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Saturday, October 27, 2012

林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - 人生的归宿 (rén​ shēng dí guī​ sù) - The ultimate goal of life

Source Website:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LplK9ETW2og&feature=relmfu - (Youtube Video)
http://www.1ting.com/player/c7/player_161313.html - (Lyrics)
Published on Apr 25, 2012 by Crystal Ling

人生的归宿 (rén​ shēng dí guī​ sù) - The ultimate goal of life<br>眼前层层的迷雾我不在乎 (yǎn​ qián céng​ céng dí mí ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - I do not care about the layers upon layers of dense fog in front of me, <br>只要能走完这条路 (zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù) - As long as I can finish walking this road
PHOTO: 人生的归宿 (rén​ shēng dí guī​ sù) - The ultimate goal of life 
眼前层层的迷雾我不在乎 (yǎn​ qián céng​ céng dí mí ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - I do not care about the layers upon layers of dense fog in front of me,
只要能走完这条路 (zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù) - As long as I can finish walking this road

歌曲(gē qǔ) Song人生的归宿 (rén​ shēng dí guī​ sù) - The ultimate goal of life
歌手(gē shǒu) Singer林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - Anna Lin Shu Rong
提供者(tí​ gōng​ zhě) Provider:-
作曲(zuò​ qǔ) Composer, Music:-
作词(zuò cí) Lyrics:WangHuiBin


人来人往的路 - A road with people coming and going (busy road)
rén lái rén wǎng dí lù

漫漫足迹无数 - Full of footprint (too numerous to count)
màn màn zú ​jì wú ​shù

在此刻让我感触 - This moment allows me to discover
zài​ cǐ kè ràng gǎn​ chù

什么叫孤独 - What is loneliness
shén​ me jiào gū​ dú

一步又一步 - Every step
yī bù yòu yī bù

我盲目地追逐 - I blindly chase
wǒ máng ​mù dì zhuī​ zhú

声声叹息是我疲倦的倾诉 - I sigh when I am too tired to talk
shēng shēng tàn​ xī shì wǒ pí ​juàn dí qīng​ sù

眼前层层的迷雾我不在乎 - I do not care about the layers upon layers of dense fog in front of me,
yǎn​ qián céng​ céng dí mí ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu

只要寻找一个归宿 - Just want to look for the ultimate goal (final destination)
zhǐ​ yào xún​ zhǎo yī gè guī​ sù


在此刻让我感触 (zài​ cǐ kè ràng gǎn​ chù) - This moment allows me to discover<br>什么叫孤独 (shén​ me jiào gū​ dú) - What is loneliness
在此刻让我感触 (zài​ cǐ kè ràng gǎn​ chù) - This moment allows me to discover<br>什么叫孤独 (shén​ me jiào gū​ dú) - What is loneliness
PHOTO: Beautiful Kim Ha Yul, 김하율, 2012.10.07 19:58
在此刻让我感触 (zài​ cǐ kè ràng gǎn​ chù) - This moment allows me to discover
什么叫孤独 (shén​ me jiào gū​ dú) - What is loneliness
Kim Ha Yul.jpg

人来人往的路 - A road with people coming and going (busy road)
rén lái rén wǎng dí lù

漫漫足迹无数 - Full of footprint (too numerous to count)
màn màn zú ​jì wú ​shù

为什么你我脸上 - Why our faces
wèi shén ​me nǐ wǒ liǎn shàng

流露无依无助 - Reveal helplessness
liú lù wú yī wú ​zhù

爱情爱情是我的包袱 - Love is my burden
ài​ qíng ài​ qíng wǒ dí bāo ​fu

失去了你我该如何来弥补 - Without you, how do I manage
shī​ qù liǎo nǐ wǒ gāi rú​ hé lái mí ​bǔ

就算再一次错误我不在乎 - Even if it is wrong again, I do not care
jiù​ suàn zài​ yī​ cì ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu

只要能走完这条路 - As long as I can finish walking this road
zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù


为什么你我脸上 (wèi shén ​me nǐ wǒ liǎn shàng) - Why our faces<br>流露无依无助 (liú lù wú yī wú ​zhù) - Reveal helplessness<br>爱情爱情是我的包袱 (ài​ qíng ài​ qíng wǒ dí bāo ​fu) - Love is my burden

为什么你我脸上 (wèi shén ​me nǐ wǒ liǎn shàng) - Why our faces<br>流露无依无助 (liú lù wú yī wú ​zhù) - Reveal helplessness<br>爱情爱情是我的包袱 (ài​ qíng ài​ qíng wǒ dí bāo ​fu) - Love is my burden
PHOTO: Beautiful Kim Ha Yul, 김하율, 2012.10.07 19:58
(wèi shén ​me nǐ wǒ liǎn shàng) - Why our faces
(liú lù wú yī wú ​zhù shì ) - Reveal helplessness
(ài​ qíng ài​ qíng wǒ dí bāo ​fu) - Love is my burden

Kim Ha Yul-2.jpg



---------- END -----------

Translated by MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary and Google Translate

人生的归宿 (rén​ shēng dí guī​ sù) - The ultimate goal of life<br>眼前层层的迷雾我不在乎 (yǎn​ qián céng​ céng dí mí ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - I do not care about the layers upon layers of dense fog in front of me, <br>只要寻找一个归宿 (zhǐ​ yào xún​ zhǎo yī gè guī​ sù) - Just want to look for the ultimate goal (final destination) 人生的归宿 (rén​ shēng dí guī​ sù) - The ultimate goal of life<br>眼前层层的迷雾我不在乎 (yǎn​ qián céng​ céng dí mí ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - I do not care about the layers upon layers of dense fog in front of me, <br>只要寻找一个归宿 (zhǐ​ yào xún​ zhǎo yī gè guī​ sù) - Just want to look for the ultimate goal (final destination)
PHOTO: Beautiful Kim Ha Yul, 김하율, 2012.10.07 19:58
(rén​ shēng dí guī​ sù) - The ultimate goal of life
(yǎn​ qián céng​ céng dí mí ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - I do not care about the layers upon layers of dense fog in front of me,
(zhǐ​ yào xún​ zhǎo yī gè guī​ sù) - Just want to look for the ultimate goal (final destination)
Kim Ha Yul-1.jpg


一步又一步 (yī bù yòu yī bù ) - Every step<br>我盲目地追逐 (wǒ máng ​mù dì zhuī​ zhú) - I blindly chase<br>声声叹息是我疲倦的倾诉 (shēng shēng tàn​ xī shì wǒ pí ​juàn dí qīng​ sù) - I sigh when I am too tired to talk
PHOTO: Park Hyun Sun Lovely Outdoor, 朴鉉孫, 박현선, 2012.10.08 18:39
一步又一步 (yī bù yòu yī bù ) - Every step
我盲目地追逐 (wǒ máng ​mù dì zhuī​ zhú) - I blindly chase
声声叹息是我疲倦的倾诉 (shēng shēng tàn​ xī shì wǒ pí ​juàn dí qīng​ sù) - I sigh when I am too tired to talk
Park Hyun Sun-1.jpg


人来人往的路 (rén lái rén wǎng dí lù) - A road with people coming and going (busy road)<br>漫漫足迹无数 (màn màn zú ​jì wú ​shù) - Full of footprint (too numerous to count) PHOTO: Yeon Da Bin - KES 2012 (Part 2), 2012.10.13 19:48   
人来人往的路 (rén lái rén wǎng dí lù) - A road with people coming and going (busy road)
漫漫足迹无数 (màn màn zú ​jì wú ​shù) - Full of footprint (too numerous to count)


就算再一次错误我不在乎 (jiù​ suàn zài​ yī​ cì ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - Even if it is wrong again, I do not care<br>只要能走完这条路 (zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù) - As long as I can finish walking this road
PHOTO: Yeon Da Bin - KES 2012 (Part 2), 2012.10.13 19:48   
就算再一次错误我不在乎 (jiù​ suàn zài​ yī​ cì ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - Even if it is wrong again, I do not care
只要能走完这条路 (zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù) - As long as I can finish walking this road


林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - 人生的归宿 (rén​ shēng dí guī​ sù) - The ultimate goal of life

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LplK9ETW2og&feature=relmfu

林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - 人生的归宿 (rén​ shēng dí guī​ sù) - The ultimate goal of life

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3xCeIDToBs

林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - 往事如风,情如梦 (wǎng shì​ rú​ fēng, qíng rú mèng) - The past is like the wind, love is like a dream

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CDm-b1twPU&feature=related

林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - 爱的归宿 (ài dí guī​ sù) - The ultimate goal of love
爱的归宿 by 林淑容 Anna Lin

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTMLLsSMVS4&feature=related


From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=2OYMN3Kq7T4&feature=endscreen

林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - 怎麼能(網上首播) (zěn​ me néng [wǎng​ shàng shǒu bō]) - How can (Online top song)

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_DzJI-Fv-g&feature=related

林淑容 (Lín shū róng) - 缘浅 (yuán qiǎn) - Shallow edge
林淑容 - 缘浅

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKmZf_Ulk7c&feature=related

我为你祈祷+流运+谁是知音人 罗宾Robin + 龙飘飘Long Piau Piau
From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=693OqydT3SU

为什么你我脸上 (wèi shén ​me nǐ wǒ liǎn shàng) - Why our faces<br>流露无依无助 (liú lù wú yī wú ​zhù) - Reveal helplessness<br>眼前层层的迷雾我不在乎 (yǎn​ qián céng​ céng dí mí ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - I do not care about the layers upon layers of dense fog in front of me, <br>只要寻找一个归宿 (zhǐ​ yào xún​ zhǎo yī gè guī​ sù) - Just want to look for the ultimate goal (final destination)
为什么你我脸上 (wèi shén ​me nǐ wǒ liǎn shàng) - Why our faces<br>流露无依无助 (liú lù wú yī wú ​zhù) - Reveal helplessness<br>眼前层层的迷雾我不在乎 (yǎn​ qián céng​ céng dí mí ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - I do not care about the layers upon layers of dense fog in front of me, <br>只要寻找一个归宿 (zhǐ​ yào xún​ zhǎo yī gè guī​ sù) - Just want to look for the ultimate goal (final destination)
PHOTO: Yeon Da Bin in White, Tuesday, August 14, 2012
(wèi shén ​me nǐ wǒ liǎn shàng) - Why our faces
(liú lù wú yī wú ​zhù) - Reveal helplessness
(yǎn​ qián céng​ céng dí mí ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - I do not care about the layers upon layers of dense fog in front of me,
(zhǐ​ yào xún​ zhǎo yī gè guī​ sù) - Just want to look for the ultimate goal (final destination)




就算再一次错误我不在乎 (jiù​ suàn zài​ yī​ cì ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - Even if it is wrong again, I do not care<br>只要能走完这条路 (zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù) - As long as I can finish walking this road
就算再一次错误我不在乎 (jiù​ suàn zài​ yī​ cì ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - Even if it is wrong again, I do not care<br>只要能走完这条路 (zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù) - As long as I can finish walking this road
PHOTO: Yeon Da Bin in Black, Sunday, August 19, 2012
就算再一次错误我不在乎 (jiù​ suàn zài​ yī​ cì ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - Even if it is wrong again, I do not care
只要能走完这条路 (zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù) - As long as I can finish walking this road



爱情爱情是我的包袱 (ài​ qíng ài​ qíng wǒ dí bāo ​fu) - Love is my burden<br>失去了你我该如何来弥补 (shī​ qù liǎo nǐ wǒ gāi rú​ hé lái mí ​bǔ) - Without you, how do I manage
爱情爱情是我的包袱 (ài​ qíng ài​ qíng wǒ dí bāo ​fu) - Love is my burden<br>失去了你我该如何来弥补 (shī​ qù liǎo nǐ wǒ gāi rú​ hé lái mí ​bǔ) - Without you, how do I manage PHOTO: Saki Seto Part 2, 2012.May.09, Wednesday, 19:55
爱情爱情是我的包袱 (ài​ qíng ài​ qíng wǒ dí bāo ​fu) - Love is my burden
失去了你我该如何来弥补 (shī​ qù liǎo nǐ wǒ gāi rú​ hé lái mí ​bǔ) - Without you, how do I manage




人来人往的路 (rén lái rén wǎng dí lù) - A road with people coming and going (busy road)<br>青春的日记应该充满阳光,照亮了每一页年轻的时光……<br>The days of our youth should be bright and sunny .........
人来人往的路 (rén lái rén wǎng dí lù) - A road with people coming and going (busy road)<br>青春的日记应该充满阳光,照亮了每一页年轻的时光……<br>The days of our youth should be bright and sunny .........

PHOTO: Saki Seto Part 2, 2012.May.09, Wednesday, 19:55
人来人往的路 (rén lái rén wǎng dí lù) - A road with people coming and going (busy road)
The days of our youth should be bright and sunny .........




一步又一步 (yī bù yòu yī bù ) - Step by step<br>一年又一年的时间,不知不觉间,走到了尽头……<br>Without knowing it, year after year past by, until at the end ........
一步又一步 (yī bù yòu yī bù ) - Step by step<br>一年又一年的时间,不知不觉间,走到了尽头……<br>Without knowing it, year after year past by, until at the end ........
PHOTO: [写真照] 濑户早妃,有资源, 2012-5-9 08:45:01 - [Photo] Seto Saki
一步又一步 (yī bù yòu yī bù ) - Step by step
Without knowing it, year after year past by, until at the end ........


同样的路,通往同样的地方,只是一年又一年,人来人往。<br>It is always the same path, leading to the same place. Just that one year past by one year, with people coming and going.<br>最后一次坐在看台,最后一次看场比赛,最后一次,跟世界告别。<br>Finally the last sitting at the stands, and to see a game for the last time before bidding the last farewell with the world.同样的路,通往同样的地方,只是一年又一年,人来人往。<br>It is always the same path, leading to the same place. Just that one year past by one year, with people coming and going.<br>最后一次坐在看台,最后一次看场比赛,最后一次,跟世界告别。<br>Finally the last sitting at the stands, and to see a game for the last time before bidding the last farewell with the world.
PHOTO: Saki Seto Part 2, 2012.May.09, Wednesday, 19:55
It is always the same path, leading to the same place. Just that one year past by one year, with people coming and going.
Finally the last sitting at the stands, and to see a game for the last time before bidding the last farewell with the world.



以前总说跑步,直到今天,才第一次安静坐下,原来,操场这样大。<br>In the past used to said want to go running. Until today than the first time to reach the playground to sit quietly, only to discover that the place is so large.<br>在此刻让我感触 (zài​ cǐ kè ràng gǎn​ chù) - This moment allows me to discover<br>什么叫孤独 (shén​ me jiào gū​ dú) - What is loneliness

以前总说跑步,直到今天,才第一次安静坐下,原来,操场这样大。<br>In the past used to said want to go running. Until today than the first time to reach the playground to sit quietly, only to discover that the place is so large.<br>在此刻让我感触 (zài​ cǐ kè ràng gǎn​ chù) - This moment allows me to discover<br>什么叫孤独 (shén​ me jiào gū​ dú) - What is loneliness

PHOTO: Saki Seto Part 2, 2012.May.09, Wednesday, 19:55  
In the past used to said want to go running. Until today than the first time to reach the playground to sit quietly, only to discover that the place is so large.
在此刻让我感触 (zài​ cǐ kè ràng gǎn​ chù) - This moment allows me to discover
什么叫孤独 (shén​ me jiào gū​ dú) - What is loneliness



人生的路每个人都要走,尽管世上的人千千万,但没有哪个人能走一条和别人完全相同的路。 <br>Everybody has to go through their own path of life. Despite the thousands and thousands of people in this world, not one walk exactly the same path as another.<br>只要寻找一个归宿 (zhǐ​ yào xún​ zhǎo yī gè guī​ sù) - Just want to look for the ultimate goal (final destination)
人生的路每个人都要走,尽管世上的人千千万,但没有哪个人能走一条和别人完全相同的路。 <br>Everybody has to go through their own path of life. Despite the thousands and thousands of people in this world, not one walk exactly the same path as another.<br>只要寻找一个归宿 (zhǐ​ yào xún​ zhǎo yī gè guī​ sù) - Just want to look for the ultimate goal (final destination)

PHOTO: [写真照] 濑户早妃,有资源, 2012-5-9 08:45:01 - [Photo] Seto Saki

Everybody has to go through their own path of life. Despite the thousands and thousands of people in this world, not one walk exactly the same path as another.
只要寻找一个归宿 (zhǐ​ yào xún​ zhǎo yī gè guī​ sù) - Just want to look for the ultimate goal (final destination)



 那一天知道你要走,我们一句话也没有说……<br>That day knowing that you are leaving, we did not say a word ...<br>爱情爱情是我的包袱 (ài​ qíng ài​ qíng wǒ dí bāo ​fu) - Love is my burden
那一天知道你要走,我们一句话也没有说……<br>That day knowing that you are leaving, we did not say a word ...<br>爱情爱情是我的包袱 (ài​ qíng ài​ qíng wǒ dí bāo ​fu) - Love is my burden



  工作,我把你做完了,是时后可以走了。- Work, I have completed, its time to leave.<br>就算再一次错误我不在乎 (jiù​ suàn zài​ yī​ cì ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - Even if it is wrong again, I do not care<br>只要能走完这条路 (zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù) - As long as I can finish walking this road

工作,我把你做完了,是时后可以走了。- Work, I have completed, its time to leave.<br>就算再一次错误我不在乎 (jiù​ suàn zài​ yī​ cì ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - Even if it is wrong again, I do not care<br>只要能走完这条路 (zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù) - As long as I can finish walking this road
PHOTO: Saki Seto Part 2, 2012.May.09, Wednesday, 19:55
完了,是时后可以走了。- Work, I have completed, its time to leave.
就算再一次错误我不在乎 (jiù​ suàn zài​ yī​ cì ​wù wǒ bù​ zài hu) - Even if it is wrong again, I do not care
只要能走完这条路 (zhǐ​ yào néng zǒu wán zhè tiáo lù) - As long as I can finish walking this road



明天不一定会更好,但它一定会来。越长大,越知道做事不易做人难,以后,我还能这样装傻卖萌吗?- Tomorrow may not be better, but it will come. When we grow older, we learn that things are more complicated and difficult to do. Can I still play a fool, pretend to be naive, and act cute ?明天不一定会更好,但它一定会来。越长大,越知道做事不易做人难,以后,我还能这样装傻卖萌吗?- Tomorrow may not be better, but it will come. When we grow older, we learn that things are more complicated and difficult to do. Can I still play a fool, pretend to be naive, and act cute ?

PHOTO: Jo Sang Hi - Beautiful Outdoor, 2012.05.14 17:18
明天不一定会更好,但它一定会来。越长大,越知道做事不易做人难,以后,我还能这样装傻卖萌吗?- Tomorrow may not be better, but it will come. When we grow older, we learn that things are more complicated and difficult to do. Can I still play a fool, pretend to be naive, and act cute ?


离家的路越来越远 (lí jiā​ de lù yuè ​lái​ yuè yuǎn) - The way home become further and further away<br>多么希望再看一眼 (duō​ me xī​ wàng zài kàn yī​ yǎn) - How I wish I can see it once again<br>含着泪不能挽留 (hán zhuó​ lèi bù ​néng wǎn ​liú) - Stop the tears of unable to stay<br>含着泪不能归去 (hán zhuó​ lèi bù ​néng guī qù) - Stop the tears of unable to go back
PHOTO: Yeon Da Bin in White , Tuesday, August 14, 2012
离家的路越来越远 (lí jiā​ de lù yuè ​lái​ yuè yuǎn) - The way home become further and further away
多么希望再看一眼 (duō​ me xī​ wàng zài kàn yī​ yǎn) - How I wish I can see it once again
含着泪不能挽留 (hán zhuó​ lèi bù ​néng wǎn ​liú) - Stop the tears of unable to stay
含着泪不能归去 (hán zhuó​ lèi bù ​néng guī qù) - Stop the tears of unable to go back


