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Sunday, April 3, 2016

How to improve your eyesight in 10 easy ways

Source Website: http://yourhealth.asiaone.com/content/how-improve-your-eyesight-10-easy-ways
By Kayce Teo, Simply Her, Saturday, 02 April 2016

You can exercise and eat your way to better vision naturally.
PHOTO: You can exercise and eat your way to better vision naturally.
Photo by Shutterstock.com

1. Wear sunglasses when you are outdoors
UV rays not only harms your skin, but your eyes too. Extended exposure to the sun's UV rays has been linked to eye issues like cataracts and macular degeneration (
consisting of a distinct spot or spots). And since UV levels are higher near the equator, where our sunny little island is located, it make it much more important for us to wear a pair of sunglasses with 100 per cent UV protection.

Wear sunglasses. Like smoking, too much exposure to ultraviolet light can lead to macular degeneration and cataracts.

PHOTO:  Wear sunglasses. Like smoking, too much exposure to ultraviolet light can lead to macular degeneration and cataracts.
Make sure your sunglasses block UVA and UVB rays.
Wrap-around glasses are ideal, since they'll block light from the sides of your eyes as well as the front.
Try to wear sunglasses whenever you venture outside.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

2. Eat vision-boosting foods
Eat foods high in vitamins A, C and E, antioxidants and minerals like copper and zinc. These include dark leafy greens, carrots and sweet potatoes. Garlic and onions also help protect against cataract formation, and blueberries and wolfberries have anti-inflammatory properties to help improve your vision. The essential fatty acid DHA also boosts eye health.

Eat foods that promote eye health.
PHOTO:  Eat foods that promote eye health. While you probably can't change your vision with diet alone, you can make sure your eyes have all the nutrients they need. Try to incorporate these foods into your meals:
  • Leafy greens (such as kale, chard, collards and spinach) are great, as well as carrots.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish like salmon and tuna) are great for your body.
  • Citrus fruits and juices (such as oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruit) are also good for your body.
  • Non-meat protein sources (like bananas, beans and nuts).
  • A vitamin supplement that contains omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

3. Quit smoking
According to the US Centres for Diesease Control and Prevention (CDC), a smoker is twice as likely to develop macular degeneration and two to three times more likely to develop cataracts compared with a non-smoker.

Give up smoking.
PHOTO:  Give up smoking. Smoking can lead to macular degeneration later in life, as well as cataracts. Find a support group to help you quit, or enlist the help of a psychiatrist who applies medical treatments to addiction.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

4. Follow the 20/20/20 rule when you are working
Take a break from staring at the computer every 20 minutes. Look at a point at least 20 feet away (about 6m) for at least 20 seconds. Remember: checking your phone for messages is not considered taking a break.

Reduce eye strain.
PHOTO: Reduce eye strain. Like any other muscle, the muscles around your eyes can start to feel fatigued and painful if you strain them too much. Try these tricks to cut back on visual fatigue:
  • Practice the "20-20-20" trick. If your work involves staring at a screen for long periods of time, take a break every 20 minutes, and focus on a point 20 feet (6.1 m) away for at least 20 seconds.
  • Turn down brightness. If you're looking at a computer or television screen, turn down the brightness to the lowest possible level. You should still be able to see, but you shouldn't feel like you're staring at a bright light.
  • Make text bigger. If you're reading on a computer, use your program's zoom function to make the text larger. Or, if reading small print in books is a problem, invest in a reading magnifying glass or buy larger-print editions.
  • Do not forget to blink. We tend to blink very less while using computers/laptops. That induces dryness on the surface of the eye which sometimes causes irritation and burning sensation. The normal blink rate is around 12-15 times/minutes. We should try to maintain that while working on the laptops.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

The 20/20/20 rule
PHOTO: Adjust the brightness and contrast on your computer screen. In addition to the placement of your screen, adjust your monitor settings for optimal visibility. Use the brightness and contrast controls, as well as color settings, to configure a view that causes the least amount of strain. Start by turning down your screen's brightness and turning up the contrast.
Screens that are too bright are hard on the eyes. When there's not enough contrast between blacks and whites, your eyes have a hard time distinguishing between different items, which adds to eye strain.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

6. "Palm" your eyes
Rub the palms of your hands vigorously until they become warm, then place them gently over your closed eyes. Hold until the warmth has been transferred over. Repeat at least three times, and throughout the day. This allows the eye muscles to rest.

Palm your eyes.
PHOTO: Palm your eyes. Doing this will reduce stimuli to your eyes and brain. Closing your eyes and applying light pressure to them will spread the tear film in your eyes evenly and relax them.
  • Sit comfortably in a chair. Rub your hands together until they feel warm.
  • Close your eyes and cover them lightly with your cupped palms. Avoid applying pressure to your eyeballs. Your nose should not be covered to ensure you have enough ventilation during the palming.
  • Make sure no light can enter your eyes though gaps between your fingers or the edges of your palms and nose. Light will stimulate, rather than relax your eyes, and deter the process of relaxation. Imagine deep blackness and focus on it.
  • Take deep breaths slowly and evenly while thinking of a calming scene, like an empty beach, a clear lake, or a still mountain. Once you see nothing but blackness, remove your palms from your eyes.
  • Repeat the palming for 3 minutes or more.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

7. Try eye push-ups
Hold a pen or pencil at arm's length and focus on it. Keep your eyes on the pen as you slowly bring it closer, until it's about 6 inches away from your nose, then move it back. Repeat 10 times.

PHOTO: 1) Find a pencil, and mark it somewhere in the middle. Draw a letter, number or dot on the side of the pencil. For this exercise, you'll focus on the pencil and the dot as you move it toward and away from your eyes. Pencil push-ups are reputed to correct double vision and crossed eyes, but it can't hurt to try them for other issues — it's free, painless, and only involves focusing and refocusing your eyes.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

PHOTO: 2) Hold the pencil in front of your face, at arm's length. Keep the pencil vertical, so that the eraser is pointing toward either the ceiling or the floor.
If you're having someone else help you with the exercise and hold the pencil for you, hold out your arm to determine how far away it should be.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

PHOTO: 6) Look away for a few seconds, or close your eyes. Without moving your head or the pencil, shift your focus away from the pencil for a moment. Focus on something else in your visual field, and don't worry about looking at the pencil at all for at least 5 seconds. If you're having a hard time, close your eyes for a moment.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

PHOTO: 7) Look back at the pencil. Once your eyes are refreshed, try to focus on the pencil so that you aren't seeing double.
If you're still seeing two pencils, rest your eyes for a few more seconds and try again. Don't get discouraged if you still see two pencils after your second try — you'll get better! Just move on to the next step.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

PHOTO: 9) Repeat the exercise. Pencil push-ups work best when you do them repeatedly, as part of a daily routine. Set aside five minutes a day at first, then try ramping up to 10.
If you struggle to keep track of the time or stay entertained, try listening to music while you practice. For instance, two songs equal roughly five minutes, and three songs are roughly 10.
Posted by by Mediawiki (wikiHow)

8. Roll your eyes
Look up as far as you can without straining. Then, look down. Repeat 10 times. Then look to your left, then right, and repeating 10 times. After that, look in each diagonal direction, then roll your eyes in a counter-clockwise direction 10 times. Repeat in a clockwise direction.

Roll your eyes
PHOTO: Roll your eyes
Illustration of the muscles of the human eye
The six muscles that control eye movements are:

  • lateral rectus - moves your eye outward, away from your nose.
  • medial rectus - moves the eye inward toward the nose.
  • superior rectus - moves the eye upward.
  • Straight bottom - moves the eye downward.
  • superior oblique - spins the top of your eye into the nose.
  • inferior oblique - spins the top of your eye away from the nose.

The more your eye moves, the better. Frequent movement promotes optimal blood flow, tone the nerves to your eyes and the six surrounding muscles.
Posted by SALUD on 11 February 2016

Here is a list of easy exercises for the eyes that you should do on a regular basis.
PHOTO: Here is a list of easy exercises for the eyes that you should do on a regular basis. If you spend your days in front of their computer screens, then this is a routine you need to start doing.
This article was translated by LOVE MY GROUP HEALTH !!! Your Friends.
Posted by SALUD on 11 February 2016


9. Take a eye nap
Tilt your head back, close your eyes and engage in deep-breathing for two to three minutes.

Take a eye nap

PHOTO: Take a eye nap
Close your eyes and engage in deep-breathing for two to three minutes.
Picture posted by Lê Hồ on 14 January 2016 at 16:45


10. Sleep well
Aim for eight hours of sleep every night. This not only gives your body ample time to rejuvenate itself, it helps your eye health too.

Sleep well
PHOTO: Sleep well
Aim for eight hours of sleep every night. This not only gives your body ample time to rejuvenate itself, it helps your eye health too.
Photo by Shutterstock.com


Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system
PHOTO: Understand the functions and disorders of the sensory system
Picture created by Ksand on 2013


 By Kayce Teo, Simply Her, Saturday, 02 April 2016
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