Thank You For Watching the 1st Asian Youth Games 2009
Picture is from http://www.ayg2009.sg/page/nowlive/0,,12804~449320,00.html

After a day of official duties, students come home late to struggle (often with their parents or guardians) late into the night, to finish the day's school work. As dawn draws near there is still no relief. There are still many unfinished tasks to be accomplished, ASAP. Take leave from work in this uncertain time, could face the final music from the company. We may be told not to bother coming any more.

Events like this one is never smooth going. There are countless moments of anxiety and stress because of the unknowns. I have known of instances of last minutes meetings, briefings, trainings and arrangements for the next days. We then begin to wonder what has happen to our world-class management abilities.

Diving Day 2 - Dang, Tram Anh (VIE) about to exit her tuck position
Picture is from http://www.ayg2009.sg/page/Diving/Gallery
Even our neighbour country, Malaysia, decided to pull out partially from the competition. Two other countries pull out because they are affected by the virus. At this moment a 49-year with heart problem is confirmed dead with H1N1. Our community cases have long since cross the 1000 mark.

Diving Day 2 - Dina Maria Natalie swings her arm as she exists a somersault
Picture is from http://www.ayg2009.sg/page/Diving/Gallery
Everybody is happy because we discover that we actually can do well in sports. Our youths are capable of making us proud of our country. When the medals keep on increasing, we realise that many people have been working behind the scene, all this time, quietly promoting the sport's events.

Diving Day 2 - Khoemenkova Anastasiya (UZB), in the tuck position as she leaves the 3m springboard
Picture is from http://www.ayg2009.sg/page/Diving/Gallery
We cannot help it, but secretly feel excited and delighted whenever our flag is raise to the highest. This is the time, this is the moment which we are hoping for and we succeed. Our sons and daughters are carrying our flag high again and again!

Diving Day 2 - Kim Nami (KOR) looks down as she prepares to plunge vertically into the water
This is definitely the most glamorous moment for all parents and elders. Because "my babies, ah boy and ah girl have make it". All mother on earth are the same; very very happy when their youngs achieve national awards and appreciations.

Diving Day 2 - Liu, Tian (CHN) in the 3m springboard finals
The many uncles and aunties who have quietly scarifying their time and efforts to support the events also beam with joy, and experience everlasting happiness. Their efforts are not wasted.

The cleaners, bus drivers, officials, planners, hawkers, teachers, principals, ministers, leaders and many others ... will soon be forgotten. Very sad but that is the harsh fact.

The worries and hardships, obstacles, unhappiness, perspirations, pains, discomforts, H1N1 and stress will also be forgotten - until the next events.

Hopefully all that is learned and gained is useful for the coming event. Keeping our fingers relax and enjoy the coming National Day.

爱你不变情意长 (Love you with the same deep affectionate attachment) by 黄晓君 Huang Xiao Jin & The Stylers
ài nǐ bú biàn qíng yì cháng
Picture is from http://www.youtube.com/

为什么抛弃我 (Why abandoned me) by 张小英 Zhang Xiao Ying & The Travellers
wèi shén me pāo qì wǒ
Picture is from http://www.youtube.com/, Created by Alvin EH Tan, July 2008

含泪的分手(The tears of breaking up) by 张小英 Zhang Xiao Ying & The Stylers.jpg
hán lèi de fēn shǒu
Picture is from http://www.youtube.com/, Created by Alvin EH Tan, June 2008

含泪的分手(The tears of breaking up) by 张小英 Zhang Xiao Ying & The Stylers.jpg
hán lèi de fēn shǒu
Picture is from http://www.youtube.com/, Created by Alvin EH Tan, June 2008
- http://www.ayg2009.sg/page/nowlive/0,,12804~449320,00.html (Thank You For Watching)
- Picture is from http://www.ayg2009.sg/page/TheGames/Gallery/0,,12804~1715345,00.html - This is the Time, this is the Moment (Gallery)
- http://www.ayg2009.sg/page/Diving/Gallery
- (Diving Day 2 - Dang, Tram Anh (VIE) about to exit her tuck position)
- (Diving Day 2 - Kim Nami (KOR) looks down as she prepares to plunge vertically into the water)
- (Diving Day 2 - Dina Maria Natalie swings her arm as she exists a somersault)
- (Diving Day 2 - Liu, Tian (CHN) in the 3m springboard finals)
- (Diving Day 2 - Nyunt Soe Sandar (MYA) extending her arms as she prepares to plunge vertically into the water)
- (Diving Day 2 - Nalus Natassia Marie (PHI) about to enter the water)
- (Diving Day 2 - Nalus Natassia Marie (PHI), in the Girl's 3m springboard, Preliminaries)
- (Diving Day 2 - Khoemenkova Anastasiya (UZB), in the tuck position as she leaves the 3m springboard)
- http://www.youtube.com