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Friday, May 29, 2015

Mum's illnesses cure troubled youth

My Paper, Friday, May 29, 2015, Page A8, News, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2015-05-29
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/mums-illnesses-cure-troubled-youth-20150529
By Godwin Ng, The New Paper, mypaper, Published on May 29, 2015

A CHANGED MAN: Mr Narayanan cleaned up his act after his mother was struck by cancer and stroke in 2013.
PHOTO: A CHANGED MAN: Mr Narayanan cleaned up his act after his mother was struck by cancer and stroke in 2013.
My Paper, Friday, May 29, 2015, Page A8, News, Top Stories

GETTING expelled from school twice did not change his rebellious streak.

Two stints at juvenile homes also failed to set him straight.

And he was so far gone that his mother took out a Beyond Parental Control (BPC) order against him.

But two years ago, when two life-threatening illnesses - breast cancer and stroke - struck Narayanan Rankasamy's mother in the span of a week, he came to his senses.

The 23-year-old told The New Paper: "I didn't want her last memory of me to be disappointing. I wanted her to be proud of me."

Mr Narayanan is now pursuing an accounting diploma at Kaplan Singapore and is set to graduate in August with flying colours.

But his road to success was far from smooth sailing.

At 15, he was led astray by bad company. He said: "I felt my friends were more important than my mum because I wasn't getting the attention I needed at home."

His mother, Sanda Govindaraju, 52, left her husband when she was five months pregnant with her son.

Working as a security guard meant long hours, and she often left her only child to his own devices.

She said: "I was working from 8am to 8pm. There was nobody to take care of him but what to do? I had to pay the bills."

Mr Narayanan started smoking, stealing and fighting, and would return home in the wee hours.

When Mrs Sanda realised things had spiralled out of control, she applied for a BPC order against her son in 2007.

Parents can file a BPC order at the Juvenile Court for children below the age of 16 who display behavioural problems at home or school. The court can then place the child in custody in a juvenile home.

Mrs Sanda said: "It was a painful decision that I struggled with for months. But with BPC, at least I knew he was in safe hands."

The BPC order did not sit well with Mr Narayanan, who felt betrayed after he was sent to the Singapore Boys' Home for two months.

Shortly after he was released on probation, Mr Narayanan resumed his bad habit - playing truant and breaking his mandatory 8pm curfew.

He was subsequently expelled from East View Secondary School in 2008. Less than a year after leaving a juvenile home, he was thrown into another, this time for two years.

But in 2010, the home kicked him out for bad behaviour and he was expelled from school a second time.

Before he enlisted for national service (NS), Mr Narayanan felt he had no direction in life and spent his time hopping between odd jobs.

But in 2013, he found direction in the unlikeliest of places - a hospital.

In October that year, he received news that his mother was diagnosed with third-stage breast cancer and had suffered a stroke in the same week.

Mr Narayanan, who was in the middle of his Basic Military Training, rushed to the hospital.

"To me, my mum was like Superwoman. So it was eating away at me to see her in such a weak state. I couldn't handle it."

He broke down by her hospital bed in a rare display of vulnerability.

Mrs Sanda said: "He told me, 'When you were bringing me up, I never felt the pain you went through. But to see you sick, I feel the pain now.' "

Mr Narayanan frequently took leave during NS to accompany his mother on her chemotherapy and physiotherapy sessions, and their relationship gradually improved.

Last year, after undergoing a mastectomy to remove her left breast and removing 20 lymph nodes, Mrs Sanda was given a clean bill of health and her illnesses are now in remission.

This gave Mr Narayanan the peace of mind to enrol in an accounting course at Kaplan Singapore, where he has been scoring distinctions and credits for all his modules.

Mr Narayanan intends to pursue a part-time degree in accounting after he graduates from his course.

He said: "I'll fund my own education by working and studying at the same time.

"My mum has been taking care of me all these years.

"Now it's my turn."

By Godwin Ng, The New Paper, Published on May 29, 2015

PHOTO: 天下父母心都一样,为孩子牺牲 - Parents are the same, always sacrifice for their children
Tiān xià fù mǔ xīn dōu yī yàng, wèi hái zi xī shēng

天下的妈妈也一样, 爱孩子不知多么深 - All mothers are the same, loving their young deeply
Tiān xià de mā mā yě yī yàng, ài hái zi bù zhī duō me shēn

这个世界上只有她才是 - This world only she
zhè ge shì jiè shàng zhǐ yǒu tā cái shì

对我们最关心的人 - Are most concern about us
duì wǒ men zuì guān xīn dí rén

我们在彼此间只有爱存在 - Only love exist between us
wǒ men zài bǐ cǐ jiān zhǐ yǒu ài cún zài

这一生会常怀念 - This life will forever remember
zhè yī shēng huì cháng huái niàn

Picture posted by pop-kyrillos.forumj.net on Monday, 9 August 2010 at 8.15AM


Thursday, May 28, 2015

20 = 50 for SG50 flypast

My Paper, Thursday, May 28, 2015, Page A1, News, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2015-05-28
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/20-50-sg50-flypast-20150528
By mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on May 28, 2015

Twenty F-16 fighter jets, forming the number 50 in the air, thundered above the Central Business District yesterday.
PHOTO: Twenty F-16 fighter jets, forming the number 50 in the air, thundered above the Central Business District yesterday.
ST PHOTO: Desmond Foo
My Paper, Thursday, May 28, 2015, Page A1, News, Top Stories

Twenty F-16 fighter jets, forming the number 50 in the air, thundered above the Central Business District yesterday.

The manoeuvre, which was being rehearsed in public for the first time, is part of an aerial display for this year's National Day Parade on Aug 9 to celebrate Singapore's 50th birthday.

The manoeuvre, which was being rehearsed in public for the first time, is part of an aerial display for this year's National Day Parade on Aug 9 to celebrate Singapore's 50th birthday.PHOTO: The manoeuvre, which was being rehearsed in public for the first time, is part of an aerial display for this year's National Day Parade on Aug 9 to celebrate Singapore's 50th birthday. ST PHOTO: Desmond Foo
My Paper, Thursday, May 28, 2015, Page A1, News, Top Stories

A total of 50 Republic of Singapore Air Force planes, including the wildly popular aerobatics display team Black Knights, will criss-cross the skies and thrill spectators.

By mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on May 28, 2015

Takeoff, Fighter Pilot
PHOTO: Takeoff, Fighter Pilot
Picture from © 2014 Free HD wallpapers

Twenty F-16 fighter jets, forming the number 50 in the air, thundered above the Central Business District yesterday.
PHOTO: Twenty fighter jets, forming the number 50 in the air, thundered above the Central Business District yesterday.
Picture from © Gentside

The wildly popular aerobatics display team Black Knights, will criss-cross the skies and thrill spectators.
PHOTO: The wildly popular aerobatics display team Black Knights, will criss-cross the skies and thrill spectators.
Picture posted by Kevin Brackett (Avatar 2009)
Posted In: Off the Wall from galaxyvisions.com



Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Twist your way to curves

My Paper, Wednesday, May 27, 2015, Page A15, Lifestyle, Wellness Special
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2015-05-27
By sphNewspaper:special, Audrey Ng, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg

Train the waist, tummy and buttocks for the hourglass curves with the Cuvilady Balance Chair
PHOTO: Train the waist, tummy and buttocks for the hourglass curves with the Cuvilady Balance Chair

Think of Cuvilady not just as a balance seat but a beauty exercise tool as well.

The Japanese makers of Cuvilady Balance Chair say it is designed not to reduce body size but to sculpt a curvier-looking you.

Its creators say that swinging on their chair gives you core training (as in a belly-dancing workout) while twisting in it targets seldom-used abdominal muscles. The result: hourglass curves that will be the envy of many.

Cuvilady was developed with Professor Kangemoto Yuasa of Chukyo University's School of Health and Sport Science, who is active in analysing the techniques of top athletes and in researching into exercise that benefit ordinary folk.

So, the seat design was based on body curve analysis and fits any body type, says Cuvilady. Beginners can use the support handles that come with the balance chair for a stable exercise.

Beginners can use the support handles that come with the balance chair for a stable exercise.
PHOTO: Beginners can use the support handles that come with the balance chair for a stable exercise.

Flexible urethane, used on the high sides of the chair, wraps around and hugs your hips firmly while supporting your back-and-forth movements. You can work out on the chair while watching television or listening to your favourite music.

When not using it to exercise, simply place Cuvilady on its stand and lounge in it.

The Cuvilady Balance Chair comes in pink, red, orange, black, and blue, and takes a body weight of up to 120kg. AIBI, the exclusive distributor, is now selling the chair at 169 (usual  price: 219). Buy at all AIBI shops or online at www.aibistyle.com or www.dealwellness.com.

Swinging on their chair gives core training (as in a belly-dancing workout) while twisting in it targets seldom-used abdominal muscles. The result: hourglass curves that will be the envy of many.
PHOTO: Swinging on their chair gives core training (as in a belly-dancing workout) while twisting in it targets seldom-used abdominal muscles. The result: hourglass curves that will be the envy of many.


Monday, May 25, 2015

Roaring welcome for LionsXII

My Paper, Monday, May 25, 2015, Page A11, News, Top Stories, Sports
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2015-05-25
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/sports/roaring-welcome-lionsxii-20150525
By Isaac Neo, mypaper, isaacneo@sph.com.sg, Published on May 25, 2015

PHOTO: CHEERING FANS: More than 2,000 people were at Changi Airport Terminal 2 last evening to greet the LionsXII players after their Malaysian FA Cup win.
My Paper, Monday, May 25, 2015, Page A11, News, Top Stories, Sports

MORE than 2,000 fans gathered at Changi Airport Terminal 2 to give the LionsXII players a rapturous welcome home yesterday, after their Malaysian FA Cup final win against Kelantan at Bukit Jalil on Saturday night.

Fans had gathered at the arrival hall awaiting the return of their footballing heroes, some even two hours before the team touched down at 6.10pm.

Housewife Sadiah Hamzah, 34, who was there at 4pm with her six children, aunt and husband, related to The Straits Times about the game: "We had to go to two weddings yesterday and rushed back to watch the game.

"The house felt as if there was an earthquake when they scored since there were 15 people in a three-room flat!"

At the airport, chants of "Ole, Ole, Ole", "Campeones, Campeones" (Spanish for champions), and even the National Anthem echoed throughout the arrival hall, drawing curious looks from travellers.

When the team finally appeared holding the trophy aloft, a deafening roar greeted them, with camera bulbs flashing away.

Minister for Social and Family Development Tan Chuan-Jin and Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Lawrence Wong, who were present to welcome the team, paraded the trophy around with the LionsXII players and coach Fandi Ahmad.

Fandi, whom the fans greeted with a birthday song as he will be turning 53 on Friday, was "surprised at the huge support" and said it was an "early birthday present".

"This will be a good beginning of a new football era, hopefully the youth will be inspired by this," said Fandi, before he was interrupted by his wife Wendy Jacobs, who embraced him warmly, planting a kiss on his cheek.

LionsXII fan Faizal Jamil, 31, said: "It's an experience you won't feel again. Priceless. The LionsXII being in the final was a bonus. The win just added to the situation and made it a special occasion."

Mr Tan said: "I think for a lot of us, especially the older ones, we always remember the Malaysia Cup days, so this really brings back memories."

Mr Wong added: "I'm sure our SEA Games team will get a lot of confidence from what the LionsXII have done, and I'm sure if they show the same grit and fighting spirit as the LionsXII, we will get good results for the SEA Games as well."

Two-goal hero Sahil Suhaimi had this message for his SEA Games teammates: "Don't ever give up, fight until the last minute and make sure your hard work pays off.

"We should do well in the beginning of the SEA Games, to have the fans' support that will really give us a moral boost and keep us going."

By Isaac Neo, mypaper, isaacneo@sph.com.sg, Published on May 25, 2015
Additional reporting by Lok Weng Seng and Ho Si Rui

PHOTO: ONE FOR THE ALBUM: The players, with (kneeling, from left) coach Fandi Ahmad, Minister for Social and Family Development Tan Chuan-Jin and Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Lawrence Wong, posing with the trophy at Changi Airport yesterday.
My Paper, Monday, May 25, 2015, Page A11, News, Top Stories, Sports


Reader looks for Mr Lee's tree

My Paper, Monday, May 25, 2015, Page A3, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2015-05-25
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/reader-looks-mr-lees-tree-20150525
By Lydia Lam, mypaper, lydialam@sph.com.sg, Published on May 25, 2015

ONE DOWN... : Mr Ismail sitting near the chittagong tree planted by Mr Lee in 1983. The My Paper reader found the tree at the Duxton Plain Park.
PHOTO: Paper reader found the tree at the Duxton Plain Park
ONE DOWN... : Mr Ismail sitting near the chittagong tree planted by Mr Lee in 1983. The My Paper reader found the tree at the Duxton Plain Park.He plans to look for other trees planted by Mr Lee.

My Paper, Monday, May 25, 2015, Page A3, Top Stories

A BANGLADESHI man went to look for a tree planted by founding prime minister Lee Kuan Yew after reading about it in My Paper - because the tree shares the name of a city in his home country.

Retiree A. S. M. Ismail had read the report featuring photographs of the surviving trees planted by Mr Lee, on Wednesday morning. The name of the chittagong wood planted by Mr Lee on Nov 6, 1983, at Duxton Plain Park jumped out at him.

"Chittagong is the name of a port city in Bangladesh," Mr Ismail told My Paper. "Being in a foreign country and seeing something that was familiar to me, I was really excited."

The 60-year-old said he had always respected Mr Lee, but his appreciation for him deepened upon reading the many newspaper reports about Mr Lee after he died, aged 91, on March 23.

Mr Ismail and his wife have been living in Singapore since 2013 with their two daughters, who work as analysts.

After reading about the tree, Mr Ismail went to look for it immediately. He found it with the help of the picture in Wednesday's report, as well as some directions from My Paper.

Said Mr Ismail, who worked as an architect for the Bangladeshi government for 33 years: "It felt great to find it. The chittagong wood is very good for timber. In Bangladesh, they grow along the roads."

The self-professed tree lover plans to look for the other trees planted by Mr Lee, especially the ones near where he lives at The Pinnacle@Duxton.

"I read that there are many in Everton Park and Spottiswoode Park, so I will go there," he said with a smile.

By Lydia Lam, mypaper, lydialam@sph.com.sg, Published on May 25, 2015


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Lions coach Fandi salutes his FA Cup champs

Source Website: http://news.asiaone.com/news/sports/lions-coach-fandi-salutes-his-fa-cup-champs
By Joash Ee De Silva, The Star/Asia News Network, Sunday, 24 May 2015

The Singapore side - coached by Singapore's most famous soccer son Fandi Ahmad - had beaten Terengganu on the away goals rule in the the semi-finals to reach their first Malaysia FA Cup final.
PHOTO: The Singapore side - coached by Singapore's most famous soccer son Fandi Ahmad - had beaten Terengganu on the away goals rule in the the semi-finals to reach their first Malaysia FA Cup final.
He paid tribute to his players for defying the odds to beat overwhelming favourites Kelantan 3-1 in the 26th edition of the FA Cup final at the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil Saturday night.
"Who thought we'd win? We are a team with no stars but, in the end, hard work, dedication and sheer grit won it for us."

Coach Fandi Ahmad paid tribute to his players for defying the odds to beat overwhelming favourites Kelantan 3-1 in the 26th edition of the FA Cup final at the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil on Saturday night.

"We proved everyone wrong," said a cheerful Fandi at the post-match conference.

Cue wild celebrations from the LionsXII bench, 6,000 travelling fans, and thousands more back in Singapore.
PHOTO: Cue wild celebrations from the LionsXII bench, 6,000 travelling fans, and thousands more back in Singapore. The Singapore football legend said his young team had better stamina to finish the game strongly.

"Who thought we'd win? We are a team with no stars but, in the end, hard work, dedication and sheer grit won it for us."

The Singapore football legend said his young team had better stamina to finish the game strongly.

Fandi Ahmad and Nazri Nasir celebrates after LionsXII defeating Kelantan 3-1 in the FA Cup Final held at Bukit Jalil stadium, 23 May 2015.
PHOTO: Fandi Ahmad and Nazri Nasir celebrates after LionsXII defeating Kelantan 3-1 in the FA Cup Final held at Bukit Jalil stadium, 23 May 2015. "Kelantan had a lot of attacking power but our backline was solid. Man-of-the-match goalkeeper Izwan Mahbud was equally good between the posts," said Fandi.

"Kelantan had a lot of attacking power but our backline was solid. Man-of-the-match goalkeeper Izwan Mahbud was equally good between the posts," said Fandi.

Kelantan coach Mohd Azraai Khor Abdullah admitted that they paid the price for their lack of discipline in defence.

"We lost concentration and made two costly mistakes ... that led to our defeat. We did well to get the equaliser ... and I thought things would be better. We missed a lot of chances," he said.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong offered congratulations to the LionsXII on Facebook after their 3-1 victory against Kelantan in the FA Cup final.
PHOTO: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong offered congratulations to the LionsXII on Facebook after their 3-1 victory against Kelantan in the FA Cup final.
Earlier, the PM had sent his best wishes to the team ahead of the match, played at 8.45pm on Saturday, 23 May 2015. In his earlier Facebook post on Saturday, Mr Lee wrote: "To our LionsXII playing in tonight's Malaysia FA Cup final - you've come this far, now do your best, and bring it home! We are all cheering for you."
PM Lee thanked the team and supporters for bringing the cup back to Singapore. "You have worked hard and made us all proud!" he said.
"And to all Singapore fans in KL to support our team, safe journey and enjoy the match! - LHL."

He was also disappointed that the Red Warriors failed to keep the trophy at home.

"Credit to the young Lions XII team. They were disciplined at the back and had their tactics spot-on!" said Azraai.

By Joash Ee De Silva, The Star/Asia News Network, Sunday, 24 May 2015

Football Association of Malaysia deputy president Effendy Hamzah said on Friday that more than 3,000 tickets had been sold to Singapore fans.
PHOTO: Football Association of Malaysia deputy president Effendy Hamzah said on Friday that more than 3,000 tickets had been sold to Singapore fans. The final was played at the Bukit Jalil National Stadium in Kuala Lumpur, and around 5,000 LionsXII fans were expected to make their way across the Causeway for the match. "Credit to the young Lions XII team. They were disciplined at the back and had their tactics spot-on!" said Azraai, Kelantan coach.
The FA Cup will leave the country for the first time in 26 years, said Malaysian paper The Star. Singapore won the Malaysia Cup in 1994 before leaving to start its own league. Singapore rejoined Malaysian football in 2012. Supersub Mohd Sahil Suhaimi was the hero for the visitors, scoring a brace late in the piece to end Singapore's 21-year wait for a trophy in the M-League. The nippy Sahil scored in the 82nd minute and then converted a penalty deep into stoppage time to take the FA Cup across the causeway. Substitute Sahil's 81st-minute strike and stoppage-time penalty, coming after Faris' sixth-minute opener, gave the Singapore outfit a hard-fought 3-1 win over Kelantan, who dominated for large parts of the final.
The SEA Games-bound duo of Faris Ramli and Sahil Suhaimi led the LionsXII to a stunning Malaysian FA Cup triumph in front of 85,000 fans at the Bukit Jalil Stadium on Saturday evening, reported The Straits Times.
