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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Asian Youth Games - UNITED IN RELAY

Singaporeans gather in support as AYG flame is paraded to all corners of island
dawnt@sph.com.sg, darylldj@sph.com.sg

GAMES ALIGHT: National athletes (from left) Jasmine Ser, Remy Ong and Tao Li lit the AYG cauldron. (PHOTOS: JAMIE KOH)

ONE by one, they held out their torches to be lit amid loud cheers, then held the Asian Youth Games (AYG) flame aloft as they ran their designated routes.

Picture is obtained from MY PAPER MONDAY JUNE 29, 2009, MY SPORT, A11
One of the Torches

Ministers, athletes and Games sponsors were united as one yesterday, as the first day of the AYG torch relay saw the flame reach all corners of Singaporefrom Woodlands to Jurong, from Pasir Ris to East Coast Park, from Ang Mo Kio to Orchard Road.

Picture is obtained from MY PAPER MONDAY JUNE 29, 2009, MY SPORT, A11
Passing One of the Torches

Three torches – representing Friendship, Respect and Excellence – were lit at the Kallang Waterfront early yesterday morning, and were sent out to community celebrations around the island.

National thrower James Wong took the torch into the Yio Chu Kang Stadium, where he passed the flame on to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. PM Lee then kicked off Central Singapore District’s Community Sports Festival, with a torch relay around the vicinity of the stadium.

There were similar scenes played out yesterday morning at
  • Republic Polytechnic
  • Jurong Point
  • East Coast Park
  • Pasir Ris Elias Community Club

Said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, who witnessed the light-up at Kallang Waterfront: “The flame symbolises the endeavour for perfection, the struggle for victory, peace and friendship that transcends countries and boundaries.

Picture is obtained from MY PAPER TUESDAY JUNE 30, 2009, MY LIFESTYLE, A15 (Sexy Athelete)
THE ACTIVITIES: A 90-minute session of Bikram yoga (hot yoga), followed by a five-hour shopping trip

In the afternoon, the relay reached the heart of the city at Orchard Road. Shoppers and tourists looked on with interest as the torch bearers ran past them.

The torch relay reached the Suntec City fountain before turning towards Marina Square, where Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Community Development, Youth And Sports, was ready to run the final leg.

Picture is obtained from http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2464/3597043975_9efd19ea3f.jpg
Asian Youth Games Opening Ceremony at the Singapore Indoor Stadium

He carried the torch for an eight-minute run before reaching the Games Village in Swissotel the Stamford, amid boisterous cheers from the 300-strong crowd of dignitaries and athletes.

Picture is obtained from http://farm3.static.flickr.com
Asian Youth Games Opening Ceremony at the Singapore Indoor Stadium

Together with the chairman of the AYG’s steering committee, Mr Ng Ser Miang, he lit the Games’ safety lantern amid a spray of confetti and loud music.

Picture is obtained from http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3416/3597042959_e0b4c72b6c.jpg
Asian Youth Games Opening Ceremony at the Singapore Indoor Stadium

Speaking to reporters after the ceremony, a delighted Dr Balakrishnan said that it was important for Singaporeans to be part of the Games, and he was glad that yesterday’s “community leghad been incorporated into the torch relay.

Picture is obtained from http://farm3.static.flickr.com
Asian Youth Games Opening Ceremony at the Singapore Indoor Stadium

Picture is obtained from https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg14RzhSDJuVhQBDolD0psEa6pU6O9OTGJhQBOqMsW6tpeFaHeA5ijxbS1xAM4nmSB1m7FZDlWSuRbCtlLwDhsXcjyy_3gz4gm8jOGE_OblZ3WFzj1Plf89ZyKTw-EoawzF9Bqd6jhv-sVH/s400/OCA+countries.gif
The 45 participating Countries, including Singapore.

Dr Balakrishnan explained: “It isn’t just about taking part in a sports event. This is an event which Singapore plays home to, and every Singaporean needs to feel a part of it.

Picture is from MY PAPER THURSDAY JUNE 25, 2009, MY LIFESTYLE, A14, Real Man Do YOGA


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Asian Youth Games Volunteers - 5,000 to play host

Extracted from Friday June 12, 2009 TODAY, News 19
By Ong dai Lin, dailin@mediacorp.com.sg

In Secondary school, Ng Li Hui’s main role in the student council executive committee was to organise and lead its cheerleading teams.

Picture is obtained from http://www.pap.org.sg/uploads/ap/4986/mr_baey_with_the_players.jpg

Now a Jurong Junior College student, the 17-year-old is putting her people skills to use again as a student liaison officer for the inaugural Asian Youth Games (AYG).

She has been assigned to take care of the athletes from Qatar. “I have to make sure they get to their competition venues on time and (that they) get their meals. There will be daily briefings during the Games with my teacher-incharge who will tell me what the athletes want and what to do for them.

Li Hui is one of 4,600 student volunteers from more than 170 schools who will help out at the AYG from June 29 to July 7.

The volunteers will undertake roles like ushers, medal bearers and student liaison officers.

The participation is about learning how to play host to foreign delegates. It’s about experiencing what it’s like to be an ambassador for Singapore,” said AYG organising committee co-chairman Sum Chee Wah.

According to the Ministry of Education (MOE), the largest number of student volunteers is from Cedar Girls’ Secondary School and CHIJ St Theresa’s Convent.

Each school has around 200 students in the “School Adopts a Sport Venue” initiative who will assist sports officials in managing the sports venues to be used.

Picture is obtained from http://www.sgyoutholympics.com/wp-content/uploads/image/picto.png

As for those students not directly involved in the AYG, Ms Sum said that the organisers “hope to involve them in as many ways as possible”. Giving an example, she said that the 45 schools selected for the torch relay will rope in other schools in their vicinity for the event. In this way, more students will be involved.

Healthwise, Ms Sum said that MOE will “observe the H1N1 situation and respond to the situation based on the advice given by the Ministry of Health”.

Picture is obtained from MY PAPER FRIDAY JUNE 9, 2009 - Page A16 (Trees and the sea)

More than 500 MOE staff and teachers are also involved in AYG
. The teachers will act as liaison officers, help to organise events, and guide students on the setting up of Asian Cultural Booths in the games village.

Mr Elliot Lee, a physical education teacher at Beatty Secondary School, will help man the information desk at the games village. The 39-year-old coach of his school’s badminton team told Today: “This is a good opportunity for me to learn. I can get pointers ... and use them when I need to run school events in the future.

Picture is obtained from http://rogercj.spaces.live.com/

Best hopes and wishes that the AYG will have a fruitful completion, even as the number of H1N1 cases keeps on increasing. At current time, 599 have caught the virus, with 145 from today.

To those plagued down by poor health, take heart and do not give up, You will not be completing the journey alone. With our combined efforts and prayers, there will be rays of light and hope through the thick layers of obstacles.


Sunday, June 21, 2009



Picture is obtained from http://img.nie.163.com/images/2007/9/20/2007-09-20_8274.jpg 

1) 我家龙子
A. 聋子
B. 儿子
C. 小白猫
D. 望子成龙

Picture is retrieved from http://www.islife.info/archives/1013-04.gif

2) “燕燕汝勿悲,汝当反自思。思汝为雏日,高飞背母时。昔日父母念,今日汝应知。”诗句中的“”是指。 (1)

Picture is retrieved from http://club.fjdh.com/attachments/2009/06/8380_200906031054181Ixfn.jpg

3) 谜语趣谈 不同时代的谜语有不同的形式。南宋,猜谜是一种元宵节的游戏节目,称为谜。(1)

Picture is retrieved from http://bbs.cn.yimg.com/user_img/200610/30/marguerite8816898_1162222987108430.jpg

4) 圣约翰岛的沧桑
谁在1819年时在圣约翰岛上 设立讯号站和招商站?(1)
A. 莱佛士
B. 约翰
C. 越南南民
D. 印度移民
Answer: A

Picture is obtained from http://xyq.163.com/2007/fbcq/images/changjing/penglai.jpg

5) 蓬莱仙岛的传说
汉朝的方士提炼“长生不老”仙丹时发现把把哪三种东西混在一起很容易引起爆炸。 (1)

A. 硫磺
B. 丹砂
C. 硝石
D. 木炭

6) 四美传奇
人们常用“沉鱼落雁”来形容女子容貌美丽。那“沉鱼落雁”时分别指哪两位美女呢? (1)

A. 王昭君
B. 貂蝉
C. 杨贵妃
D. 西施
Answer: A & D

7) 乐圣贝多芬
第75页“他诚然孤独,可是有“永恒”为伴。永恒指的是________。 (1)

A. 喧嚣
B. 耳聋
C. 安静
D. 不幸
Answer: C

Picture is obtained from http://www.tzoou.net/attachments/2009/03/1_2009030917491528LxW.jpg

8) 莫名的骄傲

A. 一元九角
B. 一元五角
C. 一元三角
D. 四角钱
Answer: A

Picture is retrieved from http://img2.pconline.com.cn/pconline/0810/07/1438029_01.jpg

9) 画皮
为什么道士叫王生把拂尘挂在卧室外? (1)

A. 保护陈氏
B. 吓吓女鬼
C. 给王生用
D. 殴打女鬼
Answer: B

Picture is retrieved from http://pic1.nipic.com/2009-03-06/20093620244864_2.jpg

10) 苏州园林 苏州园林与北京的园林不同在于苏州园林极少使用(1)

Answer: 彩绘


Monday, June 15, 2009



1) 一.<世外桃源>

据村民表示,他们的祖先会在桃花源落户,主要是为了 (1)
A. 想过隐居生活
B. 逃避战乱
C. 另外建立一个王朝
D. 要和当时的朝廷对抗
Answer: B

2) [秦朝 ] 开始,村民便隐居桃花源? (1)

3) 二.<林肯的财产>

林肯当上美国总统后,极力主张废除________. (1)
A. 君主制度
B. 民主制度
C. 奴隶制度
D. 共产制度
Answer: C

4) 四.<毛遂自荐>
A. 欣赏他的胆识和口才
B. 具有超人的能耐
C. 敬佩他的独特见解
D. 骁勇善战,所向无敌
Answer: A

5) 楚王最后答应联合抗秦,纯粹是为了____。 (1)
A. 伸张正义
B. 借刀杀人
C. 本身利益
D. 坐收渔人之利
Answer: C

6) 传统华人家庭用寿桃来为______。 (1)
A. 长辈祝寿
B. 新婚夫妇祝福
C. 出远门的人祈福
D. 婴儿庆祝满月
Answer: A

7) 七.<孙子兵法>

8) 八.<垓下之战>

xià liè nà yí xiàng bú shì xiàng yǔ gāi xià zhī zhàn dǎ bài de yuán yīn

A. 轻敌
B. 中了韩信的计
C. 遭到四面埋伏
D. 连打战也带着爱妾虞姬
Answer: D

9) 故事里有哪一句成语的意思是“比喻陷入四面受敌、孤立无援的境地。”
- 四面楚歌

10) 九. 〈大坡和小坡

大坡和小坡是以 [新加坡河] 划分的。 (1)

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