By Janny Jin Li Juan (Singapore), Pg Amir bin Pg Hj Sablon (Brunei)
Date of Issue: 27 November 2012
The 40th CIA anniversary commemorative note on the S$2, and the Singapore currency notes on the S$1 stamp.
Local Price : S$ 3.00
Overseas Price : S$ 3.00
Singapore, 29 October 2012 – To commemorate the longstanding diplomatic relations between Singapore and Brunei Darussalam, a joint stamp issue themed 45th Anniversary of Currency Interchangeability will be released on 27 November 2012. This joint stamp issue celebrates the currency union between Singapore and Brunei
PHOTO: Singapore-Brunei Joint Issue - Miniature Sheet
Miniature Sheet comprising the complete set of stamps (S$4.25)
Local Price : S$ 4.25
Overseas Price : S$ 4.00$4.25.jpg
Under the Currency Interchangeability Agreement (CIA) which took effect on 12 June 1967, each country undertakes to accept the currency issued by the other, and to exchange it at par and without charge, into its own currency. Forty-five years on, Singapore and Brunei continue to build on this strong historical bond to grow bilateral trade and cooperate on a wide range of areas including tourism, health and education.

PHOTO: Singapore-Brunei Joint Issue - 40th CIA anniversary commemorative note issued in 2007 Stamp (S$2.00)$2.00.jpg
The Singapore-Brunei joint stamp issue comprises three stamp designs – one of the stamps features the back of the 40th CIA anniversary commemorative note issued in 2007 to highlight the milestones achieved in the CIA, while the other two showcase the respective iconic elements in Singapore and Brunei currency notes.
PHOTO: Singapore-Brunei Joint Issue - Presentation Pack
Presentation Pack with the complete set of stamps (S$9.10)
Local Price : S$ 9.10
Overseas Price : S$ 8.50$9.10.jpg
Singapore’s stamp depicts the themes of its past and current currency notes namely, the “Orchid” series (1967-1976), the “Bird” series (1976-1984), the “Ship” series (1984-1999) and the “Portrait” series (1999-present).
Correspondingly, the Vanda Rothscildiana “Teo Choo Hong” on the S$50 banknote, the Yellow-breasted Sunbird on the S$20 banknote, the barter trading vessel “Palari” on the S$10 banknote and the portrait of Singapore’s first President, the late Encik Yusof Bin Ishak on the S$1000 banknote are featured on the stamp.
PHOTO: Singapore-Brunei Joint Issue - Singapore Stamp (S$1.00)$1.00.jpg
Brunei’s stamp also showcases four series of their currency notes – the illustration of Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque on all of their 1967 banknotes, the view of Padian (the water village woman vendor in her boat) on a Brunei banknote in 1989, the view of a Rainforest Floor on the $5 polymer notes in 1966 and lastly, the Bunga Tapak Kuda Laut (or Ipomoea Pescapre, a medicinal plant with purplish flowers found along the beaches of Brunei) on the $20 banknote in 2007.
PHOTO: Singapore-Brunei Joint Issue - Brunei Stamp (S$1.00)$1.00.jpg
Products on Sale
The 40th CIA anniversary commemorative note on the S2 stamp and the Singapore currency notes on the S1 will be on sale from 27 November 2012.
PHOTO: Precancelled First Day Cover affixed with two stamp designs1 (S$3.85)$3.85.jpg
SingPost will also be releasing
a Miniature Sheet comprising the complete set of stamps (S$4.25),
a Precancelled First Day Cover affixed with two stamp designs1 (S$3.85),
a Pre-cancelled First Day Cover affixed with the Miniature Sheet (S$4.90),
a Pre-cancelled Commemorative Cover affixed with both Singapore and Brunei stamps (S$7.05) and
a Presentation Pack with the complete set of stamps (S$9.10).
PHOTO: Pre-cancelled First Day Cover with Miniature Sheet (S$4.90)$4.90.jpg
All stamp products of this issue will be on sale at all post offices and the Singapore Philatelic Museum from 27 November 2012. Orders can also be made at SingPost’s online shopping portal, vPOST, For more information please see the following.
Items on Sale Price
First Day Cover (without stamps) S$0.25*
Miniature Sheet S$4.25*
Pre-cancelled First-Day Cover affixed with stamps S$3.85*
Pre-cancelled First-Day Cover affixed with a miniature sheet S$4.90*
Pre-cancelled Commemorative Cover affixed with Singapore and Brunei stamps S$7.05*
Presentation Pack S$9.10*
PHOTO: Pre-cancelled Commemorative Cover affixed with S$7.05*
Technical Details
Date of Issue : 27 November 2012
Denominations : S1.00, S2.00
Stamp Size : 40.8mm x 29.85mm
Miniature Sheet : 120mm x 75mm
Perforation : 13
Paper : Unwatermarked
Printing Process : Offset Lithography
Printer : Secura Singapore Pte Ltd
Sheet Content : 10 Stamps per sheet
Designers : Janny Jin Li Juan (Singapore)
Pg Amir bin Pg Hj Sablon (Brunei)
* Prices inclusive of prevailing GST for purchases within Singapore

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