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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Car - Lamborghini (Reventon - Xbox 360 game REVIEW)

TODAY, Friday October 16, 2009, TECH, B13
By Trevor Tan

Virtual Motorsport at its finest (Xbox 360 game REVIEW)
Forza Mo torsport 3 (Xbox 360 game REVIEW)

PHOTO: Lamborghini (Reventon)

PHOTO: F40 Scuderia

PHOTO: Japanese Evo

UNLESS you are motoring journalist Jeremy Clarkson or you’re really, really rich, you will probably never get to drive a Ferrari or a Lamborghini. Fortunately, we can live out our vehicular fantasies on video games like the latest Forza Motorsport 3 (FM3).

PHOTO: http://p.webwombat.com.au/motoring/images/lamborghini-reventon-2-big.jpg

PHOTO: http://www.luxuo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/lamborghini_reventon_roadster4.jpg

The Xbox 360-exclusive driving franchise is famous for its realistic racing simulation but the overwhelmingly technical approach of its previous iterations put off many casual racers.

PHOTO: http://www.freewebs.com/ultimatecarz/2008-Lamborghini-Reventon-Front-And-Side-1920x1440.jpg

PHOTO: http://www.drivebulletin.com/uploaded_images/2010-Lamborghini-Reventon-Roadster-766399.jpg

The third installment seeks mass appeal. Like previous versions, you can set the difficulty level and turn on driving assist technology like traction control and anti-lock brakes.

One new assist that will make hardcore racers scoff in disgust and novices grin in delight is the Rewind feature. Hit the Rewind button during a race and you can rewind five seconds of precious time, allowing you to retry the chicane that you previously crashed. If you think this is cheating, you can always opt not to hit that Rewind button.

PHOTO: http://www.drivebulletin.com/uploaded_images/2010-Lamborghini-Reventon-Roadster-786736.jpg

Hardcore and casual racers alike will love the cornucopia of more than 400 cars and 100 real-life circuits. Except for a few cars that need to be unlocked, you can drive virtually any of the 400 cars in any circuit in Free Play, where you can go for a quick race or a hot lap, or race with a friend via split screen.

PHOTO: http://www.autofans.us/images/2007%20Frankfurt%20Auto%20Show/2008%20Lamborghini%20Reventon%2013.jpg

Of course, there is the single-player season mode with a racing calendar custom- tailored to the cars you have. Winning races mean more credits and more cars for your garage, from a modest Honda Fit to a spanking 2010 Chevrolet Camaro.

PHOTO: http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs20/f/2007/265/e/9/Lamborghini_Reventon_by_pilotZ3ro.png

The season mode can be quite addictive as you seek to win one race after another. If you get bored of the season mode, there is the multiplayer component with plenty of options, like drift, drag racing or tag team.

PHOTO: http://files.conceptcarz.com/img/Lamborghini/lamborghini_Reventon_DV-08_MB_08.jpg

Perhaps the most addictive feature of all is the constant customisation of your cars, from mere cosmetic surgery to tuning your entire setup. You might spend more time mulling over a paint job or applying decals than actually racing!

PHOTO: http://cdn-www.rsportscars.com/images/lamborghini/2007-lamborghini-reventon/reventon07_051600.jpg

Further exacerbating that addiction is the ability to create your own decal designs and put them up on sale with the new Storefront via Xbox Live. In fact, you can buy and sell tuning setups, designs and vinyl groups.

PHOTO: http://p.webwombat.com.au/motoring/images/lamborghini-reventon-2-big.jpg

You can also put your unwanted car up for auction or bid for that highly-tuned car you desire. All transactions use the in-game credits that you can earn during season mode. If you turn off more driving assists, you will earn more driver experience and receive more credits.

PHOTO: http://www.zcars.com.au/images/lamborghini-reventon-panavia-tornado-jetfighter12.jpg

The biggest drawback of FM3 is that it takes a bit of time to go from one menu to another. The loading time before a race is even longer, at around 45 seconds. Once the race starts, all is forgotten as you cannot help but admire the gorgeously-rendered environments and the superbly-sculpted cars beside you as you power through the circuit.

PHOTO: http://www.dieselstation.com/wallpapers/albums/Lamborghini/Reventon-Roadster/Lamborghini-Reventon-Roadster-widescreen-03.jpg

Note that you can’t change the timing or weather condition of the races.

PHOTO: http://fancytuning.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/2008-lamborghini-reventon-front-angle-1280x960.jpg

Audio is top-notch, with an enthralling soundtrack and realistic sound effects, from the engine’s enthusiastic roar as you race down the straights to the exhilarating screech as you brake hard into the corners.

PHOTO: http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/4613/lamborghinireventonzircit4.jpg

The in-game physics is also realistic to the core — different cars handle differently and you have to judge your braking points accordingly to achieve the perfect racing line.

FM3 is a superb racing game in terms of graphics, realism, customisation and variety of cars and circuits. But its greatest strength is its accessibility to the masses, with the Rewind feature and various driving assists. Add the innovative Storefront and FM3 is the only racing game you will need on the Xbox 360 platform.

By Trevor Tan

PHOTO: http://imcms2.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/pdf/20091016/1610ITC066.pdf
Have your very own showdown with friends at XGS 2009 with the latest games, including Tekken 6.
TODAY, Friday October 16, 2009, TECH, B13

PHOTO: http://cdn-www.rsportscars.com/images/lamborghini/2007-lamborghini-reventon/reventon07_051600.jpg


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cupid gets a new name - Social Development Network

TODAY, Afternoon Edition, Friday October 16, 2009
TODAY (Online),
11:55 AM Oct 16, 2009

by Leong Wee Keat

Cupid gets a new name - Social Development Network
Singles will get subsidies to sample dating activities

The SDN has been created to help singles find partners with minimum fuss and embarrassment.
Copyright MediaCorp Press Ltd

PHOTO: SDN and participating agencies.
SDN's provides basic services
. These include access to the agency's online communication platform, magazine and information on events
planned by SDN and its partners

IF YOU are single, a Singaporean or Permanent Resident, and aged 20 and above, the Government is offering to offset some of your dating costs.

Picture: http://www.dulemba.com/Blogstuff/ColoringPageTuesdays/Cupid-big.jpg
This loving CUPID on its way to create the next successful boy-girl union that will exist for a life time. A very cheerful worker performing the tasks that leads to more happy events and creations of mankind.

The Social Development Network (SDN) - the new name of the combined Social Development Unit-Social Development Service (SDU-SDS), it was announced this morning - is giving a one-time subsidy of $25 to singles who are trying out dating sampler packages for the first time.

PHOTO: http://wallpaper4god.com/download-wallpaper_1-corinthians-1313_1024x768_2426.html
A perfect combination of the loving elements in this primitive world and religion universe, in english and chinese language, with early spring flower.

Singles have 10 packages, put together by nine accredited dating agencies, to choose from. Though the packages are each worth between 64 and 502, singles need only pay $50 to get a taste of the dating activities, with the rest of the cost absorbed by the agencies.

PHOTO: Recent Berjaya trip by Philip's Colleagues.
A tour with exceptional opportunities for networking, information gathering and fun activities. Breadth taking scenery and wonderful environmental air.

The packages include grooming courses, dating consultation and networking events as well as tours, such as to the Old Parliament House.

Singles will also no longer have to pay registration fees to access SDN's basic services. These include access to the agency's online communication platform, magazine and information on events planned by SDN and its partners.

PHOTO: Recent Berjaya trip by Philip's Colleagues.
The resort with quiet ambient surrounding is an ideal place for a peaceful holiday, away from the stressful working environment.

Prior to this, singles paid $10 for a year's membership, and SDN hopes the fee waiver will get more on board - there are about 350,000 people in the potential pool of singles aged between 25 and 44 - to widen their social circles.

PHOTO: Recent Berjaya trip by Philip's Colleagues.
The pictureque Europe landscape is enough to set our mind wandering with pleasure. This type of natural escape is the best form of activities to indulge ourselves into completely.

Around 75,000 singles who signed up with SDU-SDS previously will enjoy the dating samplers for free. The first 1,000 non-members who sign up with SDN will also get them for free.

PHOTO: Recent Berjaya trip by Philip's Colleagues.
A very well cultivated green and flowering landscape in the remote part of a jungle that comes complete with all the luxuries to refresh our body and minds.

The moves, announced by Minister of State (Community Development, Youth and Sports) Yu-Foo Yee Shoon at the Partner Connection Trade Seminar this morning, come as the trend of people not marrying or marrying at a later age, especially among women, continues to grow.

PHOTO: http://www.supplierlist.com/photo_images/34929/Sterling_silver_platinum_plated_Cupid_Cut_Ring.jpg
Platinium, the most precious metal, together with the best glittering diamond is still the most popular way to express the life-long commitment between couples.

PHOTO: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_A_Young_Girl_Defending_Herself_Against_Eros_(1880).jpg

William-Adolphe Bouguereau:

  • English: A Young Girl Defending Herself Against Eros
  • Français : Jeune Fille se Defendant Contre L'amour
  • Italiano: Una giovane ragazza che si difende da Eros

According to the population trends report released last month, the median age of citizens at first marriage increased from 28.3 to 29.7 years for males, and from 25.7 to 27.1 years for females, between 1998 and 2008.

PHOTO: http://phelans1.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/cupid_dead.jpg
People are not marrying or marrying at a later age, especially among women, continues to grow.

SDN's latest makeover continues a revamp which began in 2006. Then, the agency established an accreditation framework for the private dating agencies and practitioners to encourage industry players to enhance standards.

PHOTO: Recent Vietnam trip by Philip's Colleagues.
A very unique, fancinating and Cultural monuments only found in few places in the world.

Nine dating agencies and 13 dating practitioners have been given the stamp of approval. Earlier this year, SDU and SDS merged to give members greater access to more singles.

PHOTO: Recent Vietnam trip by Philip's Colleagues.
Many beautiful garden flowers and plants arround the temple structures.

Describing the outreach as "a new milestone for the dating landscape", Mrs Yu-Foo said SDN's new name "reflects the expanded role of the organisation, being in the centre of the entire local dating network, creating an environment that is conducive for all singles to meet and forge meaningful relationships. I hope singles will regard SDN as their friend."

By Leong Wee Keat

PHOTO: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7c/William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_Invation_(1893).jpg
William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905) - The Invation (Le Guêpier) (1892)
Translated title: The Wasp's Nest. 1892 Oil on canvas
83 3/4 x 60 inches (213 x 152.5 cm)
Private collection Signed and dated lower right


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ez-link Card - Part 12 (40% of old ez-link cards not replaced)


40% of old ez-link cards not replaced

What happened to the unaccountable cards?

MORE than 40 per cent
of the original ez-link cards issued have not been exchanged for new cards, meant for more purposes than just paying public-transport fees.

The live and evergreen flowing stream originates from the highest peak. The EZ-Link cards number after reaching the ultimate peak has its intention and worth discovered, but whatever that reaches the highest will comes down naturally.
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/alpine-lake-1024-768-3991.html

Of the eight million ez-link cards
slated to be replaced by the Contactless e-Purse Application Standard (Cepas)-compliant cards, more than 3.3 million had not been exchanged even after the deadline, extended by a week, passed last Wednesday.

The continuous effort to make payment more convenient for ERP, Parking, Fines and Consumptions carries on steadily and quietly in the dark background.
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/forest-watermill-1024-768-2779.html

In future, the new cards can be used to pay Electronic Road Pricing fees, parking charges and fines for overdue loans from the National Library Board.

Not all red coloured are shunned. Christmas is not mandatory but the commercial world has long decided that it should be. The real mandatory time that requires our attention are sadly ignored or forgotten. The helpless remains doom while the able celebrates.
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/christmas-girls-1024-768-2919.html

It can also be used to make purchases, at retail shops such as 7-Eleven outlets.

This amazing world contains many things treasured, whether used or not. They derived its value upon discovery otherwise it remains unknown and maybe wrongly unwanted.
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/golf-course-1024-768-1976.html

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) declined to comment on the possible reasons for such a large number of cards remaining unreplaced.

Cold response from the world may means something is being forced too extremely on to nature. People may have purposely delayed to express their displeasure.

But the bulk of these cards are likely to have been cards that were not in active use.

There is nothing new that is totally unknown. Long before its discoveries many others has already threaded the uneven vast plain of space. Those that started on the journey earlier, have paved the way for us to continue our journey, in a more comfortable manner. Again, those pioneers will be conveniently forgotten. The real heroes dies alone without any glamorous acknowledgment of their contributions. Their may be mistaken as the enemies who should be rightly shot to death.
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/gull-1024-768-3682.html

By mid-September, 92 per cent of public-transport rides were already being made using the new Cepas-compliant card, the LTA said.

92% is very high result, almost full point. This means 4,232,000 new cards are used. Together with another 200,000 old cards, all together 4,432,000 cards, old and new, are being used. Its time for the project to enjoy their creation.

At that time
, there were some 200,000 old cards still being used actively on public transport.

This pair of old couple with their pairs of old wing can still be used to transport them around for a long time to come. Is there really a need to REPLACED them with new ones?
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/macaws-in-flight-1024-768-707.html

More than 4.6 million original cards had been replaced, at no charge, in an exercise that lasted from Jan 9 to Oct 7 this year, said an LTA spokesman.

The exercise was meant to have ended on Sept 30, but was extended for a week. During this last week, 153,000 cards were replaced.

Anything that is precious and sentimental will be hard to be separated. All living things knows that much but human beings choose to ignore them especially when the $ is at stake. Even the plant cannot withstand the heartlessness of humans although the plant themsleves do not have any heart.
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/in-the-green-1024-768-3718.html

$15 may be considered as a small sum to some monopoly but this "Sunny and Green" services could be too high to be reached by many others.
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/sunny-tree-branches-1024-768-2781.html

From now, those who wish to get a Cepas-compliant card will have to pay $15.

Honey, so sweet that many long for it. Or anything that is related to it. Honeymoon, Bread and Honey, Honey Coughdrops and Honey wife.

My paper found several commuters who had reasons not to replace their cards. Some have hung on to their old cards because they are collectors’ items and hold sentimental value.

Valentine’s Day, Wedding day, Honeymoon, .. brings people in love together. Items associated will be kept for remembrance of the paradises which once upon a time was with them.

Precious Moments. In Love. Those who experienced it will want to keep this moment in their memories.
Many wishes for such moments but waited in vain.

Singles may not have intimate moments but their time is spent on searching for a better future. Can they find it? Some are fated to be unsucessful.

Freelance writer Annie Tan, 28, bought a Cepas-compliant card instead of trading in her old one, which was a Valentine’s Day collectible that she got as a gift. She said: “It was a Precious Moments ez-link card from my good friend, and I’m retaining it as a keepsake.

Keeping the wonderful moments alive. Precious Moments are not always available.
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/petals-and-water-1024-768-1120.html

There is only one source of unlimited water supply. But when the day comes with another alternative mode of transport, who would want to go through all this troubles?
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/punch-bowl-falls-1024-768-396.html

Others do not see the need to get new cards, as they drive and do not use public transport often. One of them, Mr Xu Youfeng, 26, a civil servant, said: “I bought an ez-link card when my car was undergoing
routine servicing. Since I drive, I hardly use the card, so I did not bother to change it.

For some, the cool and quiet world of their own is enough. Why travel differently to look for trouble? Travelling by car is costly but some need it for reasons due to work, friends, colleagues or family.

Ms Sally Koh, 28, a researcher, who stopped taking public transport after she bought a car two months ago, said: “I think a lot of these unchanged cards belong to commuters-turned-drivers. Why would I bother changing mine now that I drive?"


Let hope this proccess is a dream that comes truth to many. Many most properly will be experiencing nightmares trying to make the Auto Top-Up function working.
Photo: http://www.ewallpapers.eu/view_wallpaper/the-taj-mahal-1024-768-4086.html
