PHOTO: http://amir32a.persiangig.com/aga/payiz.jpg
MY PAPER, F R I D A Y, MAY 1 4 , 2 0 1 0, PAGE A1 & A4, NEWS
By PAMELA CHOW, pamelac@sph.com.sg

PHOTO: A 404 error means that whatever page you tried to reach on the Internet isn't there. Usually this means that you didn't type the correct address in the browser or that the link you used to try to access the page was wrong. http://z.about.com/d/pcsupport/1/0/i/3/-/-/404-page-not-found.jpg
PHOTO: A Short Survey and Some Blue Sky Thinking

PHOTO: After the recent debate over the Wii, it is nice to see there is some real innovation and blue sky thinking out there. Finally, a new type of controller we can get behind!
The future of gaming interaction is here at last!
From: That guy's a Maniac...
http://media.thatguys.co.uk/uploaded_images/500x_nipple-pad-759626.jpg http://media.thatguys.co.uk/labels/Womengamers.html
PHOTO: Ducks in a Row Photo by Mike Hall.

PHOTO: Blamestorming

PHOTO: Ducks in a row: Photo by Photographer Ron Adair - photo.net

PHOTO: Nuts and bolts

PHOTO: Before I get into the nuts and bolts how to make money online
Office slang has cultural slant

PHOTO: Time to get my rusted drawing skills some run and see if I still have it http://studiomugenjohncel.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/kogasa-riddled-with-arrows.jpg

PHOTO: Laser Eye Ultra Waves

PHOTO: Sad Mac, Broken image, 404 error Apache server
What it means: Someone who is completely clueless
Origin: The Internet’s HTTP 404 Error page, displayed when a page cannot be found

PHOTO: The design on this 404 page is very tasteful, but pretty.

PHOTO: let break the myth of unlimited disk space and bandwidth
What it means: Ability to accept a project or idea
Origin: The capacity of online data transfer
Usage: “I don’t have enough bandwidth for this project.”
Term: CLM (Career-Limiting Move)
What it means: An ill-advised action that will threaten one’s promotion chances
Origin: Not known
Usage: “Scolding the boss is a serious CLM.”

PHOTO: Would make a solid logo
What it means: A supervisor who flies in, makes a lot of noise and mess, then leaves
Origin: Neighbourhood birds that create a lot of trouble
Usage: “The seagull manager voided our entire proposal.”

PHOTO: They bring a potent blend of strategic thinking
What it means: An exaggeration of tactical steps and extra effort put in to improve performance
Origin: A staircase being a metaphor for progression
Usage: “We have planned a strategic staircase for our department.”

PHOTO: http://amir32a.persiangig.com/aga/payiz.jpg
- MY PAPER, F R I D A Y, MAY 1 4 , 2 0 1 0, PAGE A1 & A4, NEWS
- http://myepaper.mypaper.sg/ebook/web_php/fvbrowserjs.php?urljs=http://myepaper.mypaper.sg/ecreator/sphopf/mya140510cnd_opf_files/mya140510cnd.js&ver=Gen
- http://z.about.com/d/pcsupport/1/0/i/3/-/-/404-page-not-found.jpg
- http://solotravelerblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/question-mark.JPG
- http://media.thatguys.co.uk/uploaded_images/500x_nipple-pad-759626.jpg
- http://media.thatguys.co.uk/labels/Womengamers.html
- http://eliastobias.net/wp-content/3ducks.JPG
- http://photo.net/general-comments/attachment/3144567/Adair_Ron_Ducks-in-a-Row2.jpg
- http://o.aolcdn.com/propeller/media/group_avatar/group_570_1218989720.jpg
- http://www.boltdepot.com/images/Chrome-nuts-and-bolts.jpg
- http://www.metafever.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/sucess-money-business-man-money-falling.jpg
- http://studiomugenjohncel.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/kogasa-riddled-with-arrows.jpg
- http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/2639/248487-quistis1_super.jpg
- http://www.slipperybrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/blue-screen-of-death-t-shirt.jpg
- http://z.about.com/d/webdesign/1/0/H/T/1/404eroticachallenge.png
- http://static.open.salon.com/files/secpic_seagull1_b1233704043.jpg
- http://www.bigshop.com.au/mas_assets/full/BBA-3481.jpg
- http://realitybites.in/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Unlimited-Space-Unlimited-bandwidth.jpg
- http://www.clearpathba.com/images/staircase.jpg
- http://amir32a.persiangig.com/aga/payiz.jpg