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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Madonna reveals whiplash injuries after stage fall

Source Website: http://news.asiaone.com/news/showbiz/madonna-reveals-whiplash-injuries-after-stage-fall
By AFP, Agene France-Presse, Friday, Feb 27 2015

Singer Madonna falls during her performance at the BRIT music awards.
PHOTO: Singer Madonna falls during her performance at the BRIT music awards.

LONDON - Pop icon Madonna claimed she was left with whiplash following her on-stage tumble at the Brit Awards and said that she will not be wearing the offending Armani cape at future shows.

Appearing on British channel ITV's Jonathan Ross show, the 56-year-old explained: "I didn't hurt my butt, I hurt my head. I know how to fall, I've fallen off my horse many times. I tucked and I have good core strength.

Singer Madonna falls during her performance at the BRIT music awards.
PHOTO: Singer Madonna falls during her performance at the BRIT music awards.

"But the thing is, I had a little bit of a whiplash and I smacked the back of my head. So there was a man standing over me with a flashlight until about 3am making sure I was still compos mentis (having full control of one's mind)," she added, according to extracts released on Friday, using the phrase indicating someone is of sound mind.

"Madge" blamed the embarrassing spill at Wednesday's award ceremony in London on having to change her performance between rehearsal and showtime, which meant her extravagant cape had to be tied more tightly around her neck.

Madonna left 'miserable' and 'in pain' after Brit Awards tumble
PHOTO: Madonna left 'miserable' and 'in pain' after Brit Awards tumble

"So here I am marching in like the Queen and I got to the top of the stairs and I pulled my silky string and it did not come undone," she said.

"My two lovely Japanese dancers basically strangled me off the stage. I had a choice - I could either be strangled or fall with the cape, and I fell."

Surrounded by muscular dancers wearing bondage-style costumes and horns on their heads, she quickly picked herself up and continued singing "Living For Love", ironically peppered with lines like "I'm not giving up, I'm gonna carry on" and "Lifted me up, and watched me stumble".

 Embarrassing and funny: When celebrities trip and fall
PHOTO: Embarrassing and funny: When celebrities trip and fall
Singer Katy Perry slips on the icing of a giant cake that she had jumped onto as part of her performance.

"I'm never writing lyrics like that again!," she joked.

Despite her dignified recovery, Madonna refused to watch a re-run of the incident.

When discussing her future performances, the "Material Girl" singer said that "cape fear is over", and that she was dumping the floor-sweeping garment.

"I rehearse and I rehearse and I rehearse so that when I do the show, it's effortless and I create magic and I did the opposite. I actually created a horror show for everyone," she said.

The Madonna Special will air on March 14.

By AFP, Agene France-Presse, Friday, Feb 27 2015

Sacha Baron Cohen, wearing a jockstrap and wings, lands on Eminem's head at an MTV award show.
PHOTO: Sacha Baron Cohen, wearing a jockstrap and wings, lands on Eminem's head at an MTV award show.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

CNY stress: When you have lost that festive feeling

Source Website: http://yourhealth.asiaone.com/content/cny-stress-when-you-have-lost-festive-feeling
By Joyce Teo, joyceteo@sph.com.sg on Tuesday, Feb 24, 2015, Mind Your Body, The Straits Times

Even if you make the
PHOTO: Even if you make the "wrong" decision, your brain has a way of "synthesising happiness", says Lifehacker.
Posted by The Straits Times on Tuesday, Feb 24, 2015



You can get the blues if you have recently broken up with your partner, are socially isolated, have strained relationships or suffer from a mental condition, such as depression and psychosis.

The festive season is often a time for reflection, so those who are depressed may feel a sense of hopelessness about the future, said Dr Tan Hwee Sim, a specialist in psychiatry at Raffles Counselling Centre.

"The heightened feeling of loneliness, if combined with the disinhibiting effect of alcohol, may result in self-harm behaviour."

Dr Tan offers some tips on how to manage the festive season blues:

1. Adjust your expectations. Instead of thinking "this should be the most wonderful time of the year", view it as just a regular day and treat it like any other. Take a break if you can.

2. Avoid being alone. Surround yourself with people who can offer you support or understanding. For example, if you are away from home, find people in a similar situation to celebrate with you or take part in activities.

3. Do not bottle up your emotions. Talk to people about your thoughts and feelings. If you are feeling overwhelmed, do not shy away from seeking professional help.

4. Be active. Do things that give you pleasure or enjoyment.

5. Be thankful. Focus on what you have, rather than what you do not. If you find yourself missing someone, try to think of the good times you shared with this person.

By Joyce Teo, joyceteo@sph.com.sg on Tuesday, Feb 24, 2015, Mind Your Body, The Straits Times
This article is part on an article first published on Feb 19, 2015.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Spicy food lovers more vulnerable to stress: study

Source Website: http://www.soshiok.com/content/spicy-food-lovers-more-vulnerable-stress-study
By Lee Hyun-jeong, The Korea Herald/Asia News Network on Wednesday, Feb 18, 2015

Spicy food lovers more vulnerable to stress
PHOTO: Spicy food lovers more vulnerable to stress
By Lee Hyun-jeong, The Korea Herald/Asia News Network on Wednesday, Feb 18, 2015

People who love spicy food are more vulnerable to stress, a study showed Tuesday, indicating that one's choice of food is related to one's stress level.

According to a study led by psychiatry professor Kim Sung-gon of Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital, a group of spicy food lovers showed higher cortisol level in a stress test than those who liked milder food. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is released in response to stress or low levels of blood glucose.

The two groups were asked to solve math questions while putting their left hand in cold water to measure the stress difference. About half an hour after the test, the stress level of the spicy food lovers reached 7.7 ng/ml on average, which is 1 ng/ml higher than the other group. An hour later, the first group's stress level decreased to 5.3 ng/ml but was still 0.4 ng/ml higher than the other group, researchers said.

The study result was published in the latest issue of the Korean Society of Biological Therapy in Psychiatry's journal.

Spicy food lovers attempted to activate their central nervous system by eating hot food in order to relieve their abnormal stress level, the report said.

During the experiment, the researchers also looked into the relationship between preferences for alcohol and spicy food.

Comparing the spicy food preference between alcoholics and nonalcoholics, the research team found that that the addicts preferred hot food, the report added.

"The study suggests that hot food lovers are more vulnerable to stress, and thereby want to drink more to relieve stress," Kim said. "Focusing on the interaction between spicy food consumption, drinking habits and stress level may give us clues about how to solve problems like alcoholism."

By Lee Hyun-jeong, The Korea Herald/Asia News Network on Wednesday, Feb 18, 2015


Friday, February 20, 2015

History Journal 27

Source Website: http://www.scienceleadership.org/blog/History_Journal_27
Posted by Amani Bey in ENG2-012 on Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 9:07 am

Perspective of a citizen
PHOTO: Perspective of a citizen
Posted by Amani Bey in ENG2-012 on Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 9:07 am

This cartoon shows the perspective of a citizen in the world based on their role/rank in the world.

This big fish doesn't have to worry about anyone eating it, so the world is 'just' to him.

The middle fish sees 'some justice' in the world because a bigger fish is after it, but has someone to eat.

The little fish is to be eaten by all and never given a chance to prosper and find what is 'just in the world'

Posted by Amani Bey in ENG2-012 on Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 9:07 am

Sadly for the wee one on this occasion all the hopes are dashed.

Posted by Euan Harper on Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 12:18 AM

It is so important for us to realise that as the big fish in this picture, we are more likely to view the world as a just place, because we don’t experience the same things that those without the privilege do. We might also be guilty of minimalising the genuine concerns/grievances of those without the privilege we have, by comparing things which are not equal to begin with.

Posted by Irresistibly Fish on September 3, 2014


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why can't I connect with other people?

My Paper, Tuesday, February 17, 2015, Page A11, Lifestyle, Advance, Self-Improvement
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2015-02-17
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/lifestyle/why-cant-i-connect-other-people-20150217
By K, Osaka Prefecture, Kiyokazu Washida, Philosopher, The Yomiuri Shimbun/Asia News Network, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on Feb 17, 2015

PHOTO: MISERABLE: Mr K can't build relations with others well, and ends up feeling helpless and worthless as a result.

My Paper, Tuesday, February 17, 2015, Page A11, Lifestyle, Advance, Self-Improvement

DEAR Troubleshooter,
I'm a married male employee in my late 40s with two children. I have no good friends I can talk openly to, so I feel isolated.

People around me seem to enjoy being with friends, drinking together and doing the same hobbies.

However, I've lived until today without sharing joy with other people.

Even if I attend a gathering, I can't enjoy it. I feel that young people expect I'm a mature person for my age, but I'm not actually.

Thinking about it makes me feel miserable.

I've been trying to improve myself by acquiring certificates and other measures.

However, I can't build relations with others well. Maybe I always do something that makes others uncomfortable. As a result, I end up feeling helpless and worthless.

I'm at an age when I want to look dignified to other people. How can I live a fulfilling life?

How can I change myself? And how can I seize the moment to change?
K, Osaka Prefecture

Dear Mr K,
You are depressed because you are worried you can't enjoy chatting with others and have a good time with friends.

You want to be acknowledged by others by having abilities other people don't have or acquiring certificates to prove your abilities.

You also want to behave in a dignified way in front of others. But if you do that, you are afraid people may turn their backs to you.

You are not sure if you truly have these abilities, either.

If you continue worrying in such a way, nothing will change. So why don't you stop worrying about yourself completely for a while? Stop focusing on yourself and instead devote yourself to learning about others, their interests and worries.

You don't have to be discouraged even if people tell you that you are meddling or pushy. Talk to others as if you are interviewing them.

Because they are attracting somebody's attention, they won't feel bad. So they will probably respond to you without feeling annoyed.

Why don't you start by creating some space in your mind so others can enter easily?
Kiyokazu Washida, Philosopher

By K, Osaka Prefecture, Kiyokazu Washida, Philosopher, The Yomiuri Shimbun/Asia News Network, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on Feb 17, 2015

成鳳 (Chéng fèng) - 君無愁 (jūn wú chóu) - Gentleman has no worry
成鳳-君無愁 16 9新 完整版MV

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESEVTv5J1n4


Monday, February 16, 2015

江音 (Jiāng yīn) - 難忘一段情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng) - Memorable love

Source Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unK31W8-1QM&list=RDunK31W8-1QM#t=3 - (youtube)
Published by hondao south on Mar 5, 2013


江音 (Jiāng yīn) - 難忘一段情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng) - Memorable love
PHOTO: 江音 (Jiāng yīn) - 難忘一段情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng) - Memorable love
相愛時光 多少痕跡 - So much scars of love during that period
xiāng'ài shí guāng duōs hǎo hén jī

一點一滴 留在我的心中 - Every little bit was left in my heart
yī diǎn yī dī liú zài wǒ dí xīn zhōng

Published by hondao south on Mar 5, 2013


歌曲(gē qǔ) Song: 難忘一段情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng) - Memorable love
歌手(gē shǒu) Singer: 江音 (Jiāng yīn)
提供者(tí​ gōng​ zhě) Provider: -
作曲(zuò​ qǔ) Composer, Music: 鄭良 (Zhèng liáng)
编辑(Biān jí) Editor: -
作词(zuò cí) Lyrics: 杜莉 (Dù lì)


往日情和意多麼珍惜 - In the past the love and feeling were treasured
Wǎng rì qíng hé yì duō me zhēn xī

和你朝夕相依 - Day and night together
hé nǐ zhāo xì xiāng yī

再大風雨和別離 - No matter how strong the wind-storm and how far you maybe
zài dà fēng yǔ hé bié lí

這份真摯感情 - This sincere relationship
zhè fèn zhēn zhì gǎn qíng

藏在我的心底 - remained in my heart
cáng zài wǒ de xīn dǐ

相愛時光 多少痕跡 - So much scars of love during that period
xiāng'ài shí guāng duōs hǎo hén jī

一點一滴 留在我的心中 - Every little bit was left in my heart
yī diǎn yī dī liú zài wǒ dí xīn zhōng

給我祝福 給我叮嚀 - Give me blessing and remembrance
gěi wǒ zhù fú gěi wǒ dīng níng

難忘一段深情 - A memorable love
Nán wàng yī duàn qíng


荷塘春色 (Hé táng chūn sè) - Spring by Lotus pond
PHOTO: 荷塘春色 (Hé táng chūn sè) - Spring by Lotus pond
再大風雨和別離 - No matter how strong the wind-storm and how far you maybe
zài dà fēng yǔ hé bié lí

這份真摯感情 - This sincere relationship
zhè fèn zhēn zhì gǎn qíng

Posted by Lofter on 19 July 2013, 14:03:17

- In the past the love and feeling were treasured
Wǎng rì qíng hé yì duō me zhēn xī

和你朝夕相依 - Day and night together
hé nǐ zhāo xì xiāng yī

愛要生根要結果 - love should flourish and establish
Ài yào shēng gēn yào jié guǒ

這份淡淡離愁 - This slight worry of separation
zhè fèn dàn dàn lí chóu

不能把我奈何 - Cannot make me helpless
bù néng bǎ wǒ nài hé

相愛時光 多少痕跡 - So much scars of love during that period
xiāng'ài shí guāng duōs hǎo hén jī

一點一滴 留在我的心中 - Every little bit was left in my heart
yī diǎn yī dī liú zài wǒ dí xīn zhōng

你的愛心 你的純真Your love and innocence
nǐ dí ài xīn nǐ dí chún zhēn

振作我的人生 - Cheer up my life
zhèn zuò wǒ dí rén shēng


Rena Tanaka (Actress)

PHOTO: Rena Tanaka (Actress)
往日情和意多麼珍惜 - In the past the love and feeling were treasured
Wǎng rì qíng hé yì duō me zhēn xī

和你朝夕相依 - Day and night together
hé nǐ zhāo xì xiāng yī

Posted on 06 April 2008, 09:13:49


相愛時光 多少痕跡 
一點一滴 留在我的心中
給我祝福 給我叮嚀 

---------- END -----------

Translated by MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary, www.mdbg.net, and Google Translate

江音 (Jiāng yīn) - 難忘一段情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng) - Memorable love
PHOTO: 江音 (Jiāng yīn) - 難忘一段情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng) - Memorable love
Posted by  paipai.com

江音 (Jiāng yīn)  
PHOTO: 江音 (Jiāng yīn)
Posted by myMusic

我的歌,在深夜里静静的唱 - My song is sang quietly in the night
PHOTO: 我的歌,在深夜里静静的唱  - My song is sang quietly in the night
Wǒ de gē, zài shēn yè lǐ jìng jìng de chàng
愛要生根要結果 - love should flourish and establish
Ài yào shēng gēn yào jié guǒ

這份淡淡離愁 - This slight worry of separation
zhè fèn dàn dàn lí chóu

不能把我奈何 - Cannot make me helpless
bù néng bǎ wǒ nài hé

Posted by Lofter on 28 November 2012, 21:09:27


江音 (Jiāng yīn) - 難忘一段情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng) - Memorable love
Published by hondao south on Mar 5, 2013

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unK31W8-1QM&list=RDunK31W8-1QM#t=3

江音 (Jiāng yīn) - 難忘一段情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng) - Memorable love
Published by wilson cheng on Nov 1, 2014

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m__mqEwezUA

林淑容 (Lín shū róng) & 李茂山 (Lǐ mào shān) - 難忘一段情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng)
Published by MARGKAM on Jul 18, 2012

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Znj63ggIk

姚乙 (Yáo yǐ) & 罗美贞 (luō měi zhēn) - 难忘一夜情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng)
Uploaded by Victor Chuw on Sep 8, 2011

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1xmMoy7coE

刘秋仪 (Liú qiū yí) & 王威翔 (wáng wēi xiáng) - 难忘一夜情 (Nán wàng yī duàn qíng)
Uploaded by qiuyi liu on Feb 23, 2011

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1BBoXzMGso

君若相依,我必相惜 - If can be together, I should cherish it

PHOTO: 君若相依,我必相惜 - If can be together, I should cherish it
Jūn ruò xiāng yī, wǒ bì xiāng xī
再大風雨和別離 - No matter how strong the wind-storm and how far you were
zài dà fēng yǔ hé bié lí

這份真摯感情 - This sincere relationship
zhè fèn zhēn zhì gǎn qíng

藏在我的心底 - remained in my heart
cáng zài wǒ de xīn dǐ

Posted by Lofter on 28 November 2012, 21:09:27

I m feeling so happy, 

do u know why? b'cuz i m so lucky,
do u know how? b'cuz God loves me.
Do u know how? b'cuz he gave me a gift.
Do u know what? it's You my love.
Your love lightens up my path and shows me the way to move forward..
Posted by Pawan Sharma


Monday, February 9, 2015

More 'um', less 'uh' being used in the US

My Paper, Monday, February 09, 2015, Page A9, Lifestyle
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2015-02-09
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/lifestyle/more-um-less-uh-being-used-us-20150209
By BBC, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on Feb 09, 2015

Words such as um, a, like, etc... degrade and detract from what you say.
PHOTO: Words such as um, a, like, etc... degrade and detract from what you say. They disturb the flow of a sentence and make it detached. A nonverbal pause is much better. When floundering for words, a nonverbal pause, placed correctly, gives the listener the effect of a dramatic or studied thought. It confirms your control over what is being said.
Do not despair! By simply reading aloud any professional writing such as a book, newspaper, or article you can instantaneously possess all the aforementioned qualities an articulate speaker should have!
Posted in wikiHows, How to Be Articulate

WHAT'S in an "um"? According to experts, "uh" and "um" are somewhat different beasts.

"It does seem to be the case that 'um' generally signals a longer or more important pause than 'uh'," said Mark Liberman, a linguist at the University of Pennsylvania.

At least that was what he thought.

Professor Liberman has been studying these so-called "filled pauses" for almost a decade, and has made a curious discovery.

"As Americans get older, they use 'uh' more," he says. "And at every age, men use 'uh' more than women."

If you look at "um", exactly the opposite is true. Younger people say "um" more often than older people. And no matter the age, women say "um" more than men. 
Nobody, not even the linguists, were expecting this result; until they studied these hesitations, they thought it was more about the amount of time a speaker hesitates than who that speaker is.

Then, late last summer, Prof Liberman attended a conference in Groningen in the Netherlands. During a coffee break, he was chatting with a small group of researchers. He brought up his finding about the age and gender differences related to "um" and "uh", which prompted the group to look for that pattern outside of American English. They scanned British and Scottish English, German, Danish, Dutch and Norwegian.

The result, said University of Groningen linguist Martijn Wieling, is that, "in all cases, we find the same thing". Just like the Americans that Prof Liberman analysed, women and younger people said "um" more than "uh".

Mr Weiling's conclusion is that we are witnessing a language change in progress "and that women and younger people are leading the change".

This pattern of women and young people leading us forward is typical of most language changes.

But why is "um" our future, across at least two continents and five Germanic languages? It is still a puzzle.

Josef Fruehwald, a sociolinguist at the University of Edinburgh, agreed that "um" and "uh" may be used slightly differently. But as far as he is concerned, they are pretty much equivalent.

His research suggested that the use of "um" is preferred among females and young people.

"When you have two options, you can start using one more frequently and maybe replace the other one so that it is no longer an option," he said. "So why 'um'? It is just one of these things. There is always a little bit of randomness to the whole situation."

By random, he meant that we do not know why changes in usage like this happen, or when the next one will be. Dr Fruehwald admitted that linguists are terrible at predicting the future - worse than meteorologists.

Language, he said, is even more chaotic than the weather.

As for how such a linguistic trend might have jumped from one language to another, he said that "there are some documented cases of that kind of thing happening, usually where people can speak both languages and borrow features of one into the other".

English is the most likely to be influencing the other languages, but we still do not know whether that is actually what's happening with "um". More research and more linguists are needed.

And as for the future, "um" and "uh" may yo-yo back and forth in terms of their popularity. Or we may well be watching the extinction of "uh" from our lexicon.

So would Dr Fruehwald miss the word "uh"?

"I do not have a really strong emotional connection to either of these," he admitted. "Although based on my age demographics, I am likely a high 'um' user. So maybe that is where I should throw my loyalties."

By BBC, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on Feb 09, 2015
