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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life is tough for You and Me (Part 2) - 艰苦的生活 (jiān kǔ de shēnɡ huó)

Many people whom I knew and closed to are leaving this world one by one.

Some spent the last remaining days in the hospital and usually in the intensive care ward. Although we may have the best medical cares available, when it is time to leave, we WILL HAVE TO LEAVE.

Some left suddenly. A heart attack on bed or in the bathroom is enough to end our life.

No matter in what manner we take leave permanently from this earth, there is something in common. Each one of us has a HISTORY. The histories may have similar contents.

We all need to work (maybe slog and slog) from
young until old. Very often have to overcome obstacles, problems and difficulties. We experience stresses, worries and fatigues. There are also many moments of happiness and sadness. Undoubtedly many fond memories will remain and treasure by the surviving family members. Life is therefore like a journey which we are going through. Some following sayings may be appropriate to describe this journey to the "Nai He" bridge where the final custom is located.

Picture is retrieve from http://www.caryouyou.com/dest/destools/upimg/allimg/070811/rjc3hmywb.jpg

从 日 出 到 月 落
- From sunrise till dawn

Cόng rì chū dào yuè luò

Picture is retrieve from http://1802.img.pp.sohu.com.cn/images/blog/2008/6/4/11/1/11af65f991e.jpg

从 年 轻 到 年 老 - From young till old
Cόng nián qīng dào nián lăo

Picture is retrieve from http://static14.photo.sina.com.cn/bmiddle/4d712a5ft6fa5bfd8ce8d

Picture is retrieve from http://bbs.koubei.com/thread_197_1131_3.html

长 年 累 月 苦 工 - Hardship all the year round
Cháng nián lèi yuè kŭ gōng

Picture is retrieve from http://hongdou2.gxnews.com.cn/forumview.asp?td=0&topic_id=3688831&pagenum=1

天 天 蕉 急 万 分 - Everyday very worried
Tiān tiān jiāo jī wàn fēn

Picture is retrieve from http://tell.fll.purdue.edu/JapanProj/FLClipart/Medical/sweat.gif

又 常 当 众 责 骂 - Constantly get scolded in front of everybody
Yòu cháng dāng chòng zé mà

Picture is retrieve from http://img.blog.163.com/photo/3ia3T-6M7SPxPkpgna4jlw==/3170252662692433105.jpg

羞 得 无 地 自 容 - So ashamed but nowhere to hide
Xiū dé wú dì zì róng

Picture is retrieve from http://120.img.pp.sohu.com/images/blog/2008/2/13/11/11/118ae4976d9.jpg

惭 愧 低 下 了 头 - Ashamed until cannot lift up the head
Cán kūi dī xià le tóu

Picture is retrieve from http://img.blog.163.com/photo/rMwYrjlPM_gT4vKzcT6QuA==/2269251262242323983.jpg

到 后 随 风 摆 动 - Finally moved around by the wind
Dào hòu suí fēng bǎi dòng

Picture is retrieve from http://img.blog.163.com/photo/_67lfO5KDBhHUKcBDwd1tQ==/426997539671851655.jpg

Picture is retrieve from http://laiba.tianya.cn/laiba/CommMsgs?cmm=13444&tid=2571952469839991896&ref=stickytopics

无 足 轻 重 离 去 - Nobody noticed that you are gone
Wú zú qīng zhòng lί qù

Picture retrieve from http://img.bimg.126.net/photo/w4ovpZ1b6yRoatlZYkp0ew==/610519224486764886.jpg

Picture retrieve from http://laiba.tianya.cn/laiba/CommMsgs?cmm=13444&tid=2571952469839991896&ref=stickytopics

Picture is retrieve from http://www.dahe.cn/xwzx/sh/wyym/W020090121386810004850.jpg

流 传 辛 酸 故 事 - Passing down a sad story
Liú chuán xīn suān qù shì

Picture is retrieve from http://laiba.tianya.cn/laiba/images/21592/09495394100830690679/A/0/l.jpg

跟 地 和 睦 共 处 - Rest in peace
Gén dì hé mù gong chǔ

Picture is retrieve from http://laiba.tianya.cn/laiba/CommMsgs?cmm=13444&tid=2571952469839991896&ref=stickytopics

忘 了 一 干 二 净 - And completely forgotten
Wàng le yì gān èr jìng

Picture is retrieve from http://bbs.koubei.com/thread_197_1131_3.html

Picture is retrieve from http://hongdou2.gxnews.com.cn/forumview.asp?td=0&topic_id=3688831&pagenum=1

还 能 从 建 江 湖 ? - Still able to recover?
Hái néng cóng jiàn jiāng hú ?

Picture retrieve from http://laiba.tianya.cn/laiba/CommMsgs?cmm=13444&tid=2571952469839991896&ref=stickytopics

Picture retrieve from http://laiba.tianya.cn/laiba/CommMsgs?cmm=13444&tid=2571952469839991896&ref=stickytopics

还 想 东 山 在 起 ? - Still thinking of staging a comeback?
Hái xiǎng dōng shān zài qǐ ?

Picture is retrieve from http://laiba.tianya.cn/laiba/CommMsgs?cmm=13444&tid=2571952469839991896&ref=stickytopics

Picture is retrieve from https://3gjfpw.bay.livefilestore.com/y1mDWeTI6xeHgOh7rY-Wl1JowolfMubzABCSsrhiAo89QQkGK0-byI2RDfHArbvlKfzfayV8bnjhmadpjt6mNMTKBpXeSkZvoojw8aNQNH391-thMhacP5-UumFlGyxJJZnPS-ki_BHZdU/mulaohu.jpg

Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec (Shanghai) Corporation © 2006

Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life is tough for You and Me (Part 1) - 艰苦的生活 (jiān kǔ de shēnɡ huó)

Doing translation from Chinese to English does injustice to the Chinese Literature. At most we can manage to obtain is the "gist". This remark is make by many people including (Dr.) Ms Lee Wei Ling, Director of the National Neuroscience Institute, in her article "A meaningful life in good times and bad", published by TheSundayTimes on March 8, 2009.

Picture is retrieve from http://twinswongdiary.blogspot.com/

Ms Lee mentioned "Intellectual knowledge and emotional reaction involve different areas of the brain and ... " after intellectual reasoning comes the emotion. We therefore are unable to remain calm and emotionally detached when misfortune strikes. Similarly something different and new will excite and increase our curiosity.

Trying to discover another language and bring its meaningful content to another language requires effort. The reward is that it brings satisfaction upon accomplishment. Discovering the Chinese language and bringing its content to English language is one enjoyable way to increase the brain activities. It has been known that doing these translations improve and stimulate many areas of the brain. These in turn reduce the rate of senility and help to maintain the functioning of our mind.

For most of us, misfortune occurred many times, since the beginning of our life. We came out and shortly make to cry so that our body mechanism started its operating and developing functions. Then comes the stress to face the harsh world. We have to grow, develop and maintain our emotional health and living skills. Until now, we still have added stresses and challenges. At this moment, "The Great Recession" is haunting and tearing us apart.

Some of the following Chinese sayings may describe the situation and predicaments more meaningfully.

Unmatched in history (Of the past)

Lì shǐ shàng kōng qián jué hòu

Picture is retrieve from http://www.airmb.com/uploadfile/200806/17/2035422489.jpg

机会越来越渺茫Opportunity is getting lesser and lesser
Jī huì Yuè lái Yuè miǎo máng

Picture is retrieve from http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh162/laurieming/a21dd0bb.jpg

机会空前无有Opportunity unheard of and is appearing now
Jī huì kōng qián wú yǒu

Picture is retrieve from http://fmn004.xnimg.cn/fmn004/blog/20080715/20/40/A561762420670GAR.jpg

Forget about your beautiful dream coming true

Xiū xiǎng měi mèng chéng zhēn

Picture is retrieve from http://img.blog.163.com/photo/PECCxmTDMUHlFAsuZ_Q1wg==/4558768722806678587.jpg

千载难逢的机会A golden opportunity; the chance of a lifetime
Qiān zǎi nán fénɡ de jī huì

Make best use of it
Hǎo zì wèi zhī

Picture is retrieve from http://lh4.ggpht.com/_ZZoVr2xtY3o/Rr9sjskGjjI/AAAAAAAAHVI/HcLuxBhtGtc/IMG_5232.jpg

Don't let slip such a golden opportunity
Xìng wù shī zhī jiāo bì

Picture is retrieve from http://lh5.ggpht.com/_ZZoVr2xtY3o/Rr9tQ8kGj1I/AAAAAAAAHXc/Jz4HgVqrioE/IMG_5299.jpg

Regret losing the chance
Chàng wǎn bù yǐ

Picture is retrieve from http://img3.pcpop.com/upimg3/2008/10/26/0006259067.jpg

Take things for granted
Lǐ suǒ dāng rán

Picture is retrieve from http://lh6.ggpht.com/_ZZoVr2xtY3o/Rr9sEMkGjWI/AAAAAAAAHTc/egavgr1__5g/IMG_5164.jpg

自以为是Smug, full of oneself
Zì yǐ wéi shì

最高近界The highest, best, closest or most expert
zuì ɡāo jìn jiè

Picture is retrieve from http://www.yxgz.cn/Files/Remoteupfile/2007-11/28/2007062214154265501.jpg

Understanding and reasonable; sensible
Tōng qíng dá lǐ

Picture is retrieve from http://twinswongdiary.blogspot.com/

To do as one likes, wishes
Suí xīn suǒ yù

Picture is retrieve from http://www.up37.com/bbs/UploadFile/2007-10/2210105787993.jpg

做事不能太随心所欲了,要顾全大局One cannot do things all as one wishes, one should bear in mind the overall situation
Zuò shì bù néng tài suí xīn suǒ yù le, yào gù quán dà jú

Translated by Dr. eye 7.0 (Commercial Version) For Windows 2000/XP/2003 developed by Inventec
(Shanghai) Corporation © 2006

Han Yu Pin Yin by Clavis Sinica Chinese Text Annotator developed by a faculty member at the University of Michigan as a supplementary learning tool for English-speaking students of the Chinese language. © Copyright Clavis Sinica 2008


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mathematics - Indices and Algebra (Part 5)

The palm-like tree also joins the other fruit trees in blooming flowers. The surprise is that there are bees around. It must have honey to attract them.

The bees are busy and we are obviously being ignored. We also ignore them and carry on with our morning errand.

We cannot help it, but to take some more pictures. By this time there were many people crowding around. They are equally curious to know what is happening, with so many bees.

The mathematics question is,


This question appears complex and quite intimidating.


Substituting into the expression, we have,


Summary of Index Laws

The laws are obtained from http://www.intmath.com/Numbers/exp.gif

Another representation of Index Rules

The Rules are obtained from http://www.revisioncentre.co.uk/gcse/maths/indices3.gif
Copyright © Matthew Pinkney 2003

http://www.heymath.com/heymath/ (Login ID and Password required)