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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Aussie daily prints photo of Kate's bum

My Paper, Thursday, May 29, 2014, Page A14, Lifestyle
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-05-29
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/lifestyle/aussie-daily-prints-photo-kates-bum-20140529
By mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Agencies, Published on May 29, 2014

WINDY HAZARD: Kate struggled to cope with the wind with one hand while holding Prince George in her arm when she arrived in New Zealand.
PHOTO: WINDY HAZARD: Kate struggled to cope with the wind with one hand while holding Prince George in her arm when she arrived in New Zealand.
Kate Middleton's bare bottom photos: Do royal wardrobe malfunctions matter?

"She's got a gorgeous body, and if I had a rear end like hers, I would pray for wind," Kathie Lee Gifford said Thursday. "Just let it fly, baby, and show the world what you got, 'cause she's gorgeous." PHOTO: REUTERS


ONE of Rupert Murdoch's Australian newspapers yesterday published a picture showing the bare bottom of Prince William's wife Kate (Kate Middleton), refusing to follow a "ridiculous" ban imposed by the British media.

The image was taken during the royal couple's hugely successful tour of Australia last month when they showed off their infant son George, and was run in the Sydney Daily Telegraph a day after it appeared in German tabloid Bild.

Bild ran the photograph alongside pictures of US reality-television star Kim Kardashian and her sister Khloe, with the caption: "Khloe, Kim and Kate - backsides which have moved us these past few days".

It shows the Duchess of Cambridge's summer dress lifted by a gust of wind when the royal couple got out of a helicopter in the Blue Mountains, 80km west of Sydney.

This is not the first Marilyn-Monroe wardrobe malfunction the duchess has suffered, leading to suggestions that she should weigh down her hem with lead weights - something the queen does.

On the same tour, she struggled to tame her red skirt with one hand while holding Prince George in her other arm, as she arrived in windy New Zealand.

Australian paper shows Kate Middleton's bare bottom, sparks debate
PHOTO: Australian paper shows Kate Middleton's bare bottom, sparks debate
Posted by AFP Sydney on May 28, 2014, First Published: 15:29 IST(28/5/2014) | Last Updated: 15:42 IST(28/5/2014)
See more at: http://www.hindustantimes.com/entertainment/tabloid/australian-paper-shows-kate-middleton-s-bare-bottom-sparks-debate/article1-1223711.aspx#sthash.Vx6iQEV0.dpuf



The Daily Telegraph said British newspapers had refused to run the photo out of respect to the royals, but in a comment piece said this was "an antiquated code of etiquette"(outdated customary code of polite behaviour).

"It seems a bit ridiculous to expect the rest of the world's media to follow suit, particularly in a world in which flesh and commercialism go hand in hand," said Telegraph social writer Annette Sharp.

"If the Duchess can't be bothered protecting herself by having hem weights sewn into her garments, why should the media protect her?"

Diane Morel, a Blue Mountains local, took the photo and almost deleted it before realising what she had captured.

"It wasn't until I got home and I popped my camera card into the computer that I realised what I had captured," the 47-year-old told the newspaper, vowing to donate any money raised from the photo's sale to a bushfire relief fund.

During their tour, the royal couple met survivors and toured the scene of devastating Australian bushfires last year that destroyed more than 200 homes.

In 2012, French magazine Closer provoked outrage among the royals and sections of the British press when it published paparazzi photos of a topless Kate.

By mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Agencies, Published on May 29, 2014

Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, tour the Cloud Forest at Singapore's Gardens by the Bay on Wednesday Sept. 12, 2012 in Singapore during their official three day visit.
PHOTO: Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, tour the Cloud Forest at Singapore's Gardens by the Bay on Wednesday Sept. 12, 2012 in Singapore during their official three day visit.
Posted  By The Associated Press on September 14, 2012 at 8:57 AM
Photo by Wong Maye-E, Pool / AP Photo



Learn English the fun way - with Kumar

My Paper, Thursday, May 29, 2014, Page A8, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-05-29
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/learn-english-fun-way-kumar-20140529
By Lim Yi Han, limyihan@sph.com.sg, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on May 29, 2014

Kumar Goes Back To School
PHOTO: Kumar Goes Back To School

DO YOU say 50-over dollars, or over 50 dollars?

This is something that Singaporeans often trip up on.

To help them speak with precision and accuracy, the Speak Good English Movement is focusing on grammar rules this year.

And it will be fun.

The campaign, which was launched yesterday, will use a series of six light-hearted videos featuring local comedian Kumar to teach grammar rules for spoken and written English.

The videos will be posted weekly on the Speak Good English Movement's Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Notebooks with grammar rules pertaining to tenses and countable and uncountable nouns, among others, will also be made available to schools and others who are interested.

This is the first time that grammar is taking centre stage since the movement was launched in 2000 to encourage Singaporeans to speak a form of English that is grammatically correct and universally understood.

Goh Eck Kheng, chairman of the Speak Good English Movement, said: "Singaporeans are particularly weak in tenses, subject-verb agreement and prepositions. We also use the syntax of other languages for English."

Mr Goh urged Singaporeans to "consciously" speak standard English.

"We tend to code-switch when we think that someone can't speak good English. But if you continue to do that, then the people who are weaker in English will never learn what good English is," he noted.

"If you feel that the person you're speaking to is not very strong in English, be aware of that, be sensitive and use simple vocabulary and speak simple English."

Adrian Tan, a committee member of the Speak Good English Movement, noted that grammar could be an issue for some Asians, as their mother tongue might not have the same syntax.

Mr Tan, who is also the director of law firm Stamford Law, said: "If you look at the Chinese language, there is no concept of past tense or subject-verb agreement. When it comes to English, the syntax is completely different. Being brought up in a society which is multilingual, people mix up the concepts."

Using light-hearted videos is a good way to help others learn English as Singaporeans respond well to humour, he added.

Patrick Sum, a General Paper teacher at Anglo-Chinese Junior College, said: "We should have standards, but I think that if you try to force these standards on young people who are struggling with the language, it's going to backfire. It's going to make them even more tense and nervous about their mistakes."

The 39-year-old won an award last year for being an inspiring teacher of English.

Sng Xu Yun, 14, a student of St Hilda's Secondary School, said: "At school, teachers usually give us worksheets and go through them with us. I think it's definitely more fun to learn grammar through watching videos, especially when the videos are humorous."

And, by the way, the answer is "over 50 dollars", with "over" meaning "more than".

By Lim Yi Han, limyihan@sph.com.sg, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on May 29, 2014

Laugh Till You Drop with Kumar
PHOTO: Laugh Till You Drop with Kumar


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to reassure Ah Pek on the Pioneer Package

My Paper, Thursday, May 22, 2014, Page A10, News, Opinion
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-05-22
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/opinion/how-reassure-ah-pek-pioneer-package-20140522
By Jeremy Lim, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on May 22, 2014

PHOTO: SHOW AND TELL: This show in Hougang last month used English, Mandarin and dialects to explain details of the Pioneer Generation Package. While communicating the benefits is vital, perhaps the challenge lies in the complexity of the design.
My Paper, Thursday, May 22, 2014, Page A10, News, Opinion

AMID the euphoria of the Pioneer Generation Package (PGP) announcements, it is hard to be a wet blanket. In fact, it seems almost churlish to question the package of medical subsidies the Government has committed to giving the "pioneer generation", or those aged 65 and above.

But before the headlong rush into implementing the package, it would be timely to step back and ask whether there are aspects that can be done differently.

I do not doubt the Government's sincerity and commitment. At the same time, one cannot help but wonder whether the package will fully achieve its twin objectives of providing our pioneers with not only lifelong medical care but also financial peace of mind.

For the PGP, simplicity is vital. The scheme targets citizens who are educationally, linguistically and socially diverse. Policymakers have to deliver messages simple enough to be understood and yet powerful enough to resonate.

If one does not understand, it is difficult to feel reassured.

A recent survey highlighted that seven in 10 Singaporeans had heard of the PGP but more than half admitted they did not know or understand the benefits. The statistics involving the target group - the pioneers - I suspect, would be even more modest.

It is striking that in rolling out the PGP, the Government has found it necessary to establish a task force, helmed by two ministers, which has prioritised communicating the benefits to the intended recipients.

The co-chairman of the task force, Senior Minister of State for Health Amy Khor, described last month plans to train 1,000 front-line staff and said that the Government would be "running through with them the various questions and concerns that Singaporeans may have regarding health-care subsidies and also to help them address some of these questions and concerns to provide reassurance to patients".

Perhaps the challenge really lies in the complexity of the design. From a policy perspective, the PGP sits on top of the existing 3M (Medisave, MediShield, Medifund), Chas (Community Health Assist Scheme) and CDMP (Chronic Disease Management Programme) schemes, which, arguably, most Singaporeans do not fully understand anyway.

Under the proposed system, there are multiple tiers of subsidy, depending on whether the presenting disease is deemed "simple" or "complex", whether the disease is included in the CDMP, and so on.

The contrast with many countries with universal health coverage is stark. The message should be simple: At the point you need health care, concentrate on getting well; don't worry about money.

In many schemes globally, no co-payments are required, or if there are, these are in the form of fixed amounts with annual limits. In Singapore, the individual's co-payment can soar, while the Government's share (subsidy amount) is capped.

Australia announced in its Budget last week that the government would impose a A7 (S8.10) co-payment for each visit to the general practitioner, up to a total of A70 a year for concessional patients. No caveats depending on type of disease, no exclusions depending on housing type or income. Just a simple A7 figure to understand and remember.

This brings me to the second point. It is better to frame the scheme to be viewed through the lens of the pioneer and not the policymaker.

While $9 billion is an admirable commitment to the health- care needs of the pioneer generation, the pioneer would much rather know what he needs to pay individually rather than the amount the Government subsidises.

Imagine the thoughts running through the mind of a pioneer: "Yes, it is good to know there is a 28.50 per visit subsidy for a common illness like a cough or cold, but how much do I need to pay? Nothing? 10? $20? More?"

The Government's concerns over unanticipated costs and the instinct to safeguard public coffers are understandable and perhaps even natural.

But to the Singaporean living on 1,000 a month, a mis-estimation of the medical bill by 50 is 5 per cent of all he has; to the Government, the same mis-estimation occurring for even 10 per cent of our pioneers is 2.25 million, or barely a quarter of a per cent of the 9 billion allocated.

Perhaps the risk of getting the numbers wrong is a yoke easier borne by the Government's accountants than by elderly Singaporeans.

The PGP is the cornerstone of the Government's 2014 Budget. The Government has correctly read the minds of the pioneer generation that fears around health care weigh heavily.

The political will is there to make a difference; Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has declared to the pioneer generation that he and his Government will "make medical care always affordable for you".

Let's design the PGP such that every Singaporean in the pioneer generation can easily understand and use it, safe and secure in the comforting reassurance of a nation's gratitude.

By Jeremy Lim, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on May 22, 2014
The writer is a partner in the global consulting firm Oliver Wyman. This article first appeared in The Straits Times.

 To the Singaporean living on $1,000 a month, a mis-estimation of the medical bill by $50 is 5 per cent of all he has; to the Government, the same mis-estimation occurring for even 10 per cent of our pioneers is $2.25 million, or barely a quarter of a per cent of the $9 billion allocated.

PHOTO: Simplicity is vital. To the Singaporean living on 1,000 a month, a mis-estimation of the medical bill by 50 is 5 per cent of all he has; to the Government, the same mis-estimation occurring for even 10 per cent of our pioneers is 2.25 million, or barely a quarter of a per cent of the 9 billion allocated.

Perhaps the risk of getting the numbers wrong is a yoke easier borne by the Government's accountants than by elderly Singaporeans.

It is better to frame the scheme to be viewed through the lens of the pioneer and not the policymaker.
PHOTO: THE STRAITS TIMES, Published on May 14, 2014


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Samba Dancers 2014 - (12) - Copenhagen Carnival

Source Website:
http://cphpost.dk/news/the-show-cannot-go-on-carnival-calls-it-quits.3607.html - (Texts)
Posted by PS on December 4, 2012, 13:50 (Justworks, The Copenhagen Post)

http://www.flickr.com/photos/runegb/4660899435/in/photostream/ - (Picture)
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjerring/5825522675/in/pool-copenhagencarnival/  - (Picture)
Posted by Peder Bjerring on May 26, 2012

http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjerring/7279245696/in/pool-copenhagencarnival/  - (Picture)
Posted by  Thomas Rousing on May 26, 2012

Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Copenhagen Carnival 2012
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
This year's Copenhagen Carnival turned out to be the last after the organisers decided there wasn't enough money to put on next year's event (2013).
Posted by Poul Iversen on May 26, 2012

The show cannot go on: Carnival calls it quits
A 30-year tradition ended this year after the popular Copenhagen Carnival announced it would not return next spring (2013) due to a lack of public financing.

Copenhagen Carnival 2012
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Copenhagen Carnival has been a regular part of the Copenhagen cityscape every Whitsun since 1982.
Posted by Peder Bjerring on May 26, 2012

Organisers of the Copenhagen Carnival announced today that this year's carnival was the last after the City Council slashed funding by more than half.

Copenhagen Carnival 2012

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Posted by Thomas Rousing on May 26, 2012

With the amount the city gives being cut from 500,000 kroner last year to 202,000 kroner this year, Copenhagen Carnival director Morten Sørensen said the annual event, which has been held over the Whitsun weekend since 1982, had become too expensive to put on and would not return in 2013.

Copenhagen Carnival 26.5.2012
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
This photo was taken on May 26, 2012 using a Canon EOS 7D, by T_28.

Running such a large event is costly and we have had to concede that the council support of 202,000 kroner we have been granted for next year’s Carnival was insufficient to cover the millions of kroner it costs to responsibly run such a large event,” Sørensen said in a press release.

Copenhagen Carnival 26.5.2012
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
This photo was taken on May 26, 2012 using a Canon EOS 7D, by T_28.

He added that he was disappointed by the lack of funding granted by the City Council for the event, given the amounts it hands out to other events in the city.

Copenhagen Carnival 2012

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Posted by Thomas Rousing on May 26, 2012

We can see that our direct competitors receive much more support than we do, even though many are smaller than us and clearly have difficulty with holding large events. It’s sad that the city’s politicians aren’t more positive about this inclusive international cultural festival, a tradition that now has to end.

Copenhagen Carnival 2012

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Posted by Thomas Rousing on May 26, 2012

Copenhagen Carnival has struggled with its costs for several years, and in 2011 the foundation supporting declared bankruptcy.

Copenhagen Carnival 2012

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Posted by James Hjertholm on May 26, 2012

  Copenhagen Carnival 2012

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

In order to raise money and mitigate against the thievery that plagued the events in 2010 and 2011, this year’s carnival was the first time visitors had to pay admission to attend Carnival events in Fælledparken.

Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Copenhagen Carnival is Copenhagen's largest festival of world music. The carnival has been a regular part of the Copenhagen cityscape every Whitsun since 1982.
Posted by Peder Bjerring on June 11, 2011

Copenhagen Carnival attracts an estimated 220,000 people every year. Most of its 4.09 million kroner budget is found through donations and sponsorships.

Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Posted by Peder Bjerring on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Posted by Peder Bjerring on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011 - Hypnotic spirals
Posted by Thomas Rousing on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Posted by Jeanne Andersen on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Posted by Peder Bjerring on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Posted by Peder Bjerring on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

 Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

 Copenhagen Carnival 2009

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2009
Posted by Jan Lykke on May 30, 2009

 Sancha Latin Festival

PHOTO: Sancha Latin Festival
Posted by  blue2342_2nd on August 19, 2012

 Sancha Latin Festival

PHOTO: Sancha Latin Festival
Posted by  blue2342_2nd on August 19, 2012

 Yokohama Parade 2014
Yokohama Parade 2014
Yokohama Parade 2014

PHOTO: Yokohama Parade 2014
Posted by blue2342_2nd on May 3, 2014


Samba dancer
Samba dancer PHOTO: Samba dancer (Resolution: 3456 x 5184)
This photo was taken on November 3, 2012 using a Canon EOS Kiss X4, by tanakawho.
Posted by  tanakawho on November 3, 2012



More than 1,000 performers, including five samba schools, drew big crowds to the annual Helsinki Samba Carnaval in June 2011.

 XVII Helsinki Samba Carnaval

PHOTO: XVII Helsinki Samba Carnaval
This photo was taken on June 9, 2007 in Erotta-Jankatu, Helsinki, Southern Finland, FI, using a Canon EOS 20D, by ollipitkanen (Olli Pitknen).