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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Reflection - Experiencing God (1)

Source (book): "Faithful to the end", Chapter 9, Question 4, Page 137.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012


Let the Voice of His Word speak directly to you!
PHOTO: Let the Voice of His Word speak directly to you!
You can read a Scripture all your life without realising its meaning, until the Holy Spirit opens it to you and brings it to life! It's the voice of His Word when He gives it to you personally or He gives it to you in an answer. He brings it to life, applies it to a situation and it suddenly becomes alive! It's no longer just mere words, or words that just run through your head, but all of a sudden you really get the point!

Have you ever read a passage and all of a sudden some verse or Scripture or word just hits you, "That's for me! That's the answer!"? God couldn't have spoken any more emphatically if He'd yelled it out or screamed it in your ear! It may have been written for somebody else 5,000 years ago, yet, all of a sudden, it hits you personally. The Holy Spirit grabbed ahold of that arrow, pulled back the bow and cut you to the heart!

He only has to speak the Word and it can unlock a whole situation and give you the key that unlocks the door that reveals the whole Truth! If there's a Scripture that fits the situation, He will give you the Scripture, the Word! He will use His Own Word to give you the answers. Thank the Lord for His Word!
Posted by Deep Truths

How have you experienced God speaking to you through Scripture? How does the Bible help to equip believers "for every good work"? How can the church teach its members to value the Bible and to allow it to shape their character and ministry?

How have you experienced God speaking to you through Scripture?
Yes we have experienced God speaking to us through Scripture. This occurs when we read the Bible, especially during early in the morning in the special corner of our home. This is also true when we surf the internet and read about the stories from the Bible, and commentaries of other Christians. So any time during the whole day we are experiencing God speaking to us.

We have experienced God speaking to us through Scripture.
PHOTO: We have experienced God speaking to us through Scripture. This occurs when we read the Bible, especially during early in the morning in the special corner of our home. This is also true when we surf the internet and read about the stories from the Bible, and commentaries of other Christians.

God has been in our mind when we encountered difficulties in making decisions to do some tasks. We are used to ask God for help, times and again, from simple things like taking driving test, to terrible tasks like taking educational examinations. From simple morning activity like walking through the Park Connector Network (PCN), praying that there is no rain during the walk, to more difficult activity, like going for a tour to places outside the country, praying for a safe and happy trip. Whether we felt that He has answered our request or not, we are sure that there is a communication link between us and God continuously.

There is a communication link between us and God continuously
PHOTO: There is a communication link between us and God continuously
Picture posted  by Nilla on 13 May 2015

How does the Bible help to equip believers "for every good work"?
The Word of God [1]
The Word of God helps us to maintain Christian character in an ungodly world. Paul reminded Timothy of "how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 3:15). Here again, we see the key role of the Bible in shaping and stabilising us. In an unwise and coarse world, the Bible gives us wisdom from above to be godly and to experience salvation through faith in Christ in an ever-depending way.

In an unwise and coarse world, the Bible gives us wisdom from above to be godly and to experience salvation through faith in Christ in an ever-depending way.
PHOTO: In an unwise and coarse world, the Bible gives us wisdom from above to be godly and to experience salvation through faith in Christ in an ever-depening way.
Picture posted by Alianta Evanghelica on 12 January 2016

Paul coined the term God-breathed, Greek theopneustos, to remind us that the Bible has God's breath in it, that if we care to observe carefully [4], God speaks through its words [5]. As we read the Bible regularly and seriously, we are taught, rebuked, corrected, and trained in righteousness (
2 Timothy 3:16). As John Wesley observed, the same Holy Spirit who inspired the writing of the Bible also "continually inspires, supernaturally assists" us as we prayerfully read it; hence the invaluable effects of Bible reading in our lives [6].

Paul coined the term God-breathed, Greek theopneustos, to remind us that the Bible has God's breath in it, that if we care to observe carefully [4], God speaks through its words [5].
PHOTO: Paul coined the term God-breathed, Greek theopneustos, to remind us that the Bible has God's breath in it, that if we care to observe carefully [4], God speaks through its words [5]. As we read the Bible regularly and seriously, we are taught, rebuked, corrected, and trained in righteousness (
2 Timothy 3:16).
Picture posted by John The Baptist Artworks

The Bible has important functions in our lives - both corrective and formative, for both creed and conduct. without it, we will be no different from the wicked world. Because of the multi-faceted ministry of the Bible in our lives, John Stott is right in stating that "Scripture is the chief means which God employs to bring the 'man of God' to maturity" [7]. The Holy Spirit uses Scripture to do His Work of sanctification in the believer, as the Reformers clearly understood. They insisted that the Holy Spirit speaks primarily through the Word and that the Word cannot be understood without the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, there exist today views that seem to force a choice between the Spirit and the Word. There are some whose main diet is what they understand to be Spirit-inspired visions. They hold on to their visions and promptings without checking whether these were in accordance with or contrary to Scripture. On the other hand, there are others who reduce the study of the Bible to technical and legalistic exercise without benefit of the illumination of the Holy Spirit and His assistance in applying Scripture to life. Both Groups demonstrate a failure to understand the deep connection between Scripture and the intentions and methods of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit uses Scripture to do His Work of sanctification in the believer.
PHOTO: The Holy Spirit uses Scripture to do His Work of sanctification in the believer. The Holy Spirit speaks primarily through the Word and that the Word cannot be understood without the assistance of the Holy Spirit. There is a deep connection between Scripture and the intentions and methods of the Holy Spirit.
Picture posted by Sue Cummins, The Sword of the Spirit, June / July 2015 - Vol. 80

The faithful and regular use of the Bible will help us to be "thoroughly equipped for every good work:" (2 Timothy 3:17). Not only does the Holy Spirit use the Bible to produce Christian character, He also produces Christian ministry in a terrible world - the focus of the next chapter.

How can the church teach its members to value the Bible and to allow it to shape their character and ministry?
1. The authority of Scripture, looking to the Bible as the inspired, inerrant word of God to direct us in all pertinent matters of belief and behavior.
2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Isaiah 40:8 [2]
The Bible is inerrant and infallible (
2 Timothy 3:16) [3]. The Bible is the only source of knowledge of how to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no such thing as "love at first sight" in spiritual things. The believer must get to know Christ very well, and this requires the daily intake of knowledge about Christ through the Word of God, which is "the mind of Christ." [3a]

The authority of Scripture
PHOTO: The authority of Scripture, looking to the Bible as the inspired, inerrant word of God to direct us in all pertinent matters of belief and behavior.
There is no such thing as "love at first sight" in spiritual things. The believer must get to know Christ very well, and this requires the daily intake of knowledge about Christ through the Word of God, which is "the mind of Christ." [3a]
Picture posted by Michael Bogart

2. The Bible exposition, regarding accurate and relevant teaching and preaching of the Scriptures as essential to the spiritual vitality of the church.  2 Timothy 4:1-2; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:42 [2]

The Bible is the guide for all faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17) [3].

The Bible doctrine is the basis for divine guidance. Bible knowledge produces sanity and stability of mind. It is very important to get the Word of God into the mind before the times of pressure come. It is not too likely that an unstable person will respond to the Word of God. God deals with the pressures of life using "preventive maintenance". [3a]

The Bible exposition
PHOTO: The Bible exposition, regarding accurate and relevant teaching and preaching of the Scriptures as essential to the spiritual vitality of the church.
God deals with the pressures of life using "preventive maintenance". The Bible doctrine is the basis for divine guidance. Bible knowledge produces sanity and stability of mind. It is very important to get the Word of God into the mind before the times of pressure come. [3a]
Picture posted by Robb Brunansky on February 9, 2016

3. A Christian's desire for the Truth, the Word of God, must be avid. A believer must give the highest priority in his life to learning Bible facts and principles. Daily Bible study leads to occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ, a daily walk with the Saviour. Bible doctrine, learned under the faith principle of applied teaching, produces confidence during the believer's lifetime. (2 Corinthians 5:6-8) [3a]

A Christian's desire for the Truth, the Word of God, must be avid.
PHOTO: A Christian's desire for the Truth, the Word of God, must be avid. A believer must give the highest priority in his life to learning Bible facts and principles.
Picture posted by Robert Notgrass



4. The Bible is the only source of God's viewpoint. Bible doctrine is the basis for orientation to God's plan during the believer's lifetime. Without the Word of God, the believer's mind will be corrupted by Satan and will become a repository of world-viewpoint and false teaching. (2 Corinthians 11:3) [3a]

The Bible is the only source of God's viewpoint.
PHOTO: The Bible is the only source of God's viewpoint. Bible doctrine is the basis for orientation to God's plan during the believer's lifetime. Without the Word of God, the believer's mind will be corrupted by Satan and will become a repository of world-viewpoint and false teaching.
Picture posted by Robert Notgrass

Dear Lord, we pray for the Holy Spirit, to help us understand God 's Word in the Scripture. Help us to realise its meaning, applies it to a situation so that it suddenly becomes alive! Amen!
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we pray for the Holy Spirit, to help us understand God 's Word in the Scripture. Help us to realise its meaning, applies it to a situation so that it suddenly becomes alive! Amen!"
Picture posted by Words Of Life on Saturday, 17 March 2012 at 7:45 PM

Reflection - Experiencing God
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012


[1] From "Faithful to the end" A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, Copyright © 2014 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-241-0, PART THREE: UNLIKE THE WORLD, Chapter 9 "Christian Character in a Terrible World" (2 Timothy 3:10-17), Page 134-136.

[2] Core Values, posted by Denton Bible Church, http://dentonbible.org/about-us/what-we-believe/core-values/

[3] Core Values, McLean Bible Church, https://www.mcleanbible.org/who-we-are/what-we-believe

[3a] Importance of Bible Study, posted by Christianity in view, http://christianityinview.com/biblestudies/importance.html

[4] Wright, The Pastoral Letters, 120.

[5] Witherington, Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, 360.

[6] Wesley, Explanatory Notes Upon the New Testatment, 2 Timothy 3:16, 794.

[7] Stott, The Message of 2 Timothy, 103.

NIV, New International Version, Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Reflection - Huldah the Prophetess - Woman of the Bible

Source Website: https://www.blueletterbible.org/comm/baxter_mary/witw/witw25_huldah.cfm
Posted by Mary Elizabeth Baxter (Blue Letter Bible)

Huldah (2 Kings 22:14)
PHOTO: Huldah the Prophetess (2 Kings 22:14)
a) She was the only Prophetess mentioned in the monarchical period, and the wife of Shallum, King Josiah's wardrobe keeper. She held such great esteem, that King Josiah sought her advice when the book of the Law was found in the Temple. She prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem "because they have foresaken Me and have burned incense to other gods" (2 Kings 22:16-17). But she added King Josiah would die peacefully, because Josiah had done what was right in God's sight, and the destruction would not happen before Josiah died.

b) The name Hulda means "weasel."
Printing by Elspeth Young - Huldah - Women in the Bible
Posted by Tanny Keng on Friday, 29 May 2015 at 18:46


There is only one mention of Huldah, the prophetess, in the whole Word of God, but that mention is highly honourable. It was in the time of revival, when king Josiah, specially raised up by God to restore His true worship in Jerusalem, had set himself to repair the house of the Lord his God. Before attempting to do this, he had begun to purge Judah and Jerusalem from idolatry, and he had thoroughly cleared the land of all traces of idol worship, unsparingly throwing down the graven images, the sun images, and the molten images, breaking them in pieces, and making dust of them.

King Josiah purged Judah and Jerusalem from idolatry
PHOTO: King Josiah purged Judah and Jerusalem from idolatry, and he had thoroughly cleared the land of all traces of idol worship, unsparingly throwing down the graven images, the sun images, and the molten images, breaking them in pieces, and making dust of them.
Posted by Nikolai Cantley (Haiku Deck), Published on 18 November 2015 - 2nd Kings King presentation 


While clearing out the rubbish from the house of the Lord, a great discovery was made by Hilkiah, the priest. He found "a book of the law of the Lord given by Moses." So complete had been the apostasy of the children of Judah, that the very Word of God was covered over by the rubbish of the building, and the people seemed not to have missed it! What a type this is of many a dead Church, many an unspiritual Christian, many an unfruitful Sunday School; music, singing, bazaars, entertainments, church‐building-anything and everything taking precedence of the Word of the Living God!

Hilkiah the high priest found the Book of the Law, gave it to Shaphan who read it.
PHOTO: Hilkiah the high priest found the Book of the Law, gave it to Shaphan who read it. Shaphan the scribe then came to the king and read it in the presence of the king.
Picture posted by admin (Meaningful Hope) on 21 November 2015 - Shaphan reading the book of law to King Josiah

King Josiah had two faithful friends: Shaphan the scribe, and Hilkiah the priest: without any feeling of reserve, they brought the book of the law to the king. Blessed it was to have a king to whom they could thus speak freely, and to whom they could propose to read from the book of the law! "Shaphan read it before the king," and "when the king had heard the words of the law, he rent (tore apart) his clothes." He let himself be broken by the power of the Word of God. He felt it "quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two‐edged sword." (Hebrews 4:12) God's Word was to him as a fire, and as a hammer, that broke the rock in pieces (Jeremiah 23:29); the king acknowledged his Master in the Word which he had heard. So he sent Hilkiah and Shaphan with two others, saying: "Go, enquire of the Lord for me, and for them that are left in Israel and in Judah, concerning the words of the book that is found: for great is the wrath of the Lord that is poured out upon us, because our fathers have not kept the Word of the Lord to do after all that is written in this book."

When King Josiah had heard the words of the law, he tore his clothes. He sent Hilkiah and Shaphan with two others, saying: 'Go, enquire of the Lord for me'.
PHOTO: When King Josiah had heard the words of the law, he tore his clothes. He sent Hilkiah and Shaphan with two others, saying: "Go, enquire of the Lord for me".
Picture posted by vvministry.com - King Josiah, BC (640 - 609)

How should the high priest and his companions enquire of the Lord? Who would be nearer God than they? Who would be a better interpreter of His mind? There was no priest higher than Hilkiah. Probably Shaphan stood at the head of the scribes. But both Hilkiah and Shaphan were conscious that there was one in Jerusalem who had a better understanding of the heart of God than they had.

It is perhaps more especially in times of crisis that God raises up godly women to be His interpreters. He can count upon their weakness; they can give Him His place.

"So Hilkiah, and they that the king had commanded, went to Huldah, the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvath the son of Hasrah, keeper of the wardrobe (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the second quarter); and they communed with her."

Hilkiah and Shaphan with two others enquired Huldah the prophetess.
PHOTO: Hilkiah and Shaphan with two others enquired Huldah the prophetess.
She told King Josiah's men that God has said that He would bring a disaster on this place because they were not following Him and they were worshipping idols.
Picture posted by Thomas Nelson (Bible, Fun for Kids & more!) on Saturday, 26 April 2014

As wife of the keeper of the wardrobe it is very probable that Huldah's earthly talents lay in the way of needlework, and that there was nothing at all extraordinary about her usual life; but men of God were conscious that the Lord was with her, that He spoke to her and through her, and that she understood Him. They could not be in her presence without being brought nearer to God; woman as she was, she was a true Levite (Deuteronomy 10:8). Nothing is told us of her pedigree (recorded ancestry) or of any other thing whatsoever regarding her but that a king, a high priest, and a learned scribe could get nearer to God through her than by any other means. This speaks much for the saintliness of this woman. This tells a tale which the greatest eloquence could not tell. Huldah must have been a woman of prayer, leading, perhaps, a very retired life, but a life the power of which told upon all who were round about her.

Huldah the prophetess was an ordinary wife of the keeper of the wardrobe but that a king, a high priest, and a learned scribe could get nearer to God through her than by any other means.
PHOTO: Huldah the prophetess was an ordinary wife of the keeper of the wardrobe but that a king, a high priest, and a learned scribe could get nearer to God through her than by any other means. This was because the Lord was with her, spoke to her and through her, and that she understood Him.

She got her message from God, and said:
"Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Tell ye the man that sent you to me, Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel."
Huldah was simply a messenger; she spoke with no personal authority; and yet there was both authority and power in her message. She knew that evil was coming upon Jerusalem, and she knew the reason. She was obliged to tell out the determination of God to bring upon Jerusalem and its inhabitants all the curses that were written in the book of the law, and that because of their idolatry, therefore, His wrath was poured out, and it should not be quenched.

Huldah was obliged to tell out the determination of God to bring upon Jerusalem and its inhabitants all the curses that were written in the book of the law, and that because of their idolatry, therefore, His wrath was poured out, and it should not be quenched.
PHOTO: Huldah was obliged to tell out the determination of God to bring upon Jerusalem and its inhabitants all the curses that were written in the book of the law, and that because of their idolatry, therefore, His wrath was poured out, and it should not be quenched.
Picture from Phillip Medhurst Bible - Huldah prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem.

God gave her also a personal message to the young Josiah:
"But unto the king of Judah, who sent you to enquire of the Lord, thus shall ye say to him, Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, As touching the words which thou hast heard; because thine heart was tender, and thou didst humble thyself before God, when thou heardest His words against this place, and against the inhabitants thereof, and hast humbled thyself before Me, and hast rent thy clothes, and wept before Me; I also have heard thee, saith the Lord. Behold, I will gather thee to thy fathers, and thou shalt be gathered to thy grave in peace, neither shall thine eyes see all the evil that I will bring upon this place, and upon the inhabitants thereof."

Huldah was simply a messenger; she spoke with no personal authority; and yet there was both authority and power in her message.
PHOTO: Huldah was simply a messenger; she spoke with no personal authority; and yet there was both authority and power in her message. God gave her a personal message to the young Josiah.
Picture posted by Charmainezoe, (Painted Ladies)

Here was the message. They brought it to the king; and the effect of it was such that king Josiah "sent and gathered together all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem," and he "went up to the house of the Lord," and, as the head of his people, he instructed them in the Word of God. The king himself took the book of the law, and with his own voice he "read in their ears all the words of the book of the covenant that was found in the house of the Lord."

King Josiah called a meeting in the temple of everyone in Jerusalem and Judah, along with all the priests and Levites.
PHOTO: King Josiah called a meeting in the temple of everyone in Jerusalem and Judah, along with all the priests and Levites. The King read the words of God’s laws to everyone, then promised to obey them with all his heart and soul. The people then promised to do the same.
Picture posted by freebibleimages.org (Free Bible Illustrations)

And this was not all. The king meant definite business with his God. He "stood in his place, and made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep His commandments, and His testimonies, and His statutes, with all his heart, and with all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant that were written in this book. And he caused all that were found in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand to it."

The king meant definite business with his God.
PHOTO: The king meant definite business with his God. He "stood in his place, and made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep His commandments, and His testimonies, and His statutes, with all his heart, and with all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant that were written in this book.  And he caused all that were found in Jerusalem and Benjamin to stand to it."
Picture posted by freebibleimages.org (Free Bible Illustrations) - All the pagan altars and sacred stones in the land were destroyed

Such was the effect of one godly woman's fearless prophecy. Nothing more is told us of Huldah. She gave her message, and retired from the scene. But she had left her mark upon her generation; and if she had never spoken another word to the king, or high priest, or Shaphan the scribe, she had, nevertheless, left her impress upon the lives of each of these distinguished men. She had fulfilled her mission, and she might rest in peace.

Blessed are the women who are willing to be used or set aside just when God wills. O, how powerfully He can use those who have no choice as to the use which He shall make of them, those who are willing to be nothing and nobody. God raise up Huldahs in this generation, for Jesus' sake.

It is perhaps more especially in times of crisis that God raises up godly women to be His interpreters. He can count upon their weakness; they can give Him His place.
When King Josiah sought God's word of guidance, he called upon Huldah, a prophetess – despite the fact that both Jeremiah and Zephaniah were also alive and prophesying at the time. [2]
Picture posted by CharmaineZoe, (Painted Ladies) - Robaudi, Alcide Théophile (1853)

Dear Lord, We pray that when the lost truths of Scripture are recovered, we apply them to life and morals, so that great and mighty changes can take place. Amen!
PHOTO: Huldah was consulted in order to bring understanding about the law book that had been found and what the king should do about it.The king was surrounded by men like Hilkiah the chief priest, Shaphan the secretary, Asaiah the king's attendant and others, it was a woman prophet who was consulted for God's Now word. [2]
Her prophetic message and the public reading of the law brought about a revival resulting in the reforms carried out by Josiah. [3]

"Dear Lord, We pray that when the lost truths of Scripture are recovered, we apply them to life and morals, so that great and mighty changes can take place. Amen!"
Painting by Pedro Américo - Judith gives thanks to Jehovah to have got rid his country of Holofernes of horrors, 1880

Posted by Mary Elizabeth Baxter (Blue Letter Bible)

[1] HULDAH, THE PROPHETESS, Posted by Mary Elizabeth Baxter (Blue Letter Bible), https://www.blueletterbible.org/comm/baxter_mary/witw/witw25_huldah.cfm

[2] The Ministry of the Prophet: Women Prophets,  posted by Frances on Friday, 30 October 2015, http://prophecytoday.uk/study/teaching-articles/item/226-the-ministry-of-the-prophet-women-prophets.html

[3] All the Women of the Bible - Huldah, posted by biblegateway.com, Zondervan, https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/all-women-bible/Huldah

NIV, New International Version, Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.