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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Malaysian police investigating alleged caning of girl, 8, by tuition teacher

Source Website: http://news.asiaone.com/news/malaysia/malaysian-police-investigating-alleged-caning-girl-8-tuition-teacher
By The Star, Asia News Network, Saturday, 23 April 2016

The eight-year-old girl had welts on her hands and legs when she came home from the centre in Malacca on 12 April 2016.
PHOTO: The eight-year-old girl had welts on her hands and legs when she came home from the centre in Malacca on 12 April 2016.
Photo: The Star/ANN

JOHOR BARU - The Malaysian police are investigating an incident in which a tuition teacher allegedly caned an eight-year-old girl for not finishing her homework.

The girl's stepfather said the Year Two pupil had welts on her hands and legs when she came home from the centre in Malacca at about 7.15pm on 12 April 2016.

He said the girl was sent there at around 2pm.

"I was shocked to find the marks and called the centre.

"The teacher said my stepdaughter is slow in learning and did not complete her homework. That's why they beat her.

"Although they had told us they were using that method to teach the children, I did not think they would beat her to that extent," he said.

He was speaking at a press conference by Pasir Gudang Malaysian Chinese Association Public Complaints Bureau deputy chairman Lim Thow Siang in Johor Baru earlier this week.

When contacted, the girl's grandfather, 63, who lodged a police report at the Tengkera station in Malacca on April 13, said that he and his wife have been looking after her since she was a baby, at their home in Malacca.

"My daughter works in Singapore and lives in Johor Baru with the girl's stepfather where he runs a business," he explained.

He alleged that this was not the first time the girl has been caned at the tuition centre, "but usually they only beat her on the hands".

The girl has been taken for a checkup at the Malacca Hospital, he added.

Malacca CPO Deputy Comm Datuk Ramli Din said he has instructed his officers to arrest the teacher.

"We are investigating the incident based on the report lodged by the grandfather," he said.

State Education Department Academic Management Sector assistant director (chief of Mathematics) Shahilan Abdul Halim said using the cane on children should be the last resort after other methods of disciplining them fails.

He said that in public schools, only the principal or headmaster are authorised to cane students if deemed necessary and backed by solid reasons.

"Discipline by caning should be the last resort after all other efforts fail," he said after attending the closing ceremony of Johor Corporation Tuition Project Teachers Enhanc­ment workshop in Kota Tinggi on Friday.

"The approaches taken by private institutions are not under our jurisdiction... Parents should ensure the centres are registered with the authority and have skilful and competent teachers to handle the students," he added.

By The Star, Asia News Network, Saturday, 23 April 2016

Are parents being pushed to insanity?
PHOTO: Are parents being pushed to insanity?
It may seem preposterous for adults in these days to allow others to hurt their children, but when one analyses, could four adults (the parents and the grandparents) and a horde of other parents who send their children to the same centre, be insane completely?
Posted by Hornbill Unleashed on 23 April 2016 at 8:01 AM

The world with people and their terrible characteristics. Have nothing to do with them.


Monstrous monitor lizard feasts on cat at Japanese Garden in Jurong East

Source Website: http://news.asiaone.com/news/singapore/monstrous-monitor-lizard-feasts-cat-japanese-garden-jurong-east
By Stomp, Friday, 22 April 2016

A man was jogging in Japanese Garden, a park located in Jurong East, on Thursday (21 April 2016) when he noticed a two-metre-long monitor lizard eating a stray cat.
PHOTO: A man was jogging in Japanese Garden, a park located in Jurong East, on Thursday (21 April 2016) when he noticed a two-metre-long monitor lizard eating a stray cat.
Photo Source: Stomp

A man was jogging in Japanese Garden, a park located in Jurong East, on Thursday (21 April 2016) when he noticed a two-metre-long monitor lizard.

Upon getting closer to the reptile, he realised that it had made a meal out of a stray cat.

He captured the episode on video and sent it to citizen journalism website Stomp.

He said: "Yesterday evening while jogging in Japanese Garden, I stumbled upon a two-metre-long monitor lizard feasting on its prey.

A two-metre-long monitor lizard feasting on its prey in Japanese Garden.
PHOTO: A two-metre-long monitor lizard feasting on its prey in Japanese Garden.
Photo Source: Stomp

"The prey was dead but from far, I could not make up what it was. I moved closer till I realised it was a stray cat.

"It is pretty uncommon to see animal killings in its natural habitat, especially in Singapore.

"While on my way out of the garden, I saw a stray Siamese cat. Unfortunately I don't speak cat language, otherwise I would have warned it about the cat killer roaming in the park."

By Stomp, Friday, 22 April 2016

They don't run too far, and whilst it is very fast compared to their usual shuffle it's not faster than an average adult could run in short bursts.  However, it probably is faster than your hypothetical unfit guy can run.  I never saw a dragon run for more than about 30 seconds so he doesn't need to be miles away but a good 50 metres or so should do the trick. - Pooky Hesmondhalgh, Social Media & Eating Disorders Specialist
PHOTO: They don't run too far, and whilst it is very fast compared to their usual shuffle it's not faster than an average adult could run in short bursts.  However, it probably is faster than your hypothetical unfit guy can run.  I never saw a dragon run for more than about 30 seconds so he doesn't need to be miles away but a good 50 metres or so should do the trick. - Pooky Hesmondhalgh, Social Media & Eating Disorders Specialist

Komodo Dragons can sprint short distances at about 10-11 mph.  I am not sure what 'short distances' mean, so lets say 150 feet.
The qualifying time for the NY Marathon is 9 mph which is roughly twice the speed of a walking pace.  Most people's (in decent shape) sprinting probably is about 15 mph, with world records being 23 mph.  Let's say Dennis (or Newman) has a sprint speed of 12 mph for 150 feet.
So, if safety was 150 feet away, Dennis would make it without a head start at all. - Andrew Gutsch, Retail Loss & Liability
Texts from https://www.quora.com/How-much-head-start-would-an-unfit-person-need-to-just-avoid-a-bite-from-an-angry-Komodo-dragon
Picture posted by A princess (Russian: Принцесса) on 9 February 2013


2 answers to a Mathematics question leave many dumbfounded

Source Website: http://news.asiaone.com/news/lifestyle/2-answers-mathematics-question-leave-many-dumbfounded
By stephluo@sph.com.sg, SPH DIGITAL NEWS, Friday, 22 April 2016

What does 8+11 equal to?
PHOTO: What does 8+11 equal to?
Photo: Randall Jones' Facebook on Monday


What does 8+11 equal to?

Without thinking too hard, almost everyone can give a straightforward answer that it is 19, right? Well, not quite.

A mathematics question recently posted on Facebook has left many confused.

The post by Randall Jones on Monday (April 18) shows four sets of equations, with the first being "1+4=5" and the last being "8+11=?".

Can you solve the mathematics question below?

Can you figure this out...only one in a thousand will get it
PHOTO: So what is your answer? How many times did you have to try? How long did you take to solve it?
Picture posted by Photo Source: Shutterstock, Wikimedia Commons, The New Paper, published on 23 February 2016


Apparently, there are two methods to solving this question.
Firstly, if you interpret the equations and see them as a run-on from the previous, the sum on the right is added to the equation in the next line.


Using this method, 21+8+11 would equal 40.

And what about the other method?

Simply use multiplication. For every line, if you multiply the second number by the first number before adding the two, you will notice a pattern.


Using this method, the answer to 8+(8×11) is 96.

Jones' post has garnered one million comments. It has also sparked over 138,000 reactions and shared almost 45,000 times.

Most who commented had the answers "40" and "96" while some others had answers like "32" and "214,358,889.00".

As to which is the correct answer, it was a general consensus by commenters that both 40 and 96 are accurate.

As to which is the correct answer, it was a general consensus by commenters that both 40 and 96 are accurate.
PHOTO: As to which is the correct answer, it was a general consensus by commenters that both 40 and 96 are accurate.
There is an incredible amount of stress involved for parents, teachers, administrators, politicians, and of course students.
Picture posted by ATR Adventures on Friday, 10 April 2015

If questions on Cheryl's birthday (http://news.asiaone.com/news/singapore/maths-question-catches-worlds-attention) and the weight of eight $1 coins from last year's Primary School Leaving Examination didn't impress you, we hope this might challenge your minds.

For the question on Cheryl's birthday, 10 dates were given and students were asked to figure out the birthday of a girl named Cheryl using limited information. It was set by the Singapore and Asian Schools Math Olympiads for a competition for 15-year-olds here.

A Primary School Leaving Examination mathematics question last year (http://news.asiaone.com/news/education/psle-coin-question-tests-ability-estimate-mass) also left many parents worried about the fairness of the question to 12-year-olds. According to the Ministry of Education and Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board, the question on the weight of eight $1 Singapore coins was set to assess candidates' ability to estimate the mass of common objects.

And by the way, the question by Jones can be solved in ten minutes. Proven and tested. The explanation took way longer than solving the equations itself.

Now that you know the answer, go test your friends and feel like a genius.

By stephluo@sph.com.sg, SPH DIGITAL NEWS, Friday, 22 April 2016

Can be solved in ten minutes, the explanation took way longer than solving the equations itself.<br>Then Nobody likes me.
PHOTO: Can be solved in ten minutes, the explanation took way longer than solving the equations itself.
Then Nobody likes me.
Picture posted by Prism of an Immigrant AM on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 at 8:00



Friday, April 22, 2016

8 ways to stay healthy during a heatwave

Source Website: http://yourhealth.asiaone.com/content/8-ways-stay-healthy-during-heatwave/page/0/0
By Jean Ng, PurelyB on Tuesday, April 05, 2016

More people are falling ill and there have been reported cases of fainting on the streets in Malaysia due to the heat. Other symptoms of heat stroke include fever, cramps and seizures.
PHOTO: More people are falling ill and there have been reported cases of fainting on the streets in Malaysia due to the heat. Other symptoms of heat stroke include fever, cramps and seizures.
Photo by The Straits Times

More people are falling ill and there have been reported cases of fainting on the streets in Malaysia due to the heat. Other symptoms of heat stroke include fever, cramps and seizures.

Here are a few ways to keep yourself healthy during this heatwave.

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
The average person consumes 2.7 - 3.7 litres of water from drinking and eating. However, when the heat is on, your body is bound to lose more water.

Furthermore, high humidity (greater than 60 per cent) makes sweat evaporation difficult. If you are working out in a hot and humid environment, you may lose up to 2 litres of water per hour.

You cannot "catch up" by drinking extra water later because only about 950 ml of water per hour can pass out of the stomach.

A general recommendation is to drink 700 ml of non-caffeinated fluid 2 hours before exercising. While exercising, consume 250 ml water every 20 minutes.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
PHOTO: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
The average person consumes 2.7 - 3.7 litres of water from drinking and eating. However, when the heat is on, your body is bound to lose more water.
A general recommendation is to drink 700 ml of non-caffeinated fluid 2 hours before exercising. While exercising, consume 250 ml water every 20 minutes.
Picture posted by gettyimages.com
http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/two-women-in-bathing-suits-drinking-bottles-of-water-front-view-side-picture-id74924972 - (74924972.jpg)

2. Avoid sugary drinks.
It is definitely tempting to reach for that can of chilled soda or frappe, but sugar will decrease the ability of the body to absorb water.

Some guidelines on sugar content in those easy-to-grab drinks:
- Soda pop: about 10 per cent
- Fruit juices: 11 per cent to 18 per cent
- Commercial sports drinks: 5 per cent to 8 per cent

Instead, make a jug of fruit-infused water. Pick your favourite citrus or berries and add it to water. Keep a few servings chilled in the fridge and you have yourself an easy, healthy drink!

If you are on the go, the Fressko flask will be ideal for fruit infusions.

Avoid sugary drinks. Infuse your water with fruits, vegetables, or herbs.
PHOTO: Avoid sugary drinks.
Infuse your water with fruits, vegetables, or herbs.
It is definitely tempting to reach for that can of chilled soda or frappe, but sugar will decrease the ability of the body to absorb water.
Make a jug of fruit-infused water. Pick your favourite citrus or berries and add it to water. Keep a few servings chilled in the fridge and you have yourself an easy, healthy drink!
Picture posted by To Insanity & Back

3. Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.
The diuretic nature of caffeine and alcohol increases water loss through urination. Drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine block the release of the anti-diuretic hormone that is needed for water reabsorption.

As a result, the kidneys do not reabsorb the water and instead excrete it as urine.

20 per cent of our water intake comes from what we eat. Deliciously amazing and vitamin-rich sources of water include:
- Watermelon
- Cucumbers
- Strawberries
- Broccoli
- Iceberg lettuce
- Spinach
- Other recommended foods containing 70 per cent to 90 per cent water are apples, grapes, pineapples, carrots and peaches.

Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.
PHOTO: Reduce your intake of caffeine and alcohol.
The diuretic nature of caffeine and alcohol increases water loss through urination. Drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine block the release of the anti-diuretic hormone that is needed for water reabsorption.
Picture posted by healthcare-online.org

4. Cut back on high intensity sports.
Do flow yoga instead of hot yoga. Try swimming instead of running.

No workout is worth dying over (yes, heat stroke can kill!). Take it easy and if you even start to feel nauseous, dizzy or have a rapid heartbeat, then quit immediately and get indoors. This is not the time to "push through."

Cut back on high intensity sports.

PHOTO: Cut back on high intensity sports.
The health benefits with each practice - you're getting a little stronger, a little leaner and a little more stress-free as you move through each flow.
Study helps lend weight to the idea that yoga can be considered an acceptable substitute for aerobic-like exercise such as walking and biking, as it seems to provide similar protective cardiovascular health benefits.

The explanation behind yoga’s superpowers probably has something to do with the stress-reduction factor, the researchers say. Unchecked stress can be a nasty beast, and managing it is a proven way to help fight back against metabolic and cardio issues.
Posted by Jenna Birch on 12 January 2015 at 11:07 AM

Hot yoga
PHOTO: Hot yoga
The hot yoga is characterized by a series of yoga poses which is done in a heated room. The room where you perform the exercise is preserved at a temperature of 95-100 degrees. This kind of exercise gives off a lot of perspiration during a session because you are stuck in a heated room.
Hot yoga is advantageous because it cleanses your body and gets rid of the toxins inside your body. Since is makes your body warm, the more flexible it gets.
When doing the hot yoga, you should have some accessories like your yoga mat and towel. Since you will be sweating severely, you should have something to wipe up your sweat every other time.
If you are going to practice hot yoga, you should be ready with your clothing. The clothes you should wear should be appropriate. You can wear shorts during the session.
Texts posted by Cynthia Florek on 27 July 2012, What Is Hot Yoga?, https://cynthiaflorek.wordpress.com/2012/07/27/whatishotyoga/
Picture posted by Premuža.sk

http://img.joj.sk/r1200xc/fcc6a44023944adee130e8d6b6ddae66 - (fcc6a44023944adee130e8d6b6ddae66.jpg)

5. Boost your body's electrolytes.
Your sweat and urine contain potassium and sodium, two essential electrolytes that control the movement of water in and out of the body's cells.

While most of us already have enough sodium from our diets, you can up find potassium from bananas and nuts.

Too much sodium can draw water out of the body cells though, increasing the risk of dehydration.

Boost your body's electrolytes
6. Externally cool your body.
A quick way to bring the body temperature down is to have a cold shower. Keep some damp face towels in the fridge for a delightful freshening up.

Another handy method is keeping a small bottle of water that you can spritz on yourself. The water droplets act as artificial sweat and cool the body through evaporation.

Externally cool your body.
PHOTO: Externally cool your body.
A quick way to bring the body temperature down is to have a cold shower. Keep some damp face towels in the fridge for a delightful freshening up.
Picture posted by fuskator.com

7. Know when to get help.
Look out for signs such as extremely hot to the touch skin, confusion and blurred vision. Heat exhaustion can evolve rapidly into heat stroke.

Do not delay the onset of cooling while waiting for an ambulance or you increase the risk of tissue damage and prolonged hospitalisation.

In severe cases, the victim may lapse into a coma in less than 1 hour. The longer a coma lasts, the lower the chance for survival, hence immediate attention must be administered.

Be prepared, know when to get help
PHOTO: Be prepared, know when to get help
Many patients admitted to hospital for heatstroke are athletes who spend (too) many hours out in the sun. Many victims of the heat are people unfamiliar with Singapore's humidity and temperatures.
Photo by The Straits Times

8. Ditch the sheets.
Throw off the sheets and sleep without them. If you aren't used to sleeping uncovered, opt for thin sheets rather than quilts or or other duvets of thick material.

Listen to your body. Stay indoors when you can, and wear light, breathable clothes and a hat.

Remember that by the time you feel thirsty, you might already be dehydrated! Stay well hydrated and live healthy.

Throw off the sheets and sleep without them. If you aren't used to sleeping uncovered, opt for thin sheets rather than quilts or or other duvets of thick material.
PHOTO: Throw off the sheets and sleep without them. If you aren't used to sleeping uncovered, opt for thin sheets rather than quilts or or other duvets of thick material.
Photo by The Straits Times


By Jean Ng, PurelyB on Tuesday, April 05, 2016
