. Typically used to extract a confession or information about accomplices, torture was popular in medieval times, with the screams of victims echoing from castle dungeons across Europe. [11]
Typical torture chamber, usually in basement of a catholic church. Different tortures happening at same time: hot irons, strappado, waterboard...
Accused witches were all stripped naked, had all of their body hair shaved of, and then pricked. Red-hot tongs were applied to womens' breasts and genitalia. Researcher Nancy van Vuuren has written that 'The women's sex organs provided special attraction for the male torturer.'
Picture posted by Katweezel on 25 May 2011 st 07:34 AM - Hot irons on soles of feet
The Inquisition had powers of arrest and incarceration without trial. The format of the inquisition was to ask a whole series of inconsequential questions about beliefs, family, neighbours or recent events. The process of intimidation included stripping those under interrogation of all their clothes. This was an integral part of Guzman’s plan, to make those questioned feel vulnerable.
Whilst these initial questions are being answered the instruments of torture were displayed and demonstrated to the prisoner.
Heretics and non believers were allowed to recant or convert in return for information about friends family and acquaintances, but it was a last chance. If a lapse then was identified there were no limits to the torture which might be applied. [4]
Picture posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 1 May 2012 at 15:48 PM - Hot irons on soles of feet
By the Middle Ages torture had become particularly prevalent, especially in response to crimes of treason. If you had been disloyal to the sovereign and your country, a whole plethora of horrifying torture devices awaited you. A great deal of ingenuity and artistic skill went into developing instruments that would inflict the maximum amount of pain. Often simply threatening to use one on a person was enough to get them to confess, while others would quickly give in after seeing it used on a fellow prisoner.
Some torture devices were designed to only inflict pain, but others would result in a slow, drawn-out death that prolonged the suffering until the victim drew their last breath. [11]
A victim’s feet or neck (sometimes both) were placed inside this tube. The torturer would then heat the tube, mutilating the poor person inside. Sometimes people didn’t survive the intense pain of this grotesque method.
Those devices are very old invention. In former Egypt and Babylon they were used for torture but also for cruel capital punishment. As late as to the 18th century they were regularly used to gain confessions from the accused. It appears that even today some countries outside of Europe are using these device.
Picture posted by Anonymous on Saturday, 8 January 2011 at 02:01 AM
The Middle East was responsible for impalement (in one hole, out the other), which reached its heyday circa 1670. This form of torture was reserved for prisoners who were caught brandishing weapons. There are accompanying illustrations of a man with this fat pole stabbing through his body, and really, it is hard to imagine much worse. [13]
A sharp pole is pushed, bottom upwards, through the victim’s body. It could take the victim three days to die. The legendary Vlad the Impaler often used to sit and eat a tasty meal while his victims lingered between life and death.
In this case, death from blood loss occurred very soon. Normal version penalty was also very painful, and the victim writhed on the stake for a few hours.
Posted by Knyaz_Shuysky on Wednesday, 28 May 28 2014 at 15:14
In the days of the medieval Inquisition suspects of heresy or witchcraft were stripped naked, seated astride the 'Cradle' and additional load were tied to the ankles to increase the suffering. Before the torture grated garlic were placed in the vagina or anus. Then the accused was seated on top the pyramid wooden blocks with sharp edges to broke through the genitals. The accused could also be hung on special ropes and positioned such that the weight of the body on top of the pyramid after a passage of time would pierced into the anus or vagina. Torches or hot ashes were applied to the soles so that the accused could not nap and relax 'too much'. [12]
A reference to the use of such devices in a report on the trial of woman named Maddalena Lazari held in Bormio in 1673 for 4 months; she was subjected to various forms of torture, but did not confessed her 'guilt'. In the end, the city council decided to sentence her to 15 hours by using the 'Vigil' and was to repeat the procedure in the case she did not yield to the torture. The extensions was not needed because Maddalena Lazari, who had endured all the other tortures, broke down in 3 hours. [13]
The 'Torture Vigil' was one of the most severe instruments, that even those who had remarkable resistance could not withstand the torture.The executioner could successfully adjusted the weight of her body on the pyramid such that the punishment of her 'crime' was not recognised.
Nevertheless, Maddalena Lazari was tortured on the 'Vigil' for another five hours to it affirmed her "voluntary" confession. Then, she was sentenced to beheading and subsequently burned at the stake. Her dust was scattered to the winds.
The victim was lifted to the top of the pyramid and then gradually lowered. The top of the pyramid was to penetrate into the region of the anus, testicles and the falcon, and if torturing a woman - the vagina. The pain was so severe that often the accused fainted. If this happens, the procedure is delayed until the victim wakes up. In Germany, the "Judas/Witches Cradle" was called "the cradle of protection." [12]
Picture posted by ANTIBABSKIY Journal on 26 May 2015
Many of the devices were special to certain parts of Europe, but use of "The Rack" is documented in every torture chamber. We’ve all seen this in movies, but when you stand over it, you realize how painful it is. Strapped to a large wooded bed, the victim is stretched until the muscles tear. To hasten the process of confession, red-hot pokers would be applied to the nipples and other sensitive areas. [13]
With their hands and feet tied to rollers at each end of the wooden frame, the torture victim would be subjected to intense interrogation. If they failed to confess to their crimes or give up the information the torturer was looking for, a crank would be turned to rotate the rollers. This would pull on the ropes, gradually stretching the victim’s body and causing intense pain, eventually dislocating their limbs.
It does exactly what it is designed for. The rack pulls the body from end to end until the limbs are slowly plucked from their joints.
Texts posted by Mail Online,
Picture posted by Tatiana Serbin

PHOTO: The Rack
The victim's ankles are fastened to one roller and the wrists are chained to the other. As the interrogation progresses, a handle and ratchet mechanism attached to the top roller are used to very gradually increase the tension on the chains, inducing excruciating pain.
Posted by Anna Olvera on 30 March 2015 at 9:10pm,h_957,w_640/t_mp_quality/okghpgbxrfr0lvxrchu8/the-25-most-unimaginable-medieval-torture-devices-329767.jpg,manual,manual,manual

PHOTO: The Stretching Rack, the torturer and his victim
Torture Rack Scenes, where women were stretched on torture racks or otherwise hung by their wrists. This intense scene in which a naked woman was stretched with 4 separate ropes tied to her limbs, each attached to 4 separate poles. The woman sweating, got stretched on the horizontal rack by a committee of inquisitors, while she grimaces in pain (until passed out). Her arms are taut, and she may mostly be in a spread-eagled position. she writhes helplessly while being tortured with some sort of futuristic electro-prod.
Also called the "Chevalet" or the "Torture Rack" (in German: "Streckbank" or "Folterbank").
Posted by
With the victim's limbs tied to the spokes of this large wooden wheel, it would be slowly revolved. As it spun, the executioner would bludgeon the victim's arms and legs with an iron hammer, shattering their bones one by one. If the victim survived this, they were placed on top of a large pole, so the birds could peach at their body until they eventually died of dehydration, which could take several days.
The defendant was tied with his back against the outside of the wheel. The executioner, turning the wheel slowly, causing the defendant's body to be scratched terribly. This punishment took place in England, Holland and Germany, from 1100 to 1700, and was intended to punish the "heretics." Text from Santa Inquisicao,
Picture posted by Anonymous on Sunday, 11 August 2013 at 09:55 AM
Picture posted by Anonymous on Saturday, 29 January 2011 at 20:19 PM
According to a German chronicler, the victim was transformed into a huge screaming puppet writhing in their own blood. It looked like a sea monster with four tentacles, and raw slimy shapeless flesh, mixed with splinters of bone. After the smashing had taken place the victim would literally be "braided" into the wheel and hung horizontally at the top of the pole. If a merciful death was ordered, the executioner would put the victim out of their misery. If not, the wheel would be placed up in the air, so the (barely) living victim could have their severed limbs eaten by the birds. [5]
Picture posted by Persecution
Torture was usually conducted in secret, such as in an underground dungeon. Many prisoners would say anything to end their suffering, so it often produced inaccurate information or false confessions.
Torture has been used as a method of punishment and interrogation for centuries, with the ancient Greeks and Romans regularly torturing criminals as part of their justice system.
It wasn’t until 1948 that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, banning the use of torture. [11]
Texts posted by Mail Online,
Picture posted by Explore Tortured Witch, Pinterest

PHOTO: Wheel of Compassion, The Torture Wheel
Picture posted by Jeremy Forson on Wednesday, 24 November 2010, That’s Witchcraft’!
The chair of torture is a chair that has been liberally upholstered with spikes. Also known as the Judas or Iron chair these elaborate devices could have as many as 1,500 spikes. Looking at the above chair it could well be the deluxe model.Obviously just sitting on such a chair is not going to generate quite the required level of pain so the various restraints could all be tightened to make sure the spikes went in good and deep. If that wasn’t enough a popular feature was having fire feature that would roast your buttocks to a crisp. Whilst probably not intended to kill the blood loss from all those punctures must have been quite significant and the infection would almost certainly kill you if nothing else. [14]
The victim could be constrained in several different ways in “the chair”. The spikes are designed to bruise but not penetrate the flesh. Placing women upside down in this chair left their clitoris and vagina open to attack. Similar treatment for men exposed their penis and testes. [4]
Picture posted by What the Bleep Do We Know? on Thursday, 1 May 2014 at 01:25:00 PM
Devised over 2,500 years ago as punishment for the most serious crimes, crucifixion would kill victims in a horribly drawn-out and painful way. With their wrists and feet nailed or tightly bound to a cross, and their legs broken by the executioners to speed up death, the victim’s weight would be transferred to their arms. This would gradually pull the shoulders and elbows out of their sockets, leaving the chest to bear the weight. Although inhaling would still be possible, exhaling would be difficult and the victim would eventually suffocate due to a lack of oxygen. This excruciating process could take 24 hours. [11]
It is a standout amongst the most surely understood execution techniques - the torturous killing of Jesus Christ. It is an execution where the censured individual is fixed or nailed to an extensive wooden cross and left to hang until they die, which ordinarily takes days.
Modern man finds it difficult to imagine that it happened many years ago in Europe. And it is very violent, every victim of the medieval went through the scene of inhuman executions, from slow slicing of the bowels, his head smashed, and body tearing into pieces. And the fact that these executions are purposely make so spectacular and bloody.
In many Catholic countries the clergy thought the soul of the sinner can be cleaned. For this purpose, they had to put the sinner in boiling water, or torturing by hot coals. They care for the soul and not the body.
"If man is capable of such violence and inhumanity in a state of civilization, what is he capable of when there is no laws, and no society?" - (Author: Carole D. Bos, J.D) [5]
Posted by Marina on 27 November 2009 - Horrible tortures of the Middle Ages
The Inquisition happened during one of the most brutal times in human history, which any medieval movie will confirm. It has become a theme that some Evangelicals pastors have repeatedly preached to their congregations about Catholics. Pope John Paul II admitted the wrong actions of the Catholic Church throughout history, including some tortures and deaths related to the medieval Inquisitions.
'The institution of the Inquisition has been abolished...the children of the Church cannot but return with a spirit of repentance to "the acquiescence given (the reluctant acceptance of something without protest), especially in certain centuries, to intolerance and even the use of violence in the service of the truth".
This spirit of repentance, it is clear, entails a firm determination to seek in the future ways to bear witness to the truth that are in keeping with the Gospel." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' - JOHN PAUL II, From the Vatican, 15 June 2004 Footnote [9]
Picture posted by Kendall Lankford on 3 April 2015 - "IT IS FINISHED"
By got Questions?org - What were the Inquisitions?
[2] Witch, witches, witches .............., Posted by diary on Monday, 23 June 2014 at 3:39,
[3] Rescued To Death, Posted by Maggie McNeill on 23 May 2014,
[4] The Holy Inquisition, posted on,
[5] The Horrors of The Church and its Holy Inquisition, from TheChristianEnterprise Website,
[6] The Malleus Maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, translated by Rev. Montague Summers, transcribed by Wicasta Lovelace & Christie Jury,
[7] Haxan, in the world of witches, posted by Munakir (labyrinths shadows) on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 at 16:06,
[8] An Account of the Inquisition, Bible Study Tools: Martyrdom of John Calas An Account of the Cruel Handling and Burning of Nicholas Burton, an English Merchant, in Spain,
[9] The Inquisition, by,
[10] ORIGIN OF SOCIETY, Thomas Hobbes,
[11] An ancient Greek bull that boils its victims, the heretic's fork for blasphemers and the excruciating 'choke pear': Are these the most gruesome inventions in history?, by How It Works Magazine, Published on 12 February 2016 at 09:58 GMT,
[12] The chair of the Jews (Judas/Witches Cradle), By ANTIBABSKY HERALD,
[13] When in Prague Make sure to check out the Torture Museum, by Maggie Knowles, October 22 - 28, 2004,
[14] Medieval Torture Devices, posted by Planet Deadly on 8 December 2013,
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