By Ong dai Lin, dailin@mediacorp.com.sg

Picture is obtained from http://www.pap.org.sg/uploads/ap/4986/mr_baey_with_the_players.jpg
She has been assigned to take care of the athletes from Qatar. “I have to make sure they get to their competition venues on time and (that they) get their meals. There will be daily briefings during the Games with my teacher-incharge who will tell me what the athletes want and what to do for them.”

Each school has around 200 students in the “School Adopts a Sport Venue” initiative who will assist sports officials in managing the sports venues to be used.

Picture is obtained from http://www.sgyoutholympics.com/wp-content/uploads/image/picto.png

Picture is obtained from MY PAPER FRIDAY JUNE 9, 2009 - Page A16 (Trees and the sea)
More than 500 MOE staff and teachers are also involved in AYG. The teachers will act as liaison officers, help to organise events, and guide students on the setting up of Asian Cultural Booths in the games village.

Picture is obtained from http://rogercj.spaces.live.com/

- MY PAPER FRIDAY JUNE 9, 2009 - Page A16 (Trees and the sea)
- MY PAPER FRIDAY JUNE 9, 2009 - Page B14 (Financial Crisis)
- http://myepaper.mypaper.sg/ebook/web_php/fvbrowserjs.php?urljs=http://myepaper.mypaper.sg/ecreator/sphopf/ep090609cnd_opf_files/ep090609cnd.js&ver=Gen
- http://imcms2.mediacorp.sg/CMSFileserver/documents/006/pdf/20090612/1206NSL023.pdf - Today's Asian Youth Games Volunteers
- http://www.sgyoutholympics.com/wp-content/uploads/image/picto.png (Youth Olympic Games 2010)
- http://www.ayg2009.sg/javaImages/3b/1b/0,,12804~5839675,00.jpg (AYG Mascot)
- http://www.pap.org.sg/uploads/ap/4986/mr_baey_with_the_players.jpg
- http://whyohgee.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/2227451835_d95cebd7cb.jpg (Swissotel The Stamford at Raffles City)
- http://rogercj.spaces.live.com/