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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Car - Lamborghini (Reventon - Xbox 360 game REVIEW)

TODAY, Friday October 16, 2009, TECH, B13
By Trevor Tan

Virtual Motorsport at its finest (Xbox 360 game REVIEW)
Forza Mo torsport 3 (Xbox 360 game REVIEW)

PHOTO: Lamborghini (Reventon)

PHOTO: F40 Scuderia

PHOTO: Japanese Evo

UNLESS you are motoring journalist Jeremy Clarkson or you’re really, really rich, you will probably never get to drive a Ferrari or a Lamborghini. Fortunately, we can live out our vehicular fantasies on video games like the latest Forza Motorsport 3 (FM3).

PHOTO: http://p.webwombat.com.au/motoring/images/lamborghini-reventon-2-big.jpg

PHOTO: http://www.luxuo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/lamborghini_reventon_roadster4.jpg

The Xbox 360-exclusive driving franchise is famous for its realistic racing simulation but the overwhelmingly technical approach of its previous iterations put off many casual racers.

PHOTO: http://www.freewebs.com/ultimatecarz/2008-Lamborghini-Reventon-Front-And-Side-1920x1440.jpg

PHOTO: http://www.drivebulletin.com/uploaded_images/2010-Lamborghini-Reventon-Roadster-766399.jpg

The third installment seeks mass appeal. Like previous versions, you can set the difficulty level and turn on driving assist technology like traction control and anti-lock brakes.

One new assist that will make hardcore racers scoff in disgust and novices grin in delight is the Rewind feature. Hit the Rewind button during a race and you can rewind five seconds of precious time, allowing you to retry the chicane that you previously crashed. If you think this is cheating, you can always opt not to hit that Rewind button.

PHOTO: http://www.drivebulletin.com/uploaded_images/2010-Lamborghini-Reventon-Roadster-786736.jpg

Hardcore and casual racers alike will love the cornucopia of more than 400 cars and 100 real-life circuits. Except for a few cars that need to be unlocked, you can drive virtually any of the 400 cars in any circuit in Free Play, where you can go for a quick race or a hot lap, or race with a friend via split screen.

PHOTO: http://www.autofans.us/images/2007%20Frankfurt%20Auto%20Show/2008%20Lamborghini%20Reventon%2013.jpg

Of course, there is the single-player season mode with a racing calendar custom- tailored to the cars you have. Winning races mean more credits and more cars for your garage, from a modest Honda Fit to a spanking 2010 Chevrolet Camaro.

PHOTO: http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs20/f/2007/265/e/9/Lamborghini_Reventon_by_pilotZ3ro.png

The season mode can be quite addictive as you seek to win one race after another. If you get bored of the season mode, there is the multiplayer component with plenty of options, like drift, drag racing or tag team.

PHOTO: http://files.conceptcarz.com/img/Lamborghini/lamborghini_Reventon_DV-08_MB_08.jpg

Perhaps the most addictive feature of all is the constant customisation of your cars, from mere cosmetic surgery to tuning your entire setup. You might spend more time mulling over a paint job or applying decals than actually racing!

PHOTO: http://cdn-www.rsportscars.com/images/lamborghini/2007-lamborghini-reventon/reventon07_051600.jpg

Further exacerbating that addiction is the ability to create your own decal designs and put them up on sale with the new Storefront via Xbox Live. In fact, you can buy and sell tuning setups, designs and vinyl groups.

PHOTO: http://p.webwombat.com.au/motoring/images/lamborghini-reventon-2-big.jpg

You can also put your unwanted car up for auction or bid for that highly-tuned car you desire. All transactions use the in-game credits that you can earn during season mode. If you turn off more driving assists, you will earn more driver experience and receive more credits.

PHOTO: http://www.zcars.com.au/images/lamborghini-reventon-panavia-tornado-jetfighter12.jpg

The biggest drawback of FM3 is that it takes a bit of time to go from one menu to another. The loading time before a race is even longer, at around 45 seconds. Once the race starts, all is forgotten as you cannot help but admire the gorgeously-rendered environments and the superbly-sculpted cars beside you as you power through the circuit.

PHOTO: http://www.dieselstation.com/wallpapers/albums/Lamborghini/Reventon-Roadster/Lamborghini-Reventon-Roadster-widescreen-03.jpg

Note that you can’t change the timing or weather condition of the races.

PHOTO: http://fancytuning.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/2008-lamborghini-reventon-front-angle-1280x960.jpg

Audio is top-notch, with an enthralling soundtrack and realistic sound effects, from the engine’s enthusiastic roar as you race down the straights to the exhilarating screech as you brake hard into the corners.

PHOTO: http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/4613/lamborghinireventonzircit4.jpg

The in-game physics is also realistic to the core — different cars handle differently and you have to judge your braking points accordingly to achieve the perfect racing line.

FM3 is a superb racing game in terms of graphics, realism, customisation and variety of cars and circuits. But its greatest strength is its accessibility to the masses, with the Rewind feature and various driving assists. Add the innovative Storefront and FM3 is the only racing game you will need on the Xbox 360 platform.

By Trevor Tan

PHOTO: http://imcms2.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/pdf/20091016/1610ITC066.pdf
Have your very own showdown with friends at XGS 2009 with the latest games, including Tekken 6.
TODAY, Friday October 16, 2009, TECH, B13

PHOTO: http://cdn-www.rsportscars.com/images/lamborghini/2007-lamborghini-reventon/reventon07_051600.jpg
