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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Inuka’s skeletal remains to be preserved

Source Website: https://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore/inukas-skeletal-remains-be-preserved
By Ng Hui Wen, The New Paper, 26 June 2018 at 06:00 am

Zoo staff posing with a photograph of Inuka during a private memorial ceremony at the Singapore Zoo last month.
PHOTO: Zoo staff posing with a photograph of Inuka during a private memorial ceremony at the Singapore Zoo last month.
Picture posted by Ng Hui Wen, The New Paper on 26 June 2018 at 06:00 am


The skeletal remains of Singapore's last polar bear Inuka, which who was put down on April 25 due to its ailing health, will be preserved.

In response to queries, the Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS) said yesterday that the remains of the 27-year-old animal will be used for educational purposes.

Students looking at Sheba the polar bear, whose body was preserved after she died of old age and is now used as an exhibit for educational talks.
PHOTO: Students looking at Sheba the polar bear, whose body was preserved after she died of old age and is now used as an exhibit for educational talks.

Inuka, who would have been well into its 70s in human years, had been suffering from age-related ailments such as arthritis, dental issues and occasional ear infections for the past five years.

A medical examination on April 3 had revealed a significant decline in its health.

The Singapore Zoo said it made the decision to put Inuka to sleep on humane and welfare grounds, after a second medical check on April 25 showed that there was little improvement in its health.

Singapore has released pictures showing the last moments of polar bear Inuka before he passed away.
PHOTO: Singapore has released pictures showing the last moments of polar bear Inuka before he passed away. Vets and carers surrounded the bear and comforted him before he was put down to end his suffering from a rapid decline in health
Mr Mike Barclay, group chief executive of Mandai Park Holdings, thanked Inuka's dedicated keepers for their care of the bear. "Inuka's end came in the most humane way possible, with his keepers, both past and present, in attendance," he said.
Picture posted by tun_dr_m, Alfrescian

Yesterday, WRS said it has completed a full autopsy on the polar bear and that the findings affirm the prognosis from veterinarians prior to Inuka's death.

"Inuka bore irreversible age-related ailments, including arthritis and ailing limbs, which resulted in a stiffer gait," WRS said.

"This, in turn, caused ulcerations on his pads that led to deeper infection between his toes."

Inuka was the only polar bear to be born in Singapore. The zoo said in 2006 that it would not bring any more polar bears to the country.

Image caption: Baby Inuka and his mother Sheba in happier, healthier times
PHOTO: Image caption: Baby Inuka and his mother Sheba in happier, healthier times
Conservationists and animal rights activists have campaigned against the presence of polar bears in Singapore since their introduction to the national zoo in 1978.
Following animal welfare discussions, the zoo announced in 2006 that it would not bring in any more polar bears after Inuka.

His name means Silent Stalker in the Inuit language
The fussy eater enjoyed salmon the most
Keepers said he loved taking dips in his private pool and enjoyed "hydro massages under his waterfall"
A "cheeky and inquisitive soul", he was known to invent his own games and would even hide his toothbrush from his care team - https://www.sammyboy.com/threads/r-i-p-inuka.253383/
Picture posted in Asiaone, by The Straits Times, Lianhe Zaobao, Wildlife Reserves Singapore's Facebook page on Thursday, 12 April 2018


When news of its declining health broke, hundreds turned up at the zoo to leave cards and letters at his enclosure.

A private tribute ceremony was held on April 26 at the zoo's Frozen Tundra exhibit, where more than 400 zoo staff and guests paid their last respects.

In his tribute, Mr Ponichamy spoke of how fun-loving and 'kaypoh' (nosy) Inuka was, much like Singaporeans.
PHOTO: In his tribute, Mr Ponichamy spoke of how fun-loving and "kaypoh" (nosy) Inuka was, much like Singaporeans.
Picture posted by Pic4key

By Ng Hui Wen, The New Paper, 26 June 2018 at 06:00 am
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Thai Beauty Queen Gives the Most Touching Thanks to Her Poor Single Mom After Winning
PHOTO: Thai Beauty Queen Gives the Most Touching Thanks to Her Poor Single Mom After Winning
A photograph of the young woman in her tiara, sash and heels kneeling at her mother’s feet in front of garbage bins touched hearts everywhere. She thanked her mother, who raised her single-handedly, for her hard work and sacrifice.
Picture posted by Laura Dang on 26 June 2018


The humble beauty pageant winner grew up helping her mother recycle trash and work menial jobs.
PHOTO: The humble beauty pageant winner grew up helping her mother recycle trash and work menial jobs. She reminisced:  “When the referee announced the winner it felt like a dream. I thought how can an ordinary girl like me be a beauty queen.
Picture posted by Laura Dang on 26 June 2018

[1]  Ng Hui Wen, The New Paper, Inuka’s skeletal remains to be preserved, posted on 26 June 2018 at 06:00 am, https://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore/inukas-skeletal-remains-be-preserved


Monday, June 25, 2018

Tourists caught dancing at mosque

Source Website: http://www.asiaone.com/malaysia/sabah-government-take-action-against-tourists-caught-dancing-mosque
By The Star/Asia News Network, Asiaone, Sunday, 24 June 2018

Tourists have been temporarily barred from visiting the iconic City Mosque here following a viral video of two women acting inappropriately.
PHOTO: Tourists have been temporarily barred from visiting the iconic City Mosque here following a viral video of two women acting inappropriately.
PHOTO: The Star/Asia News Network
Picture posted by The Star Online on Sunday, 24 June 2018 at MYT 12:18 PM


KOTA KINABALU - Sabah's Tourism, Culture and Environment Ministry is taking measures to identify the tourists caught dancing disrespectfully in a viral video taken in front of the City Mosque here.

Assistant minister Assafal Alian said, in a statement, that their actions were outrageous and disrespectful, especially as it was done at a place of worship.

"The actions of these tourists at a religious structure show the lack of respect to our Muslim worshippers as well as the hospitality extended to them," he said.

My first time inside a mosque.
PHOTO: "My first time inside a mosque. They are very strict with the way you dress. No showing any skin! Most of them wear a 'Hijab' on their head and 'Abaya' to cover their body. (Like the one I'm wearing above) You can rent it out if you don't have any."
Picture posted by Kally Araneta on Thursday, 20 July 2017

Assafal said the ministry will not treat this matter lightly as Sabah is a multi-racial and multi-religious state.

Assafal said Sabah will not stand and do nothing although similar incidents involving tourists happen everywhere in the world.

"Once we identify the nationalities of the people involved, strong action will be taken against them and the operator of the group," he added.

The Kinabalu Park is a popular tourist destination because it is a UNESCO Heritage Site.

PHOTO: The Kinabalu Park is a popular tourist destination because it is a UNESCO Heritage Site. It surrounds Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Malaysia.
Picture posted by Kally Araneta on Thursday, 20 July 2017


He said everyone needed to work together to ensure that visitors enjoy their stay in Sabah, and show their respect for local cultures, beliefs and the people here.

"The ministry will continue to engage tour operators and stakeholders regularly, including owners of tourist attractions in Sabah, and in particular sensitive areas like religious buildings and sacred places," Assafal said.

"We also plan to introduce a maximum capacity at tourism attractions - including places of worship - to allow a smooth flow between worshippers and visitors going the area," he added.

Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre: Promoting Conservation through Education and Restoration.
PHOTO: Kota Kinabalu Wetland Centre: Promoting Conservation through Education and Restoration. Kota Kinabalu is the capital of Sabah and the hub of tourism in Malaysian Borneo. Visitors from around the world use KK as the center point for visiting variety of attractions Sabah has to offer including biologically rich islands, and national parks.
Picture posted by Chinthaka on Wednesday, 10 August 2011 at 11:00 AM - Likas Mangroves


By The Star/Asia News Network, Asiaone, 24 June 2018

[1] The Star/Asia News Network, Asiaone, Sabah government to take action against tourists caught dancing at mosque, posted on Sunday, 24 June 2018, http://www.asiaone.com/malaysia/sabah-government-take-action-against-tourists-caught-dancing-mosque

Saturday, June 23, 2018

In India, rats have a $19,000 meal

Source Website: https://apnews.com/d92ef0cf38f7426fbc962123a55e845b
By Wasbir Hussain, AP News, 22 June 2018

Rats break into Indian bank's ATM, munch through S$24,000 in cash
PHOTO: Rats break into Indian bank's ATM, munch through S$24,000 in cash
Picture posted by Wasbir Hussain, AP News on 22 June 2018


GAUHATI, India (AP) — It was a cash machine heist with a difference: The attackers were hungry rodents.

At least one rat slipped through a hole in the back of an ATM in northeastern India and started eating. By the time it was finished, police say more than US $19,000 in bills were shredded.

 At least one rat slipped through a hole in the back of an ATM in northeastern India and started eating.
PHOTO: At least one rat slipped through a hole in the back of an ATM in northeastern India and started eating. By the time it was finished, police say more than US $19,000 in bills were shredded.
Picture posted by BBC News Services


When technicians arrived June 11 to fix a broken State Bank of India cash machine in the town of Tinsukia they found a dead rat inside it and Indian currency notes worth nearly 1.3 million rupees, or a little over $19,000, chewed to shreds. The rat had entered the ATM through a small hole for cables, police superintendent Mugdha Jyoti Mahanta said Friday. The notes were in 500-rupee and 2,000-rupee denominations.

The rats munched through an estimated 1.2 million rupees
PHOTO: The rats munched through an estimated 1.2 million rupees (S$24,055) worth of hard currency, local media reported. Images showed an upended ATM filled with torn and shredded 500 and 2000 rupee bills.
PHOTO: AFP, Asiaone


The ATM had been broken since May 20, officials said.

A State Bank of India official said the cash machine was overseen by another company.

We are surprised at what has happened. An investigation has been ordered,” said the official, Bimal Debroy.

The Pied Piper
PHOTO: Clipart of a the Pied Piper Marching and Playing a Pipe with a Trail of Usd Currency
Illustration by xunantunich
Picture posted by Clipart of



The weather cools (a little), it’s time to take advantage of the nearby Gold Coast Hinterland. Think cosy nights in, a morning soundtrack featuring rainforest birds and wistful wanders to sparkling waterfalls.
Picture posted by We Are Gold Coast


By Wasbir Hussain, AP News, 22 June 2018

[1] Wasbir Hussain, AP News, In India, rats have a $19,000 meal, posted on 22 June 2018, https://apnews.com/d92ef0cf38f7426fbc962123a55e845b

Friday, June 22, 2018

Reflection - Intimacy with Christ - Conversing with Jesus

Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Seven, Question 3, Page 120.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

How can you converse with Jesus regularly and in a deepening way?
PHOTO: How can you converse with Jesus regularly and in a deepening way?
Our knowledge of Jesus and our relationship with Him will deepen as we learn to have a personal conversation with Him. This conversation is two-way: when we pray, we talk to Jesus, and when we read the Scriptures, He speaks to us through His Word.

The Bible is like an instruction manual or constitution - a document that spells out what God has revealed about the principles and practices of His Kingdom. It also functions as God's personal letter to each of us. When we read the Bible, we should look out for a personal message from God. It might come by way of a phrase or word that catches our attention, or an insight that enters our conscious thought. Such things will give us a distinct sense that Jesus is communicating with us personally.

We might receive encouragement, a fresh promise, a warning to be on guard, wisdom to resolve a dilemma or to make a crucial decision, or something else that speaks to a particular situation we are facing at the moment.

Learning from the divine Teacher requires a growing intimacy with Him. This intimacy is sustained by listening to Him daily and speaking to Him through prayer. This deepening conversation will help us learn from Jesus.

Reflect on the practice of lectio divina, and give it a try.
lectio divina - a Latin term loosely translated as "sacred reading" - a way  of reading Scripture prayerfully as practised by monks in ages past. The steps are simple, but need to be followed slowly and deliberately:

First, you read a Bible passage slowly, paying attention to the words and rhythm of the text.

Second, you meditate on the text, opening your heart to Jesus and allowing Him to speak to you about your situation, where you are in your spiritual life, your anxieties, aspirations, temptations, relationships, and opportunities. This needs to be done in an unhurried, uninterrupted way.

Third, you speak to God through prayer, opening your heart to Him and letting Him see and hear all that is there. Tell Him what you think and feel about Him, and your needs and concerns.

Finally, you rest in His presence, savouring the moment and letting Him love you even as you seek to love Him.

Jesus is not an idea, programme, or institution. When we relate to Jesus, we are relating to a Person. Many of us approach Him with a long list of needs and wants, treating Him like a heavenly butler or concierge. But the Lord wants something much deeper than that; He wants us to learn to treat Him as the Person who loves us with a sacrificial, undying love. And we can do this by learning to cultivate a deepening, growing conversation with Him throughout the day, so that we become increasingly aware of His presence, love, guidance, grace, and protection.
Artwork by Joseph Brickey - In Similitude
Picture posted by Weebly


How can you converse with Jesus regularly and in a deepening way? Reflect on the practice of lectio divina, and give it a try.

How can you converse with Jesus regularly and in a deepening way?
Conversing with Jesus [1]
Our knowledge of Jesus and our relationship with Him will deepen as we learn to have a personal conversation with Him. This conversation is two-way: when we pray, we talk to Jesus, and when we read the Scriptures, He speaks to us through His Word. But how is this conversation personal?

Conversation with Jesus is two-way
PHOTO: Conversation with Jesus is two-way: when we pray, we talk to Jesus, and when we read the Scriptures, He speaks to us through His Word. Our knowledge of Jesus and our relationship with Him will deepen as we learn to have a personal conversation with Him.
Picture posted by Ada Supuwatha Team on Saturday, 09 January 2018 at 8:28 PM   - Hannah's Prayers Reveal Her Faith
(1 Samuel 1: 9-20)

The Bible functions in two ways. First, it is like an instruction manual or constitution - a document that spells out what God has revealed about the principles and practices of His Kingdom. Second, it also functions as God's personal letter to each of us - a love letter, if you like. When we read the Bible, therefore, we should not only seek to learn and understand the broad principles that are applicable to all Christians, but also look out for a personal message from God. It might come by way of a phrase or word that catches our attention, or an insight that enters our conscious thought. Such things will give us a distinct sense that Jesus is communicating with us personally.

The Bible functions in two ways
PHOTO: The Bible functions in two ways. First, it is like an instruction manual or constitution - a document that spells out what God has revealed about the principles and practices of His Kingdom. Second, it also functions as God's personal letter to each of us - a love letter. When we read the Bible, therefore, we should not only seek to learn and understand the broad principles that are applicable to all Christians, but also look out for a personal message from God.
Painting by Joseph Brickey
Picture posted by Alibaba Group - Annunciation to Mary


We might receive encouragement, a fresh promise, a warning to be on guard, wisdom to resolve a dilemma or to make a crucial decision, or something else that speaks to a particular situation we are facing at the moment. We will be reminded that Jesus is not just some faraway Saviour who has left us to our own devices, but a Lord who constantly communicates with us. As 18th-century Russian bishop and writer Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk advised, "Whenever you read the Gospel, Christ Himself is speaking to you. And while you read, you are praying and talking to Him." [29]

We will be reminded that Jesus is not just some faraway Saviour who has left us to our own devices, but a Lord who constantly communicates with us.
PHOTO: We will be reminded that Jesus is not just some faraway Saviour who has left us to our own devices, but a Lord who constantly communicates with us. We might receive encouragement, a fresh promise, a warning to be on guard, wisdom to resolve a dilemma or to make a crucial decision, or something else that speaks to a particular situation we are facing at the moment.
Picture posted by Paroquia Santa Catarina


Jesus can also speak to us outside the Bible - perhaps through a sermon, a card from a friend, a good book or film, advice from another Christian, or through our current circumstances - though of course He most frequently speaks through His Word.

Jesus can also speak to us outside the Bible - perhaps through a sermon, a card from a friend, a good book or film, advice from another Christian, or through our current circumstances - though of course He most frequently speaks through His Word.

PHOTO: Jesus can also speak to us outside the Bible - perhaps through a sermon, a card from a friend, a good book or film, advice from another Christian, or through our current circumstances - though of course He most frequently speaks through His Word.
Picture posted by Top4Themes.com


Learning from the divine Teacher requires a growing intimacy with Him. This intimacy is sustained by listening to Him daily and speaking to Him through prayer. This deepening conversation will help us learn from Jesus. Seventeenth-century Puritan theologian John Owen wrote: "Let us give up ourselves wholeheartedly to him. Let us tell Jesus that we will be for him and not for another. Let him hear this from us. He delights to hear it from our lips." [30]

Learning from the divine Teacher requires a growing intimacy with Him.
PHOTO: Learning from the divine Teacher requires a growing intimacy with Him. This intimacy is sustained by listening to Him daily and speaking to Him through prayer. This deepening conversation will help us learn from Jesus.
Picture posted by Dominical Biblical School on 09 March 2014


Reflect on the practice of lectio divina, and give it a try.
Developing a Method of Reading Scripture [1]
Over the centuries, Christians have used various methods to deepen their conversation with Jesus and grow their relationship with Him. One example is lectio divina - a Latin term loosely translated as "sacred reading" - a way  of reading Scripture prayerfully as practised by monks in ages past. The steps are simple, but need to be followed slowly and deliberately:

LECTIO DIVINA (Spiritual, sacred Reading)
PHOTO: LECTIO DIVINA (Spiritual, sacred Reading)
Christians have used various methods to deepen their conversation with Jesus and grow their relationship with Him. One example is lectio divina - a Latin term loosely translated as "sacred reading" - a way  of reading Scripture prayerfully as practised by monks in ages past.
Picture posted by Rick's Notes on 05 March 2017

First, you read a Bible passage slowly, paying attention to the words and rhythm of the text.

Second, you meditate on the text, opening your heart to Jesus and allowing Him to speak to you about your situation, where you are in your spiritual life, your anxieties, aspirations, temptations, relationships, and opportunities. This needs to be done in an unhurried, uninterrupted way.

Third, you speak to God through prayer, opening your heart to Him and letting Him see and hear all that is there. Tell Him what you think and feel about Him, and your needs and concerns.

Finally, you rest in His presence, savouring the moment and letting Him love you even as you seek to love Him.

A spiritual exercise like this can help you have a deep conversation with Jesus. It may feel a little awkward or difficult at first, but as you experience the blessing and peace of a growing relationship with Jesus, you
will want more of it. As you move from merely pouring words out at His feet to opening your heart to Him, your prayer life will deepen.

 A Ladder to Heaven: Lectio Divina
PHOTO: A Ladder to Heaven: Lectio Divina
A spiritual exercise like this can help us have a deep conversation with Jesus.
Picture posted by The Rambling Catholic on 21 April 2017


 A Ladder to Heaven: Lectio Divina
PHOTO: A Ladder to Heaven: Lectio Divina
It may feel a little awkward or difficult at first, but as we experience the blessing and peace of a growing relationship with Jesus, we will want more of it.
Picture posted by emailanand25, dailymotion - Hindi Christian Song - Yeshu Pyare


According to experts, there are many levels of communication. At the most superficial level, we talk about things and about other people; this is the "safest" form of communication, as it is non-threatening, and non-committal. The next level involves talking about our ideas. This makes us more vulnerable, because our ideas may be challenged, dismissed, and even ignored. Also, they communicate what we really think about others. Then, we enter a deeper, even more vulnerable level when we move on to talking about what we feel. We now face the risk of our feelings being misunderstood, ignored, or even repudiated. But if our listener recognises our feelings, we will be able to deepen the understanding and conversation. Finally, there is the deepest level of communication: when we and our listeners talk about "us" - the relationship itself. We are at our most vulnerable at this stage, because the conversation could disrupt the relationship or force us to face up to our responsibility (or lack of it). However, this stage can also enable us to grow in that relationship, because it makes us address problems and explore new possibilities.

Levels of communication
PHOTO: Levels of communication
Picture posted by Monocle on 27 January 2016


These levels of communication are true not only for relationships with other people, but also for our relationship with Jesus. That is because He is not an idea, programme, or institution. When we relate to Jesus, we are relating to a Person. Many of us approach Him with a long list of needs and wants, treating Him like a heavenly butler or concierge. But the Lord wants something much deeper than that; He wants us to learn to treat Him as the Person who loves us with a sacrificial, undying love. And we can do this by learning to cultivate a deepening, growing conversation with Him throughout the day, so that we become increasingly aware of His presence, love, guidance, grace, and protection.

These levels of communication are true not only for relationships with other people, but also for our relationship with Jesus.
PHOTO: These levels of communication are true not only for relationships with other people, but also for our relationship with Jesus. When we relate to Jesus, we are relating to a Person. Many of us approach Him with a long list of needs and wants, treating Him like a heavenly butler or concierge. He wants us to learn to treat Him as the Person who loves us with a sacrificial, undying love. And we can do this by learning to cultivate a deepening, growing conversation with Him throughout the day.
Picture by anaRasha, Digital Art / Photomanipulation / Fantasy©2006-2018 anaRasha - Her Paradise World


Dear Lord, Please help us to have personal conversation with Jesus, in order to increase our knowledge of Him and our relationship with Him. We want to look out for your personal message while we read the Bible, by way of a phrase or word that catches our attention, or an insight that enters our conscious thought. We learn that such things will give us a distinct sense that Jesus is communicating with us personally. We would like to receive encouragement, a fresh promise, a warning to be on guard, wisdom to resolve a dilemma or to make a crucial decision, or something else that speaks to a particular situation we are facing at the moment. We want a growing intimacy with Jesus so that we can learn from Him through our deepening conversation.<br><br>Help us to practice lectio divina, 'sacred reading', a way  of reading Scripture prayerfully, and to cultivate a deepening, growing conversation with Him throughout the day, allowing Him to speak to us about our situation, where we are in our spiritual life, our anxieties, aspirations, temptations, relationships, and opportunities. We want to share with Jesus by opening our heart to Him and letting Him see and hear all that is there. We would like to tell Him what we think and feel about Him, and our needs and concerns. We want to rest in His presence, savouring the moment and letting Him love us even as we seek to love Him. We need these levels of communication so that we become increasingly aware of His presence, love, guidance, grace, and protection.<br><br>Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Please help us to have personal conversation with Jesus, in order to increase our knowledge of Him and our relationship with Him. We want to look out for your personal message while we read the Bible, by way of a phrase or word that catches our attention, or an insight that enters our conscious thought. We learn that such things will give us a distinct sense that Jesus is communicating with us personally. We would like to receive encouragement, a fresh promise, a warning to be on guard, wisdom to resolve a dilemma or to make a crucial decision, or something else that speaks to a particular situation we are facing at the moment. We want a growing intimacy with Jesus so that we can learn from Him through our deepening conversation.

Help us to practice lectio divina, "sacred reading", a way  of reading Scripture prayerfully, and to cultivate a deepening, growing conversation with Him throughout the day, allowing Him to speak to us about our situation, where we are in our spiritual life, our anxieties, aspirations, temptations, relationships, and opportunities. We want to share with Jesus by opening our heart to Him and letting Him see and hear all that is there. We would like to tell Him what we think and feel about Him, and our needs and concerns. We want to rest in His presence, savouring the moment and letting Him love us even as we seek to love Him. We need these levels of communication so that we become increasingly aware of His presence, love, guidance, grace, and protection.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by surprisse.com

Reflection - Intimacy with Christ - Conversing with Jesus
Question from source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Seven, Question 3, Page 120.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

[1] From "Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, Copyright © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-709-5, Part III: LEARN FROM ME, Chapter Seven "Learning from Jesus: Intimacy with Christ", Page 115-119.

[29] Cited in Esther de Waal, Seeking God: The Way of St. Benedict (London: Fount Paperbacks, 1984), 37.

[30] John Owen, Communion with God, ed. R. J. K. Law (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1991), 60.

New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.