Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Letter of encouragement to Bernard during BMT

Dear Bernard,

This must be one of your darkest moments, and we are advised by your BMT camp to send words of encouragement to you during your 6.0 days of Field Camp.

Time passed very fast. It is just like yesterday when we were preparing for you to enter the army. You went running and do many types of exercise to train yourself physically especially for the IPPT. All of us hope that you are mentally prepared and able to adapt to the army life. If you are reading this letter, that means you have adapted, and able to train together with the rest of your recruitmates, and to learn under the guidance of your commanders. Among the first few posters at the Pulau Tekong ferry terminal says: "BMT is not what you leave behind. It's what you'll gain in the days ahead." We are sure you have gained a lot and your efforts are not wasted. We are all behind you.

BMT is not what you leave behind. It's what you'll gain in the days ahead.

Along the way, whatever gone through will be historical events to be remembered and cherished later in your life. These events include what you are doing now, and what you are about to do. Powder bath is not popular in the civilian world, but a necessity in the outfield training area where there is insufficient water. The muds, dirts, perspirations (sweat for animals), smell, discomforts, cold, heat, darkness and excessive property (rifle) do not make life any easier. The field uniforms, boots, helmet and fool-pack complicate things further. So you might ask, what is there so good to remember? What for?! There are many things to remember. All these tough trainings developed you not only physically but also your character. You are changing from boy to man. Man who people trusted and relied upon. Keep up the good works.

BMT is not what you leave behind. It's what you'll gain in the days ahead. 

What for?! You can keep your head forever high because you have contributed and sacrificed to one of the most important wish of everybody. That is National Defence. Protect the home, people and country. All around you will be proud of you. Later there will be stories for your sons and daughters. They will be delighted to hear from you and be fascinated. 30 years later your grandsons and granddaughters will come to respect you. So stay motivated. Proceed with confidence and happiness. The air should be cooler now. Experts say that it can help to de-stress. Maintain the coolness and relax, for many obstacles may not be there. Even if it is there, it could be overcome by you.

Later there will be stories for your sons and daughters. They will be delighted to hear from you and be fascinated. 30 years later your grandsons and granddaughters will come to respect you.

"Kestrel" is a small falcon that hovers with rapidly beating wings while searching for prey on the ground (according to Google). Given your ability and the dedication of the army, the journey through BMT will brings the experience necessary for the success of the mission. The mission is to accomplish the hopes and dreams of your calling. The calling is to serve the nation. We call that National Service. The small falcon stands ready to strike at the moment's notice. This brings fear and hesitation to the enemies who can only fail when you come into action. You have commanded our respects. We salute you all. Your recognition is beyond doubt. Our heartfelt supports to you at all time.

We may pretend that all are insignificant but our hearts are still painful. We still worry about you and what you are doing. You are very important to us. Stay strong and alert. Be careful at all time. We hope our encouragements have been a source of strength and comforts during these difficult times.

May all God's blessings descend upon you.
From All at home
