Friday, August 14, 2015

张美玲 (Zhāng měi líng) - 祝福你 (zhù fú nǐ) - Bless you

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Posted by NSR Chinese - New Southern Records Malaysia, Published on 19 February 2013

青山含笑绿水悠悠 - The green mountain and clear water smiling leisurely
PHOTO: 青山含笑绿水悠悠 - The green mountain and clear water smiling leisurely
qīng shān hán xiào lǜ shuǐ yōu yōu

时光不停留 - Time does not stop
Shí guāng bù tíng liú

珍惜美好时光 - Treasure the good times
zhēn xī měi hǎo shí guāng

Picture posted by 流水小桥人家 (Liú shuǐ xiǎo qiáo rén jiā) on 24 March 2011 at 13:59

歌曲(gē qǔ) Song: 祝福你 (zhù fú nǐ) - Bless you
歌手(gē shǒu) Singer: 张美玲 (Zhāng měi líng) - Jacqueline Teo
提供者(tí​ gōng​ zhě) Provider: -
作曲(zuò​ qǔ) Composer, Music: -
编辑(Biān jí) Editor: -
作词(zuò cí) Lyrics: 黄晓君 (Huáng xiǎo jūn)


亲爱的朋友你要常欢笑 - My dear friend, always laugh (be happy)
Qīn'ài de péng yǒu nǐ yào cháng huān xiào

别为分离而悲痛 - Don't let separation make you feel painful
bié wèi fēn lí ér bēi tòng

别为分离而烦忧 - Don't let separation worries you
bié wèi fēn lí ér fán yōu

放开怀抱去求生活 - Be open minded and seek (happy) life
fàng kāi huái bào qù qiú shēng huó

吧深深的友谊记在心头 - Remember the deep friendship
ba shēn shēn de yǒu yì jì zài xīn tóu

青山含笑绿水悠悠 - The green mountain and clear water smiling leisurely
qīng shān hán xiào lǜ shuǐ yōu yōu

时光不停留 - Time does not stop
Shí guāng bù tíng liú

珍惜美好时光 - Treasure the good times
zhēn xī měi hǎo shí guāng

但愿你长风万里一路顺风 - Wishes you all the best
dàn yuàn nǐ cháng fēng wàn lǐ yī lù shùn fēng

祝福你我的朋友 - Bless you and my friend
zhùfú nǐ wǒ de péng yǒu

-----☆ Music chorus ☆------

亲爱的朋友请忘掉烦忧 - Dear friend, forget the worries
qīn'ài de péng yǒu wàng diào fán yōu

暖风吹走了寒意 - The warm wind will blow away the chill
nuǎn fēng chuī zǒu liǎo hán yì

山长水远人远走 - How big the mountains and far the water, people can overcome
shān cháng shuǐ yuǎn rén yuǎn zǒu

你也别为分离烦忧 - Do not let separation worry you
nǐ yě bié wèi fēn lí fán yōu

努力创造辛福的人生 - Put in efforts to create a happy life
nǔ lì chuàng zào xīn fú de rén shēng

把以往的欢乐记在心头 - Remember the joy of the past
bǎ yǐ wǎng de huān lè jì zài xīn tóu

时光像流水 - Time is like flowing water
shí guāng xiàng liú shuǐ

流去不再头 - Flow away never to return
liú qù bù zài tóu

但愿你长风万里一路顺风 - Wishes you all the best
dàn yuàn nǐ cháng fēng wàn lǐ yī lù shùn fēng

祝福你我的朋友 - Bless you and my friend
zhùfú nǐ wǒ de péng yǒu

-----☆ Music chorus ☆------


-----------☆ End ☆------------

张美玲 (Zhāng měi líng) - 祝福你 (zhù fú nǐ) - Bless you

PHOTO: 张美玲 (Zhāng měi líng) - 祝福你 (zhù fú nǐ) - Bless you

亲爱的朋友你要常欢笑 - My dear friend, always laugh (be happy)

PHOTO: 亲爱的朋友你要常欢笑 - My dear friend, always laugh (be happy)
Qīn'ài de péng yǒu nǐ yào cháng huān xiào

别为分离而悲痛 - Don't let separation make you feel painful
bié wèi fēn lí ér bēi tòng

别为分离而烦忧 - Don't let separation worries you
bié wèi fēn lí ér fán yōu

Picture posted by 流水小桥人家 (Liú shuǐ xiǎo qiáo rén jiā) on 24 March 2011 at 13:58

张美玲 (Zhāng měi líng) - 祝福你 (zhù fú nǐ) - Bless you
Posted by NSR Chinese - New Southern Records Malaysia, Published on 19 February 2013


放开怀抱去求生活 - Be open minded and seek (happy) life

PHOTO: 放开怀抱去求生活 - Be open minded and seek (happy) life
fàng kāi huái bào qù qiú shēng huó

吧深深的友谊记在心头 - Remember the deep friendship
ba shēn shēn de yǒu yì jì zài xīn tóu

Picture posted by 流水小桥人家 (Liú shuǐ xiǎo qiáo rén jiā) on 24 March 2011 at 13:58

但愿你长风万里一路顺风 - Wishes you all the best

PHOTO: 但愿你长风万里一路顺风 - Wishes you all the best
dàn yuàn nǐ cháng fēng wàn lǐ yī lù shùn fēng

祝福你我的朋友 - Bless you and my friend
zhùfú nǐ wǒ de péng yǒu

Picture posted by 流水小桥人家 (Liú shuǐ xiǎo qiáo rén jiā) on 24 March 2011 at 13:59

山长水远人远走 - How big the mountains and far the water, people can overcome

PHOTO: 山长水远人远走 - How big the mountains and far the water, people can overcome
shān cháng shuǐ yuǎn rén yuǎn zǒu

你也别为分离烦忧 - Do not let separation worry you
nǐ yě bié wèi fēn lí fán yōu

努力创造辛福的人生 - Put in efforts to create a happy life
nǔ lì chuàng zào xīn fú de rén shēng

Picture posted by 流水小桥人家 (Liú shuǐ xiǎo qiáo rén jiā) on 24 March 2011 at 13:59

时光像流水 - Time is like flowing water

PHOTO: 时光像流水 - Time is like flowing water
shí guāng xiàng liú shuǐ

流去不再头 - Flow away never to return
liú qù bù zài tóu

但愿你长风万里一路顺风 - Wishes you all the best
dàn yuàn nǐ cháng fēng wàn lǐ yī lù shùn fēng

Picture posted by SINA Corporation, Russell James
