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Sunday, January 8, 2012

My Week with Marilyn A beautiful portrait

Source Webaite: http://movies.insing.com/feature/my-week-with-marilyn-a-beautiful-portrait/id-f8253f00
By inSing.com Editor, inSing.com

PHOTO: Spell-binder: Michelle Williams gives a beautifully nuanced performance as Marilyn Monroe in “My Week With Marilyn.”

Michelle Williams pushes herself to become a front-runner for Best Actress awards with her role as the legendary Marilyn in this witty and sharp biopic. It’s quite impossible for Williams, or any actress, to possess the pure star power and beauty of Monroe, but she does capture the vulnerability and gives the role the required depth.

Monroe arrives in London, together with playwright Arthur Miller, to shoot “The Prince and the Showgirl”, having already made a name for herself with “The Seven Year Itch”. It’s apparently clear that Olivier (Kenneth Branagh) has invited her across the Atlantic in order to seduce her.

PHOTO: Michelle Williams capture the sex appeal that oozed out of Monroe so breathlessly. She takes a Leap as Iconic Starlet Marilyn Monroe.

Pity for him that Monroe takes a shine to the film's star-struck third assistant director Colin Clark (Eddie Redmayne). Despite being warned, Clark, who hails from a well-to-do family, falls for Monroe’s ‘Little Girl Lost’ act, and he spurns the attractions of wardrobe girl Lucy, played by a not-so-magical Emma Watson, to squire (accompany or escort) her around the English countryside. He gets the opportunity to see Monroe in the buff not once but twice, including a skinny dip, and even gets to do a sleepover with Monroe, but no hanky panky.

Clark, the freckled hero of the piece, pulls Monroe out of her depression and her mental block to complete the movie. Occasionally, the film comes across as one man’s tremendously tall tale about his encounters with Monroe.

Michelle Williams’ performance is outstanding as Marilyn Monroe

Still, whatever the truth of the source, Michelle Williams’ performance is outstanding, even if she can’t quite capture the sex appeal that oozed out of Monroe so breathlessly, she does a superb job capturing the famous actress’ more vulnerable side. It takes some time to adjust to Williams playing Monroe, particularly at the beginning where there’s almost an uncanny valley moment, when one tries to adjust to the idea and accept Williams depiction, especially in the light of so many campy, overplayed Monroe portrayals that we’ve seen over the years.

PHOTO: Michelle Williams both Goddess and Girl

Williams is aided by an able supporting cast, even if the storyline doesn’t do her, or the movie, any favours.

Branagh is excellent as the conflicted and controlling Olivier, who’s caught between his desire to bed Monroe and finishing the movie, as well as his loyalty to his wife Vivien. Judi Dench has a quieter, but no less impressive role as Sybil Thorndike, who shows genuine kindness to the fishes-out-of-water Monroe and Clark.

Redmayne appears constantly overeager, and he’s often grinning so widely you’re wondering if he’s auditioning as The Joker.

Monroe as glamorous or misunderstood
PHOTO: Monroe as glamorous or misunderstood

Director Simon Curtis does get occasionally lazy, leaving Williams to capture Monroe as glamorous or misunderstood and very little in between, and Clark as a wide-eyed boy content to bask in her glow. But Williams’ depiction of Monroe as both Goddess and Girl might leave you similarly entranced.

By inSing.com Editor, inSing.com

PHOTO: Michelle Williams star as Marylin Monroe in "My Week with Marilyn", a chronicle of the tumultuous filming of the 1957 movie The Prince and the Showgirl, which was directed by and co-starred Laurence Olivier.

PHOTO: Marilyn Monroe can be an inspiration and an icon, 40 years after her death, beauty and elegance which is the main attraction decree.

Michelle Williams paid tribute to one of the icons are so fascinating and beautiful Marilyn Monroe for the cover of the October 2011 issue of Vogue magazine.
Michelle Williams paid tribute to one of the icons are so fascinating and beautiful Marilyn Monroe for the cover of the October 2011 issue of Vogue magazine.

PHOTO: Michelle Williams takes six months to immerse herself in everything Marilyn Monroe. “I’d go to bed every night with a stack of books next to me and I’d fall asleep to movies of her. It was like when you were a kid and you’d put a book under your pillow hoping you’d get it by osmosis.”

PHOTO: Amazing Michelle Williams Covers Vogue October 2011 as Marilyn Monroe.

PHOTO: This shot was taken from The Seven Year Itch of 1955. I'm sure many will readily recognize what is probably the dress with which she is most associated.

PHOTO: Celebrating Marilyn’s 85th birthday! In her birthday suit from “Something’s Got To Give”.

PHOTO: The Best Marilyn Monroe Shots You’ve Never Seen - Light as a Feather
That’s a lot of leg! Marilyn lounges with an expression similar to the Last Sitting: dreamy, eyes nearly closed, skin aglow. While her legs are summer bronze, that expanse of lighter thigh hints at days out wearing ’50s wiggle dresses.

PHOTO: Marilyn Monroe Feather Couch

Topless Tuesday - Marilyn Monroe by Tom Kelly
PHOTO: Topless Tuesday - Marilyn Monroe by Tom Kelly

PHOTO: Earl Moran's painting of a young and nude Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe sat fοr Earl Moran’s colourful oil painting іn 1948 οr 1949. Monroe wаѕ a fan οf thе work, saying іt mаԁе hеr legs look ‘wonderful’. Thе piece hаѕ a guide price οf 70,000 tο 90,000 (£43,500 tο £56,000)
Marilyn’s beaming smile is a testament to her comfort and natural demeanor while posing for Moran. Of all the models he worked with, he thought Monroe was the sexiest, “better than anyone else…She expressed just what I wanted.” Marilyn embraced Moran telling him she loved the way he made her legs look wonderful. Certainly no better endorsement for this fine painting. The painting is expected to fetch 70,000 to 90,000.

PHOTO: Earl Moran's Marilyn Monroe photo.

PHOTO: Marilyn Monroe Pin-up Poster 7 Year Itch Dress Way up!

PHOTO: Wow — highly realistic and what a conversation piece. I love how the dress is strategically draped as to not reveal anything you shouldn’t see at eye level — just like the actual still photo from the 1954 movie, The Seven Year Itch. I’ve always liked Johnson’s work, particularly The Awakening.
