Saturday, May 19, 2012

黄晓君 (Huáng xiǎo jūn) - 从早晨到黄昏 (cóng zǎo chén dào huáng hūn) - From morning till evening

Source Website: - (Lyrics) - (Youtube)

数过那清清的早晨.... “暧昧让人受尽委屈,找不到相爱的证据。”  若可以,我想时光永远停在那年那月。Already counted the numerous clear mornings. Ambiguous love makes people suffered grievance, because the evidence of love cannot be found. If possible I hope time can stand still at a particular moment.
PHOTO: 数过那清清的早晨.... “暧昧让人受尽委屈,找不到相爱的证据。” 若可以,我想时光永远停在那年那月。
Already counted the numerous clear mornings. Ambiguous love makes people suffered grievance, because the evidence of love cannot be found. If possible I hope time can stand still at a particular moment.
作者: 落雪的声音 时间: 2009-12-9 05:29

歌曲(gē qǔ) Song从早晨到黄昏 (cóng zǎo chén dào huáng hūn) - From morning till evening
歌手(gē shǒu) Singer黄晓君 (Huáng xiǎo jūn)
作曲(zuò​ qǔ) Composer, Music黃敏 (huáng mǐn)
作词(zuò cí) Lyrics白峰 (bái fēng)

从早晨到黄昏 - From morning till evening
cóng zǎo chén dào huáng hūn

数过那清清的早晨 - Already counted the numerous clear mornings
shǔ guò nà qīng qīng de zǎo chén

数过那淡淡的黄昏 - Already counted the numerous boring evenings
shǔ guò nà dàn dàn de huáng hūn

忘了默默几次泪痕 - Forgotten how many times, the silent tears
wàng le mò mò jǐ cì lèi hén

忘不了心上的那个人 - Unable to forget the one in my heart
wàng bù liǎo xīn shàng de nà gè rén

是多情空留遗恨 - Actually there is no more passion but just a painful trace left behind
shì duō qíng kōng liú yí hèn

是无情让爱飘零 - It is the merciless that cause the rejected love wandering
shì wú qíng ràng ài piāo líng

我不曾爱过任何人 - I had never loved anyone before
wǒ bù céng ài guò rèn hé rén

就爱你这么深 - and yet love you so deeply
jiù ài nǐ zhè me shēn

PHOTO: 和无言相遇的时候,我正处于感情的低迷期,和我交往了4年的女朋友和我分手了嫁做人妻,所有的空虚,寂寞伤痛让我无助无奈,仿佛生命中再也 没有了任何的光明,可是命运的安排让我遇到了无言,从此也改变了我的命运.........
A speechless encounter with a girlfriend of four years who breaks up with me, gets married and becomes somebody's else wife, leaves me with emptiness, loneliness, helpless and darkness. Fate has decided that I met with silence and since then has also changed my fate .........

I truly love only you but you substitute love with hate.

每一个寂寂的早晨 - Every lonely morning knowing
měi yí gè jì jì de zǎo chén

每一个悠悠的黄昏 - Every remote evening
měi yí gè yōu yōu de huáng hūn

想起旧情泪难忍 - think of old love, with unbearable tears
xiǎng qǐ jiù qíng lèi nán rěn

恨如今我总是伤心人 - I hate being sad now
hèn rú jīn wǒ zǒng shì shāng xīn rén

是多情空留遗恨 - Actually there is no more passion but just a painful trace left behind
shì duō qíng kōng liú yí hèn

是无情让爱飘零 - It is the merciless that cause the rejected love wandering
shì wú qíng ràng ài piāo líng

那真心爱你一个人 - I really love only you
nà zhēn xīn ài nǐ yí gè rén

你把爱添了恨 - You replace love completely with hate
nǐ bǎ ài tiān le hèn




我在等待落雪的声音。可是落雪无声。I'm waiting for the sound of falling snow. But falling snow is silent.
PHOTO: 我在等待落雪的声音。可是落雪无声。
I'm waiting for the sound of falling snow. But falling snow is silent.

我不曾爱过任何人,就爱你这么深 。
I never loved anyone before but yet love you so deeply.

作者: 落雪的声音 时间: 2009-12-9 05:30

从早晨到黄昏 by 黄晓君 Huang Xiao Jun & The Stylers


从早晨到黄昏 cóng zǎo chén dào huáng hūn - 黄晓君 (huáng xiǎo jūn) - (简谱 jiǎn pǔ) - Numbered musical Notation
PHOTO: 从早晨到黄昏 cóng zǎo chén dào huáng hūn - 黄晓君 (huáng xiǎo jūn) - (简谱 jiǎn pǔ) - Numbered musical Notation (From morning till evening)
