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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Can you spot the flying fish?

My Paper, Friday, December 20, 2013, Page A1, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2013-12-20
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/can-you-spot-flying-fish-20131220
By mypaper, Published on Dec 20, 2013

Can you spot the flying fish?
PHOTO: Can you spot the flying fish?
My Paper, Friday, December 20, 2013, Page A1, Top Stories

This "tornado", which appeared on Wednesday near Woodlands, was, in fact, a waterspout. Chinese evening daily Lianhe Wanbao said its twister-like effect sent hundreds of fish from fish farms in Lim Chu Kang airborne. They were lifted at least 5m into the air and dumped back onto land.

Waterspouts are usually harmless, but this one also ripped off several metal sheets from a warehouse roof, sucked up a ladder and reportedly hurled a truck bed weighing nearly 1,000kg into the water.

Violent waterspouts
Women storm models, weather tornadoes photo manipulations
PHOTO: Women storm models, weather tornadoes photo manipulations



Oh deer, is that you, Rudolph?

My Paper, Friday, December 20, 2013, Page A2, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2013-12-20
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/oh-deer-you-rudolph-20131220
By Soon Wei Sze, mypaper, Published on Dec 20, 2013

REINDEER RIDE: Cars decked with Cold Storage's Christmas decor - reindeer antlers and a red nose - have been bringing Christmas cheer to Singapore roads recently. One such car is this Toyota Wish, which was decked out by Mr Tan to surprise his parents who were overseas.
PHOTO: REINDEER RIDE: Cars decked with Cold Storage's Christmas decor - reindeer antlers and a red nose - have been bringing Christmas cheer to Singapore roads recently. One such car is this Toyota Wish, which was decked out by Mr Tan to surprise his parents who were overseas.
My Paper, Friday, December 20, 2013, Page A2, Top Stories

RED-NOSED reindeers have been zipping around Singapore's roads these past few weeks, with drivers snapping up the unique car decorations produced by supermarket chain Cold Storage.

They comprise two reindeer antlers that can be clipped on windows, and a big red felt nose that can be tied on the bonnet.

Each set costs $9.90 and is available at all Cold Storage outlets.

A Cold Storage spokesman said: "We wanted to come up with a fun and unique way to spread the Christmas spirit."

She added that sales have been "encouraging", but declined to give figures.

The decorations have been sold out in some outlets, but the supermarket chain does not plan to reorder them as it anticipates demand to drop after Christmas.

Stocks may be moved in from other outlets, depending on availability.

Mr Mark Tan, a 22-year-old full-time national serviceman, decided to surprise his parents by fixing the antlers and the nose on his family's black Toyota Wish while they were overseas.

He said: "I bought it to bring out the Christmas spirit in them."

When his parents returned on Saturday, they had just one thing to say: "So cute!"
By Soon Wei Sze, mypaper, Published on Dec 20, 2013

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
PHOTO: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Posted by Madame-Kikue on DeviantART, Fan Art / Traditional Art / Drawings / Movies & TV
©2010-2013 Madame-Kikue



Saturday, December 21, 2013

Lessons in Little India

My Paper, Thursday, December 19, 2013, Page A9, Opinion
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2013-12-19

Source Website:

By Charissa Yong & Maryam Mokhtar, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on Dec 19, 2013

SELFIE TIME: (Clockwise from left) Maryam Mokhtar, landscaper Sundaraj Arumugam, 35, Charissa Yong and site engineer Karthick Muthuraman, 29.
PHOTO: SELFIE TIME: (Clockwise from left) Maryam Mokhtar, landscaper Sundaraj Arumugam, 35, Charissa Yong and site engineer Karthick Muthuraman, 29.

MR KARTHICK Muthuraman, a site engineer from a sleepy village in Tamil Nadu, replies instantaneously when we ask him why some workers acted the way they did in the Little India riot.

"There are good and bad men everywhere," the 29-year-old said with conviction, as we stood together chatting in narrow Kerbau Street.

"My parents taught me to do good, the same way your parents taught you. What they did doesn't mean that all of us are like that."

His comments, among the many we heard during several hours spent trawling Little India to understand foreign workers' sentiments last week, left a deep impression on us.

Many workers' values and feelings, as we were reminded through Mr Karthick, transcended race and nationality. They felt strongly about how they were perceived. Many just wanted to earn an honest living in Singapore and avoid trouble.

In the aftermath of the riot, we had wanted to understand how, living thousands of kilometres from home, these Indian and Bangladeshi workers coped without their loved ones close by, and what the Little India enclave meant to them.

The men that we met had different socioeconomic backgrounds from us and most of our friends.

We have different mother tongues. Our lifestyles and pop-culture references are different because they have less leisure time to waste on YouTube.

But their feeling of being homesick and wishing they weren't a thousand miles from home is almost universal, and something we can identify with.

Landscaper Sundaraj Arumugam's face fell when he mentioned how he had missed the birth of his first child this year, because he was working in Singapore.

His expression wasn't that different from that of one of us two years ago, when a grandfather's funeral in Singapore had to be missed because of study commitments in London.

Mr Karthick, on the other hand, has a daily ritual of calling his aunt back in his hometown of Madurai in India.

Having spent only four months in Singapore, the bespectacled man, who has a fiancee waiting for him back home, still needs a familiar voice to lull him to sleep.

"If I don't call, I cannot go to sleep," he told us.

We asked him what he missed the most about home.

He replied: "It's love. Love from my family and my friends".

For these workers, their trips to Little India are significant because the neighbourhood, with its back alleys, and familiar sights and smells, reminds them so much of home.

The restaurants sell authentic Indian cuisine, such as rice prepared without the use of rice cookers.

Shops offer tidbits from home such as pickles, and stock familiar brands of imported beer and liquor.

But, more than just having access to a taste of home, it is the gathering of close friends and relatives that provides comfort to these men after a week of toil.

As one worker put it, each week seemed to go by faster in anticipation of the coming Sunday, when they could return to their home away from home.

"Here, when I eat and talk with my 'brothers', I even ask myself: Is this Singapore or India?" said Mr Karthick.

Many Singapore students who study or go on exchange programmes overseas can probably identify with what it's like to be part of a semi-permanent, yet transient, population in a different country from the one you grew up in.

In London, where one of us studied, Sunday afternoon trips to Chinatown for a lunch of roast-duck rice was a highlight of the week.

It was also strangely delightful to see condiments (a substance such as salt, mustard, or pickle that is used to add flavour to food) such as Lee Kum Kee sauces sold in Chinatown.

These condiments brought back, even for a fleeting moment, a semblance of Singapore life that helped us cope with sudden bouts of homesickness.

Similarly, Little India, to these workers, was not just a place to hang out. It was also a temporary portal to home.

Though our cultures are different, our experiences of meeting these individuals revealed many similarities.

We had set out to find out how different these foreign workers were from us.

But, at the end of the day, we discovered a common humanity instead.

By Charissa Yong & Maryam Mokhtar, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on Dec 19, 2013
This commentary first appeared in www.singapolitics.sg


龙飘飘 (lóng piāo piāo) - 我没醉 (wǒ méi zuì) - I am not drunk

Source Website:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agiWlkJp9qY - (Youtube Video)
http://www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/641480/ - (Lyrics + mp3)
http://fc.5sing.com/6557557.html### - (mp3)
Posted by Crystal Ling, Published on Aug 21, 2012


我没醉 (wǒ méi zuì) - I am not drunk<br>今夜我还没醉 (Jīn yè wǒ hái méi zuì) - Tonight I'm not yet drunk
PHOTO: 我没醉 (wǒ méi zuì) - I am not drunk
今夜我还没醉 (Jīn yè wǒ hái méi zuì) - Tonight I'm not yet drunk
Posted on 9 July 2013, 09:53

歌曲(gē qǔ) Song我没醉 (wǒ méi zuì) - I am not drunk
歌手(gē shǒu) Singer龙飘飘 (lóng piāo piāo)
提供者(tí​ gōng​ zhě) Provider:-
作曲(zuò​ qǔ) Composer, Music百溧 (Bǎi lì)
编辑(Biānjí) Editor:-
作词(zuò cí) Lyrics: 瑞春 (Ruì chūn)


我没醉 - I am not drunk
wǒ méi zuì

今夜我还没醉 - Tonight I'm not yet drunk
Jīn yè wǒ hái méi zuì

是你先醉才会不知我是谁 - It is you who is drunk first, that's why you do not know who I was
Shì nǐ xiān zuì cái huì bù zhī wǒ shì shuí

说什么永不后悔 - Saying something about you will forever never regret
Shuō shén me yǒng bù hòu huǐ

说什么只爱我一人 - Saying something about you love only me
Shuō shén me zhǐ ài wǒ yī rén

这样的花言巧语 - Such flowerly words
Zhè yàng de huā yán qiǎo yǔ

已经觉得无所谓 - Already feel indifferent
Yǐ jīng jué dé wú suǒ wèi

你永远别想忘回 - You cannot recycle again
Nǐ yǒng yuǎn bié xiǎng wàng huí


是你先醉才会不知我是谁 (Shì nǐ xiān zuì cái huì bù zhī wǒ shì shuí) - It is you who is drunk first, that's why you do not know who I was
PHOTO: 是你先醉才会不知我是谁 (Shì nǐ xiān zuì cái huì bù zhī wǒ shì shuí) - It is you who is drunk first, that's why you do not know who I was



---------- END -----------

Translated by MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary, www.mdbg.net, and Google Translate

PHOTO: 说什么只爱我一人 (Shuō shén me zhǐ ài wǒ yī rén) - Saying something about you love only me
这样的花言巧语 (Zhè yàng de huā yán qiǎo yǔ) - Such flowerly words
你永远别想忘回 (Nǐ yǒng yuǎn bié xiǎng wàng huí)
- You cannot recycle again

我没醉 (wǒ méi zuì) - I am not drunk<br>今夜我还没醉 (Jīn yè wǒ hái méi zuì) - Tonight I'm not yet drunk
PHOTO: 我没醉 (wǒ méi zuì) - I am not drunk
今夜我还没醉 (Jīn yè wǒ hái méi zuì) - Tonight I'm not yet drunk


龙飘飘 (lóng piāo piāo) - 我没醉 (wǒ méi zuì) - I am not drunk, 简谱 ( jiǎn pǔ)
龙飘飘 (lóng piāo piāo) - 我没醉 (wǒ méi zuì) - I am not drunk

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agiWlkJp9qY

When you love fearlessly, you beam. You're a light in the storm. You're a smile in the crowd. You're a breath of fresh air.
PHOTO: 说什么只爱我一人 (Shuō shén me zhǐ ài wǒ yī rén) - Saying something about you love only me
这样的花言巧语 (Zhè yàng de huā yán qiǎo yǔ) - Such flowerly words
已经觉得无所谓 (Yǐ jīng jué dé wú suǒ wèi) - Already feel indifferent
Picture by Muse1979 from DeviantART, Sands of Time


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Has the rainy weather got to your nose?

My Paper, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Page A13, Specials, Wellness Special
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2013-12-17
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/specials/has-rainy-weather-got-your-nose-20131217
By mypaper, Published on Dec 17, 2013

OH NOSE: To alleviate a blocked nose, use an anti-histamine or decongestant if the symptoms are caused by an infection, allergy or vasomotor rhinitis.
PHOTO: OH NOSE: To alleviate a blocked nose, use an anti-histamine or decongestant if the symptoms are caused by an infection, allergy or vasomotor rhinitis.
My Paper, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Page A13, Specials, Wellness Special

IF YOUR nose has been runny and stuffy of late, it could be because of the cold, rainy season typical of December.

While there are multiple causes for blocked noses, breathing in cold air is one of them. It is said to trigger nasal congestion and even wheezing, leaving behind an uncomfortable sensation.

Dr Tay Hin Ngan, director of HN Tay ENT Head & Neck Thyroid Sleep Robotic Surgery, said the nose moistens and warms the air that we breathe in before it reaches the lungs.

When the air is cold and dry, Dr Tay said, "the nose has to work extra hard to achieve these objectives by increasing blood flow to itself".

This causes the soft tissues to swell up and increase production of mucus, he added.

Dr Tay said a blocked nose may also be caused by either structural obstruction or obstruction by swelling and mucus.

Short-term nasal obstruction can result from the common cold or flu, which are viral infections, while a more chronic form of blocked nose could be a result of allergic rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis, which is a nasal allergy usually caused by dust mites, is often incorrectly referred to as "sinis", said Dr Tay.

Symptoms - such as sneezing and itching, as well as a runny nose - occur mostly at night and in the morning. These tend to improve by midday.

Other causes of a blocked nose include sinusitis - or infection of the sinuses - and vasomotor rhinitis, which is not caused by allergies.

To alleviate a blocked nose, Dr Tay advises the use of an anti-histamine or decongestant if the symptoms are caused by an infection, allergy or vasomotor rhinitis.

These are easily available at pharmacies, in an oral form or as nasal sprays.

For the treatment of sinusitis or blocked nose due to structural causes, more targeted treatment might be required.

This could range from antibiotics to nasal irrigation, and, in more severe cases, surgery.

So, if you find yourself suffering from a blocked nose, the first step would be to see your family physician, who can treat acute infections and simple allergies with medication.

Over-the-counter antihistamines and nasal sprays can also work for less serious cases.
By mypaper, Published on Dec 17, 2013

 If you find yourself suffering from a blocked nose, the first step would be to see your family physician, who can treat acute infections and simple allergies with medication.

PHOTO: If you find yourself suffering from a blocked nose, the first step would be to see your family physician, who can treat acute infections and simple allergies with medication.
Picture by HuffPost, published on 03/06/2013 9:45 CET
